I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 830 Changes in Chuyue Kingdom

Chapter 830 Changes in Chuyue Kingdom
Ning Ziqing tried his best to be euphemistic in his tone, and said there: "We don't have anything to talk about in private matters!"

"You can't say that. I think it's better for us not to argue about these matters to affect this banquet. It's good for you, me, and everyone." Shen Buhai spoke with extreme confidence. , He naturally has great confidence and dependence.

In the middle of the night, Shen Buhui was sound asleep by the roof of the front room, and Shen Buhui was woken up when he was drowsy.

At this moment, Shen Buhai was standing there in a daze, looking around to see if there was any sign of anyone.

It's just that in the process of searching, let him discover the tricks and abnormalities in it.

He unexpectedly discovered that the arson case was initiated by the Criminal Department of Chuyue Kingdom, and the target of the arson was the steward here. What does this indicate?
The two parties were at odds, and since that was the case, it was here that they immediately cleared away the fog that shrouded Jinling, the capital of the Chuyue Kingdom, in response to the current situation.

Knowing that the time was not waiting for me, Shen Buhai deliberately took advantage of this man's fire to play a game for Ning Ziqing, and this game was specially made for him by Shen Buhai.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend, the old adage says there is nothing wrong with it.

Shen Buhai naturally understood this simple truth, so he came up with the above statement.

Ning Ziqing naturally heard the warning from Shen Buhai's mouth, and also understood what he wanted to say.Ning Ziqing is not stupid, he understands it very well.

The sudden fire last night happened to burn on the heads of these Korean envoys.

This is not a small case, it is a major event that would alarm His Majesty at that time.This is clearly a provocation to the Chuyue National Army and the entire Chuyue Kingdom, and even more so to South Korea.

This is a complete challenge to the two countries, but things didn't become a big deal that night.This is naturally strange, no, after Ning Ziqing's in-depth understanding, he completely understood the reason for what happened.

Although most of them are just as good as what the boy said, but the plot is still a little different.

It should be the pedestrian's enemy, but at this time the pedestrian in charge of foreign affairs has only one enemy, and that is the power of the Ministry of Punishment.

Originally, Ning Ziqing thought that the power of the Ministry of Punishment was somewhat offline, but what they did and the incidents they dealt with afterwards made Ning Ziqing understand that these people were shameless.

Therefore, Ning Ziqing, who had a deep understanding of what these people were like, fully understood their thoughts after he found out that these people were the promoters behind the scenes.

It turns out that the Ministry of Punishment wanted to kill him and the four ministers of foreign affairs and diplomatic relations.

This time, the Criminal Department of the Chuyue Kingdom really opened Ning Ziqing's eyes. He is really courageous. No, it is not a matter of courage anymore.

These people's brains are probably not long enough, and they don't think that under the current situation, openly attacking and killing them is not afraid of triggering a war between the two countries.

Thinking of this, Ning Ziqing really didn't know what to do, he had never seen such a stupid enemy.

I really don't know what to say, Ning Ziqing is a little autistic at this moment.

However, the current situation is that Chu Yue is in an unfavorable condition, and this is all due to the stupidity of those old veteran nobles in the Ministry of Punishment.

Facing the seemingly gentle and soft-spoken Shen Buhai, Ning Ziqing now understood that things were a little difficult.

Looking at Shen Buhai who was holding needles in Mianli, Ning Ziqing didn't understand how to pass the current level, so he had to take one step at a time.

This troubled him very much. The dragon slaying technique that had been formulated and specially prepared for Shen Buhai, a famous scholar in the academy, had not been used yet, and was directly aborted by those idiots.

Now that the situation has been broken by those idiots from the Ministry of Criminal Justice, Ning Ziqing can only take one step at a time!

At present, Shen Buhui can only make a move, and he, Ning Zi, can only make a move.

An invisible and intangible secret fight is going on here. At this time, in the hall of the Ministry of Justice, many old nobles and veterans of the Ministry of Justice are gathered here.

Some of them are not members of the Ministry of Punishment, but veterans and nobles of other factions, but their presence here means that they, together with the Ministry of Punishment, are preparing to ambush the current Department of Foreign Affairs and Diplomatic Relations.

