Chapter 824

After listening to Changsun Nanqi's analysis, everyone felt that it was very reasonable. After all, what they said was true, and it was true.

Indeed, after the Great Zhou Empire broke through South Korea, it only needed to move the original army to the foreign Korean frontier in the western border to suppress it.

It is so convenient and there is no need to create a large number of new enemies, and it can break the Three Kingdoms Covenant, so why not do it.

In fact, if Da Zhou was not a fool, he would definitely break through South Korea first.

Seeing that no one refuted, Han Ran didn't plan to make any more fools.

He understood what Changsun Nanqi meant, and he also deeply knew the stakes.Therefore, Han Ran got up, looked at Changsun Nanqi immediately, and said eagerly, "I don't know how Changsun Aiqing should respond!"

Hearing this, Changsun Nanqi calmed down, and immediately preached solemnly; "I think that your majesty is an envoy to Chuyue Kingdom and South Korea to strengthen the alliance. Once the Great Zhou Empire sends troops to attack South Korea and is determined to destroy South Korea, please The two countries sent troops to aid.

And to state the interests to them, we must obtain the support of the two countries, so that our South Korean side has a chance. "

"I agree, I'm afraid it's not enough just to have a chance. I don't know if Aiqing has other countermeasures." Han Ran thought for a while, and immediately agreed with Changsun Nanqi's strategy, and then looked at Changsun Nanqi sincerely. , I want to see if he has other strategies, just one strategy may not be enough for South Korea to protect itself!He immediately expressed his doubts.

Hearing this, Changsun Nanqi narrated the plan in his heart with a twinkle in his eyes, which is also his consistent proposition, seeing that today there is hope that the plan will become possible.

The eldest grandson Nanqi was filled with excitement, and finally suppressed his excitement, so he opened his mouth and said: "I thought that there were no permanent enemies, only permanent interests, especially the diplomatic relations between countries."

Seeing that the eldest grandson Nanqi didn't directly speak out the plan, but took the lead in expressing his own feelings.

Everyone was surprised, but after hearing this sentence, everyone had a different feeling in their hearts.Because Changsun Nanqi's words were so profound, everyone was stunned, thinking about this sentence in their hearts.

When Han Ran heard this sentence, his eyes shone brightly. This sentence is completely the truth of the ages. He completely agrees with this sentence.

At this moment, Han Ran unknowingly raised the position of eldest grandson Nanqi in his heart. This eldest grandson Nanqi is a talent.It seems that I still don't understand these subjects. I still have a lot of talents in Korea.Thinking of this, Han Ran stared at his eldest grandson Nanqi with a different kind of light in his black eyes.

Han Ran became more focused at this moment, for fear that he might miss a word.

I only heard Changsun Nanqi start with this sentence, and continued to preach: "The foreign races in the west have fought against us in Korea for a hundred years, and most of our elite soldiers in Korea have been restrained by the foreign races in the west. However, The crisis this time is not only our Korean, but also the foreign races in the west.

We can promise some interests of some foreign races in the west, and unite with them to fight against the Great Zhou Empire! "

After finishing speaking, Changsun Nanqi stood back to his original position with a smile on his face.After hearing Changsun Nanqi's words, everyone who originally thought that Changsun Nanqi had some great insights, saw that he was still the same old way, and couldn't help being a little disappointed.

Hearing the words of Changsun Nanqi, Han Ran was silent for a while, although at this time he had a different opinion after hearing the words.However, it is impossible to let go of the century-old blood feud between South Korea and the foreign races in the west.

That's all, that's all.It depends on whether your eldest grandson Nanqi can resist the attack of these veterans. If your eldest grandson Nanqi responds perfectly, why can't I, Han Ran, let go of my prejudices and allow you to go to the west to unite with other races to fight against the iron hooves of the Great Zhou Empire? .

Facing the harassment from the Great Zhou Empire, Han Ran hasn't had a good rest for a long time.

The huge pressure every night prevented him from falling asleep. At this moment, Han Ran showed a trace of exhaustion. Han Ran changed his posture, leaned on the throne, and stared at the officials below without any emotion in his eyes. This is how to watch the good drama that is about to happen.

I saw that the elders among them looked angrily, and among them, Gong Zhongpeng, who was Situ, even reprimanded him directly, not showing any favor to grandson Nan.

Gong Zhongpeng's face was ashen, and he said in a cold tone: "Gongsun Nanqi, what kind of heart do you have? Have you forgotten the blood feud between us in Korea and the foreign race in the west for generations? Do you want me to recall it for you!"

