I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 826 Reform of Chuyue Kingdom

Chapter 826 Reform of Chuyue Kingdom
The appearance of this Pengze venison is so good that Changsun Nanqi had to praise it.The appearance was rosy and oily. After looking at it, the eldest grandson Nanqi couldn't help but put the Pengze venison into his mouth!

Bite down, the lips and teeth are fragrant, the rich gravy overflows in the mouth, and the fat taste fills the taste buds.

Changsun Nanqi couldn't describe this feeling. After swallowing it in one gulp, Changsun Nanqi ate it with fresh seasonal vegetables and snow-white noodles.

One bite, the crisp and moist seasonal vegetables are accompanied by the fat and tender gravy and the indescribable Pengze venison.This unique taste made Changsun Nanqi's scalp tingle when he ate it. He swallowed a piece of bread and cut a piece of Pengze venison into his mouth.

Then he drank the old Chenliuhuang wine next to him, and after swallowing it, Changsun Nanqi let out a satisfied sound.

At this time, Changsun Nanqi felt a warm and hot feeling all over his body. Could it be that this is the special ingredient His Royal Highness said!

After Changsun Nanqi realized that he was strange, he took a look at Shen Buhai.

The two looked at each other, and Shen Buhai was even worse than him. They saw that Shen Buhai was disheveled and pulled his sleeves, asking the surrounding maids to fan him off.

After a while, Shen Buhai continued to eat and drink.

Prince Han An, who was sitting at the top, looked at the crowd with a slight smile on his face.

Seeing the two eating so happily, Prince Han An felt a little satisfied!

The chef's skills in his own house are still very good.


On the shore of the Bohai Sea, the Chuyue Kingdom sent troops to board the fleet of Yizhou.

I saw that at this time Yuwen Xinsheng was standing on the cabin watching the scenery of the Bohai Sea. The surroundings were vast and blue, and there was water in front of him, not a piece of land.

Let the heart can not help but open-minded, relaxed and happy.

Yuwen Xinsheng looked at the good scene in front of him, and said involuntarily: "This is our future journey. How about it, Ciwen, do you have anything to say?"

"I don't know how long it will be. Although our Chuyue Kingdom will not undergo drastic changes in a short period of time. You can also see the effect of reforms. Chuyue Kingdom is currently turning around." Sun Yibing thought for a while, facing the magnificent waves in front of him. The sea sermon.

Then, he suddenly turned his head to look at Yuwen Xinsheng next to him, and said with a serious tone and expression: "At present, although these things make Chuyue Kingdom look very good, but these only protect the current Chuyue Kingdom. Status and strength, if you want to return to the peak or even return to the time when you are stronger and can bully Da Zhou.

This really needs an opportunity. Fortunately, this opportunity has already been grasped by us.Today, His Majesty is also very wise and mighty, and he very much agrees to support us. "

"As for those diehards, I think that after Lieutenant Zhaozhang's strategy is implemented, they will no longer obstruct His Majesty's reforms. At present, our main goal is to focus on the present, because the two of us bear the burden of this Chu The key to breaking the situation in Yueguo.

Having said that, I estimate that according to Lieutenant Zhaozhang's ambition, the follow-up troops will be dispatched quickly.And if we want to stabilize our position, we can only do things right now.

And in the subsequent plan to capture Yizhou and the subsequent implementation, there will be no stains that can be criticized.

Therefore, the current task is the only thing we can do well at this time. This is an opportunity for you and me, and it is also an opportunity for our two families. "Sun Yibing said, with a little solemnity in his eyes, he expressed his analysis and thoughts these days.

Hearing this, Yuwen Xinsheng's eyes shone brightly. Sun Yibing's words obviously spoke from his heart, and he liked these words very much.

However, Yuwen Xinsheng was still thinking about it, thinking about the stakes, and after thinking about it, he found that there was nothing wrong with it.Just when he was about to agree, Sun Yibing saw that he had been silent for such a long time, so he suddenly turned his head and said to him in a low voice: "Your ambition is as big as mine. Although today's younger generation is shining, everyone has talent, but In my opinion, you are still more than a little better than them."

"To speak of arrogance, among these young juniors, only you Yuwen Xinsheng and Guowei Zhaozhang can catch my eyes. Of course, your majesty is not counted."

