Chapter 837 Ambush ([-])

"Next, it's probably the beginning of the battle." The commander of the guards said in a low voice, a little weakly, his eyes were full of fear when he looked at the figure of the servant driver.

Hearing that, Old Cui's expression was full of solemnity, while the guard commander's complexion was a little pale, he just tightened the weapon in his hand and stopped saying anything, and at that moment, both of them were tense.

Facing the servant coachman who was not far ahead, there was a murderous intent in his eyes, and this murderous intent was so overwhelming that it made people's hands and feet cold.

Old Cui and the guard commander were both accumulating their own strength, and their whole bodies were tense.

The faces of the two were a little pale, and their physical strength was obviously not as strong as before.But neither of them made a sound, and they didn't dare to relax their vigilance at all. They just turned on all their five senses. At this moment, the two of them completely reached the state of blowing their hair.

Looking at the creature in front of them that has completely reduced to a berserk monster, and is no longer a servant coachman who can no longer be called a human being, there is a trace of sympathy and pity in the eyes of the two of them, and there is even a hint of sympathy in the depths of the eyes. An inexplicable sadness.

Because they saw their own shadow in this servant coachman, if it wasn't because of the pressure of life, who would want to come out and beat life and death, wouldn't he be good at living a peaceful life at home?

Thinking of this, both of them fell silent for some reason.I saw that the monster-like servant coachman was violently waving his fist there, and the huge force from the fist smashed into his body fiercely.

He was stimulating his own body to make himself stronger. After doing this three times in a row, the monster-like violent servant driver had already raised his physical body to its current peak state.

Two icy eyes that radiate scarlet light carry a lingering coldness, this coldness is almost condensed into substance, this power is so breathtaking that people can't help but fall into the icy thousand-year-old ice In the cave.

The blood exuding a strange stench and the grotesque saliva flowing from the corners of his ferocious mouth mixed with each other, and the two mixed together to form a strange molecular component of matter.And this newborn mixed substance just happened to be able to make people unaware of his figure.

This is why Old Cui couldn't find him just now, because his aura has completely disappeared, and this aura has completely blended perfectly with the strange smell of blood around him.

Time was passing by, and the footsteps of the servant coachman dripped onto the stone slab below along with the black blood flowing from his body, the dark blue blood with a strange smell, and the strange liquid mixed with the weird saliva on his body. The slate suddenly made a sizzling sound, and a large piece of slate was corroded.

This liquid has a strong corrosive nature, looking at the two prey in front of him.The scarlet eyes of this servant coachman who had been completely reduced to a monster exuded a bloodthirsty aura.

I saw that this servant coachman who had turned into a monster suddenly made a move, and his figure disappeared in the eyes of the two of them.The speed was extremely fast, and the two of them hadn't reacted yet.

He only heard the strong wind whizzing from behind his head. At this moment, Lao Cui tilted his head, and his face suddenly became hideous. He suddenly pushed the guard leader aside with force in his hand, and at the same time, he did not forget to shout: "Be careful to avoid, he is behind!"

When Lao Cui pushed away the commander of the guards, he also exerted a reactionary thrust on his body. Following this force, the energy and blood of his whole body surged, and Lao Cui retreated faster and faster.

These things happen only in an instant, which can be described as a critical moment.Although Old Cui reacted quickly, he still couldn't escape the palm of the monster servant driver who had completely lost his mind.

I saw that the hair next to Lao Cui's cheek was cut off by his palm, and a bloodstain appeared on his cheek. When this bloodstain appeared, black blood flowed.

This blood will only stop the scarring time of the scar on Lao Cui's cheek, and it can also expand the effect of his own injury.At this time, the servant coachman who had turned into a monster had a special toxin on his claws.

This toxin should come from his blood. What exactly is this berserk pill? It is so terrifying that it can turn a person into a wild beast without reason.

Touching the injury on his cheek with his hand, a force poured in, and all the black poisonous blood sprayed out. As soon as the poisonous blood appeared, it hissed and corroded the bluestone slabs, although the sound and movement effects were different. Not as powerful as the servant coachman who had turned into a monster, but the poisonous blood on his wound was still terrifying.

Seeing this, Old Cui trembled unconsciously. There was a different kind of sadness in his heart. What kind of person could refine such a vicious elixir? Leaving the slightest chance of survival, this is completely poison pill.

At this time, without waiting for Old Cui to think about it, the servant driver who was licking the paw on his fingertips with the blood on Old Cui's cheeks had already changed wildly, and had disappeared in place impressively.

At this moment, Lao Cui's mind collapsed tightly, like a taut string, which seemed to break automatically as soon as it was touched.At this time, Lao Cui had already fully lifted his spirits, and when he looked at the surrounding terrain that had not changed in any way, Lao Cui's mind suddenly reached the extreme state.

The brain is overloaded, the eyes keep changing for a moment, and the whole body is walking in small steps. The strange body skills he uses at this time are like afterimages constantly shuttling in this space.Seeing the rapid changes in the surroundings, this old Cui, who had obviously reached a high load state, suddenly stared at the left side, and suddenly looked to the left and right sides.

After finding that there was no figure of the servant coachman who had turned into a monster, Old Cui suddenly looked back.Afterwards, it was Old Cui who kept repeating this action, turning into afterimages on the entire narrow battlefield. Among these afterimages, there was only Lao Cui alone, and there was no one else.

From the perspective of others, Lao Cui is fighting with himself, but at this moment, the people in this position and on the ground will definitely understand what is going on with Lao Cui, and can clearly see if he stops.

Then the god of death will come to him in the next moment, and the sharp claws will cut his throat, and then the bright red blood will be like a gushing spring, and then he will die completely Lose.

