Chapter 835 Ambush ([-])

Things have come to this, naturally there is no way out to talk about.From the moment the servant coachman called out to do it, the matter could only be resolved after one of the two parties fell completely.

Therefore, after the guard leader said to do it, he stepped forward with a sword step, and rushed towards the servant driver.

This servant coachman is his current opponent, he chose it, and it was also the fight just now that made him feel stagnant in his heart and couldn't calm down.

Seeing that the guard commander came directly to him, the servant driver immediately shouted: "Okay, you are indeed the guard commander of the Gu family, you have the guts! If this is the case, I will beat you to death."

The last sentence, I will kill you. The servant driver's mouth exuded endless killing intent, and I saw that the servant driver just bared his teeth and said these words.

Looking at the people who were already fighting in front of him, Gu Zongsheng was led by the remaining two guards and guarded by the other four personal guards.

The number of killers in the Blood Shadow Pavilion was already higher than the number of guards in Gu's residence, and the strength of a single person was much stronger than him.

However, these guards were not afraid of death, and desperately blocked the wave of killers in front of them.

Time was passing by, looking at the scene of the Daxing chaos in front of him, Gu Zongsheng felt a little sad in his heart for some reason.

Seeing that each of these people had their own families, at this moment, Gu Zongsheng was desperately hacking and killing him in order to save him, but Gu Zongsheng didn't do anything at all.

Just watching from the sidelines here, it made him feel unbearable.

When he saw that the guard on his side was pierced through the heart by the killer of the opposite Blood Shadow Pavilion, the guard was still slashing with a ghost head, but at this moment, he burst into laughter, bursting out with a stronger force. He slashed fiercely at the killer of the Blood Shadow Pavilion.

Facing this sharp knife, the Blood Shadow Pavilion killer had no time to dodge, and with just one blow, he was split alive by the guard who had already pierced through the heart.

Warm blood poured all over his body, facing the stench on his face, the nurse collapsed with a smile.

Seeing all this, Gu Zongsheng had mixed feelings in his heart for a moment, and he didn't know what to do.He lowered his head and remained silent there. After an unknown period of time, Gu Zongsheng suddenly raised his head, looked at the guard commander in front of him, and spoke heavily.

I saw him preaching in a tone full of grief and anger: "Old Cui, you go up, you can't let our son Lang fight so fiercely."

It was said that the guard commander Gu Zongsheng called Lao Cui was about to step forward, and he was about to make a move.

At this time, Gu Zongsheng suddenly grabbed Lao Cui's arm, fixed his eyes on Lao Cui, and opened his mouth with a sad tone, only to see a little inexplicable expression in his eyes: "Be careful, these killers have a lot of tricks. , don’t capsize the boat in the gutter!”

The guard commander known as Old Cui naturally saw the unbearable look in Gu Zongsheng's eyes, but he had no choice but to pat Gu Zongsheng's hands before leaving to express comfort and that he would be fine.

Then old Cui set off impressively, and saw him leaving Gu Zongsheng and the others with a knife in his hand. The guards around Gu Zongsheng still looked alert, their bodies tensed up, and their energy and energy were completely blown away. After coming out, the spirit of the whole person is already getting higher and higher.

At this moment, what they lack is an opponent. If there is an assassin from the Blood Shadow Pavilion in front of them, they will definitely be hacked to death by them in this instant.

This is the state of their spirits at the moment, and each of them is like a terminal with an overloaded CPU.

Everyone is in full swing, and everyone is running at overload.

But he said that the guard commander called Lao Cui stepped forward and rushed into the battle circle.I saw him, exercising all his strength, facing the Blood Shadow Pavilion killers who were sharpening their knives in front of them, exuding cold killing intent, and using various means to fight.

Old Cui turned his strength towards these people, brandished his ghost-headed sword and slashed down fiercely, facing the killers of the Blood Shadow Pavilion.Old Cui is not afraid of them at all, because his own strength is not weak, and these killers have been exposed, naturally there is nothing to be afraid of.

If it weren't for the fact that these killers were stronger than the guards and they had a great advantage in numbers, if it weren't for these, they would have been beaten by the guards who were determined to die.

However, these killers still have a lot of small tricks. If it weren't for this, once these killers were exposed and their opponents of the same level, their combat power would naturally be inferior to these opponents of the same level.

Killer, killer, what is a killer.Naturally, there are people who hide in the dark with one blow. If the killers come to the fore, then they will no longer be scary killers, they will be just like ordinary quacks.

It's just a little special. In this way, after resisting the killer of the Blood Shadow Pavilion for a while, many guards gradually became familiar with the routine of the killer of the Blood Shadow Pavilion.

These guards gradually became cunning, and began to cooperate with each other, gradually entrapping and exterminating the killers of the Blood Shadow Pavilion step by step.

As time passed, seeing that time was running out, the killer of the Blood Shadow Pavilion who was still fighting hard here saw that the people on his side and the guards of Gu Zongsheng on the opposite side were almost dead.

However, I still have more manpower on my side. Seeing that time is really running out, this servant coachman who was chasing at him from the beginning and beheading and blocking him from the beginning was chattering, and his eyes were shining. With a cold and evil spirit, he said decisively: "Time is running out, use the violent pill! Quickly kill the opponent in front of you, and then capture the old man Gu Zongsheng alive!"

After finishing speaking, the servant coachman burst out a sharp saber aura with his backhand, and this saber aura swept towards the face of the guard commander.

I saw that the footsteps of the guard leader quickly crossed each other and pointed to the ground continuously, and quickly retreated backwards at a high speed.

