Chapter 836 Ambush ([-])

In this way, there will be a pool of bloody stains and traces on the wall on the left of him as on the wall on the right. This is his performance art, his self-perception of symmetrical aesthetics as a killer.

He is also a killer with his own values ​​and bottom line, but he is different from other killers.Other killers kill for money, but he is different, what he kills is art.

This is the aesthetics of art.

Old Cui looked at the grotesque saliva still dripping from the corners of his mouth, and the grotesque and grim smile on his face that did not resemble human emotions. He looked at the servant coachman who was completely out of the realm of human beings.

As Lao Cui was walking, his trembling heart suddenly calmed down. When he walked up to the servant driver in front of him, he was completely at peace.With all the strength bursting out, the ghost-headed sword was violently swung by him, and the powerful force gathered on his body, continuously pouring into the ghost-headed sword from his body.

The strong blade light slashed down fiercely with the sharp blade light, and the servant coachman below was completely berserk.After the sharp pain was felt on the face forced by the sharp knife aura, the ferocious protruding face of the servant coachman who was already completely berserk suddenly bleed along the skin texture like a ravine.

The blood has turned completely black. Is the servant coachman completely the same as a normal person at this time? Even the blood has turned black.Just looking at the black blood left by the servant driver in front of him, Old Cui still didn't say anything, but the pupils in his eyes shrank, showing that he looked nervous.

The servant coachman just narrowed his eyes suddenly, and those mung bean-sized eyes that were deeply sunk into his hideous face suddenly burst out with a huge murderous intent.

Time seemed to stand still, and Lao Cui suddenly saw the corner of the servant driver's mouth grinning ferociously. The stench of blood and that grotesque mixture of saliva.

These things looked extremely dirty, and the servant coachman was forced by the cold light of the knife for a moment and dared not open his eyes.Immediately, a pair of black and green claws that exuded a cold light like animal claws scratched and pulled on his face.

The pair of black and blue animal claws scratched and pulled on his face, bringing up a large piece of flesh and black stinky blood. Of course, the bright knife light could not do anything to him at this time.

In the gap between the black-blue animal claw-like fingers, I saw the servant driver's small eyes like mung beans flashing a strange light at this moment, which immediately made the old man Choi sensed something was wrong.

Taking a closer look, I found that the servant driver had cut off the flesh and blood on his face covering his face, and there was an inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth, which was black and stinky. His whole body was chilling, and the hairs all over his body suddenly exploded at this moment, like a cat with its hair exploded.

At this moment, Old Cui was still jumping in mid-air, his hair all over his body was blown up, his whole body was like a lion that had been bumped into.There was a big change in Lao Cui's heart, but this was just this moment.

The figure of the servant coachman disappeared, and the servant coachman who was still shrouded in the light of his sword suddenly disappeared at this moment.

Before he disappeared, the servant coachman's strange eyes, abnormal behavior and that mysterious smile that was always misunderstood made his face a little frightened at this time.

Something was wrong, something was wrong, at this moment, he felt something was wrong.

However, at this moment, there are still three breaths left to calculate the time until he lands.At this moment, Old Cui's whole body became vigilant, and his heart was lifted to the top of his throat. His whole body was full of energy, and he looked at the empty street in front of him.

Old Cui, who closed his eyes, wanted to feel the position of the servant driver through his own senses, but he couldn't find the servant driver here.

As time passed, Lao Cui was able to land in one breath.Once he landed, Old Cui would no longer feel so embarrassed, he would have a place to exert his strength when he landed on the ground, and at that time, he would not be manipulated like a living target in the air.

It was my own carelessness, Old Cui thought when he was still two breaths away.Just as he was about to land, a huge figure exuding a stench appeared. This was the servant coachman.

The servant coachman had been hiding in the shadow of Old Cui just now, and when he noticed that there was movement behind him, his expression changed wildly.It's just that there is no room for him to walk around, so Lao Cui's heart is beating violently and non-stop.

Old Cui turned his head, looking at the ferocious and terrifying face that looked like a ghost from hell, at this moment, Old Cui swallowed a mouthful of saliva unconsciously.

This is what he is afraid of, but at present there is no way to do it. Without a suitable point of leverage for all the strength in his body, he will not be able to display his strength.At this moment in the air, Old Cui is like a persimmon that can be manipulated by others. This is a huge loophole.

However, after old Cui saw the previous guard leader being brutally abused by the simple and violent, how could he have imagined that this damn beast would be so smart and lured him so easily.

The current situation can be said to be resentment for his sloppy and careless, and not paying attention to the enemy.Now that he has understood the strength of the enemy, why does he still despise the enemy so much.

If he had paid attention to the enemy from the very beginning, how could he be in the current situation? The lion and the rabbit are also fighting with all their strength. You, a little guard commander, dare to despise the enemy so much.

The current situation is the biggest lesson for you, Old Cui thought with some bitterness in his heart, but his whole body is still tense, and his small eyes are turning rapidly, obviously he is thinking about some coping strategies.

The strength of the whole body is covered on the body, so that the body will be less injured, and the injury will not be so serious.

After everything was ready, Old Cui was looking at the servant driver with a hideous face.The servant driver's face was full of claw marks, black blood scars with an inexplicable smell, and the black blood scars moved like a centipede with the movements of the servant driver's face.

Old Cui could hear two words, that is, this hideous-faced servant coachman just said two words simply, and those two words were 'trash! '

Hearing this, Old Cui had an aggrieved expression on his face, but now his own life is being controlled by the other party, although he is aggrieved, there is nothing he can do.

