Chapter 825 Korean Affairs ([-])
Han Ran came out to smooth things over, and did not blame Shen Buhai too much in his words.Shen Buhai naturally understands the pros and cons, and he is not the kind of person who is shameless.Since Han Huang personally gave the steps, Shen Buhai went down the steps.

Immediately, Shen Buhai didn't speak anymore, just stood back to his original position in silence.

Although Han Huang came out to smooth things over, but one of the people in the court hall was not a human being, so he naturally understood that it was Han Huang who was protecting Shen Buhai, and immediately decided in his heart that Shen Buhai was the queen.

Obviously, each of them had a good communication with the minister of the Ministry of punishment after going to court.

The courtiers in the court have their own thoughts, and Han Ran has nothing to do. Since Shen Buhai said those words, it is inevitable that the situation in the court will become like this.

In this weird court, everyone started the discussion on how to resist the great Zhou Bingfeng again.It's just been discussed for a long time, and no one has discussed why.

"Since this is the case, there is no good plan at the moment, so let's send envoys to Wei and Chuyue first. For now, let's bring these two allies together first!" Finally, Hanhuang Hanran still spoke. .

The people below naturally have no objection, and they are all very honest.Even the eldest grandson Nanqi didn't say anything more, this is a strategy he proposed and naturally he would not deny it.

Han Ran looked at the people in the lobby, and said indifferently: "Then, who would like to send an envoy to Chuyue and Wei at the moment!"

A group of elders and ministers closed their eyes and meditated, naturally pretending not to hear Han Huang's words.

Although there is no problem with the strategy, it is a bit difficult for the people on the mission.After all, in the current situation in South Korea, the ministers of diplomatic missions will not be treated well.Why did they leave the favorable treatment in South Korea and go to other countries to be a humble envoy?

What's more, the current Korean court is no longer the South Korea of ​​the past.Since the front of the Great Zhou Empire was directed at South Korea and South Korea was defeated, the situation in South Korea's court was no longer in the hands of Hanhuang Hanran.

Time was passing by, but the court said it was extremely embarrassing.

A group of old veterans didn't make a move, and the rest of them naturally didn't dare to make a move, lest they be regarded as trying to show off by these veterans, and their careers would come to an end.

Therefore, the present situation appeared, the court was quiet, and no one spoke.

Everyone is looking at the nose, the nose is watching the heart, and they don't care.Han Ran just looked indifferent, furious in his heart, soon, soon, when Han Niannian returns with Jin Tiejun, I will clean up all of you rebels and thieves.

Han Ran looked at this group of decayed elders with murderous intent in his eyes.

At this time, Shen Buhai stood up again, walked to the front, and bowed his hands to Han Ran, his eyes were full of solemnity: "Your Majesty, if Shen Buhai is willing to send an envoy to the Chuyue Kingdom, he must make the Chuyue Kingdom sign an alliance with South Korea." !"

"Minister Sun Nanqi is willing to go to Wei State, and we must make Wei State sign an alliance with South Korea! To protect the safety of South Korea!" Changsun Nanqi also turned around and came to Shen Buhai, bowed his hands, and spoke to Han Ran.

At this time, Han Ran looked at the two people below, calmly, tapped the desk in front of him lightly, thinking quietly.

Changsun Nanqi holds [-] frontier soldiers in his hand, he is of great value.Similarly, the talent is first-rate, and the force is also the fourth rank!
It is indeed feasible for such a eldest grandson to go to Wei State from the south. At present, Wei State's court is weak as a whole, and it is necessary for this kind of envoy who comes from a military general, so that he can be strong, so that Wei State will not bully Korea!
As for Shen Buhai, it is no problem to ask him to go to Chuyue Kingdom as an envoy.Shen Buhui is mainly a servant of the Ministry of Punishment, and his power is just like that. This person's talent is even better than that of the eldest grandson Nanqi.

It's just that Han Ran has a headache when he mentions reforms every now and then.However, if Shen Buhai went to Chuyue Kingdom as an envoy at the moment, it would be better to leave the center of power to avoid the limelight.

However, the only thing that worries Han Huang and Han Ran is what to do if Shen Buhui is bewitched and detained by that brat Xiong Han in Chuyue Kingdom.However, if Shen Buhai is used by the Chuyue Kingdom who is determined to reform, it will be a disaster.

It seems that they can only send people to follow Shen Buhai secretly. Once Shen Buhai is detained by Chuyue Kingdom, they will kill him secretly!
After thinking of this, Han Ran stopped tapping his hands on the desk.

