Chapter 833 Ambush ([-])

No matter what, he, Gu Zongsheng, is not a soft persimmon that is easy to pinch. At present, since the transformed veteran nobleman wants to get rid of him as a radical, then don't blame him.

This should not blame myself, the main reason for this is that the other party will not let me go.

Thinking of this, Gu Zongsheng no longer felt the slightest sense of guilt.

As soon as he thought of this, Gu Zongsheng waved his hand to summon his servants, his face was silent, after thinking for a while, he still didn't say what he wanted to say, so Gu Zongsheng changed the subject: "How are the horses and chariots outside prepared!"

"My lord, I'm ready and ready to go." The servant bent down and replied respectfully.

After hearing the servant's answer that he was ready, Gu Zongsheng's face was filled with joy, and he immediately raised his hand and made a decisive decision: "In that case, let's set off now and prepare to go to the mansion of Guowei Zhaozhang."

"Yes, this subordinate obeys the order, please trouble this subordinate to do the saddle horse work for your lord." The servant replied respectfully, expressing his desire in the last words.

At this point, Gu Zongsheng took a deep look at the servant in front of him, indicating that he had remembered him, and then said indifferently: "Yes!"

There is something wrong with this servant today. Gu Zongsheng feels something is wrong, but he can't help laughing just thinking about the young face of the other party, which is full of youth. What kind of malice does such a person have.

At the moment, Gu Zongsheng just regarded this servant as the kind of person with more utilitarianism, and he didn't notice the difference for a while.

Utilitarianism is very common among servants in mansions like them. After all, the adults in the family are all officials.

If their own servants don't have such utilitarianism, those in power will still feel a little weird.

After all, if the servants of their own family were not like this, it would indeed make these people doubt the true identity of these servants and what the purpose of coming to their house was.

Gu Zongsheng came out of the mansion, surrounded by a group of guards, these people were the Jianghu masters he had recruited, and among them, there were three of the third-rank masters.

In the past, Gu Zongsheng would only bother one of them to protect his own safety. There has never been such a luxurious battle as today.

However, judging from the current situation, Gu Zongsheng's move was indeed not weird.

Just relying on yesterday's court, the old servant of the Ministry of punishment did not kill him with a majestic conspiracy.

He actually attacked his subordinates yesterday evening. If it wasn't for the troublesome things yesterday, he would have dispatched his subordinates back to the mansion for a meeting.

Then he will lose one of his left and right arms, which is enough to see the viciousness and evil intentions of the Ministry of Punishment.

What an unexpected Department of Punishment, originally when the servant was summoned.

Gu Zongsheng originally wanted him to inform the radicals in the conservative faction among the other aristocrats before, but after thinking about it carefully in the court yesterday during the day, Hill didn't help him.

Now, it is naturally impossible for them to help their current self only by their friendship with them.

Therefore, it is better not to see each other, after all, everyone is an adult.Wouldn't it be nice to leave some dignity to each other's selves?

And in the face of the culling and siege by the forces of the Ministry of Justice, when these people can blatantly refuse to send him any letter, he should already understand that there are only interests among everyone.

If you talk to him about the previous cooperation and feelings, they will naturally look at you coldly like a clown.

Benefits are always the first two words in an adult's dictionary, so Gu Zongsheng didn't plan to look for these cronies for the sake of his own face.

Before, when the Criminal Ministry attacked him, it had already completed an intertwined distribution of interests.

Right now, it can be said that he is already a useless pawn, and to put it bluntly, he has been abandoned.

And those people secretly carried out another distribution and interweaving of rights without him knowing.

There are currently only two factions in Chuyue Kingdom that can support this kind of struggle.

That is the new faction headed by Zhaoming, who is already unstoppable like the newborn sun, and the new faction of reformation, and the other faction is the decadent old veterans and old nobles who are already rotten to the bone, and there is no possibility of saving them at all. A series of forces.

