I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 819 Infighting 2 in 1

Chapter 819 Infighting ([-]) Two in One
Wu Duo gritted his teeth, tightly gripped the giant hammer, and rushed towards Wanyan Aguda with a bang.The two of them had desperately fought for their lives at this time, the scene was fierce, and the fight between the two was inseparable for a while.

However, in a face-to-face meeting, Wanyan Aguda didn't take advantage of it, which was enough to show that he was at a disadvantage.

Ye Weijijun's jet-black sword frantically waved, and its powerful force kept colliding with Adros' scimitar.

The powerful trembling power made Adros feel uncomfortable, but he endured it with the strength of the sixth-rank supreme.

Adros and Kaishar wanted to fight again, and when they were attacking Ye Wei Jijun, their bodies trembled suddenly, and a sense of powerlessness hit their upper body, and they staggered on the spot, unable to stand still.

After scanning the performance of the people around, and then carefully looking at the physical condition of Adros and Kaishar, Ye Weijijun smiled lightly: "Why are you dying so soon, are the two supreme beings nothing more than that? That being the case, then I will take your dog's life!"

Adros and Kaishar's expressions changed drastically when they heard the words. At this time, half of their strength has been lost. In addition to this sudden strange symptom, if there is no mitigation measure, their lives will be lost today. .

Ye Wei Jijun just sneered, and stopped talking nonsense, and the black big sword attacked and killed Adros and Kaishar with a flash of stern light.

The two reluctantly raised their strength to fight Ye Wei Jijun, but they were swept away just by meeting each other, and then the fierce black big sword penetrated the bodies of the two of them like piercing candied haws.

Adros Adel and Kaishar Lazaro, the two sixth-rank supreme beings, can't die anymore.

There was such a sudden change in the scene that everyone didn't react at all.After Ye Xiziliang cursed the trash with a gloomy face, he retreated surrounded by the only remaining soldiers.

Ye Wei Jijun glanced around the battlefield, and with a flick of his hand, the bodies of the two sixth-rank supreme beings were thrown out like dead dogs.

It is really sad that no one cares about the former noble sixth-rank Supreme in this battlefield.

A black sword swept across the back of Honasan Toure's head, but said that Honasan Toure only felt a chill in the back of his head, and he suddenly raised his breath and jumped up.

The sound of clashing gold and iron shook people's hearts, and it also surprised Huo Nasang suddenly. His pupils shrank suddenly.

Seeing the corpses of Adros and Kaishar beside him like dead dogs, Hornasan's heart trembled, but in a daze, Ye Wei Jijun followed the weapons of several subordinates and attacked and killed Hornasan mulberry.

Huo Nasang suddenly came to his senses, he slashed with the long knife, looking like he was desperate for his life, and he had the will to die. When the two hit each other, Huo Nasang only felt his arm tremble, and all the strength in his body disappeared. I can't even hold the knife.

This is Huo Nasang, but he laughed, and there was a sound of puffing from the weapon piercing through his body, blood was flowing like a stream, and his vitality was passing away.

But he didn't care about it, as if he wasn't the one who was going to die, and sang loudly: "The winner is the king and the loser, why talk about him!"

"It's just that I don't understand why this happened." In the end, Huonasang looked intently at Ye Weijijun for an answer, all of which seemed very strange.

"Of course it was poisoned. I planned this day, and I have already used those dead men to poison you for a long time.

Originally, I thought those people would be enough to surround and kill you, but I didn't expect to be killed by you.It is already a great favor to you to be able to die until now. "

"Poison!!! So scheming, so scheming, you are worthy of your Highness. May Your Highness come out of the east, so that I can be famous for Tuyuhun!" Huo Nasang looked up to the sky and smiled. After this smile, he leaned back and fell down.

Honasan Toure, the sixth-rank Supreme, died after finding the answer he wanted with his own blessing. Ye Weijijun saw that Honasan didn't say anything, waved back many generals, and let him join around the battlefield.

As for the last Udo, Ye Wei Jijun obviously planned to help Wanyan Agu.

The situation on the battlefield suddenly changed dramatically. The soldiers on Ye Wei Jijun's side were highly motivated, while Ye Xiziliang's troops were retreating steadily.

Udo obviously didn't expect the situation on the battlefield to change so much in an instant. Ye Wei Jijun just looked around sullenly, looking around to find Ye Xiziliang's figure, but he didn't see Ye Xiziliang at all. figure.

