I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 820 Infighting 2 in 1

Chapter 820 Infighting ([-]) Two in One
Wanyan Aguda only felt a huge pain in his shoulder, he shouted loudly, swept across with his long knife, endured the pain, and rushed towards Wang Xuance like crazy, disregarding his own life. Wang Xuance.

Jiumozhi saw that many martial arts were displayed at the same time, and those who defeated Wei Jijun were retreating steadily.

The black sword was covered with tiny cracks, and Ye Wei Jijun's tiger's mouth was cracked, and he finally vomited blood, and the armor on his chest had a black mark.

The flesh under the armor had also been scorched by the fire, giving off a strange smell of scorched flesh. Ye Wei Jijun only felt his heart agitated at this moment, and a black sword was danced by him.

In this short period of time, Jiumozhi couldn't get close, but Jiumozhi was still fighting with the flame knife, consuming Ye Wei Jijun's physical strength.

But it was said that Wang Xuance's spear was like a dragon, and with a flick of the pole, the huge force pierced through Wanyan A Guda's shoulder blade.Tears of blood flowed down, and the vitality was passing away rapidly. Seeing Wanyan Agu slashing with a long knife.

Without fear on his face, Wang Xuance stepped forward suddenly, his footsteps were light, and he slammed his leg hard on Wanyan Aguda's chest, and there was a crisp sound of bone cracking.

Immediately after, Wanyan Aguda, who had just submerged in the spear, was kicked away by Wang Xuance.With the spear retracted, a big hole was left on Wanyan Aguda's body, bleeding continuously.

At this time, Wanyan Aguda's chest had collapsed, and he felt that his internal organs had shifted, and strands of blood oozed from the corners of his mouth. Wanyan Aguda wanted to get up, but the injuries on his body were too serious. After struggling for a while, there was no movement. , fell to the ground completely dead, cut off the vitality.

The hand holding the long knife gradually loosened, and the eyeballs were wide open, obviously kicked like this by Wang Xuance.

Wang Xuance casually glanced at the dead Wanyan Aguda, and ignored them. Looking around the battlefield, Wang Xuance gathered some soldiers and charged at the Tuyuhun soldiers.

Ye Weiji's army was being fought by Jiumozhi, and after Wang Xuance left the field, the Tuyuhun army, which was already showing signs of fatigue, had no fighting spirit.

The cavalry gathered and besieged the Tuyuhun soldiers from all directions. Wang Xuance rode his horse and led the cavalry across the battlefield over and over again, like plowing the field, plowing over and over again.

Thousands of people died every time, and after a while, these Tuyuhun soldiers were completely beaten out of their minds.

Jiumozhi just looked indifferently at Ye Wei Jijun, the young king, this iron-blooded powerhouse, but there was a black palm print on the chest of this young hero, his hair was flying around, and blood was bleeding from the corner of his mouth.

The whole person looked extremely embarrassed, Jiumozhi performed a Buddhist ceremony, and suddenly said: "As the saying goes, put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately, and you may wish to belong to my Buddhist school."

Ye Wei Jijun didn't speak, but just stared at him coldly.In this way, Jiumozhi couldn't say anything anymore, he just slapped down brazenly, and Ye Wei Jijun was beaten to death with just one palm.

With a plop, the sound of Ye Weiji's army falling to the ground sounded, and the Tuyuhun soldiers were taken aback for a moment. Wang Xuance also looked back, and suddenly made the sound of starting to charge.

Take the lead, just like the young king Ye Wei Jijun before.However, Wang Xuance had more strategies and methods than Ye Wei Jijun, so the two were naturally different.

Generally speaking, Wang Xuance is stronger than Ye Weijijun, because Ye Weijijun's exposure and vision are not as broad as Wang Xuance's.

Seeing that His Royal Highness was beheaded and the commander was killed, the generals of Tuyuhun's army couldn't believe it.Facing the surging Zhou soldiers, they could only resist tenaciously, but with the siege of Wei Qing and others, no matter how much these people resisted, it would be futile.

As time passed, Tuyuhun's army was besieged and killed.

At this time, the royal city of Fu Luochuan was already in disarray, and the guards of the city gate with only [-] soldiers were scared out of their wits.

When Wei Qing and others issued the banner of surrendering without killing, a leading noble general immediately opened the city gate and surrendered.

There were many swords and walls outside, and there were spears like a forest. After the powerful Zhou soldiers collected the weapons of the city gate army, they rushed directly to the royal court.