After stopping, Han Ran looked at the people around who were still silent and said solemnly: "Decree of the Emperor: After the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, Shen Buhai fasted, he will go to Chuyue Kingdom on behalf of South Korea, and we must seek a covenant for the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries! In addition, General Sun Nanqi of Shenwei will go to Wei State on behalf of South Korea after fasting, and he must also seek an alliance between the two countries to establish diplomatic relations.”

After issuing the imperial decree, Han Ran covered it heavily with the imperial seal next to it.

Han Ran said to Shen Buhui and Changsun Nanqi with a serious expression: "I am afraid that the two special envoys will go through many difficulties and dangers during this mission, so I specially arranged ten secret guards to escort the two envoys respectively. In addition, I hope that you will not fall into the prestige of my South Korea in a foreign country. My South Korea has always been a strong Han and has not yet perished. It is reasonable for them to give us full respect."

"The other thing is, the two of you must make sure that the people on this mission are successful." Han Huang Han Ran finally warned!

Hearing this, Shen Buhai and Changsun Nanqi respectfully bowed to Han Ran who was sitting on the dragon throne in front of him.

The sky was gradually getting dark, and the meeting in the court hall had already dispersed.

Han Ran, who was sitting alone in the hall, was thinking about something in the dark hall, looking at the candles flickering in the wind.

"Where is the Jin Tie Army led by Han Changnian, and how long will it take to reach Chenliu!" Han Huang Han Ran spoke in the flickering candlelight, his tone was cold, and his surroundings were tainted with a wave of anger. An inexplicable chill.

"Han Changnian, Blood Yihou, don't let me down! You have been stationed outside the cold northern border for many years. If it weren't for the Korean royal family's troubles this time, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to transfer you back! Xueyihou, Han Changnian is really a country. The ruthless character of the Kingdom of China!" Han Ran's tone was filled with endless coldness.

It was obvious that he had an opinion on Hou Han in blood all year round, so the shadow guards below naturally pretended not to have heard of it.

Han Huang and Han Ran couldn't understand Xue Yihou and they naturally knew it, but this time it was a clan transfer, not a transfer of imperial power.

This blood-clothed man is naturally strange, and can be said to be a strong man in South Korea, under the current trend of unification.Alone, he turned the Jin Han army that suppressed the cold northern border into his own private army. He also has the title Bloody Marquis, so he naturally has his own territory.

This Jin Han army is also strange. After the blood-clothed Hou Han has been stationed in northern Xinjiang all year round, he has completely listened to the tune and not listened to the announcement.You can mobilize me, but I don't know if I can go. I don't know when enemies will appear in northern Xinjiang.

If you transfer me, who will be responsible for the loss of the territory on the northern side.You know, the land in northern Xinjiang is the treasure of South Korea. It is rich in various ores, among which iron ore is the most.

Therefore, the blood-clothed Marquis Han has gradually become the number one strongman in South Korea all year round. With the good location in the northern border, he has a fief under his hands, and even has a strong soldier.As for financial resources, so much iron ore naturally made bloody Hou Han earn money all year round.

Even Han Niannian formed a more powerful blood-clothed army on the basis of this strong Han army.The conditions for entering the Bloodcloth Army are extremely strict, but only those who can stay in the Jinhan Army for more than five years and have no physical problems are eligible.

After having the qualifications to enter the blood-clothed army, they have to go through layers of selection.Therefore, there are not many blood-clothed soldiers in this blood-clothed army, and the proportion of the Jin Han army has reached the strict condition of selecting one person out of 1000.

From this aspect, it can be seen enough that the blood-clothed army is powerful.Xue Yihou, who holds such a powerful weapon in his hands, is not high-profile himself. He only leaves Beijiang and returns to Chenliu every year at the royal banquet.

In the past, the Bloody Marquis Han stayed in northern Xinjiang for a long time all the year round.

Therefore, over time, many ministers above the court have forgotten him.They all forgot that there is such a killer in the royal family.

Crazy comes at a price. During this period of time, many veterans and nobles competed for the power of the royal family, which obviously violated the interests of the royal family.

Therefore, Han Ran, as the patriarch of the clan, was naturally an early sign that Bloody Marquis Han Chenliu had been helping him control the situation and restore the power and interests of the royal family all the time.


Chen Liucheng Prince's Mansion!

Crown Prince Han An set up a banquet in the main hall for farewell ceremony for Shen Buhai, eldest grandson Nanqi and others. The close relationship between Crown Prince Han An and the young faction is naturally known to everyone.

Today in the court hall, Prince Han An also saw that his father, Emperor Han Ran, was satisfied with these two people. As the prince, he naturally wanted to win them over in advance.