There is no possibility of surviving at all, so although Old Cui knows clearly now, this is Old Cui who is being played by the servant coachman who has now completely reduced to a monster, and is consuming his physical strength.

He still didn't dare to stop, because he knew that he would die if he stopped.The servant coachman is a qualified killer, and now he can't find him.

This leader of the Blood Shadow Pavilion killer will display his most powerful strength, which is his strength as a killer.Wolf-like patience and viciousness are essential survival skills for them, and this is the first lesson they learn.

Now Lao Cui feels like a prey being stared at by a lone wolf. He can't find this wolf, but this wolf is staring at him, even if other prey are closer to this wolf at this time , making it easier for the wolf to hunt and kill.

But, this is a lone wolf, this is a wolf.After the wolf has determined its target, it will always hunt and kill the prey, and never change the prey halfway.

Because this is not only a wolf's conduct, but also because it will not make it hungry, so that it can survive.At this time, the servant coachman was like a lone wolf in the dark, dormant there quietly, waiting for a way to give Old Cui a fatal blow, and Old Cui naturally wouldn't sit still at this time.

When he saw that he was slowly being played by a wolf, Lao Cui's heart was already filled with viciousness. Of course, it was so flickering that people dared not open their eyes.

Under the blessing of this fierce aura, the aura on Lao Cui's body became a bit thicker, looking at the old Cui who was still turning around in front of him, looking for the servant driver.

It was the servant coachman who had been hidden in the shadow of Lao Cui before, following Lao Cui's figure, and because the servant coachman's figure was very fast, neither Lao Cui nor the guard commander noticed.

Looking at Lao Cui, he was already sweating profusely from exhaustion, and his muscles had gradually relaxed.Suddenly, Old Cui stepped on a long knife, and made a crisp sound of "shattering the knife". For a while, Old Cui was overwhelmed by the mental pressure and overload of his physical body, and at this moment, the original domineering aura in his body was suddenly overwhelmed. vented down.

I saw that the string that was originally tense in Lao Cui's heart had also broken, and just this made Lao Cui's heart that was jumping up suddenly relax, and Lao Cui secretly said that he was not good.

Suddenly exhausting the last of his body's strength, he suddenly slashed to the back. At this time, the servant who had already rushed out was a servant driver who had turned into a violent beast, and punched hard Smash it down.

Just like that, the fist smashed fiercely on the side of the ghost-headed sword, and with just one punch, the ghost-headed sword was sent flying.

A huge force added to his body, and for a while, Lao Cui, who already felt that the handle of the knife was a little slippery, suddenly heard the crisp sound of a broken bone at this inattentive moment.

The next moment, Lao Cui's ghost-headed sword was blown away by this servant driver who had completely lost his rationality.

The weapon missed, and at this moment, Lao Cui was already in an extremely dangerous situation. At this moment, Lao Cui looked at the huge servant coachman in front of him like a monster. , The left fist was like a heavy sledgehammer, and it slammed into the face of the servant driver.

With this punch, Old Cui's whole body was thrown to the ground by the impact of this servant coachman who had turned into a violent beast.The servant coachman who had turned into a monster didn't care about the injury on Zishen's face at all, and Lao Cui's punch carried great strength.

This force pierced through the servant driver's cheek, causing his cheekbone to shatter at this moment, and a large piece of flesh and blood splashed with the pitch-black blood that stinks like poison.The huge penetrating force rushed into the head of the servant coachman with a different kind of fierce aura. This fierce punch was mixed with the sword intent of old Cui and the Dao of the sword in his life.

Old Cui still remembers that when he touched a knife for the first time, it was when he was very young.At that time, my master master taught me the weapon of the knife for the first time.

The old master said that the sword is a gentleman, although it is majestic, it carries a sense of weirdness and insidiousness, which is far inferior to the domineering and frankness of the sword.

From the moment he saw the old master holding a knife, Cui fell in love with knives. When he first learned how to knive, Cui felt that he was going to follow him for the rest of his life.

However, Lao Cui's talent is not strong, and the master's body is also sick, and he doesn't have a good life for a few years.The old master was a soldier before, and he didn't have any strange encounters.

There is no strong enemy, just an ordinary person. After teaching Lao Cui for a period of time, the master left because of his old age.

From then on, Lao Cui fiddled with the crop handle at home alone, silently practicing his own knife.Life was very comfortable, but for the rest of his life, when the food disaster happened one year, Old Cui quietly left the small mountain village where he was born, raised him and protected him, and went to the rivers and lakes.

After more than ten years of hard work, Lao Cui has raised his strength to the third rank with his own wit.

But at this time, Lao Cui, like his predecessors in the Jianghu, was tired of the Jianghu and wanted to quit the Jianghu, but at this moment, he encountered something.

This incident made him stay, and it was also because of this incident that he followed the current Gu Zongsheng, Mr. Gu.

It turned out that five or six years ago, a group of enemies that Lao Cui killed came to seek revenge.

Five or six years ago, with Lao Cui's character, he was naturally not at all afraid, when facing an old enemy who was already an official of one party.Old Cui could have slashed him with a knife to understand the matter, but at this time, Old Cui was old after all, and his heart was gone.

Naturally, they lost this mentality, so after the other party experienced a trial, after falsely interpreting the information that Lao Cui was about to die, they began to prepare to ambush Lao Cui in large numbers.

Old Cui only wanted to live his life in a good family after retiring from the world, so he didn't resist and was caught by the other party and sent to prison.

Old Cui, who thought he would judge fairly, never expected that he would be severely punished and beheaded because of some minor incidents.

(End of this chapter)

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