I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 822 Chuyue Kingdom Wants to Attack Yizhou

Chapter 822 Chuyue Kingdom Wants to Attack Yizhou (Two in One)

"Well, how is the reform going now, and what are the results!" After swallowing a piece of juicy red venison, Xiong Han wiped his mouth with the silk beside him, looked at the crowd below, and began to preach!
At this time, after swallowing a piece of delicious meat, the young gentry dressed as an aristocratic civil servant sitting in front of Xiong Han's left side spoke vigorously: "Return to Your Majesty, the reform has covered the entire Jinling and other prosperous areas. , The effect! So far, it is still very impressive. Just last month’s tax revenue has increased by 20.00% compared to the original tax revenue!”

"The number of new recruits for training has reached 10! Everything is changing with each passing day. Regarding the imitation of the technology of the Great Zhou Empire, we have already found a special person to sort it out!" Shao Zhang said solemnly. Speak of the change!

These short few words are the root cause of the recent turmoil in the court of Chuyue Kingdom, and it is also the key to making Chuyue Kingdom, a decadent country, gradually cut off its own carrion in an attempt to save the bones and gain new life.

"Since Da Zhou is not in the mood to deal with us right now, then we should cover up the changes in the court and block the news about the success of the Chuyue Kingdom's reform.

Of course, not all of them are blocked, and some news can also be revealed.For example, the confrontation between the old and new forces, the victory of the old forces, the defeat of the new forces, and so on.Moreover, we have to continue to pretend to be weak, because in this way we can escape the golden cicada under the eyes of the powerful Great Zhou Empire.

I really hope that when the Great Zhou Empire wants to attack us after attacking South Korea, we will have already shifted our positions, it must be very exciting! "Xiong Han, who was sitting on the throne, ruthlessly tore off the fat and tender venison that was still shining red on the tip of the knife.

When the venison enters the mouth, the locked sauce bursts out, and the fat sauce fills the mouth with a strong aroma of sauced meat.

Xiong Han couldn't help moaning, with a satisfied expression on his face, while everyone below was enjoying the fat Jinling venison.I have to say that this Jinling venison is truly the best in the world.Xindu falls here, it really is the right choice, and the local customs here are also quite good.

Xiong Han was thinking about that stunning beauty in the harem, and for a while, his stomach was full of evil fire.But at this time, it was time to discuss the matter, so he quickly threw out the thoughts in his mind and changed his mind.

"Your Majesty, I think we can first find a general and lead some soldiers to build our own city in Yizhou.

We need to control a good port first, so that our army can land in Yizhou, and merchants and various craftsmen can be sent to build first, so that we will not have nothing when we arrive in Yizhou in an emergency. "

"This is the prototype of a small team. Your Majesty can carefully consider the candidates. After that, there will be some regular construction and land capture. It is said that Yizhou is still in a situation where various cities are divided!" After drinking a glass of wine, Sun Yibing, Talk about it!

These words directly spoke to Xiong Han's heart, Xiong Han was very satisfied with Sun Yibing's thoughts and strategies, but he couldn't express it right away.

Because this will make other people feel that they are partial to the Sun family, and it will be bad if the current balance is broken at that time, which will not be conducive to the concentration and consolidation of their own power.

Even so, Xiong Han still looked at Sun Yibing with admiration.

After listening to Sun Yibing's words, the rest of the people thought about it carefully, and most of them thought it was right.But there are others who think otherwise.

No, Yuwen Xinsheng, who was sitting across from Sun Yibing at odds with Sun Yibing, pulled his sleeves, stood up and saluted Xiong Han, ready to start expressing his opinion

Seeing someone jumping out, Xiong Han was just surprised, but he still smiled at Yuwen Xinsheng!

At this moment, Yuwen Xinsheng said: "In my opinion, there are two problems with Ciwen's (Sun Yibing's words!)!

One: If the small group takes shape, who will be in power at that time, whether it is the current king or the small group at that time!

Second: How can we only focus on the achievements in Yizhou? First of all, our most important thing at present is in the local area.We haven't left Chuyue Kingdom yet.We are still here, so I feel that the achievements in Chuyue's own country cannot be ignored... "

"Yuwen Xinsheng, you are really deceiving people with bloody mouth!" Sun Yibing stood up suddenly, panting, staring at Yuwen Xinsheng.

