Chapter 832 Ambush ([-])

After Jiao Linxian finished enjoying the soup, he began to eat.

Jiao Linxian's lunch is all nourishing food, especially big fish and meat. It doesn't look like ordinary old people enjoying light food.

This is another reason why Jiao Linxian can prolong his life, and it is also the reason why his body is unique.

That is to be able to eat, eat a lot, and eat well. Even now, Jiao Linxian still eats big fish and meat every meal, so as to replenish his body's energy and blood.

The nutrients of these fish and the like are fully outlined by the herbs, and now each of these dishes can be said to be an excellent and high-quality food pill.

This is a higher level of existence than any medicinal diet. You must know that the current ruler of the Chuyue Kingdom, Xiong Han, still eats only one meal every three days, and there are only a few of them.

No matter the quantity or quality, it can't be compared with Jiao Linxian's meals at this time. You must know that Jiao Linxian's every meal is like this. It can be said that Jiao Linxian's life is already more nourishing and comfortable than Xiong Han, the king of Chuyue Kingdom.

This chef is more powerful than the imperial chef in the palace, of course it is only in terms of cooking skills.

Jiao Linxian actually ate twenty food pills abruptly for this lunch, and the Wuyang dragon rice alone was also a big wooden barrel.

It can be seen how great Jiao Linxian's appetite is. It really makes people wonder how Jiao Linxian's small body can eat so much food.

What was even more puzzling was that Jiao Linxian's little stomach didn't swell even after eating so much food, but the guards next to him were already familiar with this.

After enjoying lunch, Jiao Linxian's drowsy mind suddenly improved at this moment, and his old body suddenly possessed a stronger vitality at this moment.

This is the reason why Jiao Linxian doesn't get fat from eating, and this is why he transforms food into life force to support himself.

As long as he has enough vitality and enough fortune to maintain his spirit, he can live forever.

If he can achieve that position, maybe he will become the first emperor who will not die in the ages by virtue of his own speciality and the unique method of killing people against the sky.

Completely resting with the country, what kind of prosperity will Chuyue Kingdom have under his leadership?

Is everyone like a dragon? Maybe it will be possible at that time.

Thinking of this, Jiao Linxian no longer thought about it, but was just going to go back to his room to rest.

Although his body and spirit are very energetic, but these are just appearances.

He still has to go to sleep to restore his own spirit, so that his body and mind can be well cultivated in his sleep.

This is also the reason why he can live for a long time. You must understand the rules. It is affection for others to persuade you, but you can't really take the politeness for granted without rules.

In this way, you will be hated by everyone. Although you have not done anything wrong yourself, your biggest mistake is not knowing the rules.

People who don't understand the rules don't live long. Jiao Linxian knew this as early as when he was a child, probably in his teens at that time.

Therefore, after knowing the rules, Jiao Linxian has always followed the rules, and has always been like this. Whether it is treating others or treating himself, he must know the rules.

Because you don't know when he will help you.

If the other party doesn't help you because of your ignorance of the rules, what can you do, wait to die?
Therefore, people must know the rules, because not only others help you, but more importantly, help yourself.

This is why Buddhism emphasizes self-transcendence, and this is also the reason why Confucianism says that a sage can admonish himself.

This is the difference between a saint and a fool, so let's not mention it for now.

I saw that Jiao Linxian returned to the room with the support of the guards, drank a cup of calming tea, and fell into a drowsy sleep.

The guards outside were also walking cautiously at this time, patrolling the surroundings back and forth, strictly protecting Jiao Linxian's safety.


But Jiao Linxian just fell asleep, and Gu Zongsheng, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Affairs who fell asleep on the desk in the lobby of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Affairs' mansion, buried in the piles of files on foreign affairs and diplomatic relations around him, has woken up.

At this time, Gu Zongsheng stood up, stretched slowly, and yawned out of his mouth.

At this moment, Gu Zongsheng only felt that his whole body was extremely sore, and he was exercising his muscles and bones, and his whole body emitted the sound of crackling fried beans.

