Chapter 831 Ambush
This is why the power of the Ministry of Punishment is so unified, and this is why the meetings of the Ministry of Punishment and other nobles and elders come here.

They came here to save face for Mr. Jiao Linxian and Mr. Jiao.Here, everything suddenly became clear.

It's just that Ge Qizhi, who had been taught a lesson by Jiao Linxian at this time, was full of unwillingness in his heart at this moment, but he dared not complain in the slightest.

Now Ge Qizhi has fully experienced the feeling of being abandoned. At this time, he feels the same as the middle-aged man just now.

This kind of change really makes people not know when to say it, so I can only say the last sentence softly, it's really a turn of wind and water, come to my house this year.

Ge Qizhi's heart was full of bitterness. Although Jiao Linxian's words were so peaceful just now, people like Ge Qizhi were naturally not stupid in those peaceful words.

Naturally, he heard the huge murderous intent behind those peaceful words, as long as the next court, he will definitely be used as a chicken to be pulled out by His Majesty Xiong Han and Guowei Zhaozhang to make an example of others.

This time he obviously touched the bottom line of the two forces. What a mistake, he will hate him forever. Now he hates that if time goes back, he will give his past self two big mouths.

What are you doing wrong? If you insist on provoking Gu Zongsheng's people now, it's better now.What to do with the mess, who will clean it up, and someone grabbed the little tail and made a sentence, it's really stupid.

At this time, Ge Qizhi's heart was full of remorse, and Ge Qizhi's mood was complicated for a while, with various feelings in his heart.

On Ge Qizhi's side, he was thinking carefully about what he should do, but after much deliberation, he still couldn't find a way to break the situation.

Immediately, Ge Qizhi silently drank tea in the hall.

Seeing that Ge Qizhi had recovered, Jiao Linxian, who was known as the cold-faced killer, secretly nodded in affirmation to him with satisfaction.

But the people in these halls naturally didn't know about it, even Ge Qizhi himself didn't know about it at all.

After squinting to look at the crowd, Jiao Linxian brushed the teacup with his old palm, gently blew on the tea, and sent the pool of golden tea with a strong tea fragrance into his stomach, and the warm current flowed in his stomach.

Jiao Linxian only felt satisfied at this moment, and then said softly: "Since the matter has come to this, then we definitely have no way out at this time."

"At present, we can only do one thing, and this one thing must be done. In the past, we just ambushed and killed Gu Zongsheng, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Affairs. Now, even though the situation is complicated, this situation has appeared."

"Now we not only want to ambush and kill Gu Zongsheng's family, but we also want to ambush and kill all the people from our Chuyue Kingdom who are envoys from South Korea, the minister of the Ministry of Punishment, and so on. In this way, we can provoke Chu The war between Vietnam and South Korea can even eliminate dissidents."

"And after that, the new Chuyue kingdom will inevitably suffer a huge loss in strength in this war, and it will be time for us veteran nobles to take control of the current Chuyue situation again.

At that time, if His Majesty is sensible, he should listen to us.Keep the foundation of the ancestors, and focus on serving the country instead of thinking about conquering Yizhou all day long.

To be honest, in the current situation of Chuyue Kingdom, we should rest with the country, and so should Your Majesty.If Your Majesty is still stubborn, then we should support a new king. "

Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killer, spoke, and the actual controller of the Ministry of Punishment was astonishing when he opened his mouth.

Originally, everyone planned not to ambush Gu Zongsheng and others again, but changed their plan to wipe Ge Qizhi's ass.It's just that he never expected that this cold-faced killing god would ambush Gu Zongsheng and others. Not only that, but he was also planning to ambush them all along with the South Korean envoy Shen Buhui and others.

In order to provoke a big war between the two countries, he wanted to coerce the emperor to order the princes after that, and complete the coercion that all the elders and nobles could not even imagine.

If His Majesty Xiong Han disagrees with his and others' opinions and strategies, then he will support the new king again.

No one could have imagined that this cold-faced killing god who did not know how old had such great ambitions.

