Chapter 829

"Don't be timid in the face of South Korea's difficulties. This is our Chuyue Kingdom, and I have everything. If something happens, I will bear it. But don't make the relationship between the two countries too rigid. After all, they are the As an envoy to our Chuyue Kingdom."

"If the relationship becomes stiff, it's not easy for people in other countries to look at us. This matter can be small or big. In fact, my main worry is that it will have a negative impact on our future diplomatic relations. When the time comes, our Chuyue It is difficult to do foreign affairs and diplomatic relations with China.”

As Gu Zongsheng was talking, he suddenly started fighting, stepped down from his superior position, walked in front of Ning Ziqing, walked in small steps, and said what he was about to say with great sincerity.

When it came to the end, Gu Zongsheng looked at Ning Ziqing with a serious expression on his face. Hearing this, Ning Ziqing completely understood the importance of this matter.

He also repositioned his previous evaluation and approach on this matter. Gu Zongsheng's words were like a blow to the head, and he blushed because of his small size.

Ning Ziqing hadn't thought that his family would think so much, what he thought was how to deal with these Korean envoys.

I didn't think so much at all, didn't think so much, and didn't think about how to do it, just doing what I had done before.

Gu Zongsheng's words were earnest and meaningful, and the weight of them made Ning Ziqing completely wake up. At this moment, he was silently thinking about the following countermeasures.

Looking at Ning Ziqing who was in silence, Gu Zongsheng smiled in relief, he could tell that Ning Ziqing had listened to his warning.

At the moment, Gu Zongsheng's heart was completely relieved about this matter. He knew that Ning Ziqing would not let him down, so Gu Zongsheng smiled knowingly.

Gu Zongsheng, who was standing still, was waiting for Ning Ziqing's countermeasure, and let's see what he would do next.

After being silent for a while, Ning Ziqing suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were full of light, and he looked confident. Ning Ziqing looked at his boss, that is, Gu Zongsheng, and he said at this moment: "We can Treating South Korean envoys courteously, and wirelessly elevating them, they are embarrassed to mention these foreign affairs and diplomatic relations with us.

We elevate them!As for Shen Buhai, it is good to let him associate it. We only need to make some traces to reveal the meaning. As a celebrity, he will naturally see it. "

"Whether we said anything or not is just what they think. What does it have to do with us. Afterwards, we responded to their questions. After the South Korean envoy reacted, I think the people sent by His Majesty also The real situation in South Korea has been found out, so His Majesty will naturally summon them."

"Naturally, they will not fight against those who have diplomatic relations with our foreign affairs during this period!"

Word by word, Ning Ziqing narrated the matter in an orderly manner. After finishing speaking, Ning Ziqing bowed to Gu Zongsheng and said humbly, "I don't know what you think!"

"This move is feasible!" Gu Zongsheng had already been moved by Ning Ziqing's words, so he naturally didn't have the slightest opinion, so when Ning Ziqing asked him, he naturally agreed.

At the same time, Gu Zongsheng thought in his heart that Ning Ziqing's plan obviously did not disappoint him, he was very satisfied with Ning Ziqing's plan!It is indeed the person he fancy.

Thinking of this, Gu Zongsheng pondered for a while and said: "Since the plan has been made, the rest will be troublesome to you, Ziqing."

"Your servant will definitely complete the mission of your lord!" Ning Ziqing gave a salute!
After sending Ning Ziqing away, Gu Zongsheng stood there, staring at the dark and faint candlelight in front of him, watching it being swayed by the wind like that.

The wind blows and cuts the candle flame, but the candle flame is still tenaciously climbing up, burning its gorgeous and beautiful flame.

Although the light was small, it illuminated a dark side.

Perhaps these words are not particularly suitable for him, Gu Zongsheng, but now he also has this kind of state of mind.

Facing the candlelight in front of him, Gu Zongsheng thought, maybe this is how people are.

Facing those dark and filthy things, I can go along with them, but I must have my own bottom line in what I do.

It is impossible to have no bottom line. This bottom line is the fire that burns itself. Although this fire, this bottom line is small, it is there.