The commander of the guards in the rubble pile next to him forcibly resisted the pain of broken bones in his body, and unexpectedly got up on the spot.Seeing the danger that Lao Cui was facing, the guard leader shouted and tore at his throat, "Old Cui, use your strength, use his abdomen!"

Hearing this, looking at the huge servant coachman in front of him rising and falling with his figure, after hearing this instructing word, Old Cui's eyes suddenly lit up, and a strange light burst out from those eyes, which contained hope.

In this way, at this critical moment, when the guard leader shouted and pulled his throat, the body that was already tense, his body reacted to the sound.

This has already been simulated in the mind, and it is naturally very smooth at this time.I saw that a powerful force suddenly erupted from Lao Cui's body, and this powerful force turned Lao Cui's figure around, and Lao Cui's feet suddenly stepped forward.

These two feet stepped on the huge servant coachman's body fiercely, and this thick touch immediately provided Lao Cui with a fulcrum to rely on.At the moment, Lao Cui waved his arms wildly, his waist sank, and his whole body was tense. At this moment, he waved the ghost-headed sword fiercely, pouring all the strength of his life into the ghost-headed sword and then Following the general momentum of the circle, he slashed fiercely towards the servant driver's neck.

The servant coachman who was stepped on by old Cui, his eyes sparkling with scarlet light were puzzled, followed by a huge force, who was oppressed by a huge force, and his body was unstable. The shape turned out to be a little wobbly.

However, immediately after that was a sharper, more eager and flickering powerful saber light slashing fiercely towards his neck. At this time, there was shock and a trace of fear in his eyes.

However, there was a voice in his heart telling him not to retreat.The servant coachman who had turned into a berserk monster was also desperate at this moment, and he couldn't help roaring to the sky.

Then, looking at the sharp light of the knife, he pulled out the already small long knife with his backhand. When he picked up the long knife, huge power poured into it.

Two cold sword lights exuding a penetrating chill collided with each other in the mid-air at this moment, sparks splashed all around, but the sparks didn't last long, and a cold knife shattered. The voice rang out.

Immediately afterwards, there was a thumping sound of a ghost-headed sword piercing into the flesh. This sound sounded, and the guard commander looked at everything in front of him with a face full of disbelief.

Even the servant coachman who had turned into a beast and was already in a state of rage was shocked at this time, and the severe pain swept over his body suddenly, and he felt it all at once. A strange feeling.

The servant coachman who had turned into a berserk monster raised his head and roared, but Lao Cui's face was still extremely calm and serious, and when he looked at the servant coachman, his face was full of disgust.

After that, I saw all the strength of this old Cui surged into the ghost head sword at this moment. After the ghost head sword cut off the long knife of the servant driver who had turned into a berserk monster, the whole body of the sword was shattered. It was submerged into the left arm of the servant coachman, and it was effortless at first.

But after chopping into a part of the bones, he felt unable to move an inch. The situation has reached such a point, and Lao Cui is naturally unwilling, and the power in the ghost-headed sword in his hand is naturally poured into him again. Wave.

If he didn't cut off an arm of this servant coachman who looked like a violent monster who was neither human nor ghost, he, Old Cui, would not be reconciled.

This is what he bought with his life. If he is only allowed to use the opponent's small injury, then he will never be reconciled.

Therefore, Lao Cui squeezed the last trace of strength from his body, squeezed out all the experience in his body and injected power into this ghost-headed sword again, Lao Cui suddenly bared his teeth, and the blue veins on his arms continued like small snakes Wriggling and crawling, a stream of powerful energy, blood and strength poured into the Ghost Head Broadsword along with the suddenly thickened arms with huge strength.

The Ghost Head Broadsword has gained power, and this power is almost connected to when the original power of the Ghost Head Broadsword has been lost. Therefore, this force brings a general momentum from before and slashes down fiercely. Standing fiercely on the arm of the servant coachman who was already a monster with a sharp knife, he cut open the muscles and bones, and cut off the flesh.

Just at this moment, a big arm flew up into the sky, and then there was a black blood gushing out like a spring, which was black and blue with black light. The blood corroded the bluestone slabs on the ground as soon as it appeared, and the blood's stench was instantaneous. It surrounded the entire battlefield around it.

Everyone immediately sealed their nostrils to prevent themselves from smelling the peculiar smell, and watched their handwriting disappear.

The servant coachman was obviously a little deluded, he couldn't figure out why he was being suppressed and beaten by the other party even after he had become like this, and now he even cut off one of his arms abruptly.

Looking at his arm that fell on the ground, the servant coachman who had gone completely berserk didn't seem to feel any pain, but just covered himself with his other remaining hand, which was still bleeding arm.

Looking at his arm, and then at Lao Cui, who had already pulled some distance away from him, the servant coachman completely fell into a state of rage.After being stunned for a while, the servant coachman finally came to his senses, he just screamed at Tian Changchang with his already ugly face, his whole body seemed to be insane.

It's like a lunatic, but seeing him there is like going crazy.At this time, the servant driver felt great sadness and endless anger in his heart, and the servant driver who was roaring and screaming suddenly revealed a gleam of tears behind his eyes that were shining with scarlet light.

Seeing the servant coachman behaving strangely in front of him, Lao Cui and the half-disabled guard commander who had already rushed to Lao Cui's side, after watching the servant coachman's every move, said softly: "Be careful, he sees It’s really going to be hard work.”

(End of this chapter)

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