"In the Battle of Shaoyang, the [-] soldiers led by Bu Fansheng of the Han army were beheaded by foreigners in the west. At that time, Han Huang thought it a national humiliation!
In the Battle of Chengjiao, the Korean border was invaded by foreigners from the west, and dozens of villages were slaughtered, leaving no chickens or dogs behind, which made the people of the country even more sad!

Let's talk about the current situation. In the past two years, when Korea suffered a natural disaster and a famine, foreigners from the west invaded our Korean border and beheaded more than [-] people.Countless food and grass were plundered, so the number of casualties was no less than one hundred thousand..."

Situ Gong Zhongpeng told all the frightening things about the Korean frontier. Many ministers present all looked sad and indignant, clenched their fists, and were full of hatred towards the foreigners in the west.

Even Han Ran clenched his fists at this time, his eyes were full of coldness, and the bloody cases showed the blood feud between South Korea and the foreigners in the west.This hatred is branded in the blood, and this hatred cannot be erased.

After Gong Zhongpeng finished speaking, he even shouted: "Eldest grandson Nanqi, do you still want to join forces with him to fight against the Great Zhou Empire? If so, what will my Korean face be? How can I be worthy of the foundation left by my ancestors?" ?
Have we ignored the blood oath of generations in Korea? "

Four loud shouts in a row shook Changsun Nanqi's mind, his little face turned pale, and he seemed to be stuck in a swamp and couldn't get out.

After recovering, grandson Nanqi spoke with difficulty: "The blood feud between South Korea and the foreign race in the west is naturally unforgettable, but now that South Korea is destroyed, we can't talk about revenge.

What's more, I said before that the enemy of an enemy is a friend.The foreign races in the west are powerful in battle, and the Great Zhou Empire is even more powerful.Why don't we unite with the foreign races in the west and let them fight against each other, and finally collect the fisherman's profit. "

As a Korean, Changsun Nanqi naturally agreed with Situ Gong Zhongpeng's words, but as a minister who shared the worries of the emperor, Changsun Nanqi felt that it was necessary to explain his plan clearly.

Let everyone understand his elder grandson Nanqi's strategy and stop misunderstood him, so grandson Nanqi saluted solemnly, and then said: "Not only that, but I want to tell you something. Ever since wars and disputes have continued, All kinds of schemes emerge in an endless stream among the states, and the schemes continue.


"Everyone is using various methods for the prosperity of the country. My eldest grandson Nanqi believes that in the current situation in Korea, it is necessary to unite with the foreign races in the west to counter the Great Zhou Empire.

Because the hustle and bustle of the world is all for profit, and all for profit. "

"We have a common enemy with the foreign races in the west, and that is the Great Zhou Empire. An enemy's enemy is a friend, so we have a reason to unite with the foreign races in the west. Therefore, we will give up some of our interests and unite the two countries. Wait After the foreign races in the west lost the battle with the Great Zhou Empire, it is the best time for us South Korea to send troops to destroy the foreign races in the west and regain the lost territory of the Great Zhou Empire."

"Conspiracy is the real plan. We don't need to use too many troops to fight against the Great Zhou Empire! Therefore, I am still the plan!"

After hearing Changsun Nanqi's words, everyone was silent.

After hearing this, Gong Zhongpeng silently returned to his seat and stopped talking.

Because of this incident, neither of them was wrong.Since there is nothing wrong, the most uncomfortable thing now is Han Huang Han Ran. Since both of them are right, what should Han Ran do?Gong Zhongpeng took a deep look at Han Ran, then closed his eyes and said nothing.

Han Ran also fell silent. In this case, you can't say who is right and who is wrong. This is an unsolvable proposition.

Therefore, at this moment, you cannot say that Situ Gong Zhongpeng was wrong, let alone grandson Nanqi.

The positions of the two of them are different, so their views are naturally different.Gong Zhongpeng looks at the blood feud between generations in Korea, can this be wrong? No!
As for the eldest grandson Namki, is it wrong to look at the survival of South Korea? Of course not.

It was hard for Han Ran to make a decision at this time, and the court was a little silent for a while.

When everyone is silent at their wit's end!
Shen Buhui, the servant of the Ministry of Punishment, stood up. He looked majestic and said in a serious voice: "I see, General Changsun's two countermeasures are to help South Korea from the outside. Although it can solve the temporary itching, but the root of the disease is still there." Not touching at all.

