Chapter 823

In the river outside Jinling City, Yuwen Xinsheng was ordered by Xiong Han to lead [-] elite sailors to Yizhou first, to plunder the city and build a good port suitable for the army of Chuyue Kingdom to dock!

At this time, Zhao Zhang outside the river represented that Xiong Han, the king of Chu and Yue, came to bid farewell to Yuwen Xinsheng and his party. At this time, Zhao Zhang was dressed in a loose blue uniform, and he looked like a celebrity.

Yuwen Xinsheng is settling down the crews of the various fleets that have already boarded the ship. They are carrying elite sailors for this trip, and they have a lot of supplies.

Enough supplies for a month after they landed in Yizhou!
Yuwen Xinsheng and others, under the obvious plan, first pretended to be a merchant and used it to travel between the two places.

After successfully landing, build a new city with the convenience of merchants.Then quickly establish Chuyue's subsidiary forces, and the name of this force does not need to be disclosed to the outside world first.

It can be concealed, after the army here is rectified, and all kinds of materials are fully deployed.When the whole army goes to Yizhou, Chuyue's national prestige will fill the whole Yizhou. At that time, it can be said that Chuyue's prestige will increase dramatically!

After all the calculations, Zhaozhang found this Yuwen Xinsheng who claimed to be both civil and military in the younger generation.Yuwen Xinsheng's strength has been fully affirmed by Shao Zhang.

After everything was ready, Zhaozhang wrote a letter to Xiong Han and suggested that Yuwen Xinsheng be the first general to capture Yizhou.

After Xiong Han read the manifesto, he directly put forward a plan to capture Yizhou first in the court hall, and handed over the military power of [-] sailors to Yuwen Xinsheng in the court hall. Yuwen Xinsheng was very grateful.

No, Yuwen Xinsheng planned from the bottom of his heart that going to Yizhou would never lose their reputation as Chuyue. Apart from him, there were also some experts sent by various forces in the rivers and lakes.

These people were prepared by him to deal with the assassination plan of the enemy's high-level opponents. Not only that, Xiong Han also handed over a token of Yinlongwei.

This token allows him to mobilize some hidden dragon guards in Yizhou, so that he can quickly know the situation in Yizhou and send back news.

Originally, Yuwen Xinsheng planned to go directly to Yizhou, but Zhaozhang said that His Majesty would give him someone to serve as a military adviser for this trip!
This is why Yuwen Xinsheng and Zhaozhang met each other at the ferry outside Jinling City.

I saw that Zhaozhang patted Yuwen Xinsheng on the shoulder with a smile and said: "This trip, it must be extremely dangerous, and ambushes will definitely be involved.

Your Majesty and I both hope that you will be able to withstand this ambushes. If you come this way, your growth will definitely exceed the imagination of many people.Your talent and talent are top-notch in today's Chuyue, but your temper is still a little irritable, and your schemes are not used in the right way.

Going forward, I have specially found a military advisor for you to help you and guide you.I hope that the two of you will work together so that we will not disappoint those of us in Chuyue, let alone Your Majesty. "

Said, Zhao Zhang patted Yuwen Xinsheng on the shoulder, neither light nor heavy.But Yuwen Xinsheng understood the meaning of beating, and this was the meaning of beating him.

Immediately, after Yuwen Xinsheng bowed his hands, he said respectfully to the public: "Yuwen Xinsheng understands! This trip will definitely be done after thinking twice, and everything will be carefully considered."

Seeing that Yuwen Xinsheng really listened to what he said, Zhaozhang couldn't help laughing at his cautious appearance, couldn't help feeling amused, and comforted Yuwen Xinsheng: "Okay, okay, you don't have to Too cautious, as long as you don’t make mistakes. You still have to be decisive in killing. If the people in Yizhou have second thoughts in this trip, in fact, the axle order can appear again.”

"Actually, after the Axle Order, those captive slaves should be sent to our Chuyue Kingdom as soon as possible." Zhaozhang opened his mouth with a cold tone.

Hearing this, Yuwen Xinsheng's heart trembled. The axle order was just an old man and a child in a tribe except for the able-bodied slaves and valuable slaves.

As long as the height exceeds the axle, they will be killed directly, and the rest will be some children, and these children can also be trained into various dead soldiers.

Of course, it can also be sold, and this is another thing to talk about, and that is slave hunting.

Slave catching, it has been a long time since any country has done this kind of thing here.This kind of thing is also explicitly prohibited by various countries, but there are also frontier lands that are not restricted, and slave arresters dare not put it on the face of it.