After the sound rang three times, Gu Zongsheng stopped what he was doing. After seeing that the desk in front of him was not damaged, Gu Zongsheng walked out of the hall.

The surrounding guards followed immediately, and after asking what time it was, they learned that it was already noon.

Gu Zongsheng then returned to the side hall and asked someone to set up a luncheon. At this time, Gu Zongsheng, who was already hungry, naturally ate his favorite food in front of him, chewing and chopping.

At this time, Gu Zongsheng was like a starved ghost reincarnated, dealing with the food in front of him.

The soft Jinling venison stewed by the chef was mixed with various vegetables by Gu Zongsheng, rolled a snow-white pancake and swallowed it in three or four mouthfuls. He took a big sip, and then let out a satisfying sound.

Afterwards, he began to enjoy various dishes with the snow-white, sparkling, plump, grainy, crystal-clear rice in his own bowl.

What Gu Zongsheng ate here was a real pleasure, but he didn't know that what Ning Ziqing ate at the banquet invited by Shen Buhai was heartbreaking.

At this time, Ning Ziqing's original scholar's clothing was already limp, because it was drenched with sweat.

Now Ning Ziqing was still covered with sweat, and after wiping the sweat off his head, the sweat came out from his body.

Shen Buhai's verbal attack was too harsh, and facing Shen Buhai's attack at this time, Ning Ziqing was extremely embarrassed.

Looking at Shen Buhai, a famous scholar in the academy who was still chatting and laughing, Ning Ziqing's panicked appearance was in stark contrast to him.

But Ning Ziqing didn't care about these, he just put his chopsticks on the dishes in front of him, and Shen Buhai had already asked people to change the dishes twice during the dinner.

So now the food is still hot, and Ning Ziqing felt hungry after sweating profusely, and ignored the preaching of Shen Buhai and the others here.

Just there, he ate his own food without saying much, and drank a sip of wine from time to time.

Seeing that Ning Ziqing had already given up, Shen Buhai had obtained most of the useful information at this time. Although the main and key information had not been obtained, it was enough for now.

For the rest of the information, he believes that those who sell and sell information in the big Jinling City are naturally happy to tell him the following information.

Thinking of the fact that most of the purpose of this banquet has been completed, Shen Buhai is also a little hungry at this moment, so he just smiled and stopped talking, but said to Ning Ziqing: "Please also invite Chuyue Kingdom Pedestrians should have a good taste of the food we Koreans love, which we carefully prepared for pedestrians."

"Oh, why bother your lord so much? This makes me feel embarrassed. Then I will concentrate on enjoying it. I hope my lord will not be offended. I am so hungry." I saw that Ning Ziqing's head was also shaking at this time. Not lifting, just speaking quickly after swallowing the next piece of food.

There's nothing embarrassing about that look, it's very embarrassing at first glance.

What Ning Ziqing said was a scene, Shen Buhai naturally understood, looking at Ning Ziqing who was wolfing down in front of him, Shen Buhui replied lightly for a while, "very, very, very very!"
After that, I stopped talking too much, and just started to enjoy my delicious food.

It's been half a day of preaching. During this half day, Shen Buhai and Ning Ziqing spent a lot of energy fighting wits and courage. At this moment, he suddenly felt unbearably hungry.

Therefore, comparing Shen Buhai's current eating habits with Ning Ziqing's, they are both roughly the same.

Neither of the two people is much better than the other. While enjoying it, they drank the small wine next to them. For a moment, the only sound left on the banquet was the sound of everyone swallowing and eating.

For a moment, the scene at this moment looked rather weird.

Ning Ziqing was dressed in the attire of foreign affairs and diplomatic relations of a pedestrian from the Chuyue Kingdom, while on the opposite side was Shin Buhi, the Minister of Criminal Affairs of South Korea, dressed as an envoy, but the hair crown on his head made it possible to see that he was from the Ministry of Criminal Justice. .

The rest of the people were also dressed in the same way as Shen Buhai, if the news of this banquet got out, it would definitely make people find it funny.