Most of the people were dressed in black, looking dignified and serious.

The atmosphere in the main hall was very heavy at the moment, and one of the veterans standing in front of them said hoarsely: "A group of trash, this little thing can't be done well. There was such a big battle last night, and there was no ambushes." This little thing, Ning Ziqing."

"Reporting to Mr. Ge, the people below originally entered Ning Ziqing's room last night, set fire to the room, and then quickly withdrew. It's just that Ning Ziqing stayed in Gu Zongsheng's mansion all night last night. Go back." The person below answered Ge Qizhi's words with a gloomy expression.

"I think, what happened later should be that Shen Buhui and the others appeared at the fire place after they noticed the movement. After seeing the fire place, it should be that Shen Buhui and others deliberately created such a fire. Bureau." This person continued to speak, but his face was gloomy and his words were heavy, he obviously didn't expect the South Korean envoy Shen Buhui and others to make such a situation.

In yesterday's court, His Majesty explained the matter of the Korean envoy clearly and clearly with a tough attitude.

Dealing with the headaches of the South Korean envoys should be left to those who deal with foreign affairs and diplomatic relations, but it is absolutely unexpected that the elder last night asked them to send someone to ambush Ning Ziqing.

Originally, they had no plans to move the South Korean envoys, but under this series of blunders, they definitely couldn't escape.

This can only solve the current situation. If it is not handled well, then they will no longer have the sun of tomorrow.

They were not far from death. Thinking of this, this man's livid face suddenly darkened, and his whole body exuded a slumped and dead air.

It's just that Ge Qizhi doesn't have the mood to listen to their arguments now. The main thing now is the issue between Chuyue Kingdom and South Korean envoys.

To tell the truth, if this matter is not handled well, after His Majesty finds the South Korean envoys for a conversation and sends them away, he will definitely massacre and eradicate their forces in the Ministry of Punishment.

These stumbling blocks on the road to the strength of the Chuyue Kingdom will definitely be destroyed by Xiong Han and Zhao Zhang, because now they are not only stumbling blocks on the road of newcomers, but also stumbling blocks on the road to prosperity and revival of the Chuyue Kingdom. .

Xiong Han and Zhao Zhang, who have always valued these things, will definitely not let them go, so the most important thing at the moment is to deal with the issue of the South Korean envoy.

"Since this matter is your fault, then I will leave it to you to solve it. If you can't solve it, you will come to see me. If you escaped or rebelled, the mission is over, and if you don't die, don't come back and return." , then I don’t guarantee that something will happen to your family. After all, in Nuoda, the bustling Jinling City like a dream, it is very strange for a few people of unknown origin to die in that unknown sewage ditch Common."

Ge Qizhi looked at the livid-faced middle-aged man in front of him and said these words coldly.

Hearing this, the man could only have bitterness on his face, he felt cold all over, and for a moment, with a gray face, he uttered a sentence: "Your servant obeys."

Although things cannot be done, they still have to do it, even if they can't do it well, they still have to do it.After all, doing and not doing are two different things, even if you are not doing well or doing something wrong.

At this moment, the middle-aged man's heart was full of bitterness. He obviously didn't expect Ge Qizhi to let them be the blame man, and even threw them out like used rags.

What's more, he didn't expect that in order to control them, Ge Qizhi completely tore his face and used their family members to threaten them in front of all the people.

In this situation now, he just felt that he followed the wrong person, and the bitter taste filled his body, which was the taste of regret.

Regret at the beginning, regret at the beginning, the middle-aged people at this time are just full of suffering and can't tell.

After a short period of stupor, seeing that no one was speaking for him in the hall, he stopped talking and coldly uttered the sentence just now.

At this time, the middle-aged man only felt cold in his heart, looking at the people in the hall in front of him, it was like seeing a group of vicious ghosts.

The middle-aged man retired slowly, and he retreated slowly.He has already decided that after this task is completed, he will leave the Ministry of Criminal Justice and go to a small land. He has already looked down on fame and fortune at this time.

Nothing is as good as his family being safe and healthy, and he doesn't want this to happen again.