Bold and bold is already the word they can think of, but is the word bold and bold really suitable for facing this old cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian this time?
For the first time, everyone had a feeling, shock, endless shock.This is a kind of overall situation, this kind of overall situation completely subverts everyone's imagination, they absolutely do not have this kind of overall situation view, they do not have this kind of realm and level.

In this life, facing the white-haired old man in front of him who is now haggard and dressed in black, that is, the former cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian, they have a feeling at this moment.

This was the first time in their lives that they had this feeling, that the word "bold and outrageous" was not enough to describe Jiao Linxian at this moment.

This may be the fundamental difference between ordinary people like them and Jiao Linxian, who has amazed a dynasty's cold-faced murder god. At this moment, they suddenly felt bitter in their hearts.

They want to break their heads, but they can't figure it out. Why did God let this kind of person appear in this world? Since Jiao Linxian, you are the one who went to the court, why do you still want to jump out to be the leader of us people on the way forward? What about the stumbling block?

At this time, Jiao Linxian was already a towering mountain in front of everyone, and they couldn't even see the top of this mountain, so there was no way to climb to conquer this mountain.

Not to mention trying to compete with this mountain, at this moment, their hearts are all lost.

They obviously understood that they didn't have the slightest confidence in facing Jiao Linxian at this time, and there was a bitterness in everyone's heart.

When everyone was shocked by Jiao Linxian's huge scale, Jiao Linxian looked at the lonely people and drank tea alone.

These people are just babies in front of him, they have never worked with him before, and they don't understand that it is normal for him to think differently from others.

As long as they are hit this time, it will be much easier for them to get along for the rest of the time, and this collective silence will not happen again.

In his opinion, these people still have talents, but they have been badly trained.

But when he thought about it carefully, the fathers of these people didn't quite meet their wishes, and he didn't count them in his eyes. He already didn't expect much from these people's good looks.

Now he only needs these people to be obedient and follow his plan to move step by step.

Soon, soon, when the time comes, I will be the king of Chuyue.

At this time, Jiao Linxian's old and cloudy eyes suddenly burst into a frightening light.

His life of half a year has already reached the point where the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry, and his body is already withered.

It just so happened that he got this life extension method when he was dying. At the beginning, he still used the luck he had accumulated in the previous dynasty to continue his life.

Originally, Jiao Linxian didn't intend to use the luck of the royal family, but always used the luck of the country that was entrusted to him.

It's just that in the subsequent wars between the Chuyue Kingdom and the Great Zhou Empire, they were defeated again and again, and more than half of the Chuyue Kingdom was lost.

The successive defeats of the Chuyue Kingdom and the loss of their homeland have caused a huge loss in the luck of the entire country. As a result, Jiao Linxian's luck in the country is becoming more and more insufficient.

The time to continue life is getting shorter and shorter, and my physical fitness is getting worse and worse.

Afterwards, he learned that His Majesty, the current King of Chuyue Kingdom, Xiong Han, planned to attack and kill Yizhou as the future of Chuyue Kingdom.

Xiong Han's move is no different from re-establishing the country, so once all the local forces of Chuyue Kingdom are transferred to Yizhou, Chuyue Kingdom will be reborn as a golden dragon of luck, and the reappearing luck of Zhenguo will no longer be as good as Jiao Linxian's. Yes, because this is the new luck golden dragon.

Although this Luck Golden Dragon still has the name of Chuyue Kingdom, it doesn't matter if it is already Chuyue Kingdom.

That's why Jiao Linxian returned to the court in this dying year.

If he doesn't come back, Jiao Linxian will really have to wait for death step by step.

Therefore, in order to survive, he had no choice but to return to the court and fight for power with this old and withered body of more than a hundred years old.

These are all helpless actions. If there are other ways to survive, Jiao Linxian will naturally not do such a stupid thing.

It is said that people become demons when they grow old, and Jiao Linxian, who has lived in this world for more than a hundred years, naturally has some special monsters of his own.

Simply speaking, this brain circuit is different from others, which is why he has been able to do one thing to the extreme since he was a child, and he is faster and better than others.

After more than a hundred years of age, his mind became more and more clear. He could remember many things that he had forgotten before, but now he could remember them clearly.

Moreover, standing on top of the royal city now, he can see with his own eyes the Luck Golden Dragon constantly roaring and galloping above Jinling City.

