Chapter 839 Why?

"This is my redemption for you, are you satisfied?" The commander of the city guards swept his spear and spoke while looking at the extremely powerful monster who completely lost his mind.

This servant coachman who has no humanity at all is the leader of the Blood Shadow Pavilion killer at this time. At this time, he completely lost his mind. Naturally, he could not understand the words of the city guard leader, but he could naturally feel the city guard. The terrifying killing intent on the commander made him feel a flame of anger.This flame rose from his heart, and the will entrenched in his mind was telling him to destroy everything in front of him, destroy everything in front of him.

Bewitched by this will, this already inhuman servant coachman, who had been completely reduced to a monster, rushed towards the city guard commander with a ferocious aura.The leader of the city guards did not look for his figure, but his figure suddenly swelled, regardless of his own safety, and blatantly charged at the servant driver who had completely turned into a monster.

The spear in his hand was tightened by him, and the armor around his body collided with each other to make a crisp roaring sound. The sound gradually became louder, and the spear that was propped on the ground and shooting sparks all the time became extremely sharp at this moment.

Looking at the violent attack of the servant coachman who has turned into a monster in front of him, that desperate posture is enough to frighten anyone.However, facing the commander of the city guards, he was completely defeated. Looking at the monster with a ferocious face that was constantly attacking fiercely, the commander of the city guards looked at the monster in front of him, and swung his spear quickly, turning into sharp spear lights. The gun light gathered in the surrounding space to form a powerful impenetrable wall of sharp gun air.

The commander of the city guards sent this gun back to the carbine and shot it all into the furious servant driver. However, the servant driver who has been reduced to a monster naturally has biological instincts, and this is the only thing he has left. instinct.

Therefore, the servant coachman who had been reduced to a monster retreated brazenly. This was the first time the servant coachman retreated when he turned into a monster, and it was also the first time he had entered the second berserk state after taking the berserk pill this time. Back off for the first time.

Seeing the retreating servant coachman who had turned into a monster, the commander of the city guard shot suddenly. This shot hit the retreating servant coachman who had turned into a monster with an indomitable momentum and determination.

His body was pierced by a powerful gun light, but this violent monster, that is, the servant coachman and the leader of the killer who led the Blood Shadow Pavilion, suddenly showed a fierce and powerful aura.This aura was so violent that it forcibly suppressed that powerful gun light.

After suppressing it, only the long spear was left. A dark gun hole pierced through the body of this servant coachman who was already on the verge of rage like a wild beast. Inside this big hole flowed a dark and shimmering strange luster. Rotting blood with a foul smell, this blood made a sizzling sound when it dripped on the ground.

This time it was more eager, and this time the power of corrosion was stronger, corroding the bluestone floor with a stronger force and toxicity.

Looking coldly at the black poisonous blood that had corroded the ground into a big pit, a trace of inexplicable distress flashed in the eyes of the commander of the city guards, and at the same time, he became more murderous towards the instigator of this incident.

The more things in the city are destroyed, the less his bonus will be.Looking at it now, judging from the behavior of this servant coachman who is already a brainless and violent monster at this time, I am afraid that the reward after cleaning him up this time may not be much.

After beheading this blood shadow pavilion killer leader who has been completely reduced to a beast, the rewards he got in exchange were pitiful. Thinking of this, the city guard leader immediately felt a burst of anger.

Accompanied by the severe pain, the fierce gun light continuously destroyed his body tissues in his body, and his small scarlet eyes were full of crazy killing intent and violent animalism.

There was no humanity or rationality in it. After his left leg was pierced by a shot from the commander of the city guard, the movement of his left leg became a little slow.This obviously affected his movements, looking at his enemy in front of him.

The fierce city guard commander who was dressed in black armor and held a spear in one hand was already reduced to a monster-like servant coachman who had completely lost his own thinking. At this moment, he had only animal instincts left. An ounce of wit and IQ.Everything he did and everything was supported by his own animality and violent killing intent.

Looking at the enemy in front of him, the servant coachman who had been reduced to a monster bared his teeth, and the protruding mouthparts on the corners of his mouth kept dripping inexplicable saliva downward.This saliva was mixed with that rancid blood with a peculiar aroma, and at this moment, it had completely covered the body of the monster-like servant coachman.

Constantly digging the soil on the ground, looking at the commander of the city guard in front of him, the servant coachman who had turned into a monster without any humanity at this time bared his teeth impressively and suddenly laughed.

A fierce killing intent burst out from his body, and the power he had accumulated in his body suddenly exploded at this moment.

The whole figure disappeared completely at this moment, this was his trick against old Cui and the guard commander in front.However, using this little trick to deal with the current commander of the city guards is a little underestimating him, and he doesn't dodge it.

It's just a brazen attack, suddenly rushing forward violently, and at the same time, my heart is full of tension, and the five senses in my body are tightly activated.At the same time, they still don't forget to stare at their own shadows. The most powerful feature of these monsters is that they can hide in people's shadows by virtue of this powerful special hiding ability.

In this way, they can give full play to the advantages of their blood shadow pavilion killers, staring at their prey like wolves. When the prey can't hold on or shows a flaw, then this kill is the best for the opponent. answer.

This blow was enough to make a comeback, but his current opponent was not the old Cui and the captain of the guard.His opponent is the commander of the city guard who is experienced in facing monsters like them. The strength of this city guard commander is terrifying.