At the banquet in the main hall, there were beauties dancing to help them walk.

All kinds of delicacies are placed on their respective desks, among which the wine from the banquet is Chenliuhuang wine. This is a good wine brewed secretly by the royal family. Normally, it can only be drunk at the annual meeting at the end of the year. arrive.

Usually it is not easy to drink, from this we can see Prince Han An's determination to recruit Shen Buhui and eldest grandson Nanqi.

Taking out the Chenliuhuang wine showed his sincerity, but he said that Han An was wearing the prince's official clothes at this time to show his respect for Shen Buhai and Changsun Nanqi.

Shen Buhui and eldest grandson Nanqi were still in court attire. At this moment, Prince Han An took the bronze hook handed over by the maid next to him, and walked past the charcoal-burning statue in the hall.

The red and blue flames were licking the emerald bronze cauldron. Prince Han An stepped forward and hooked the bronze cauldron cover off.Then he used another hook to pull out a piece of extremely fat and tender venison with a tempting aroma from the cauldron.

After picking out three pieces in a row, Prince Han An covered the cauldron to keep it warm, then walked up to Shen Buhai, took the bronze dagger next to him and began to divide the meat for Shen Buhai.

After sharing the meat with Shen Buhai, Han An politely smiled back. Prince Han An walked up to Changsun Nanqi, smiled at Changsun Nanqi, and then divided the meat with Changsun Nanqi.

Finally, Prince Han An stepped into his seat, put the last piece of meat on his desk, waved away the maid and the dancer in front of him, and the music was stopped.

Straightening his body, Prince Han An looked down at Shen Buhai and eldest grandson Nanqi with a smile on his face, and then said with a smile: "Try it, you two. I just hunted this from Pengze hunting ground today. I hunted it this morning. Yes, I let the cook deal with it for a day, come and taste the taste of Pengze venison!"

"I'm not stingy with this wine, you guys have a taste, it's some old old Liuhuang wine. The taste of this wine is pure!"

Hearing this, the eldest grandson Nanqi, who is good at wine, poured a glass of Chenliuhuang wine first, smelling the pure taste of the wine, the greedy worms in his stomach were immediately hooked out.

Immediately, he drank a glass of wine, and did not respect the crown prince Han An, and the crown prince Han An didn't care, but seeing that the eldest grandson Nanqi was so eager, he knew that he was a wine man.

Immediately smiled and praised: "On weekdays, I heard that General Changsun is good at wine. Today, it is true. His bold personality is worthy of being a wine man."

"It's different from His Highness. I'm a rough man, so I have such a personality. As a general, you must have a wine man. Hahahaha!" Hearing this, Changsun Nanqi laughed embarrassedly.

Changsun Nanqi slammed his mouth to recall the taste just now, and said, "However, this wine is really good. After drinking so much wine, only Chen Liuhuang wine can make me so intoxicated."

Prince Han An also smiled knowingly: "Since General Changsun loves this wine so much, I still have some in my house, so I will send General Changsun a cart of Chenliuhuang wine!"

"Really!" Changsun Nanqi said excitedly. As a drinker, he spends his spare time on weekdays
Then he opened his mouth and said: "Since I drank the wine, General Changsun should taste the venison I hunted. I asked the chef in the mansion to add some small ingredients!"

"Seriously!" Changsun Nanqi said excitedly, as a drinker, this is what he usually spends in his spare time.Chenliuhuangjiu, which has won his heart the most, is now being given a cart by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, how can he not be excited or happy.

"Naturally! Is the prince's words still false?" Prince Han An said to his eldest grandson Nanqi solemnly, and then he began to speak: "Since he drank wine, should General Changsun taste the venison I hunted?" , This is because I asked the chef in the mansion to add some small ingredients! You see, Shen Shilang next to him almost devoured all the venison on his desk without saying a word."

Hearing this, Changsun Nanqi turned his head to look at Shen Buhai, but saw that Shen Buhai didn't say a word, disregarded his own image, and didn't feel hot, but just swallowed the Peng Ze venison on the desk in front of him.

Then, without saying much, he picked up the edible bronze dagger on the desk next to him and began to cut up Peng Ze's venison in front of him.

At this time, the Pengze venison was still a little hot, but Changsun Nanqi was already attracted by the way Shen Buhai swallowed Pengze's venison.I couldn't figure out what kind of delicacy could make Shen Buhai, the servant of the Ministry of punishment, so addicted to it. He immediately cut a piece of fat Pengze venison that was full of enthusiasm and exuded a rich sauce aroma.

(End of this chapter)

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