I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 828 Jingzhou Knight

Chapter 828 Jingzhou Knight
However, Gu Zongsheng, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Chuyue Kingdom, who originally used this method, apparently did not expect that his small move would make the South Korean Minister of Missions, Minister of Punishment, Shin Buhui have such a guess.However, even if he knew about it, he probably wouldn't say anything, because these are all your thoughts, and they have nothing to do with him, Gu Zongsheng.

It's just that other people didn't think so, and Shang Hongquan's uncle glanced at Shen Buhai, and said with some doubts, "I wonder what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd of Chuyue Kingdom!"

"No matter what kind of medicine it is, we have to take it." Shen Buhai saw everything clearly, and naturally he was extremely relaxed, so he spoke immediately.

Hearing Shen Buhai's words, although the rest of the people were confused, they didn't understand.

But as Shen Buhai's old partner, the middle-aged man understood it. Obviously, it was a sign that his lord had a complete plan.

At the moment, the middle-aged man looked at the people who were still in the fog, and just patted the back of his nephew's head lightly and said: "If you don't understand, think about the whole story and process, so that you can grow. "

"Really, why did the merchant produce such a stupid person like you!" The middle-aged man had an expression of resentment.

At this moment, the door of the room was pushed open, and Shen Buhui swept towards the door, only to see a few servants holding wine and vegetables in their hands.

At this time, everyone didn't know what happened, but Shang Hongquan said: "This is the supper I ordered for everyone. You must be hungry after waiting for such a long time."

Hearing this, Shen Buhui stopped his scrutiny.The middle-aged man next to him also began to beckon the servant to put dishes inside.

After the middle-aged man sent the boy away and returned to his seat, Shen Buhai, Shang Hongquan and the others looked at each other, smiled knowingly, and then began to eat the delicious food on the table.

After eating, it was getting late, so Shen Buhai didn't stay here to continue discussing about the mission, but let everyone go down to rest.

Everyone left, and retreated after the boy had finished tidying up the things on the table, and did not forget to close the door before leaving.

Now everyone left, and no one came to bother Shen Buhai.Shen Buhui didn't go to rest either, but just sat beside his original desk and continued to think about the matter of this mission to Chuyue Kingdom.

It wasn't until late at night that Shen Buhai changed his clothes and went to bed!

But it is said that in a big house in Jinling City of Chuyue Kingdom, the lights are bright!

This is the residence of Gu Zongsheng, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Diplomacy. The person in charge of welcoming the Korean envoys inn, that is, Liu Guanshi, is here.

Although it was getting late, Gu Zongsheng, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Affairs who was sitting on the main seat, did not feel sleepy at all.

In the court today, he really didn't expect that the old black-faced servant of the Ministry of punishment would dare to attack him openly, and he almost succeeded.

If it wasn't for the help of noble people this time, and he didn't receive any benefits, and his words and deeds were all based on the interests of Chuyue Kingdom, then it would be difficult for him this time.

Maybe, today is the time for his murder.

Gu Zongsheng summoned his subordinates today to explain the affairs of the court.

This time, they completely torn skins with the Ministry of Criminal Affairs, and told them to be more careful in doing things in the future. Criticism will be more severe.

And at that time, without the help of noble people, if they broke the law again, that would be great, everything would be over, and he couldn't protect and protect them.At that time, he might be involved, so he also made this stake clear to his confidants.

After the quarrel with the Ministry of Punishment this time, both of them are the forces of old veteran nobles, and the veteran nobles of those big families don't take him seriously, they don't help him at all, and they don't intercede for him .

He didn't even cover him up. This time, Gu Zongsheng was completely discouraged. Is it just because his family's power is not as powerful as that of the black-faced old servant of the Ministry of Criminal Justice? Her qualifications bullied him recklessly.

The actions of these aristocrats and veterans completely chilled him.

At this time, Gu Zongsheng also brought everything to the fore, telling his subordinates that whether to go or stay with them is their choice, and he will not say a word, let alone complain, but will use his assistants over the years to help him here. A piece of meritorious service in foreign affairs and diplomatic relations was rewarded with generous gifts and money to send him to this foreign affairs and diplomatic residence.