Although slave hunting is not allowed on the surface, there are many people secretly doing it for the lucrative profits of the slave industry.

Therefore, slaves can be seen everywhere in Chuyue, but with the reform, the original slaves have been classified as subjects of Chuyue.

Then this huge slave market that is suddenly vacant needs to have enough goods, because people's demand must be great.

This clearly intends to accumulate the wealth of the state in this vacant market!
And slaves have always been the best currency equivalent. Therefore, Yuwen Xinsheng's slave trade in Yizhou naturally allows them to trade with other countries after fully supplying themselves!
Thinking of this, Yuwen Xinsheng was surrounded by a bone-piercing cold, looking at Zhao Zhang with a little fear in his smiling eyes.

This is clearly worthy of being a cold-blooded executioner, and this person's vicious heart is beyond his reach.

"I don't know who His Highness arranged for me!" Yuwen Xinsheng changed the subject, lowered his head, and said respectfully!

"Well, it's getting late too!" Zhaozhang looked at the sky, and then looked around, seeing that there were gradually more people entering the city, so he didn't intend to say anything else to Yuwen Xinsheng.

All that needs to be said has been said, he knows that Yuwen Xinsheng is a smart person, and he will definitely know how to do it!

Zhaozhang bowed to Sun Yibing, who was only four or five steps behind him, and beckoned to him, then turned his head and said to Yuwen Xinsheng: "This is the military advisor His Majesty sent you, how about it, Qilin son of the Sun family, Sun Yibing.

Last night I saw that although you were at odds on the surface, you must have regarded each other as bosom friends in secret.

Therefore, I specifically asked His Majesty to bring someone here for you. " Zhao Zhang had a mysterious smile on his face.

Yuwen Xinsheng looked at Zhaozhang with a mysterious smile and Sun Yibing next to him, and suddenly felt dizzy, but he couldn't refuse.Although there was a lot of reluctance in his heart, he still opened his mouth and said: "Yuwen Xinsheng thank you, Your Highness!"

"We have been working together since then, and I hope Xinsheng will not hesitate to enlighten me!" Sun Yibing opened his mouth, his tone cold.

Yuwen Xinsheng also responded coldly after hearing the words: "Of course!"

Seeing that the two men were in such a tense situation as soon as they came up, Zhao Zhang stepped forward and used his unique skill to touch the head to kill.There was a smile in the slightly squinted eyes, and the smile on the corner of the mouth was bright: "Okay, okay, we are all people who want to work together in the future, why are we still so cold when talking."

"You still need to get along well in your relationship, so that nothing will happen if your subordinates see that you are harmonious. This is for Chu Yue!" Zhaozhang said persuading them, and finally used Chu Yue to pressure them both, and then let go hand.

After Zhao Ming did this, the originally indifferent atmosphere suddenly collapsed.Instead, Yuwen Xinsheng and Sun Yibing looked at each other embarrassingly and apologized!
Zhao Zhang flicked his sleeves, took out the wine respecter from the table held by the attendant at the side, and handed it over, all three of them hugged the wine master.

At this time, Zhaozhang said with a solemn expression: "Okay, time waits for no one, and it won't take years! I'm here today to toast the two of you with Jinling old wine, and wish you two to go straight to Qingming and change your achievements." Hou!"

Afterwards, he clearly drank the old Jinling wine in the cup.After drinking, he still turned the mouth of the wine glass downwards, but no drop of wine spilled out.

"I'll wait for Captain Xie! We will live up to your Majesty's trust." Yuwen Xinsheng and Sun Yibing watched all this, and said in unison after drinking the old Jinling wine in the cup that Zhaozhang gave them.

After finishing speaking, the two of them pointed the mouth of the wine glass towards Zhao Zhang with smiles on their faces, and put it down, but there was no drop of wine.

All three of them used this method to show their sincerity to each other, and all three of them laughed for a while.On the ferry outside Jinling City, the bystanders looked sideways, seeing the group of people with envy in their eyes.

The freedom and ease of these three people made them extremely envious.

After drinking, Zhaozhang stood where he was and watched Yuwen Xinsheng and Sun Yibing board the small boat that came to take them to the ship in the center of the river.Just watching the two of them board the ship, Yuwen Xinsheng on the ship quickly issued a series of orders.

"Go to sea! Set sail! Target Yizhou!" This is the most important of them. I saw Yuwen Xinsheng's face was serious, and he waved his hand to make a decision, so majestic.