Only when these two factions compete with each other can people like him be used as pawns and discarded casually.

This feeling is like abandoning a dog at will, which makes Gu Zongsheng feel unwilling.

He was sitting in the carriage, sitting cross-legged and straight, and he clenched his palms unconsciously.

Gu Zongsheng didn't even feel the slightest when the nails on his hands scratched the palm of his hand, causing blood to ooze out continuously.

He was so angry that he couldn't feel the pain anymore, Gu Zongsheng looked at his palm in front of him, blood was still oozing from it.

Gu Zongsheng's eyes flickered with a faint light, and he didn't know what he was thinking alone.

Afterwards, Gu Zongsheng asked the guards with him to apply wound medicine to himself and deal with the palm of his hand.

Gu Zongsheng sat on the carriage and meditated. This carriage from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was walking on the street.

Constantly shuttling among the pedestrians, the servant with the carriage outside had already relaxed his vigilance when he saw the guards around him, and a strange light appeared in his eyes.

Seeing him, he sped up his speed slightly, and walked towards a road in the same direction as Guowei's Mansion at a speed that no one doubted.

The leader of the guards below reacted immediately, and saw this man speak in a stern tone: "What are you doing, leaving the good road behind, and walking on this side road during this extraordinary period. "

Upon hearing the guard's stern scolding, the servant's eyes under the brim of his hat showed a gloomy look, but he immediately changed his expression, and spoke respectfully with a humble attitude, but his tone was a little hasty.

I saw that the Ming servant said: "This subordinate is not thinking of adults. This subordinate is a little eager for success. This is not because he wants to give the first chance to be named as an escort by the adults. I didn't think so for a while. Too many, please forgive me, my lord."

"Don't you know that this is an extraordinary time?" The guard obviously didn't believe the servant's words.

"This subordinate didn't think so much for a while, please forgive me." The servant was a little panicked, and kept waving his hands, not knowing what to do.

Hearing the noise from the people in the market outside became a little quiet, and then the carriage stopped suddenly, and then there was the sound of the guards arguing with the driver outside.

Immediately, he poked his head out of the carriage and looked at the guards and driver who were still arguing outside.

Gu Zongsheng yelled, "It's unbecoming to be so noisy!"

"Come on, tell me what happened and why." Gu Zongsheng pointed at the guard next to him, and spoke with a sullen face.

The guard reported the situation to Gu Zongsheng truthfully. Thinking that this is a special situation, Gu Zongsheng couldn't help but look at the driver in front of him more.

Seeing the coachman's bewildered face and tense body, Gu Zongsheng just looked at the coachman for a long time before he stopped making a sound.

The situation was tense, and everyone around them tensed up.There was a different kind of emotion in the eyes of the coachman servant, and this emotion was incomprehensible.

When Gu Zongsheng sized him up, he felt a little furious.However, seeing that Gu Zongsheng was just looking at him, he didn't make any moves.

The body is still tense in the dark, the whole body has entered the state, and a heart is raised in the throat.

It's just that he still has to pretend that nothing happened on the surface, so that he won't be noticed by Gu Zongsheng and others.

Time was passing by, just like that, after several people stood in a stalemate for a while, Gu Zongsheng glanced at the driver and then at the guards.

He just waved his hands, and after giving the order to start again, he turned around and returned to his car with a flick of his sleeves.

Seeing this, the guard didn't want to say anything, but just snorted coldly.

This time, although the words of the servant driver were adopted, the guards still felt something was wrong.

He automatically focused on the servant driver who was driving the car. This somewhat unusual servant driver could naturally feel that he was being watched at this moment.

He immediately lowered the brim of his hat, and carefully glanced behind him in a subtle way.

Just at this moment, the guard felt that there was something wrong with this person, and saw that the carriage guard was getting more and more remote by the opponent.

The surroundings were also silent, and at that moment, a different kind of light suddenly burst out from those examining eyes.