After hearing these words, Xiong Han, who was originally smiling, suddenly changed his face.It can really be said that the complexion changed from white to black, and from black to blue in just one stroke.At this moment, Xiong Han is like an actor who has changed his face!
Before Yuwen Xinsheng finished speaking, Sun Yibing stood up and scolded him on the spot.

"Whether I'm a bully or not is clearly observed by His Majesty, not by you, a little Shaofu order." Yuwen Xinsheng looked at Sun Yibing in front of him with a sneer, his eyes were like poisonous snakes emitting a cold look. He stared intently at Sun Yibing in front of him.

Yuwen Xinsheng's aura was like a dormant old snake, exuding a cold aura all over his body, which made everyone feel uncomfortable for a while.

But at this time, Sun Yibing looked at Yuwen Xinsheng again and said, "I am worthy of being a sophistry genius of miscellaneous families, and I am ashamed of being a loyal minister who does practical things."

"Only because of what you said, when we enter the Bingyi Prefecture in the vast sea, which port can accommodate such a tyrannical force like us to land.

What's more, after Yinlongwei's investigation and the Shaofu's official reorganization, Yizhou is now in an era of rapid turmoil.

If we don't get in now, maybe we won't have a chance anytime soon.In case, I mean in case, the country of Yizhou is unified by itself.

When the time comes, what should we do.Do you think the Great Zhou Empire will not prepare warships to enter the sea?Are you underestimating Da Zhou?You are really invincible at all, although you are a sophistry genius, but now is the time when the country is in turmoil, please accept your heart! ! ! "Sun Yibing reprimanded Yuwen Xinsheng unceremoniously!

Yuwen Xinsheng's complexion changed for a while, white for a while, blue for a while, and red for a while, as if he was an old owner of a grocery store!

Sun Yibing's original point of view was naturally accepted by most people, although it was opposed by Yuwen Xinsheng.However, they still agree with that strategy.

What's more, Yuwen Xinsheng's appearance of not saying a word by Sun Yibing now makes those people more determined to plan with Sun Yibing.

This is a bet, and the one who decides the outcome is the current king of Chuyue Kingdom, Xiong Han himself.Xiong Han was furious when he heard Yuwen Xinsheng's words at first, but then he thought about it carefully.

Everything came out, and my mood began to improve.After recovering, Xiong Han understood the ins and outs of the matter and the essence of the matter.

He also clearly understood the people in the court, and then Xiong Han came out to appease everyone.

I saw Xiong Han winking at Zhao Zhang, who was still casually eating the delicious food in front of him, but he saw that Zhao Zhang was completely focused on the delicious food in front of him, and did not respond to Xiong Han's movements at all.

At this time, the guard next to him touched Zhaozhang lightly, and Zhaozhang finally reacted and gave Xiong Han a reassuring wink.

Zhaozhang cut a piece of ruddy venison in front of him and put it in his mouth, took another sip of wine, then stood up and looked at the people in the hall.

I saw that Zhao Zhang was holding a bronze dagger in his hand, and it was pierced with bright red Jinling venison.The ruddy luster on the venison shone with a strange luster under the light of the candle flame.

"I'm here to seek a fame. It's good to have different opinions! It shows that I have used my brain. I think what the two people said has some truth. Why don't we just take a compromise method like this.

As for Yizhou, we can't find a better way at the moment. Who will let go of Yizhou's mouth-watering meat.This piece of meat is like this piece of meat in my hand. "Speaking, Zhaozhang raised the sharp knife in his hand, and showed everyone the piece of fat, tender, red and shiny Jinling venison with an attractive aroma on the bronze short knife.

Then, Zhaozhang put the piece of meat into his mouth, and while chewing the meat, he spoke inarticulately: "How can I not eat the meat next to my mouth, just eat it!"

After Dai Zhaozhang swallowed the Jinling venison, everyone in the hall secretly swallowed their saliva seeing how delicious it was.

"We have to grab Yizhou, because this piece of meat can only be ours. And now that my Chuyue Kingdom is still there, we can't give up.

I think we can transfer the protection of the frontier army to Yizhou appropriately, and the training of recruits is about to be completed.We should also launch a fierce attack on Yizhou, and unify Yizhou in a short period of time at a rapid speed.