After beheading the commander of the guards with a wave of his sword, the old servant coachman of the Ministry of Punishment turned around and took out a small vermilion pill bottle from his pocket.

After biting off the cap on the bottle in one gulp, the servant driver poured the whole bottle of pill into his mouth.Looking up his neck, he saw him, and swallowed these pills in just one stroke.

After swallowing the Furious Pill, the servant coachman suddenly felt a warm current pouring into his body.

This warm current carried a powerful force, constantly surging in his body, and the same force became violent after touching his own original strength.

Immediately, at this moment, the servant coachman, who was quite normal, suddenly became taller, and the clothes around him were burst by his tall body, and his teeth protruded, and he drooled grotesquely.

Moreover, his eyes no longer had the slightest sense of consciousness, and his eyes exuded a scarlet light, and his body was full of violent aura.

This breath is extremely powerful, as if it wants to destroy everything around it.

The servant coachman who has been completely reduced to a violent beast stared at the guard commander in front of him with his scarlet eyes. The guard commander was a little nervous under his gaze, and secretly swallowed his own food without knowing it. Spit, for a moment, I suddenly felt that I was going to desperately now.

This will be the start of a fierce battle, the enemy can't wait any longer, they are obviously ready to go all out.

Seeing that the boss of his family is already so desperate, after hearing the call of the servant coachman, the rest of them used various moves to repel the enemies in front of them, just like the servant coachman, took out a bullet from their waists. Vermilion elixir.

This elixir has a strange smell, the smell is very strong, even Gu Zongsheng and others, who have been some distance away from the battle circle, can still clearly understand it Smell this strange medicinal fragrance.

I saw that after the killers of the Blood Shadow Pavilion swallowed this vermilion berserk elixir, they suddenly felt a warm current surge in their bodies.This warm current started from the inside of the abdomen and traveled to the surrounding limbs and bones.

Just like the servant coachman who had turned into a wild monster, the warm currents in the bodies of the only surviving Blood Shadow Pavilion killers also became violent when they met their own strength.

The doses these people took were small, so their statures only grew a little bigger, and it didn't seem like the servant coachman's stature changed and his clothes were torn.

Because of this, the bodies of these people just look more fleshy, and the clothes around them are fully stretched.These people's physical fitness at the moment is naturally top-notch, the kind that would make people blush.

However, at this time, Gu Zongsheng and his guards saw that the eyes of these remaining Blood Shadow Pavilion killers had become as blood-red as that of the monster-like servant killer.

Different from the crimson eyes of the servants and grooms, these people's eyes shone with a little red light. If you observe carefully, you will find that the blood-red light in the eyes of these killers in the Blood Shadow Pavilion is strong, weak, big, and bright. the little...

Seeing this scene, the guard commander named Lao Cui immediately noticed something strange, immediately organized a guard team in his own army, and told everyone his discovery and guess.

Hearing this, everyone's eyes were full of joy. After understanding the weaknesses of these people, they would be able to deal with them properly.

After all, people all have a strange baseness.After getting old Cui's analysis, everyone just remained silent, they didn't intend to take the lead, they took action against these Blood Shadow Pavilion killers who had obviously been drugged and now it was time for the drug to be effective.

Although they are guards, they are not fools. Letting themselves make insignificant sacrifices is the last thing they want to see. At present, these people are just killing the strength of the killers in the Blood Shadow Pavilion in front of them, and they do not give them any help. The slightest chance of burrowing forward.

For these people, they naturally can only wait for the siege like a rabbit. What if these people don't follow this line.

Good way, there are only two ways for them to reach Gu Zongsheng's side, one is to step through the bodies of their group of guards, and the other is to step over the body of the guard commander, Old Cui.

When these Blood Shadow Pavilion killers were fighting, they were obviously terrified by Lao Cui, so naturally they would not trouble Lao Cui again.However, the current stalemate will soon be broken.

I saw that the servant driver who had completely turned into an unknown berserk monster sent the guard leader who blocked him flying away with just one fist.The body of the guard leader turned into a parabola in the air and hit the wall next to him fiercely.

The huge force hit the wall, and there was a muffled sound immediately.This time the impact hit the guard commander hard. When his body touched the wall, he made the sound of bones breaking. The sound was crisp, but the sound only made the guard commander look pale The madness changed, and his face was a little embarrassed for a while.

However, in the face of these, the guard commander has nothing to do.He never imagined that the servant coachman who had been drugged was so powerful that he was beaten to the brink of death with just one punch. It can be said that he was half dead with one punch.

Right now, the situation is not good.It's hard for me to handle this. It's been such a long time, why don't those city guards come here.Seeing that his former brother was slapped to the point of dying, Old Cui was stunned suddenly, and then laughed.

I don't know if anyone has told Lao Cui that his laughing voice is really ugly, not ordinary.

However, I am afraid that no one can talk to Lao Cui at present, only to see that Lao Cui left his position.The guards next to him quickly added up. After Lao Cui walked forward and stepped towards the servant coachman who was no longer a human being, the killer of the Blood Shadow Pavilion burst out behind him. The guards engaged in a brutal charge fight.

However, this time, Old Cui did not turn around to help them, his eyes were extremely firm, and he had only one goal at this time, and that was the servant driver in front of him who was no longer a human being.

After the servant coachman waved his hand and slapped the guard commander away, he was about to come forward, but when he saw another ant rushing over to die, he stood still.

His demeanor is obviously to wait here for the same death behavior as the previous ant.As a killer who is absolutely obsessed with art, this time, he will definitely use his left hand to slap the ant in front of him away.

(End of this chapter)

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