Who said that it can't see its light when it is young, these things will not exist.

After all, although this light is small, it still illuminates the darkness, doesn't it?

Thinking of this, Gu Zongsheng suddenly smiled. If this is the case, how could he compromise with the people from the Ministry of Punishment.

Since the two parties can no longer be friends, let's be enemies.

Although Gu Zongsheng himself is just a small person, he should also have his own brilliance.

Although this light is as insignificant as the slightly flickering light of the candle in front of him, he still exists after all, and he still had it.

Unlike some people, there is no bottom line at all, and they don't even know what a bottom line is.

Thinking of this, Gu Zongsheng suddenly became enlightened, and suddenly laughed. Under the dim light of the candlelight, this smile made his heart radiate a strong warmth.

At this time, a cold wind suddenly blew outside, making the guards at the door a little unbearable. They coughed suddenly and shivered from the cold.

Gu Zongsheng glanced outside, and ordered his servants to fill in the firewood, add some cotton clothes and some supplies to keep out the cold for the soldiers outside.

After a group of guards had the warm cotton coats and the cold-proof materials raised beside them, they were immediately flooded with warmth, as the temperature rose.

The faces of these guards also began to glow with a warm glow, and they were whispering about Gu Zongsheng's thoughtfulness.

But at this time, Gu Zongsheng didn't know it, he just fell asleep peacefully on the big bed with his own concerns.

Time passed bit by bit, and in the blink of an eye, Gu Zongsheng was lifted up before he had slept enough.

The sky outside was the same as usual, nothing unusual, nothing out of the ordinary.

Gu Zongsheng who was woken up was naturally in a bad mood, and he had a look of displeasure on his face at this moment.

Under the arrangement of the maid, all the clothes after washing were arranged, and Gu Zongsheng began to sit on the main seat in this hall and waited for the meeting to start.

As for the ruthless man who called Gu Zongsheng up, he was in the kitchen watching over the chefs in the mansion making breakfast for Gu Zongsheng.

At this time, Gu Zongsheng looked sleepy. Last night, he dealt with the matter too late, which led to the current situation.

Looking at Gu Zongsheng now, the people below don't know why there is a feeling that their own adults are like this at this moment.

With the current weather, I am still sleepy. It must be because I didn't do anything good last night.

Why can you think of this when you think about it, there is something wrong with these people.

There must be something wrong, I saw that Gu Zongsheng was looking at the people below with a dazed expression, but he was talking about business.

Gu Zongsheng's energy suddenly returned at this moment, and his whole person seemed to have changed drastically, as if he had suddenly changed into a different person.

I saw that the people below were facing some small problems and were making a lot of noise.

Although these matters are small, they are indeed official affairs. Therefore, even in front of these small matters, Gu Zongsheng still takes them seriously and is responsible for these official affairs.

This is the basic principle and basic principle of Gu Zongsheng as a foreign minister.

The sun outside is not as high as the gate courtyard, so now everyone is in the lobby. This is the best place in Gu Zongsheng's mansion at present, because there is direct sunlight here, so the hall is bright.

Seeing this, Gu Zongsheng suddenly thought about it and answered everyone's questions.

After answering everyone's doubts, Gu Zongsheng dismissed these people and watched the figures of these people leave, although it is the sun of birth now.

But this kind of light is not good for them, but at this moment, the departing figure of these people shocked him greatly, because these people are his enlightenment teachers in the true sense.

Because, Gu Zongsheng doesn't know how long these people can live now.

Thinking of this, Gu Zongsheng's eyes were filled with resentment towards the Ministry of Punishment.

However, at this time, Gu Zongsheng was alone in meditation after the rest of the people had gone down.

However, it didn't take long. After facing the current file and looking at the documents that recorded the incident, Gu Zongsheng went down after everyone went down. Gu Zongsheng, who had been meditating because of his body, suddenly heard a sound of his body falling on the ground. There was a voice on the plank.

It can be seen that the current Gu Zongsheng has been surrounded by piles of foreign and diplomatic documents surrounded by documents.

When they heard the abnormal noise, the guards below suddenly came to Gu Zongsheng's side to see if there was any problem with Gu Zongsheng.