It turned out that Ye Xiziliang had already rushed to the rear of the army when Ye Weiji's army beheaded Adros and Kaishar, coldly sweeping Ye Xiziliang's back that turned into a black spot, Udo suddenly Dazed, but soon came to his senses, with a gloomy face: "If that's the case, then don't blame me."

After sweeping Yan Aguda with one blow, Wu Duo withdrew from the battle circle, with the heavy hammer lying on his chest, he suddenly said strangely: "Your Highness, I surrender."

Hearing this, Ye Wei Jijun, who was about to swing the black sword to attack and kill the past, suddenly froze for a moment, just in this moment of stupor.

Wu Duo took a sudden step, and the giant hammer bombarded Ye Wei Jijun with unstoppable force.At this time, Udo already had a business intention, and he didn't care about his injury at all.

In the face of Wanyan Agu's fierce sword light, Wu Duo did not fight back, and at this moment he only hoped that he could see success with one blow.

Seeing this, Ye Wei Jijun just sneered, and Wu Hei Da Jian stabbed Wu Duo horizontally with a huge impact.

Wu Duo was not afraid of death, and Ye Wei Jijun held down Wu Duo firmly with a majestic momentum.

After one blow, the giant hammer suddenly broke, and Ye Weijijun's black sword swept at Wudo's throat. At this time, Wanyan Agu's icy sword had also slashed towards Wudo's waist, like a guillotine. , actually split Udo's body in two.

With the sound of the body falling to the ground, Ye Weijijun suddenly raised the black sword, raised his strength and shouted suddenly: "Our sergeant, start charging!"

After experiencing Udo's false surrender earlier, Ye Wei Jijun didn't intend to call in troops to surrender, but just issued a shocking coldness.

Wanyan Aguda also returned to the army at this time, and Ye Weiji's army took the lead in killing all directions on the battlefield...

As time passed, a large number of crows gathered in the sky and croaked uncontrollably, staring at the corpse below.

The rest of the scouts had already retreated, and the giant birds in the sky were also circling. Some of them kept flying away from the team, and some of them came back from a distance.

Ye Weiji's army restrained the troops, and many soldiers were cleaning the battlefield. None of the private soldiers of the nobles remained, and all of them were killed.

Even his nominal younger brother was beheaded by someone here. Ye Wei Jijun looked at the corpse at his feet with cold eyes.

He didn't say anything anymore, just stood quietly in the blood and bones of the corpse mountain, clenched his hands, closed his eyes and thought of the tragic death of his mother's face trembling all over his body, and it took him a long time to calm down his emotions: " From today onwards, I am king, mother."

Flocks of crows from the sky gradually descended, pecking at the flesh and blood of the corpse.

There was a tragic scene all around, and more than [-] to [-] soldiers on Ye Weiji's side died.

Ye Weiji's army was engaged in a big battle, but they didn't know that the territory of Tuyuhun was already full of blood, and most of the other two sides had already been breached.

Ye Weijijun and others in Fuluochuan didn't know anything about the great changes that had taken place in Tuyuhun.

The surrounding scouts had faded away long ago, ready to pass on the information here, but these scouts were besieged and killed before they were even within a hundred miles of the royal city.

Wei Qing looked at the news Li Ru just got from the scout, but didn't speak, just waited quietly.

Not long after, I saw two groups of soldiers and horses on the left and right approaching with smoke and dust, after the three groups converged.Wei Qing gathered the army, looked at the spirited soldiers under his command, and decisively gave the order for the whole army to go out.

At this time, this group of powerful soldiers from the Great Zhou entered the hinterland of Tuyuhun, where the royal city is located. Today, Tuyuhun is in danger.

Fifty thousand cavalry galloped on their horses and rushed straight to the royal city.

King City of Fuluochuan.

Ye Wei Jijun and others gathered many generals to encourage them and perform rewards.The soldiers outside buried the collected corpses on the spot to prevent the breeding of cholera and other infectious diseases.

Just as Ye Weiji's army was reorganizing and was about to enter the royal city, a wave of arrow feathers flew over and overturned the soldiers on his side.

Suddenly, there was no time to react, and Ye Wei Jijun didn't understand what happened.It was just that the soldiers in the back were ordered to fight, and the soldiers in the front seized the time to enter the royal city of Fu Luochuan.

It's just that the arrow feathers cover the sky and the sun, and don't give them a chance.

This sudden group of troops is obviously Wang Xuance's vanguard. The mechanism bird that was originally in the sky also suddenly dropped a pottery pot filled with fierce kerosene below. A torch.

The black flame oil splashed on the soldier's body, was ignited by the flames around him, and soon burned all over his body.

