Chapter 834 Ambush ([-])

Therefore, in Jinling City, there are many nobles, large and small, who have suffered a lot from using people to handle affairs here.

In this way, it can be said that the entire Jinling City is full of rats in the notorious stinky ditch that everyone shouts and beats.

After the interests of the nobles and elders, the forces above the court were violated by the Blood Shadow Pavilion, they asked Xiong Han to severely crack down on this behavior.

When Xiong Han saw that the imperial city was turned into such a mess by an assassin organization, he naturally ordered to deal with it severely.

Afterwards, the Blood Shadow Pavilion was uprooted by the Yinlong Guard, but after a few months of brief disappearance, the Blood Shadow Pavilion returned to the shameful secret business of killers .

It's just that the Blood Shadow Pavilion at this time is stronger than before. Facing the Blood Shadow Pavilion that has been hit again and again, but becomes stronger, Xiong Han suddenly feels a little headache.

However, a headache is a headache, and the eradication still needs to be eradicated.Therefore, almost once the Blood Shadow Pavilion appeared, it was destroyed once by the Yinlong Guard.

Who would have thought that the Blood Shadow Pavilion would remain undiminished. Every time it was destroyed by the Yinlongwei, it would reappear after a period of recuperation.

However, in the current situation, it seems that their team is the signal light for the killer of the Blood Shadow Pavilion to return to Jinling.

This is indeed a bit unexpected, but with the disposition of these Blood Shadow Pavilion killers, it is naturally not enough to refuse, and the property in the hands of your own adults is naturally worthless.

But my lord's wealth is very good, so it is very easy to deal with a killer like the Blood Shadow Pavilion killer who has no bottom line.

However, what he definitely did not expect was that Gu Zongsheng, under the protection of a group of guards, faced the many killers of the Blood Shadow Pavilion rushing in front of him, and immediately cupped his hands, and said respectfully: "I don't know who are those killers?" I, Gu Zongsheng, are willing to pay double the price to buy all of you experts to kill the person on the opposite side, that's great!"

It was said that the commander of the Blood Shadow Pavilion had a serious face but stared at Gu Zongsheng coldly with his eyes.

Gu Zongsheng's scalp felt a little numb from the look, and he opened his mouth with a trembling sound.

I saw that Gu Zongsheng lowered his posture, and he preached like this: "I understand the rules, I understand them all."

Having said that, Gu Zongsheng slowly took something out of his sleeve, when he took out a thick bank note.

The people around looked at the numbers on the bank note, and they breathed a lot more urgently.

It's just that at this time, Gu Zongsheng naturally didn't care about the reactions of the people around him, and just looked at the commander of the Blood Shadow Pavilion in front of him with a concerned look, only to see him speak: "How about it, can I do this! "

Just when Gu Zongsheng was about to hand him the money in his hand, his eyes that were watching Gu Zongsheng as if he was watching a joke suddenly lit up.

"No," he said flatly.

"Well, okay, I'll just..." Gu Zongsheng casually prepared to hand over the money.

But, suddenly, I saw that the whole person seemed to have exploded, what, what, what was he talking about.

At the moment, Gu Zongsheng was stunned on the spot, looking at the bank note in his hand, and then at the leader of the Blood Shadow Pavilion: "Why! Aren't you the Blood Shadow Pavilion? Is it him who you love the most? Why are you here now? I pretend to be reserved and act like a villain."

"Who wouldn't know you guys! What are you kidding me about now?" Gu Zongsheng was a little puzzled, looking at the banknote in his hand, he immediately reprimanded angrily.

Seeing the strange movements of the Blood Shadow Pavilion killers in front of him, the guard leader's eyes flickered, and he suddenly understood some problems.

In the past, why was the Blood Shadow Pavilion able to return to this sudden place again and again after the entire Jinling City was uprooted to take root and survive.

From the current point of view, I am afraid that there is a large shadow of conservative forces in it. Thinking of this, it is not difficult to see why the current and previous behavior and behavior of the Blood Shadow Pavilion are like this.

In fact, after thinking about it carefully, most of the hunters in the Blood Shadow Pavilion before were from the new faction, and there were only a handful of people from the old faction, and the political views of these people were still different from those of the Ministry of Punishment.