I saw that after my lord just fell asleep due to excessive fatigue, many guards retreated.

Only one of the maids was left behind to bring Gu Zongsheng a thin blanket and cover him. After everything was done, the guards stood by, waiting for Gu Zongsheng to wake up.

But he said that Gu Zongsheng had just fallen asleep, and Ning Ziqing, who had already arrived at the Korean Envoy Inn, was looking at the mess in front of him with teary eyes.

After reading it, after Ning Ziqing sat down, he ordered everything in the Korean Envoy Inn.

Everyone was fully mobilized and the operation of the inn began.

When the inn was still not too busy, Ning Ziqing saw the opportunity and called out the boy who was acting for him at the counter.

I saw that the little servant was sweating profusely, and now his whole body was in pain.

At this time, Ning Ziqing spoke with his own doubts: "Ah Liu, what is going on here? Why are the people in the inn all moving? I said that it is unnecessary to do this, I remember Not many people come from Korea, why are you so busy, what are you busy with?"

"My lord, my subordinates are helping several South Korean envoys to transport things." At this moment, Ah Liu was out of breath, obviously unable to speak, just panting heavily, and saw the people next to him Passed him a cup of tea, and after Ah Liu drank it, the dry mouth feeling relieved a little, he stood there and spoke to Ning Ziqing.

Hearing this, Ning Ziqing had a different kind of anger in his heart, so he had to press down forcefully.

After suppressing his anger, Ning Ziqing asked in a soft voice: "What happened to these Korean envoys, they need to transfer things."

"It's our fault, the guards who didn't guard properly. Although the air here is humid, the water vapor is dispelled by our buildings and charcoal fires. Afterwards, the walls here were sorted out and collapsed due to improper guards. Some, just collapsed at that point.

These disasters were caused by our own carelessness. If several South Korean envoys are very dissatisfied with our place, the subordinates would not report it because of this. "The boy spoke with a sullen face.
At this time, Ning Ziqing didn't say a word, and his face was filled with a feeling of lovelessness.Originally, I thought that I would be fine if I was not here for one night, but Ning Ziqing absolutely did not expect such a big thing to happen in just one night. The time was short and there was no time to make a careful calculation. Everything here is a rough estimate.

However, looking at the sudden fire, Ning Ziqing felt that something was a little strange, and his intuition told him that there were ghosts and problems in it, but he didn't know the general situation at this time, so he had to read it for a while to understand the current situation. The ghost behind the incident.

Faced with these many losses, Ning Ziqing felt that these were nothing, and they were not a big deal, but the most important thing now was the attitude of the Korean envoys, and the second was to find the ghost, but at the moment the foreign affairs The Minister of Foreign Affairs stayed in the mansion for the whole night, relying on the meeting held yesterday, now Ning Ziqing has a little understanding of who the ghost behind it is.

However, these are only guesses at present and can only be verified later when there is a chance.

Everyone was busy, and after working for about half an hour, it was over.

When everyone rested, Ning Ziqing had no choice but to accompany him with a servant and a smiling face.

This time is naturally all their mistakes. Since they made a mistake, they, Chuyue Kingdom, naturally have to admit it.

Since he wanted to admit it, then he, Ning Ziqing, was naturally polite and submissively apologized to Shen Buhai and his party.

I saw Ning Ziqing politely took his seat under Shen Buhai's praise, just looking at the battle in front of him, Ning Ziqing suddenly realized something, but there was no turning back when he started work, it could only be Bite the bullet and leaned forward.

There is no other way, it has to be like this.At this moment, Ning Ziqing felt his scalp go numb when he saw Shen Buhai's smile, as if he was going to die.

Ning Ziqing had no choice but to lower his head, playing with the wine glass, and looked at Shen Buhai in front of him with a displeased face, how should I put it, his face was black.

At this time, Ning Ziqing's face was extremely dark, but there was nothing he could do.

"Don't talk about important national affairs today, don't talk about important national affairs..." Shen Buhui bowed to Ning Ziqing with his arms folded, and then he didn't see his movements again.

(End of this chapter)

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