The minister thinks that this is futile, although South Korea can solve the predicament of the first step.However, in the face of future difficulties, I wonder if South Korea can have such a good external force to help itself solve its troubles and difficulties.

Instead of step by step falling into a situation of irreparable doom, why doesn't my emperor think about the method of change.To solve the biggest crisis in South Korea, directly attack the root cause of South Korea. "

"Shen Aiqing, what do you mean!" Han Ran asked with puzzlement in his eyes, pretending to be confused!

When everyone in the court heard the words, their faces changed drastically. They definitely did not expect that Shen Buhai would propose reforms at this time.

All of a sudden, all the people in the court looked at Shen Buhai with resentment in their eyes, among which the ministers headed by veterans and aristocrats were the most.Naturally, a young general and a broad-minded person like Changsun Nanqi did not object to the changes proposed by Shen Buhai.

After all, they all understand that the essence of Changsun Namki's two strategies to help South Korea solve its troubles from external forces is ultimately South Korea's weakness.

Why South Korea is weak, because South Korea's system is no longer suitable for today's world.Let's see, after reforms in the Great Zhou Dynasty, from the weakest small country in the past, it gradually promoted the use of foreign troops, and grew step by step to the towering tree it is today.

With such good examples, how could they not believe in reform.

What's more, it is said that after the attack of the Great Zhou Empire, the Chuyue Kingdom next to it has gradually shrunk its land, and now only Yangzhou, a wealthy place, is left, and even the capital of the country has been moved to Jinling.Under such drastic changes, two forces split into the court of Chuyue Kingdom.

One new faction demands change, the other is a resistance faction made up of nobles.

I saw that Shen Buhai adjusted his clothes, and said with a solemn expression: "Today's world is a world of great contention. The strong will be strong, and the weak will perish. The king must fight, and my South Korea is already in danger. Yes. If we don’t carry out new reforms, then our Korea will definitely be destroyed by Dazhou’s war. Even if it is not destroyed by Dazhou, it will be destroyed due to various reasons.”

"What's more, there was a great Zhou reform and prosperity, and there was Chuyue Kingdom's inspirational reform to seek revenge. We have been defeated many times, and the root cause of this defeat is that even if there is no reform in South Korea, it has already fallen behind the state of the world.

We must follow the changes of history, otherwise we can only become a countercurrent that perishes under the wheel of history. "

"Chen Shen Buhai implores Your Majesty to carry out reforms in order to make South Korea prosperous and strong!" Shen Buhai said at the end, his eyes were full of eagerness, and there were faint tears in his eyes, and he bowed to the end!
Everyone fell silent. Today, the court is silent a lot. Is this court really my court?Han Ran thought in his heart that there were too many things to do today.

He really didn't expect that today's court situation is so complicated that it hasn't happened in a few years.

Originally, he thought that Shen Buhai would solve his problem, but he didn't expect that Shen Buhai would indeed solve his problem.

It's just that what he never expected was that Shen Buhai posed another bigger problem to him, reform!
Is the reform really that easy to change? The reform is not fun. If there is no support from the forces, so what if it is only supported by him, Han Huang Han Ran? That's all.

Then those veterans once again supported an obedient Han Huang who did not change the law.Although Han Ran can die, Han Huang must not be so easily controlled by the elders of the aristocratic family.

Although Shen Buhai is good, his plans and strategies are all correct, and these strategies are good strategies for governing the country.It's just that Han Ran couldn't accept it.

Because this is not just a matter of reform, but also a struggle between the monarch and his subjects for a hundred years.After all, Shen Buhui was still too young to see clearly the entanglement vortex of various forces under this reform.

The vortex of this reform must not be released at this time, it will only aggravate the destruction of South Korea.After the reform at that time, the competition between the old and new forces will inevitably intensify above the court.

At that time, what if the senior ministers of the old noble families launch a mutiny.Although he, Han Ran, wanted to reform, but he didn't have the strength and ability.

Thinking of this, Han Ran just looked at Shen Buhai peacefully and didn't say anything else, but after scanning the hall for a while, he opened his mouth and said: "Shen Aiqing still doesn't know something, the most important issue in South Korea right now is what to do?" Preserving South Korea under the attack of the Great Zhou Empire this time, all lovers should also focus on this matter.

As for reforms and the like, it is better for Shen Aiqing not to mention them.We are not discussing the issue of political reform today, we are discussing how to solve the crisis in South Korea. "

(End of this chapter)

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