Strength, clenched his fists, the middle-aged man secretly thought, but when he thought that he had spent five years in the third-rank realm, there was still no sound.I am afraid that he has no hope of breaking through the fourth-rank realm in this life,
Everyone in the hall looked at the middle-aged man who sadly resigned, although they felt very sad, but still no one spoke a word of justice for him.

Although they all felt that what Ge Qizhi did was wrong, this middle-aged man was Ge Qizhi's subordinate.They have no qualifications to judge Ge Qizhi's way of doing things, they just despise Ge Qizhi even more in their hearts.

They did not approve of Ge Qizhi's approach, although these subordinates could not be regarded as human beings, they could only throw them away when they were used up.But these people are not as cold-blooded as Ge Qizhi, and instead threaten the other party's family. This approach is really a villain in their eyes.

However, what qualifications do they have to talk about Ge Qizhi at present? At present, they are all grasshoppers on the same rope and need to report to the group to keep warm.If Ge Qizhi was still in the same way in the intercourse with them, Ge Qizhi's life might be lost.

In a word, if Ge Qizhi dared to do this, everyone would be the first to kill him immediately.

However, everyone in the hall at this time had their own thoughts.

At this time, the white-haired old man in the middle of the hall who had been closing his eyes and meditating all the time spoke, and his tone was gentle, like a neighbor's grandfather, speaking to Ge Qizhi who had just scolded the middle-aged man: "Qizhi , the current situation and situation are caused by you alone. You are so courageous if you disobey the arrangements and orders. Now that you are being used by others, if the matter is brought to light, don’t try to hide it easily with a third-rank reptile It's over."

Then, the white-haired old man paused, took another breath, and after inhaling the air into his lungs, he continued to speak: "If this matter reaches His Majesty's ears, then you don't want to stay here."

"You can give His Majesty an explanation in the court hall."

The white-haired old man finished his last sentence, still without the slightest tone, just plain.

These plain words sounded like the devil's muttering to himself in everyone's ears, filled with a chill.

Everyone in the hall could not help but shudder.

After the white-haired old man finished speaking, he sat down on the main seat in the hall with the support of the guards next to him, and drank tea alone there. Seeing the unresponsive crowd, he suddenly laughed, and said with a smile: "Why, You don’t listen to my old man’s words, do you think I’m old.”

Although the words were simple, like a joke between the elders and the younger generation, just this word made everyone who was still standing here panic, and quickly sat down in their seats.

Seeing that everyone had sat down, the white-haired old man narrowed his eyes, looked at Ge Qizhi who was still in a daze, and just gave a cold look, and stopped talking to him.

It is definitely not enough to look at Ge Qizhi's disposition at the moment. He knew that Ge Qizhi's disposition was very bad before, but now he did not expect that Ge Qizhi's disposition was so bad.

Immediately felt a little disappointed, the white-haired old man expressed his disappointment in him coldly, then shifted his gaze to other places.

This white-haired old man is the one with the highest status and the most powerful force in the entire Ministry of Punishment.

He had the title of cold-faced killer decades ago, and that title was bestowed by the late emperor himself when the previous emperor was still there.

It can be seen that his status is noble and his status is prosperous, he is extremely favored, and at that time even swept the power of the Ministry of Punishment to the court of the entire Chuyue Kingdom.

At that time, the officials of the entire Chuyue Kingdom, the one who did not rely on his breath, in the court, he almost reached the point where one person turned his hands into clouds and covered his hands with rain. Such power and prestige can be said to be Thousands of pets are in one.

After that, he retired. It was after the death of the previous emperor. After the affairs of the Chuyue Kingdom were settled, he retired and left a good name.

He is Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killer
Jiao Linxian, who had retired from his old age and returned to his hometown, unexpectedly returned to Jinling at some point. At this time, Jiao Linxian had taken root in the Ministry of Punishment. Now he is the third generation of Chuyue King, and his roots are still so deep.

At first, everyone thought that Jiao Linxian had returned, but they did not expect that Jiao Linxian was still alive, and even became the head of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, as if he was in charge of the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

(End of this chapter)

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