Sun Yibing sent his comments up in a low voice, and then looked at Yuwen Xinsheng who was still thinking, and Sun Yibing stopped talking.I turned my back and looked at the sea by myself!
Hearing Sun Yibing's words, Yuwen Xinsheng's first reaction was panic, and he said decisively: "I'm afraid Ciwen has misunderstood it! I, Yuwen Xinsheng, am a vulgar person, and I only know about achievements. My mind is simple, my limbs The developed kind."

Hearing this, Sun Yibing didn't speak but just smiled, and suddenly muttered to himself: "Hey, this person can't treat each other sincerely!"

Because Sun Yibing's voice was too low, Yuwen Xinsheng didn't hear it.

However, what he said before made Yuwen Xinsheng a little disapproving, from his understanding.

Sun Yibing's move is a bit out of date, and it is a bit arrogant.

Because from a very early age, he understood that this person should not be too aggressive in everything, because the person who dies is always the first.

It can be said not to despise anyone, because you don't know when he will turn over.Therefore, Yuwen Xinsheng made every move carefully and with fear.

Compared with Sun Yibing's courage, even to put it bluntly and unpleasantly, Sun Yibing is a bit bold and reckless.

In its view, the younger generation of Chuyue Kingdom is still full of talents, and there are still many who can be compared with him.

Although these people are not from the top families, their talents are really no less than them.

Therefore, he does not despise these people, but he regards these people as real opponents.

Because he understands that what these people lack just like him is an opportunity, an opportunity that allows them to display their ambitions and soar into the sky.

At present, this opportunity is very rare in Chuyue Kingdom, almost to the point of pity.However, it has changed since Chuyue Kingdom planned to enter Yizhou.

There will be many such opportunities in the future, and then it will be time for another group of new nobles to come to power.

At that time, those aspiring young people who were originally bound by their own blood will definitely grasp these many opportunities well.

Therefore, Yuwen Xinsheng has already positioned himself to be humble and not to compete blindly with others.You must have goals and plans, and get what you want step by step.

Instead of declaring it to the world with great fanfare, in his opinion, the current Sun Yibing is this kind of person.

Now, Yuwen Xinsheng naturally praises him, but when Yuwen Xinsheng grows to a certain position, he will naturally ignore him.

He will not be regarded as a friend like now, this is him, the real Yuwen Xinsheng.

Sun Yibing naturally didn't know that Yuwen Xinsheng was thinking so much at this time, but he understood that being a man can't be too deliberately humble, humility is okay.

But be sure not to be excessively humble, because excessive humility is arrogance.

People must have self-confidence, but don't have excessive self-confidence, because excessive self-confidence is conceited.

In fact, this is the most difficult thing to grasp, and it just so happens that Sun Yibing thinks he is this kind of person, who can control his heart well and never do anything wrong.

He can be arrogant in front of those who are not as good as him, and he can also be a man with his tail tucked in front of the strong.

As for the face, if you talk about face with me, then I would like to ask you whether it is more important to be face or to be alive.

In Sun Yibing's values, life is the most important thing, followed by how to live with dignity, live more comfortably, and live with status.

In his view, all talents are for people to live!

But life is nothing more than fame and fortune, and he, Sun Yibing, just wants these two things.

Therefore, he lived out the appearance of Sun's unicorn, and he is Sun's pride!
At this moment, they were looking at the same sea, but they were thinking about different things.

After an unknown amount of time, the horn sounded.The two returned to the cabin, ready to fall asleep.

It's really uncomfortable to sleep on the boat. The bumpy feeling made the two of them almost vomit out the meal they ate last night.

However, the two of them were not ordinary people after all, they forcibly endured the jolt and went to sleep.

It was naturally the same tonight, Sun Yibing returned to the bed, drank a cup of tea and went to bed to rest.

But Yuwen Xinsheng was different. He was in the cabin, looking at the chart by candlelight.

The red dot above is their current location. There is still a short distance to Yizhou. The distance is not too far. It is estimated that they will arrive in two or three days!


Not to mention Yuwen Xinsheng and others on the shore of the Bohai Sea.

Jinling City of Chuyue Kingdom!

Today, a special person came to Chuyue Kingdom, why is it said that the person is special.