The garrison of the royal city was surrounded by sergeants led by Li Shiyu's general like mice, and Wei Qing appeared in the royal court together with Wang Xuance, which meant that Tuyuhun had been wiped out.

A secret order came out from here, and the Jinyiwei brought by Li Ru is the best messenger soldier.Wei Qing looked at the crowd in the main hall of the royal court, issuing orders one after another.

Everyone was discussing what to do next in this hall. Now that Tuyuhun is gone, the most important thing right now is how to guard Tuyuhun.

This Tuyuhun is also strange, there is a whole royal city and royal court, and the two sides are suppressed on both sides.

Wei Qing planned to take charge of Fu Luochuan, the royal city himself. The other two accompanying capitals had already been breached, and there were not many guards left. They urgently needed people to go back to take charge.

In case it takes too long, those wolf cubs mutiny.

"The current situation is like this." After Wei Qing told the current situation, he looked around the people in the hall, wanting to see if there was anything unusual from the faces and expressions of the people.

Seeing that everyone's expressions remained unchanged, Wei Qing nodded in satisfaction, and then continued, "Wang Xuance's devious tactics are sophisticated, powerful, and unexpectedly employing troops. According to the original plan, the mopping up of Tuyuhun will begin tomorrow.

Li Shiyu and Zhou Chengyou are still in command of the original department, and hurried to the other two accompanying capitals, and the positions of the troops on the two wings coincide with each other. "

Speaking of this, Wei Qing paused and explained: "That is to say, Zhou Cheng led the left-wing army to take over the capital on the left side of Fu Luochuan, and the right-wing army led by Li Shiyu went to take over the capital on the right side of Fu Luochuan."

"I am personally in charge of Fuluochuan King City, and the remaining masters of the rivers and lakes can naturally be dispatched by Wen You. This time, we only need to wait for His Majesty's deployment plan to win the battle."

Wei Qing encouraged everyone, and did not forget to warn again: "Although we have already occupied Tuyuhun, there must be a lot of opposition from the nobles in Tuyuhun. Wang Xuance is going to sweep outside, and you should quickly win over the nobles in the city. Anyone who can win over Draw them all over."

"If those toasts don't eat the fine wine, their families will be destroyed." Wei Qing's eyes erupted with astonishing killing intent, and the generals around him felt a chill.

"Yes, General!" Wang Xuance, Zhou Cheng, Li Shiyu and others agreed.

Afterwards, Jiaye's voice trembled, and Zhou Cheng and Li Shiyu left the hall.Li Ru also divided some of the masters in the rivers and lakes around him, and followed the two army chiefs to the two accompanying capitals, preparing to guard the city.

Li Shiyu and Zhou Cheng gathered their respective troops outside the city, looked at each other, saluted each other, and then hurriedly separated.

The cavalry from the two sides set off a large amount of fly ash on the land that had just been soaked in blood, and two streaks of dust that looked like giant dragons galloped continuously under the horseshoes of the soldiers under the command of the two generals.

The guards of the royal city were also taken over by another member of Wei Qing, Tian Yuanliang, and escorted to the royal court in the royal city. Wei Qing happened to be discussing with Li Ru how to deal with the five thousand guards.

"I don't know if there is any good way for Wenyou to settle the five thousand soldiers. The defense of the city gate is absolutely unacceptable. But according to the current situation, we don't have a good way to settle the five thousand soldiers, because There is not much work involved." Wei Qing tapped on his desk and said with a bit of a headache.

Li Ru thought for a while, and said, "Right now, after a great battle, the most important things are two things. One: Thoroughly clean and disinfect the Fuluochuan King City, and deeply bury and clean up the dead bodies outside. , to prevent diseases like cholera.”

After speaking, Li Ru took a sip of tea and continued to preach: "Two: The next step is to maintain the original order to ensure that the residents will not be disturbed, and to eliminate the forces that take the opportunity to cause chaos."

Wei Qing tapped on his desk, thinking about the deep meaning of Li Ru's plan.

However, Li Ru explained: "This will not only protect the original economy and residents, but these are the people of my Great Zhou, so they are naturally the most precious."

"Currently, these two points require labor. It just so happened that the 4000 city guards came into use. [-] of them went outside to burn and bury the corpses, and the remaining [-] were formed into streets on the spot. Patrol army. Divide into several groups, led by our sergeants, and strictly guard them.” Finally, Li Ru concluded.

Wei Qing pondered, and after careful consideration, this method is indeed the best solution at present, so he stood up and bowed his hands, "As expected of Wen You, I am so good at understanding the situation, I might as well."