And after we have unified and integrated Yizhou, we can carry out thorough reforms.Then, use Yizhou as the base camp to send troops and various materials to our native Chuyue Kingdom.Our national strength can undergo drastic changes in a short period of time. At that time, as long as Da Zhou has not reacted, we can even preserve the current Chuyue Kingdom!
Apart from these, we can not only protect the rights and interests of the old-school aristocracy and the new-school aristocracy, this is the best countermeasure in my opinion.

In fact, what Yuwen Xinsheng said is not bad, Ciwen's strategy is indeed a little reckless, not vicious enough, we should use the strongest force to unify Yizhou in the fastest time.

The untouchables in Yizhou are our slaves, and they can serve as our slave soldiers.If they want to be released from slavery, they can only fight for us and kill the enemy.

Moreover, when training these slave soldiers, we don't need to talk about morality at all.What do you think, my plan, Ciwen, Yuwen Xinsheng! "Zhaozhang talked eloquently, and finally asked!
Everyone had already been shocked by his words and couldn't help themselves, so naturally they could only say nothing for a while.They are all immersed in the world clearly depicted, Xiong Han thinks carefully, and feels more and more that Zhao Ming is a great talent.

Immediately, a clear plan was made in my heart.

There was a tinge of fear in the eyes of everyone looking at Zhao Zhang, because this young man who looked like a neighbor's boy with a small smile on his mouth at this time was as shocking as a devil.

People can't help being afraid in their hearts, how does such a human heart grow, and are his feelings true!

Yuwen Xinsheng didn't answer Zhaozhang's words, but clenched his left fist tightly in his heart and roared in a corner invisible to others: "You always say that I am a cold-blooded monster, but now the real monster is in front of you, who are you? Dare to be presumptuous. After all, it is strength. You don't even criticize a person like him.

Why do you call me cold-blooded when I kill a person and there is no reaction!Then why can he calmly put the lives of thousands of people on the scale like a mustard.

Is it just because his surname is Zhao and my surname is Yuwen? "

Yuwen Xinsheng thought a lot at this moment, and understood a truth.In a person's life, the most important thing is strength.Because of strength, they dare not bully you, they dare not accuse you.Even your descendants will be praised by everyone for your strength.

At this moment, Yuwen Xinsheng's heart was planted a seed of longing for power by his obvious actions.As everyone knows, after many years, the seed of this right germinated and grew, and it actually grew to a powerful state as one of the three princes of the Chuyue Kingdom.

And all of this was obtained by Yuwen Xinsheng relying on his strength, step by step, bearing the burden of humiliation and fighting again and again.These are of course something later, so I won't mention them for now.

Let's say, after experiencing a brief period of calm in the hall.Xiong Han stood up first, made a solemn salute to Zhao Zhang, and praised Zhao Zhang without hesitation.

Many courtiers have seen that Xiong Han is completely planning to carry out the obvious plan.Sun Yibing looked at all this, and after looking at each other with Yuwen Xinsheng, the two snorted coldly at each other.At this time, Zhaozhang walked up to the two of them and patted each of them to death!

After stroking his hair, Zhaozhang returned to his seat, looked at the Chuyue Nationalist Army Xiong Han in front of him, and said with a solemn expression: "Your Majesty once saved me, Zhaozhang, I will definitely repay him with my own body, and help His Majesty achieve great things." Hegemony in the world. I am willing to bear all the notoriety in the world for Your Majesty."

Hearing this, Xiong Han took a deep look at Zhao Zhang, and even bowed directly to the ground.Zhao Ming didn't evade at this time, he deserved this gift.After Xiong Han's etiquette was over, Zhao Zhang saluted Xiong Han in the same way, but unlike Xiong Han, Zhao Zhang's legs were bent.

This etiquette expresses the meaning of forever surrendering to Xiong Han, and living and dying with Xiong Han.This is the ancient ceremony of rulers and ministers of Chuyue Kingdom, and everyone dared not take a breath as they looked at the red tape that had not been used for many years!

Sun Yibing's heart trembled, and Yuwen Xinsheng's mood suddenly became complicated. If he could get such a king, what more could he ask for!

Everyone saw Corporal Xiong Han's determination to reform Chuyue with integrity, and they were naturally shocked.

The originally strong heart became even stronger, and they felt that Chu Yue had a different kind of vitality.

This vitality comes from young officials and officials like them, and the future of Chuyue Kingdom is in their hands.

(End of this chapter)

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