With this formidable strength, he naturally couldn't play cards according to the conventional routine.Looking at the commander of the city guard who was still wary of his surroundings and his own shadow, this servant coachman who had been reduced to a monster showed a grotesque smile under the corner of his mouth. Under this smile, there was blood mixed with rancid breath. There are these bits of heart residue dripping down.

This weird smile makes people not happy at all. This smile has a strange and inexplicable taste. Looking at the commander of the city guard who has not noticed him in front of him, after laughing, this monster has already stopped. With that sly smile on his face, at this moment, a sharp claw suddenly stuck out and stabbed fiercely at the eyebrow of the city guard leader in black armor.

The fierce murderous intent swept over the commander of the city guard with a cold chill. Feeling his own hair that had blown up, the commander of the city guard suddenly raised his head, and a cold will burst out of his eyes.

Immediately after it, a long spear was violently swung out by a huge force.The long spear swung out suddenly, like a giant dragon, and this spear shot out like a dragon.

The entire spear completely submerged into the claw of this terrifying monster with only one claw left, splitting the muscles and bones, cutting off the flesh and blood, and the long spear pierced through the servant driver who was already a monster arm.

This arm was pierced impressively, and with a tremor from the captain of the city guard, a sharp spear force smashed the entire handwriting.

This extremely powerful force is impressively pressing down on the servant driver who has turned into a monster. The servant driver who is already a monster was knocked to the ground, with a lot of black blood flowing all over his body, and a lot of blood fell on the ground continuously. The black blood was constantly corroding the bluestone floor in front of him.

Looking at the servant coachman who had been reduced to a monster in front of him, the commander of the city guard stepped hard on the ground, and a violent shock force shook the monster's body at this moment.

In the air, a strong light burst out from the eyes of the commander of the city guards, and this light turned into a powerful force on the commander of the city guards. It was similar that the city guard leader nailed the servant coachman who had been reduced to a monster to the wall for the second time at this time.

Looking at the monster-like servant coachman on the wall, his whole body was nailed to death, his body was still writhing uncomfortably, trying to escape, but the powerful and sharp gun above the spear burst out A powerful force locked him tightly on it.

The tail of the spear couldn't stop trembling, one could imagine how powerful the city guard commander had exerted on him just now.

Step by step, he walked towards the monster servant who was still trying to escape, and the commander of the city guard took down the spear.Seeing the monster lying limp on the ground like a dead dog, the leader of the city guards suddenly walked up to the driver who had turned his body into a monster, and just calmly looked into the eyes full of scarlet killing intent.

Suddenly, the leader of the city guards spoke, and he said in a calm and emotionless tone: "How, are you so happy! Why bother! If so, I will send you down. Let you and your brothers meet earlier .Don’t blame me. I am also responsible.”

Without waiting for the servant driver to answer, the city guard leader at this moment violently grabbed the servant driver who had turned into a monster, and the servant driver's body was dragged up by him.

The body of the servant coachman writhed uneasily, trying to break free from the hands of the city guard commander, but the two hands of the city guard commander grabbed his body firmly like two iron clamps, preventing him from The slightest movement.

Putting the servant coachman who was still trying to escape and turned into a monster under the sun, it was still so ugly, with his legs moving around, the commander of the city guard said the last sentence: "Unexpectedly, you It's still so ugly in the sun."

Then, looking at the monster in front of him, the commander of the city guard burst out with extreme killing intent in his eyes, and the killing intent that was brewing in his body had already reached its peak when he said the last sentence at this moment.

At this moment, the leader of the city guards burst out with great strength and stabbed the long spear fiercely on the ground. The leader of the city guards threw the monster-like body of the servant driver in front of him to He moved suddenly.

The legs that were originally accumulating strength suddenly bowed and the whole person was ejected into the air, with fierce killing intent in his eyes.

There was a violent aura exuding from all over his body, and the aura of the commander of the city guard at this time was somewhat stronger than the violent aura of the servant coachman who had turned into a monster in front of him.

Punch after punch, punching to the flesh, unceasingly, punched the monster-like body of the servant coachman until he vomited blood. Not very good.

The whole body suffered huge trauma, and the severe pain swept through his body, followed by a different feeling of decline.This is the sequelae of taking two bottles of Berserk Pill, because he took two bottles of Berserk Pill, so the effect of this time is very serious.

It was even more serious than the first time, because this time his vitality was burned in exchange for tyrannical strength, so his whole body strength was severely extracted.

I saw that his body was getting weaker and weaker every second than the last second.

The injuries of his own body and the ruthless fist blows from the outside of the commander of the city guards, the two forces collided with each other, and the servant coachman who was already a monster couldn't hold it at this moment.

The leader of the city guard looked at the servant driver in front of him, the cold killing intent in his eyes was still undisguised.

Immediately afterwards, there was another round of bombardment.This time, the strength of the city guard's commanding fist was even stronger.

The power of this punch is even stronger, and each punch is more powerful than the previous punch.

This terrifying force continued to run through the monster-like servant coachman. The fists of the city guard commander with unparalleled strength, like two pairs of huge hammers, ruthlessly bombarded this man who had long been lost. On the servant coachman with human dignity.

Bombarding on his monster-like body, these two punches with absolutely powerful force smashed his heart. The guard commander of the Gu family looked at everything in front of him, and the sadness in his heart decreased a little. .

At the same time, the respect for the commander of the city guards in his heart became even stronger. This was not imposed on him by others, but his own admiration for him from the bottom of his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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