"The general shouldn't underestimate himself. Let me just say that the general's plan in the battle to destroy Tuyuhun opened my eyes. It was a great plan to take down Tuyuhun without a single soldier." Li Ru He preached humbly and did not forget to compliment Wei Qing.

The two looked at each other and smiled, and continued to think about the next thing. They kept busy until midnight before Wei Qing finished handling the military affairs of Fu Luochuan.

As early as three o'clock, the two chief generals Li Shiyu and Zhou Cheng sent news that the company was safe.

Walking out of this main hall, Wei Qing walked on the corridor of the royal court, looking at the bright moonlight and stars outside, surrounded by the quiet night, and the chirping of insects.

All was at rest, and night came, and all was asleep.Wei Qing stretched out his hand to support the crooked helmet of the guard outside. The soldier stared at Wei Qing with bright eyes, and Wei Qing responded with a slight smile.

After Wei Qing waved his hand to lift the military orders of these soldiers, he walked in the royal court, as if he was listening to his own voice.

Time was passing, and those soldiers who had been disbanded did not dare to really leave, but just looked at their general from a distance of only fifty steps away from Wei Qing.

After walking for a while and calming down, Wei Qing smiled at the armored soldiers not far away, and then followed them back to the temporarily prepared room to rest.

The soldier standing guard outside the room was still the same one just now, and his pair of shiny black eyes were particularly unforgettable on such a night.

After a night of silence, several days in the morning, Wangcheng revived.

It's just pedestrians with an empty interface, but there are still some people who are forced to leave the stall in order to make a living.Selling is going on in this city that has just gone through the fire. When seeing the streets similar to the past, the residents of the city gradually start to exude vitality and be cautious.

Some old men who could read or grew older saw that Zhou Bing did not slaughter them, so they gathered together to read the words that Zhou Bing had pasted on the walls of various places.

The information on the wall was passed down quickly, and after everyone heard about it, a different feeling came over them.So every family rushed to tell each other.

By noon, Fuluochuan, the royal city of Tuyuhun, had completely restored its former prosperity, the smoke of thousands of lights had returned, and the busy transactions were going on.

For a moment, I don't know if it was an illusion, but this Fu Luochuan exuded a unique vitality under the sunlight.

I have never seen it before, and I have never been angry.


Within the territory of the Great Zhou Empire.

The capital Chang'an!

Guo Jia took a telegram, presented it to Ye Qinghou, and said, "Currently, the whole territory of Tuyuhun has been controlled by Wei Qing, and now we mainly dispatch troops to accept and manage it."

"Wei Qing also asked us for instructions on the next step because of this matter." Guo Jia straightened his body with a calm face.

"Ding! Master, Tubo wants to know whether Dazhou has destroyed Tuyuhun, so as to confirm whether he is sincerely surrendering. Willing to spend 100 taels of silver as a reward, whether to sell it?
Ding!Master, Chuyue Kingdom wants to know Dazhou's next plan to destroy Tuyuhun, whether it will attack Chuyue Kingdom so as to make the next countermeasure.Are you willing to spend 1000 taels of silver as a reward, will you sell it?
Ding!The host South Korea wants to know whether the Da Zhou destroyed Tuyuhun, so as to contact the foreign races in the west to attack Da Zhou.Willing to spend 100 taels of silver as a reward, will you sell it? "

There is something wrong with Tubo. It seems that the treatment of Tubo should not be too good, otherwise such kindness can easily be misunderstood as cowardice.

This South Korea is a bit interesting, it has been beaten like this and wants to unite with other countries to attack and kill itself.

Ye Qing thought it was interesting for a while, his eyes were shining brightly, and his cold and stern aura suddenly radiated, since you want to play, then have fun.

This time, I have to think carefully before making a choice. Ye Qing's sudden contemplation and change made Guo Jia a little puzzled. He didn't understand that he had made a mistake, but he didn't know that Ye Qing felt it because of the system.

After a while, Ye Qing figured it out, the speed and news of their Da Zhou's destruction of Tuyuhun will surely spread throughout the East in the near future, so why bother to hide it.

It's useless to cover it up by yourself. After thinking it over for a while, Ye Qing said: "System, all three messages are sold."

"Ding! The transaction was successful!"

"After deducting the 20% handling fee, Master, you still have 203840 taels of silver and three chances to draw a lottery."

Tubo and South Korea are so poor, so picky, and there is still 80 taels left after collecting the handling fee, won’t they learn from Chuyue? After deducting the handling fee, there is still 800 taels!
They were really poor, Ye Qing despised South Korea and Tubo from the bottom of his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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