Because these people, except Ning Ziqing, who is an authentic person and the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Affairs, the rest are just monkeys wearing crowns.

Therefore, this banquet was really ridiculous, but the many people in the hall didn't think there was any problem.

At this time, they only have one thing to do is to enjoy the food in front of them, and then they are the officials and envoys of their respective countries, and they shoulder their own responsibilities.

I will not forget my own job because of some such and such ridicules and such complicated things.

They now only have one identity, that is, the envoys of South Korea to Chuyue Kingdom, and they have no other identity at all.

As for the costume is just a thing worn on the body, is it really necessary to sneer at it?
Is it true that luxurious clothes must be powerful?

If this is the case, then what kind of army and what kind of battle do you compare, just compare your clothes and your own blood.

Isn't this bloodline and clothing determined by your personal strength in the end?

If your strength is strong, then what kind of person dares to judge you in front of you?

In the mansion of Gu Zongsheng, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Relations in Jinling City, Gu Zongsheng had already finished his lunch at this time.

After waving to the maid next to him to remove the mess in front of him, Gu Zongsheng sat there enjoying his after-dinner time in peace.

After sitting there quietly and reading a book for a while, Gu Zongsheng drank the water in the teacup in one gulp, got up and walked out of the side hall in the sunlight and entered the hall.

Continue to go back to the desk, and suddenly find that there is an extra file in the desk.

Ning Ziqing's name was written on the file, and the date was still this morning.

Seeing this, Gu Zongsheng's expression changed, and he suddenly and solemnly opened the file in front of him.

Gu Zongsheng's eyes quickly scanned the above text, and the more he looked at it, the more gloomy his face became, until finally, Gu Zongsheng angrily threw the dossier on the desk, with a gloomy face, he said in a cold tone: "Okay, okay, It’s really a powerful method, Ministry of Criminal Justice, I am at odds with you. This court meeting, let’s see if I don’t participate in your book.”

The gloomy Gu Zongsheng was on the verge of blackening at this moment. He never imagined that there would be such a fool in Chuyue Kingdom!

"Send an order to hand over the whole story of this incident to the people in the Acropolis Division, and pay close attention to the case. At the same time, issue a warning order to the rest of the walkers..."

After everything was done, Gu Zongsheng, who was sitting in the seat in the hall, thought for a while, and felt that he couldn't sit still, so he suddenly said: "Prepare the frame, go to Guowei!"

Gu Zongsheng is obviously planning to find an ally, and this ally is a new faction.

It's not that he's a villain, Gu Zongsheng is mediocre, but he is persecuted by these old nobles and veterans and has no choice.

Now it is even more openly against national interests, and it is even more sinister to obstruct the country's major national affairs.

This is to force him to die. Since he is weak, now he can only follow the waves and move towards the general trend of history.

It's not that he's going to be a traitor, but that there's really nothing he can do about being persecuted by these immortal nobles and veterans. This is driving him to death.

If it wasn't for the indifference and indifference of those veteran nobles, how could he have such an idea.

You must know that at the beginning, he was an extremely strong conservative faction.His actions were quite radical, which was well known in the entire Chuyue Kingdom at that time.

The conservative and radical parties led by him sieged and destroyed the new aristocrats and new forces.

It's just that after this, it was absolutely unexpected that the people who belonged to him would be easily wiped out by Zhao Zhang's hands.My lineage was completely beaten as incompetent by the current His Majesty, the current King of Chuyue Kingdom, Xiong Han, and will not be reused in the future.

Working around the court all day long, during this period of time, Gu Zongsheng has been very stable, and has been honestly being his own transparent person, obviously he did not expect that in between.

In a hurry, he would be brutally besieged and killed by the forces of the Ministry of Justice. This sudden life-and-death calamity made Gu Zongsheng very puzzled.

However, no matter how complicated the matter was, they could not escape Gu Zongsheng's fate. At this moment, it was Gu Zongsheng's fate.

(End of this chapter)

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