Upon hearing what Gu Zongsheng said, these subordinates were naturally loyal to Gu Zongsheng, and all of them were willing to fight this disaster together with Gu Zongsheng.

However, this time, what they have to deal with first is to face the subsequent counterattack by the forces of the Ministry of Punishment.

Because, this time, the face of both sides has been completely torn, so the competition below is even more intense.

There are even some extremists who will use some improper means to deal with everyone.

Thinking of this, Gu Zongsheng immediately warned everyone not only to be careful during this time.

And you have to be more careful when traveling abroad, speaking of which.Gu Zongsheng, who was in plain clothes, clapped his hands. At this time, some guest officials came in from the outside. These guest officials were good recruits of Gu Zongsheng.

Of course, some of them were supported by his Gu family.

Most of these people are in the second-rank realm, but even so, this is extremely extraordinary.

I saw that Gu Zongsheng stood up and bowed to everyone in the hall at this time, and then said loudly: "Since the forces of his Ministry of Punishment may make some small moves behind the scenes, then we are not vegetarians.

These are some of the quack masters I have recruited over the years. This time it is the Gu Mansion, and it is also the trace of the life and death of our foreign affairs and diplomatic relations.At this time, the scholars are unwilling to abandon Gu and look for a place to live. "

"With such loyalty, I, Gu, will definitely try my best to protect the lives of you gentlemen. These knights were recruited by me with all my wealth over the years, and they are all famous and powerful fighters in the world. This time is the time when we are in crisis. Qiu. I, Gu Zongsheng, hereby thank all the knights. You can rest assured to protect the safety of your gentlemen. If you are in danger, I, Gu Zongsheng, swear here that I will take care of his family with full authority, and even more so. One hundred taels of gold will arrange for his family, if the family is shamed, I, Gu Zongsheng, will fight to the death with him."

"If this oath is violated, I, Gu Zongsheng, will not join the clan after death, and I will die if struck by lightning." Gu Zongsheng pointed to the sky with the three fingers in the middle of his left hand, and made such a solemn oath with a serious face.

Hearing this, the faces of the people in the hall changed drastically, obviously they did not expect Gu Zongsheng to treat them like this.

All the people in the hall fell silent for a while, and after a while, the leader of the knights came out, and led many knights to salute Gu Zongsheng deeply.

Immediately afterwards, the leading knight said in a deep voice: "Since Mr. Gu has already arranged everything, it is even more important to make such a heavy oath. Then we are not that snake-hearted villain, we all know how to understand A person who repays kindness."

Then, the knight made an oath with a solemn face: "I swear here that I will risk my life to protect the safety of you adults. If you are intercepted and killed and escape alone, we will hunt him down to the ends of the earth."

"I will swear..."

All of a sudden, all the knights below the hall clasped their fists in salute, and swore their oaths with pale faces.

Looking at these people in front of him, Gu Zongsheng's heart was shocked, and his eyes were slightly moist for a while, and he choked up and said: "Jing Xiashi, I don't know how I, Gu Zongsheng, can let everyone treat me like this! , quickly take it away!"

Hearing this, the leader Jing Bei smiled: "My lord, you don't have to be like this, these are things we did voluntarily, and have nothing to do with your lord.

Your Excellency dares to make a heavy oath to us, we are not those who don't know kindness, so naturally we treat you with kindness.Adults don't need to be so alarmed. "

"Don't dare to do that. I, Gu Zongsheng, have thanked all righteous men here, and I dare to ask you righteous men to protect the safety of all scholars and travellers. I, Gu Zongsheng, have thanked you here." Gu Zongsheng's face darkened when he heard the words, not knowing what to think, In the end, he had no choice but to imitate the knights below and salute them solemnly with fists in their hands.

The knights below the hall were silent for a moment, everyone understood people's hearts.

Comparing their hearts to each other, how Gu Zongsheng treats them, they are willing to give back their lives to Gu Zongsheng, and they exchanged a heart for Gu Zongsheng for nothing else.

These are what they should do, exchange hearts for hearts, the most important thing is that the king treats me as a gentleman of the country, and I will repay him as a soldier of the country.