These people are still some people who do not have much power in their hands, and the glory of their ancestors is not very powerful, so hunting and killing people will not cause too much trouble.

Thinking of this, the commander of the guards immediately understood the current situation, and immediately opened his mouth to answer Gu Zongsheng's question: "These people, who say they belong to the Blood Shadow Pavilion, are actually the secret agents of the Ministry of Punishment.

These people should be the shadows of the Ministry of Justice. From the previous actions, it can be seen that the main figures who hunted and killed the new faction before, as well as the old faction who have different opinions from their own.

These are all handwritten by the Ministry of Criminal Justice. "

"It's really admirable, I don't know how many secrets there are in the Ministry of Punishment that haven't been used yet, but this time when I was besieged, Gu Zongsheng unexpectedly used this secret in the Blood Shadow Pavilion of the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

I, Gu Zongsheng, are really lucky in my life. "Gu Zongsheng's emotions have also calmed down at this time. A person who can have such power is not a fool. After hearing the words of his own guard commander, and after thinking about it carefully, he understands the tricks. Everyone in the Blood Shadow Pavilion and the servant coachman spoke coldly.

Although Gu Zongsheng was furious at this time, he had no choice but to face the crowd of the Ministry of Punishment forces and had to rely on the guards around him.

However, Gu Zongsheng is not unprepared for some means, he has already established a good relationship with the surrounding city defense team.Seeing the cold and deserted streets and alleys, Gu Zongsheng smiled coldly, and suddenly raised his hand, a small hidden weapon appeared in his hand.

Pull the mechanism, and the hidden weapon is ejected into the sky by the ingenuity in the mechanism, and bursts suddenly above the sky.

These exploded substances did not even fall to the ground, but formed a huge pattern in the air that lasted for a long time.

This is Gu Zongsheng's backhand. These are what he asked for from the city guards. As long as he fires this rescue bomb, the surrounding city guards will immediately send an order and call people to rescue Gu Zongsheng.

Of course, with such assistance, Gu Zongsheng naturally paid a price.

However, thinking of his own life and those belongings, Gu Zongsheng naturally chose his own life.

No matter what it is, no matter how much wealth there is, it is not as important as her life. This is Gu Zongsheng's true inner thoughts, and this is also Gu Zongsheng's code of conduct all along.

It's best to do things steadily and steadily, not to rush forward, this is the best way, and he understands the principle of shooting the first bird.

Naturally, he understands that the biggest thing right now is his life, Gu Zongsheng. No matter how much wealth he has, he will have no time to enjoy it when he dies.

Therefore, in his view, these wealth are all extraneous possessions.

So, at this time, Gu Zongsheng was waving the bank notes in his hand: "As long as you wait until the arrival of the city guards, I will distribute all the bank notes in your hand to everyone and drink tea for everyone.

If someone can behead an enemy, then I will reward him with two silver tickets.The amount of the bank note above is the same. "

Gu Zongsheng used his money offensive to stimulate the hearts of his guards. As expected, after Gu Zongsheng finished speaking, the guards around him were short of breath.

Even the three guard commanders who guarded him by his side were no exception. These guards were short of breath, and their eyes were red looking at the many killers of the Blood Shadow Pavilion and the servant driver in front of them.

"You people from the Ministry of Criminal Justice are really difficult to deal with. You are really cunning and don't interfere with the Ministry of Criminal Justice at all. This is a good job. After killing you, I'm afraid I don't have the slightest evidence to accuse the Ministry of Criminal Justice." Gu Zongsheng Looking at the coachman servant who was alone, and the large number of Blood Shadow Pavilion killers around him, he suddenly smiled and spoke.

"Now, our relationship is about to change." Gu Zongsheng still smiled, but the people around him were panting heavily, obviously being caught by his money offensive.

At this time, it is natural that the killers of the Blood Shadow Pavilion in front of them would come forward to attack and kill them.

To be honest, if it was normal, they might not have earned that much money in their two lifetimes.What's more, the adults in my family are notoriously good people.

If I and others died in battle, I am afraid that the pension will be more, so these guards are not afraid of death at this time, they are completely red-eyed.