Seeing him, he suddenly drew his knife and used all his strength to slash at the servant coachman fiercely. At the same time, he did not forget to raise his voice: "Protect your lord, there is an ambush!"

When the servant coachman saw a black ghost-headed sword slashing at him fiercely, he felt the cold and chilling wind of the sword, and the servant suddenly flicked the brim of his hat.

The brim of the hat suddenly extended out a little metal blade-like blade at the moment the servant threw it out, and the brim of the hat covered with blades turned in the air and moved towards the ghost-headed sword.

The two collided with each other and burst out sparks, and these sparks flew around, carrying a different kind of strength.

The two collided with each other at this very moment, but after all, it still depends on the strength of the guard.I saw that when the guard was resisted by the special metal weapon, his arms suddenly exerted a stronger force downward.

This force poured into the ghost-headed sword at this moment, and at this moment, it was like a god's help, and the special metal brim was chopped off in one fell swoop.

The splattering sparks hit the person's body, and there was still a trace of fiery heat and sharp saber aura splitting the scorching pain.

At this moment, the guard was so powerful that he slashed down fiercely and terrifyingly with the ghost-headed sword, and slashed towards the servant driver fiercely.

Speaking of this time, then soon, I saw this man turn around, the servant coachman who originally wanted to sneak into the carriage to attack and kill Gu Zongsheng unexpectedly turned over at this moment.Immediately afterwards, the earth dragon rolled, and the waste hovered continuously in the air, and after that, it stabilized its figure and fell on the ground.

"Protect your lord well, who is coming!" The guard glanced around, then ordered to the guards around him, and then looked at the servant driver in front of him with cold eyes and asked himself.

"Who are we, I don't bother you to worry about it. How do you want to die now. If you hand over Gu Zongsheng, I will let you die quickly!" The servant driver smiled coldly, not paying attention to the guard's eyes. icy look.

This time, they were able to launch an attack, which was naturally planned. Currently, in this lore round, he did not believe that Gu Zongsheng could escape this attack.

"It's a big tone. Although I don't know who sent you here, there is only one enemy in our Gu family at present. I think it's people from the Ministry of Justice. If I guess right, most of you are He must be under that old man Ge Qizhi." The guard suddenly spoke, with a calm expression, his eyes looked around, and then he slowly spoke to the servant driver in front of him.

"Whether the tone is serious or not, you will know after a while. Come out, we will destroy them in one fell swoop now, and let the entire foreign affairs department be destroyed today. Changes will come later, and the battle will be resolved quickly." The servant Obviously, he saw the intention of the guard, and he didn't intend to delay the time with the guard, so he spoke directly and decisively.

After the servant coachman finished his speech, dozens of figures of men in black suddenly flocked to this place.Looking at the men in black walking and running on the wall, the commander of the guards at this moment looked at the people in front of him, but his thoughts secretly moved for a moment.

Looking at the other two guard commanders beside him, seeing the solemn look in their eyes, he naturally had a deeper impression of the ambushes in his heart.

It's really unexpected that these people not only did it themselves, but also invited people from the killer organization this time. These people are naturally the notorious Blood Shadow Pavilion family who were extremely rampant in Jinling City of Chuyue Kingdom. of people.

Why is it said that the Blood Shadow Pavilion is notorious, because they don't talk about the professional ethics and rules of killers at all.As long as you pay a lot of money, they will have nothing to do with killing those who paid to kill you.

Relying on one, the Blood Shadow Pavilion quickly established its footprints on the large land of Chuyue Kingdom, and even planted its roots deeply in the imperial city of Jinling.

Even so, the actions and actions of the Blood Shadow Pavilion are completely out of compliance with their own rules.Sometimes, the rules that I customize, I will break them.

Simply put, these people are lawless lords.Under the banner of knowing the rules, do things that don't know the rules.

(End of this chapter)

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