To put it bluntly, it is to repay kindness, and everyone understands it.

All the passers-by in the hall heard this and saw what happened in the hall with their own eyes, their eyes were moistened, and the little regrets they had originally dissipated for a while.

With such a master, how could these subordinates have no chance to display their talents, and now they all feel that the choice they made this time is right.

With such a boss, how could they not reward him with their best.

At this moment, they understood Gu Zongsheng's sincerity, and they also knew that Gu Zongsheng was a man of benevolence and righteousness, such a man of benevolence and righteousness, why didn't they help him get through such a critical crisis.

What the Ministry of Punishment, what old veterans and nobles, they all understand, but at this moment, they all forget their identities.

I only know that the old veterans and nobles are a group of blood-sucking people, people with cold hearts, livers and lungs, and it is really chilling to watch them coldly.I also understand that the Ministry of Justice is only their enemy at this time.

All of a sudden, everyone was fighting against each other. Seeing this, Gu Zongsheng's eyes shone with hope.

The following people are his greatest reliance. If these people don't abandon him, Gu Zongsheng, then he, Gu Zongsheng, will naturally have to hold on and not fall down.

Otherwise, what should they do, who will give them shelter.

Thinking of this, Gu Zongsheng's determination to have a fight with the Ministry of Justice became stronger, so I accepted the move, let's see who is better.

Regardless of whether he wins or loses, Gu Zongsheng knows that after this incident, the old veterans and nobles will definitely not keep him, and he will not stay in this kind of ruthless and unjust group that only has interests. within.

The death of these people is really not a pity. At this time, Gu Zongsheng hated these old veterans and nobles very much.

people!After all, they want face. He, Gu Zongsheng, never thought that these people don't even want face.There is no such important thing as offline.

Then, Gu Zongsheng just wanted to ask at this moment, were they human or beasts.

Such actions, in Gu Zongsheng's opinion, are undoubtedly like wild animals. These people are wild beasts without the slightest courtesy, righteousness and shame in the wilderness, and they are not worthy of being human at all.

The more Gu Zongsheng thought about it, the more resentful he became, but he had no choice but to hold his forehead helplessly.

Forget it, don't think about it.Gu Zongsheng thought so, let's get rid of these troubles as soon as possible, and keep a good mood for himself, life is so hard, there is no need for him to embarrass himself.

Thinking of this, Gu Zongsheng stopped thinking about those things, and began to assign the following knights to the walkers.

After explaining everything to Jingbei, Gu Zongsheng dismissed everyone and let them go down to rest.

Of course, Gu Zongsheng only left the steward in charge of the Korean inn, and the traveler just looked at his lord calmly at this moment.

At this time, if the adults left him, there must be something that is not good to say in front of everyone.

However, he also knew what it was, after all, the adults had already made it very clear at the meeting just now.

For this reason, he also has some countermeasures, but there was no discussion in the previous meeting. It was too late at this time, after the adults dismissed everyone.

He planned to report tomorrow, but he didn't expect that Gu Zongsheng would leave him alone to discuss this matter.

That being the case, I originally wanted to report my thoughts on the matter handled by the Korean envoy tomorrow, but now it seems that I can only discuss it at this time.

The adults in his family are so dedicated, so what right does he have to go to bed crying and tired.

Looking at his young adult, with black hair interspersed with pale strands, he felt a chill in his heart, feeling the hard work and difficulty of his adult.

Seeing that, Gu Zongsheng looked melancholy, and said helplessly: "Ziqing, now you also know that above the court, His Majesty has decided to summon this group of South Korean envoys after investigating the situation in South Korea. "

"This time, the South Korean envoy is Shen Buhai. Although I have never met or dealt with this person before. However, Shen Buhai has a great reputation in the academy before. Very.

I am thinking of the remarks of a person who is not worthless under the prestige, and I will make things difficult for you at this time.While dealing with the culling and insidious tricks of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and making things difficult for the South Korean envoys, I am most worried about you this time, so I also specially dispatched Jingbei righteous men to protect your security. "

(End of this chapter)

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