Although the size and coercion of the Luck Golden Dragon at this time is already very weak, but it is a dragon after all, so his power is still full.Any young people who want to play here will be wiped out by the golden dragon of luck.

This is the power of national destiny, and this is why, as the saying goes, no one can compete with a country.

Looking at the mighty and roaring Luck Golden Dragon, looking at the still domineering Golden Luck Dragon, Jiao Linxian could clearly see that the Golden Luck Dragon's figure was no longer as vigorous as it used to be.

The mighty roaring dragon chant did not shake the sky as before, and the figure dancing the sky did not have the courage to fight the sky before.

Just like that, looking at the Luck Golden Dragon that is no longer what it used to be, Jiao Linxian said slowly in his heart in a language that only he could hear: "I will definitely let you return to the former strong, I will let you If you return to the peak, I will definitely revive you."

The voice was soft, and I don't know if the Luck Golden Dragon heard it, but Jiao Linxian's equally old figure turned around and left slowly.

Jiao Linxian, who had regained his senses, sat on his seat, meditating. When people get old, they tend to get sad when they see some old things.Jiao Linxian couldn't help chuckling to himself, and suddenly smiled, some crystal tears swirled in those shriveled eye sockets, and fell into the corner of Jiao Linxian's mouth at some point.

The bitterness still tasted like salt, Jiao Linxian suddenly froze in place, obviously he didn't expect that he would cry.Sure enough, he was old. He wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes with his sleeve, and looked around. Fortunately, the light here was dim, and everyone was still in shock just now.

He said to himself, it's okay, otherwise there would be no place to put his old face.

After sinking his mind and throwing away some distracting thoughts, Jiao Linxian has transformed from an old man into a cold-faced killer.

At this time, the Luck Golden Dragon gathered in the clouds and was about to fall asleep after galloping. I saw the figure of Jiao Linxian who had left for more than a hundred years reflected in the huge golden dragon pupils, and on the left was the 30-year-old Jiao Linxian. In the figure of Jiao Linxian, who was [-] years old, I saw the faint dragon language uttered from the mouth of the dragon, returning to the peak?Jiao Linxian, I'll wait for you!
Although Jiao Linxian now looks like neither human nor ghost, but he is surrounded by the power of luck, obviously he has gone a long way in order to survive.

Therefore, the Luck Golden Dragon did not kill him immediately, because it could feel that Jiao Linxian's heart was for him, to help him recover, and for the entire Chuyue Kingdom.

If it is really hopeless to recover, it will not expect to recover again, and will remind Jiao Linxian that this matter is hopeless.

It will also sacrifice itself in exchange for the birth of another Chuyue Kingdom Qiyun Golden Dragon who re-founded the country. It actually doesn't care about its own sacrifice.

After Jiao Linxian left, the Golden Dragon of Fortune reflected the face of the Golden Dragon when he first saw it when he was 30 years old and his figure when he left. Naturally, he didn't know that his thoughts were perceived by him.

I don't understand what the luck golden dragon is thinking...

Time was passing, looking at the people below who had come to their senses, Jiao Linxian coughed lightly, and guards around him immediately came to pat him on the back. Coughing and trembling, he spoke to the crowd below: "The ambushes are carried out according to the original plan, and some more people can be sent to ambush the Korean envoy Shen Buhui and others."

"This group of people must keep an eye on me. This ambush must be fast, must be fast! Only success is not allowed." Jiao Linxian opened his mouth coldly, seeing that the crowd was speechless, he did not say much.

He just waved his hand to screen everyone away and let them go down to do their own work.

In this deserted hall, Jiao Linxian took out the silk scarf from the corner of his mouth. After seeing the pool of bright red on it, Jiao Linxian's face remained unchanged, and he calmly put the silk scarf away.

The old Jiao Linxian went down and left the dark hall. In the side hall, after taking a pill, Jiao Linxian immediately felt better, so he sipped the tonic made by the kitchen chef. Qi soothing soup.

This soup is full of tonics, after drinking a few sips, Jiao Linxian felt hot all over, his cheeks were flushed, and his whole body was sweating.

(End of this chapter)

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