Chapter 827
Therefore, Xiong Han did not think that Gu Zongsheng, Minister of Foreign Affairs, was at fault.

All I saw was that Xiong Han stopped his hand tapping on the desk, and the rhythmic and crisp sound stopped abruptly, suddenly stopped.

Everyone immediately made up their minds and prepared to listen carefully to Xiong Han's words.

At this time, the old servant of the Criminal Ministry was dressed in black, and even his face was black. He really looked like an evil god.

At this time, Gu Zongsheng, Minister of Foreign Affairs, was kneeling on the top of the hall, and the cold hard white jade board below made Gu Zongsheng's legs numb for a while.

However, Gu Zongsheng's heart was full of collapse at this time, if he was given a chance, he would definitely not speak any more.

I really didn't expect that the sinister and cunning servant of the Ministry of punishment would set him up with such a big trick.

If he passed by, it would definitely make him feel bad, Gu Zongsheng thought in his heart.

It's just that following Xiong Han's actions, Gu Zongsheng's face was covered with sweat, and his back was covered with cold sweat!

Xiong Han was about to speak, at this time, the old god Zhaozhang came out freely, and everyone's eyes fell on Zhaozhang, even the black face of the old servant of the criminal department stared at Zhaozhang with a pair of chilling black eyes.Zhaozhang didn't care, but Gu Zongsheng was nervous, only worried that Zhaozhang would not come to frame him again.

I saw that Zhaozhang bowed to Xiong Han and said: "I think that Gu Zongsheng is the Minister of Foreign Affairs, so there is nothing wrong with his words. His starting point is for the good of Chuyue country. I think that Gu Zongsheng is not wrong. of."

"It's the old servant of the criminal department who is suspected of spitting blood. The minister thinks that the words of the old minister of the criminal department are mostly untrustworthy." Zhao Zhang turned his head and spoke to the old servant of the criminal department with a dark face.

There was still a smile in Zhao Zhang's eyes, but that smile was extremely sinister in the eyes of the old Minister of Criminal Affairs.

Hearing Zhaozhang's words, Xiong Han was a little surprised, apparently he didn't expect Zhaozhang to break the situation under his feet, he didn't expect Zhaozhang to attack the old Minister of Criminal Affairs.

However, he is naturally a member of the Zhaozhang family, and after hearing Zhaozhang's attitude, he immediately changed the judgment he had just made.

I saw that Xiong Han thought about it for a while and then said: "The old Minister of Criminal Affairs openly spit blood on people in the court, slandering the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Affairs of the DPRK and China. In other words, after my consideration, although there is no problem.

However, I think that the current South Korea is not the unrivaled power of South Korea in the past.It can be said that after all these years of fighting with the Great Zhou, South Korea still did not take advantage of it. On the contrary, it has never had a victory in the war with the Great Zhou, not even a small victory. , enough to show that South Korea has lost.

Therefore, we don't need to worry too much about our current attitude towards South Korea, let alone, even if we miscalculated South Korea.With the current covenant we have signed with South Korea, what can South Korea do with us.It's just the loss of Xia Xu's reputation, so don't worry about it, the strength of our Chu Yue is the root.This is the right way. "

Xiong Han cast a final glance at the elders and nobles of the old forces, and saw that these people were all at ease when they heard his words, just like the left ear went in and the right ear came out.

In this way, Xiong Han felt that they were hopeless, but he still had to carry out Xiong Han's actions.Because this is indeed able to gain the support of the veterans of the old nobles and old forces, so that his strength will be stronger.

Chu Yue's national strength will also be stronger, and the hope of defeating Da Zhou will be even greater.

Ye Qing, the Great Zhou Empire, is the peak in Xiong Han's heart, the goal he is determined to surpass.

Xiong Han secretly thought in his heart that after hearing Xiong Han's execution, everyone in the court thought it was very reasonable.

Among them, Gu Zongsheng, the minister of foreign affairs and foreign affairs who was still frightened, has also recovered at this time, stood up and saluted Zhaozhang and Xiong Han, and shouted: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your insight, and I will preside over the matter." justice!"

However, he said that the old servant of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, who had a serious face full of murder, was now black-faced with anger, trembling all over, his beard trembling, and said nothing.