Although the killer of the Blood Shadow Pavilion was cold-blooded, he was still a human being. Looking at the many guards who were not afraid of death in front of him, there was a slight ripple in the heart of the ancient well like a frozen lake.

This ripple hasn't expanded yet, so naturally it hasn't come to destroy these people's minds.At this time, the servant coachman spoke, he grinned, showing his yellow teeth: "My lord, are you too happy too early?"

He immediately poured a ladle of cold water on the head of Gu Zongsheng who was already a little excited. This sentence made Gu Zongsheng feel cool all over his body, and Gu Zongsheng actually felt a little cold at this moment.

I saw that the servant driver continued to speak, with a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth, he didn't know whether he was mocking himself or something: "My lord, don't you know a truth!"

"What's the point?" Gu Zongsheng frowned, looked at the servant coachman in front of him and said coldly, his tone was sharp.

"My lord, I'm still confused. I'm so eager that I won't let me finish my sentence." The servant driver suddenly sneered at Gu Zongsheng.

The coachman servant spoke respectfully, with fanaticism and sarcasm in his eyes: "My lord, I just want to tell you a truth, a dog is always a dog, even if it is a desperate dog, and a desperate dog will always be a dog." It's a dog. Since it's a dog, how could it be possible to kill a wolf that already owns a murderer?"

In the end, it was a complete sarcasm. All the fanaticism in his eyes receded at this moment, leaving only endless killing intent: "Sir, tell me, have you forgotten such a simple truth."

Accompanied by the words of the servant coachman, the hearts of the blood shadow pavilion killers around him, which were still rippling, suddenly fell silent again.

A huge cold and bleak death aura exudes from the whole body, and this death aura carries a killing intent.

Such a mixture of thoughts and wills actually competed with the guards' eagerness to fight for death, and the two also resisted each other.

At this moment, the killer of Blood Shadow Pavilion has completely changed his mentality.

Facing the blood shadow pavilion killer who had changed his mentality, the guards around him sank in their hearts. Naturally, their self-confidence was hit by the servant driver.

The eagerness to fight for a while suddenly became a little sluggish at this moment. The two sides were in a stalemate. The guard commander looked at everything at present, frowned slightly, and felt that something was wrong. Killing intent.

The servant driver didn't care at all, but stared at the people in front of him with cold killing intent.

"Even if it's a dog, we have to bite a wolf to death. We are desperate dogs, not trash-like wolves with our tails between our legs." The guard commander said, recalling the time in Gu Zongsheng's mansion. It was really the best time of his life.

At this point, the guards' morale immediately rose when they heard the guard commander's words. For a while, the originally sluggish momentum picked up at this moment.Secretly, the guard commander nodded, feeling that the people's hearts were available, and immediately tightened his hands holding the ghost-headed sword, and the cold murderous intent in his eyes almost appeared on this world through his eyes.

The murderous intent of the two parties was not concealed at all, and the two parties were in a stalemate like this, with beads of sweat densely covering the foreheads of both parties.

The noon sun was scorching hot, and suddenly at a certain moment, the scorching sun shone on the bluestone slab in front of it, and the reflected white light shook everyone's eyes.

Immediately, his eyes narrowed, and the guard commander suddenly spoke and shouted loudly: "Do it! Everyone remember to fight back, make these wolf cubs look good, let them see the strength of our Gu family guards, and the rest of the people protect the safety of adults." !!!”

"All the people in the Blood Shadow Pavilion gave me their hands and slaughtered this group of bastards. Let them know that we are not easy to mess with." At this moment, the servant driver suddenly made his own voice.

After waiting for such a long time, the people on both sides couldn't wait any longer.The longer the time drags on, the more disadvantageous it will be for the people of the Blood Shadow Pavilion. After all, the longer the time, the faster the city guards will gather their forces. People like myself really have to explain here.

Therefore, the sunlight reflected on the bluestone slab hit everyone's eyes at that moment, which was the best time for them to do it.

After that, he didn't know if there was a better opportunity, so the servant did not hesitate to seize the best opportunity at present and gave the order to do it.

(End of this chapter)

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