Looking at the panicked soldiers around, Ye Weijijun shouted in a deep voice: "Hurry up and put out the fire. Consolidate the army on the spot and use it to fight against the enemy."

Wang Xuance looked at the soldiers who had died under the attack of the rain of arrows and heavy fire oil, and the Tuyuhun soldiers who were burning with flames and howling miserably, with black pupils.

He has seen enough, if these people don't die today, they will attack and kill them in the next year, trample their hometown and land, and kill their wives and children.

Naturally, Wang Xuance and others did not want to see this scene, so the soldiers under his command did not feel cruel.Just continue to put down the arrow rain, after three waves of arrow rain ransacked.

Wei Qing's army had also arrived, Zhou Cheng and Li Shiyu's left and right armies separated from the army and surrounded Ye Weiji's army from both sides.

All of a sudden, the rain of arrows was fired, and the fire bombs were used. The sea of ​​flames scorched Ye Wei Jijun, Wanyan Aguda and others, as well as many soldiers under his command.

The rain of arrows did not pass the sound of puffing from the flesh, and the surrounding soldiers held up their shields, but they couldn't resist the flames of the fierce oil.

But as soon as the shield was put down, the rain of arrows that covered the sky shot them into hedgehogs.If you don't let go, the scorched palm still exudes the smell of meat, and for a while, the smell of blood mixed with a strange smell of meat radiates from the battlefield.

Wei Qing's army had already entered the arena, and the arrows rained down again, leaving less than 6 soldiers in Ye Weiji's army, which happened to be about the same number as Wei Qing's army.

Ye Wei Jijun reacted at this time, but his face was gloomy and a little embarrassed.It never occurred to him that the actions of himself and others would be spied on by Da Zhou. From the strange and inextinguishable oil fire from the sky, he understood that the elite soldiers in front of him belonged to Da Zhou. soldiers.

He never dreamed that God would be so absurd and make such a big joke with him.He also understood that today he might be doomed, and Tuyuhun was in danger.

Looking at this battle, I am afraid that other places in the country will not be as good.For a while, Ye Wei Jijun's mind was a little erratic, but he soon calmed down.Looking around, looking at the deployment of troops around, he found that Wang Xuance and his group were the first to attack.

According to common sense, it should be easier for them to break through, because part of their physical strength has been consumed.

So at this time, Ye Wei Jijun led his generals and suddenly made an unexpected move.He galloped wildly, preparing to break out from Wang Xuance.

Seeing this scene, Wei Qing suddenly laughed, it seems that he and others don't need to take action, after these days of big and small battles, who doesn't know the strength of Wang Xuance, the soldiers under his command just now are terrifyingly powerful.

Li Ru didn't say much and brought people to support Wang Xuance, Wei Qing just smiled, waved and gave the order to shrink the encirclement and start the massacre.

Originally, he knew the strength of Ye Wei Jijun from the scouts, Wang Xuance wanted to go up to test how strong Ye Wei Jijun was, but he was able to kill four Supremes in a row in an instant.

At this time, Jiumozhi made a bold move.Wang Xuance had no choice but to fight Wanyan Agu, who was also a fifth-rank general. Wang Xuance still learned some simple Tuyuhun language in the process of siege these days.

When Ye Weijijun came to kill Wang Xuance with many personal guards, the remaining soldiers followed Ye Weijijun and prepared to break out from Wang Xuance's direction.

Jiumozhi held a saber in his hand, and slashed fiercely at Ye Wei Jijun with a flaming saber.At first, Ye Wei Jijun looked at Jiumozhi like a fool, thinking that this person was just out to make a joke.

He actually wanted to resist my black sword with his bare hands. When the true face of Jiumozhi's flame knife was revealed, Ye Wei Jijun, who had always been calm, couldn't help but swear.

Looking at Ye Wei Jijun who lost his composure, Jiumozhi had a face of a master, and he had great contempt for Ye Wei Jijun.

Ye Wei Jijun didn't dare to push him too hard. He had just experienced a fierce battle, and his strength had not yet fully recovered.

Therefore, Ye Wei Jijun played very cautiously, and did not use any extreme tactics.

On Wang Xuance's side, he went up and speared like a dragon, ruthlessly suppressing Wanyan Aguda.After two or three moves, Wanyan Aguda was picked off by him.

Li Ru led the rest of the rivers and lakes to besiege the priests and generals of the fourth and fifth ranks on the opposite side. After a feint, Wang Xuance stabbed down fiercely, biting Wanyan Agu's body like a poisonous dragon. shoulder blade.


(End of this chapter)

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