Two guards with masks in black armor appeared all around and were about to drag the old Minister of Criminal Affairs out, and punish him according to the law.

At this time, when the old servant of the Criminal Ministry saw the tall and strong guards coming from the door, he was extremely flustered, lost his mind for a while, and cried loudly to Xiong Han on the court hall: "Your Majesty, every sentence of the minister is for the country. , dare not have the slightest selfishness. Your Majesty, you have to trust me, how dare I harm the interests of Chuyue Kingdom..."

The words of the old servant of the punishment department gradually faded away in everyone's ears, and after they disappeared, everyone still didn't look at him.The same is true for Xiong Han, who just watched all this coldly from the throne.

"This is the end of today's matter. Do you have any other matters to report? If you have nothing to report, you can retreat!" Xiong Han sat down domineeringly and majesticly, looking around at the many courtiers below. , Gujing Wubo's sermon.

Many courtiers in the court also spoke freely and reported their own affairs. As for the fact that the old minister of punishment was just dragged away, it didn't affect them at all.

Zhaozhang also didn't care about it, he was in a daze most of the time above the court, but he still listened attentively to his subordinates' reports.Some differences are to express their own opinions and let them correct them.

All of a sudden, the efficiency of the court has been greatly improved.


Inside the inn prepared by the Chuyue Foreign Affairs Department of Jinling City!
A group of Korean envoys who have already voted for the door letter are waiting for a news in this inn, waiting for the official in charge of foreign affairs and diplomatic affairs to inform them of the notification from the king of Chuyue Kingdom Xiong Han.

It's just that they have been here from morning to afternoon, and from afternoon to night.

At this time, among the envoys, someone with a fierce personality had already opened his mouth and said: "What does Chuyue Kingdom mean? It despises me, Korea, like this! We have already voted for it, why don't we let us meet Chuyue?" Lord Yue! No, I'm going to find the person in charge here to make a theory!"

Speaking of this, this man became angry, and immediately wanted to argue with the people in the inn, and the man next to him was pulling, and the middle-aged man next to Shen Buhai winked at the two people next to him. .

Immediately, there were two people pulling him to prevent him from acting rashly.I saw that the middle-aged man's face darkened and he said: "What's the matter with Shang Hongquan? He's disobedient here. Didn't he say well in Korea and in Chenliu? Isn't it okay to obey orders? No? You all How old are you and you still use your emotions! When will you grow up!"

"I can't grow up? It's not a problem that I can't grow up. It's clearly that they Chuyue Kingdom look down on Korea and us! No, I must go to him to argue!" After Shang Hongquan finished speaking, he also No matter what, he just pushed away the two people who were tugging on him, and broke through the door in one fell swoop!

The two people who originally blocked him didn't react for a while, and he rushed out with his own strength without paying attention.Obviously, they went to the little official who managed the inn and was in charge of their Korean envoys to discuss it.

The middle-aged man was about to scold the two of them, but Shen Buhai planned his words!

The middle-aged man looked helplessly at the figure of his nephew leaving, but he had no choice but to look helplessly at Shen Buhai, the Minister of Criminal Affairs who was in charge of diplomatic affairs.

I saw that Shen Buhai's small eyes were shining with wisdom: "Forget it, let Shang Hongquan test their Chuyue Kingdom. This is also beneficial to us, and it is like this at present.

No matter what, they didn't dare to tear up their skin after all. Since they didn't dare to tear up their skin, they didn't dare to do anything to us, didn't dare to do anything to us.Then it's just a trivial matter for Shang Hongquan to make a fuss. "

After finishing speaking, Shen Buhui took a sip of tea and quietly waited for the result of Shang Hongquan's discussion!

"This, is this really good!" The middle-aged man didn't know what to say for a while, his nephew was being used by his boss, what could he do.This can't be blamed on him, it can only be blamed on my nephew who is too stupid to understand the situation, and his personality is still too impulsive.

Young people should polish it, experience it, and make up their minds to put their nephew Shang Hongquan in the army after the mission is completed!

Maybe he realized that Shang Hongquan was his subordinate's nephew, and Shen Buhai's old face blushed for a moment.It is really embarrassing to use his nephew so blatantly, but Shen Buhui comforted the middle-aged man and said: "But you don't have to worry, Chuyue Kingdom will not touch him, because we are the people of South Korea. If there is a problem with his face, he will never end with Chuyue Kingdom.