Because it is Shin Buhai, the envoy of South Korea, and this Shen Buhui was born as the Minister of Criminal Affairs in South Korea, and everyone knows it.

The people of Chuyue Kingdom are no strangers, facing the sudden arrival of South Korean envoys in today's court.

When the minister in charge of state-to-state exchanges raised this matter in a letter, everyone fell silent.

Even Zhao Ming, who has always been resourceful, didn't know what kind of medicine South Korea was selling, so he even sent a servant of the Ministry of Punishment when he went to other countries.

What are you doing!Envoys to other countries are all officials in charge of foreign teachers, at worst they are pedestrians, and they are also minor officials in this regard.

But you are good in South Korea, directly dispatching officials across regions.

The servant of the Ministry of Punishment is doing the work of the Ministry of Rites, what exactly do you want to do in Korea or what kind of moth are you doing.

All of a sudden, the ministers of the Chuyue Kingdom in the court did not understand what kind of medicine South Korea was selling!The entire court discussed the envoy of South Korea this afternoon, but did not discuss why.

They didn't understand what South Korea was doing, and they didn't figure it out until the end. Xiong Han also felt annoyed but didn't say anything anymore.

In the end, Xiong Han looked at the people in the court hall who had achieved nothing, and he stopped the matter with a big wave of his hand, only to see him preaching: "Since the medicine in Korea doesn't understand, then let's put them aside first, let's let them go." Yinlongwei went to find out the purpose of their coming here, it is best to find out what is going on in South Korea!"

Hearing this, Zhao Zhang said: "I have no objection."

Seeing Zhaozhang's speech, the rest of the people immediately echoed with Zhaozhang's preaching: "I have no objection."

These people are naturally the reformers of the younger generation, while the veterans are hesitant to speak, and among them is the minister who reported the diplomatic affairs of foreign affairs at this time, who is hesitant to speak.

At this time, Xiong Han looked a little impatient, so he said: "Gu Zongsheng, what objection do you have!"

Hearing this, Gu Zongsheng, the minister in charge of foreign affairs, said with a look of trepidation: "I dare not, but... I think that South Korea is a big country, and now we openly reject its envoys." Isn’t it a bit bad if you avoid seeing them outside? It will damage Chu Yue’s prestige, and it is even more detrimental to diplomatic relations and state affairs.”

"Above my court of Chuyue, you dare to protect the interests of other countries, what place do you put Chuyue." The dark-faced old servant of the punishment department scolded!
"What I said is loyal and not selfish. Please be aware of it, Your Majesty." At this time, Gu Zongsheng was flustered and suddenly fell to his knees. Obviously, he did not expect that the old servant of the Ministry of Punishment would criticize him publicly. serious crimes.

At this time, Xiong Han was sullen, not in a hurry to express his opinion, but just made a habitual action of thinking.

I saw Xiong Han subconsciously knocking on the desk in front of him to make a crisp sound. When everyone heard this sound, they stopped rioting and just waited for Xiong Han to make his own judgment and decision!

Zhao Zhang has an expression that has nothing to do with him, he naturally agrees with Xiong Han's initial countermeasure.However, the current situation is just a small episode of all the implementation strategies, and these can't make him take it to heart.

After all, this is just a matter of neither big nor small, neither light nor important. In fact, these are just trivial things in his opinion.

To be honest, Zhaoming's brain circuit is really special.

The words of the old minister of punishment are very serious, in the eyes of everyone.If Xiong Han obeyed the words of the old Minister of Criminal Affairs, then Minister of Foreign Affairs Gu Zongsheng would be doomed. Not only would he be imprisoned in Jinling, but his family would also be greatly implicated.

However, what everyone couldn't figure out was that the first attack in the court was not the confrontation and attack of the old and new forces, but the attack between the old nobles and veterans.

Sure enough, these old veterans and nobles have long been corrupted and degenerated, and they have reached this point where they are not united.

No wonder it was beaten to such an end by the forces of the new generation, to such an extent!
Xiong Han doesn't intend to pursue this matter, because this is a struggle between the old forces. In fact, in the current situation, it is wrong for him to attack the old forces.

It is not in his interest. What should be done most now is to weaken the strength of the old nobles and veterans, so their internal fighting is the best way.

(End of this chapter)

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