Under the order of Yuwen Xinsheng, Nuoda's fleet started to move, following the wind, sailing at high speed on the Jinling River and approaching the mouth of the sea!

After Zhaozhang watched Yuwen Xinsheng set off with the huge fleet, he stood there for a long time, wondering what he was thinking.When the fleet of Yuwen Xinsheng and others were gone, Zhaozhang applied for a serious order to gather the guards and rushed to the Jinling City Royal Palace.

At this moment, Yuwen Xinsheng and Sun Yibing on the fleet will plan the sailing direction and time in a cabin.

Everyone in the fleet was discussing eagerly, but they said that the fleet outside was sailing rapidly towards the distance in the midst of the day.These [-] sailors were all drawn from the original elite sailors. Those with boats were elite sailors, those who disembarked were powerful infantry, and those who got on horses were powerful cavalry. These people were the ones who quickly gained a foothold in Yizhou. rely on!These special sailors!
What their fleet carries is hope, the hope of Chuyue Kingdom.


South Korea!

Chen Liucheng!
At this time, the Korean court has exploded!
The monarchs and ministers in the Korean court were shocked by the news brought by the dark guards. Tuyuhun had been destroyed by the Great Zhou Empire!
Tuyuhun was destroyed, and the western border of the Great Zhou Empire was stabilized. The rest only needed to stabilize the northern border to deal with Chuyue, Wei, and South Korea.

As a result, the South Korean monarchs and ministers were terrified, and the court was in chaos for a while.

Everyone was talking about it, and the Korean court was like a noisy vegetable market at this time.

The emperor of South Korea, Han Ran frowned and looked at the noisy crowd below, and suddenly slapped the desk in front of him. Everyone was shocked, looked at the emperor in front of him, and said nothing.

However, Han Ran scolded them angrily with a black face: "Why don't you talk? Didn't you just talk one by one? The court is so noisy and chaotic like a vegetable market, you are not ashamed, I feel ashamed !"

"Didn't you talk about it just now? Why are you not arguing now, ah, didn't you talk about yours?"

Han Ran was already furious at this time, and every sentence he asked was full of anger.

There was silence in the court hall, and many ministers were silent.

After a while, Han Ran's anger dissipated a little, but he still didn't show any good looks to the ministers below. He just said in a dark voice: "Now, let's analyze it. There is no future trouble at all, and now the only thing left is to use troops after strengthening the northern border!

Let's analyze it, which country will the Great Zhou Empire use troops!If we use troops against my South Korea first, where will my South Korea go.

Remember, I want to make plans, not for you to make jokes for me here one by one! "

Han Ran said a lot in one breath, and after he finished speaking, a pair of sinister eyes stared at the officials below the court hall, watching their reactions.

Time passed bit by bit, and there was still no one speaking under the court hall.

Han Ran's complexion became darker, and his bad mood became worse. Han Ran was on the verge of fury.

At this time, General Sun Nanqi, who originally advocated uniting the foreign races in the west, bowed his hands and saluted Han Ran. If it is stable, it must be the first to break through our South Korea.

One: Chuyue Kingdom and Wei Kingdom have formed an alliance with South Korea, and Dazhou knows this.From a geographical point of view, Korea is connected to Chuyue State and Wei State.Once the Great Zhou Empire destroys our Korea, the alliance between Chuyue State and Wei State will naturally collapse.

Two: Judging from the scope of the enemy, there is a western alien behind our Korean mansion, and there is Shanyue behind the Chuyue Kingdom. Not only that, it is also close to the Bohai Sea, and there are many forces on the sea.Yizhou alone is comparable to a state on our land, with a huge population.Besides, there are Xianbei, Liao, Jin and other barbarians in the north of Wei State. The east of Wei State is also the sea, and there are people of Goguryeo and Sanhan on the other side of the Bohai Sea.

In this way, once Wei is conquered, I will face more enemies in Zhou Dynasty, and I will need more soldiers and horses in the north and east. "

"At present, although the Great Zhou Empire has a vast territory, population is always a defect of the Great Zhou Empire.

Insufficient population, not many troops, so they don't have enough troops to maintain the Norda territory.In the current situation, they are already very reluctant to maintain their own territory, and naturally they will not attack Chuyue and Wei to increase their unmanageable troops.

Therefore, the Great Zhou Empire will definitely attack us Korea first. "

In the end, Changsun Nanqi's words were full of firm sermons.

(End of this chapter)

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