The Chuyue Kingdom, which has experienced successive wars, no longer has the energy and strength to start a war with South Korea. Similarly, our South Korea does not have the strength and energy to start a war with Chuyue Kingdom.However, South Korea's face is really torn, so the start of the war of destroying the country is certain. "Shen Buhai explained the relationship clearly and clearly!

After listening to Shen Buhai's words, the middle-aged man's originally suppressed heart became even more depressed, and he thought, Mr. Shen, it would be better not to say what you said.It really lifted my heart.The heart that had been let go suddenly lifted up, not for anything else, just for fear of that eventuality.

After all, everything is just in case!

Leaving aside here, the young and vigorous Shang Hongquan went straight to the front lobby after leaving the Korean envoy's room, and the maids around him ignored him when they saw him performing the etiquette.

The young Shang Hongquan walked into the lobby aggressively.

Hearing a thud, Shang Hongquan put his palms heavily on the counter, looked at the receptionist in the front hall, although he had a smile on his face, and asked him gently: "My lord, is there any What is it! If you need something, our foreign affairs inn will definitely prepare it for you, my lord."

But Shang Hongquan, who was already angry at this time, naturally didn't care, and didn't give him a good face at all, and immediately suppressed the anger in his heart and said in a cold voice: "Go, call your supervisors, there is nothing you have to do here. "

"My lord, it's so late, we are not in charge! My lord, if you really need something, you can tell us, and we will definitely make it beautiful for you!" Hearing Shang Hongquan's sarcastic words, the boy Continue to speak to Shang Hongquan in a calm and respectful tone with smiling faces!
"Your steward is not here, where did your steward go! Today, I will see your steward. If you don't see your steward within a quarter of an hour, you will be at your own risk!" Shang Hongquan was still arguing with himself when he saw him , Suppressing the anger in his heart, he opened his mouth, but his tone was full of unkindness and anger.

"My lord, our manager is really not here. He was called away by his superior, Gu Zongsheng, the minister in charge of foreign affairs and diplomatic relations, and he hasn't come back yet. My lord, if you really have any questions, please tell us, and we will definitely let you Satisfied." The boy obviously saw Shang Hongquan's unkindness and anger in his words, but he could only tell him the truth, and reminded Shang Hongquan that they could help him.

At this time, Shang Hongquan's mind was buzzing when he heard that the minister in charge had been called by the minister of foreign affairs and diplomatic relations and hadn't returned yet, and he put down his hand that was about to be a servant.

He just asked in a cold voice, "Since when did your managers leave?"

"Returning to my lord, after the meeting of the court this afternoon, Gu Zongsheng, the minister in charge of foreign affairs and diplomatic relations, called him away. It has been some time. Normally, at this time, the person in charge should have returned, but I don't know how to return today. I haven't come back yet!" The boy reported truthfully with a puzzled look.

"Okay, since you are not in charge, I won't make it difficult for you. Please, brother, arrange some food for us! It's so late, we are a little hungry!" Shang Hongquan looked at the boy at the counter and said road.

The boy had a smile all over his face: "Well, my lord, will you send it to the adults' room?"

"Well, yes. Don't send it by mistake." Shang Hongquan instructed the boy, and then hurriedly walked to the room where he was waiting for others.

After Shang Hongquan entered the room, everyone in the room was silent. Shang Hongquan knew he was wrong and didn't dare to say anything. He just sat down and told his experience directly.

After hearing this, Shen Buhai's eyes shone brightly, obviously he had understood the strategy of Chuyue Kingdom.

This is deliberately hanging them and suppressing their temperament.

Shen Buhai gave a disdainful glance, since you are hanging on us, then we will pretend not to care.

At that time, you will always want to see us.Thinking of this, Shen Buhai immediately made up his mind, and his flustered heart stabilized at this moment.

However, Shen Buhai didn't know that there was a huge difference between his guess and the actual discrepancy.

He didn't know that this was just a trick by Gu Zongsheng, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Chuyue Kingdom, to maintain the reputation of Chuyue Kingdom.

(End of this chapter)

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