I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 840 You Can Rest In Peace

Chapter 840 You Can Rest In Peace

After killing the monster completely, the commander of the city guards looked at the monster-like body of the servant coachman who fell to the ground without a sound, with a coldness and an inexplicable anger in his eyes.

Reaching out his hand to take out his long spear, looking at the monster-like corpse of the servant driver in front of him, he swung the long spear fiercely, and a sharp spear light slashed down fiercely with a strange force.

This force beheaded the head of the former servant of the Gu Mansion, who was already a monster, and the head of the leader of the Blood Shadow Pavilion Killer Organization this time.

Picking up the already disfigured head with the tip of his spear, the leader of the city guard walked slowly towards the guards of Gu's mansion to lead a group of people.

Naturally, he did this because he had already agreed to the guard commander of the Gu residence.When you say rewards, it is natural to use the rest of the body parts of this servant coachman who has been reduced to a monster. These rewards are believed to be those people who will naturally not harm him.

After all, his temper is notoriously irritable. Looking at the monster God of Cookery in front of him, if those few really don't give him face, his fists and his spear are not easy to provoke.

He believes that his fist and his spear are still very good, even if they don't give him face, shouldn't they give him face when looking at his fist and his spear?

After all, his fists and spears have a lot of face.

The guards of the city guards had already brought Lao Cui's body in front of the commander of the guards. Looking around, they found that the battles of the city guards had reached the final stage, and they nodded in satisfaction.

Then, I took a closer look at the surrounding area, well, the damage is not too serious, and the final bonus should still be able to drop a jug of wine.

Seeing that his subordinates were about to resolve the battle, the commander of the city guard was very relaxed at the moment, but there was still a terrifying evil spirit in his eyes.

When the commander of the city guards walked up to the commander of the guards of Gu's residence, he cleverly used the head on the tip of the spear so that he landed firmly in front of the commander of the guards.

The commander of the guards grabbed the bloody head with both hands, completely relieved, and let go of the grief and anger in his heart. At this time, he has completely calmed down, and his injuries have healed.
Put his head in front of his friend Lao Cui.

The commander of the guards looked at his friend Lao Cui's face pale, with a big hole in his chest, and tears glistened in his eyes.

He spoke in an extremely depressing tone, and saw the commander of the guards clasped his fists and said in a low voice: "Brother, brother, please ask the commander of the city guards to avenge you. The commander is very powerful and has already beaten you alive!" The thief's heart exploded, this is what my younger brother saw with his own eyes."

Speaking of this, the commander of the guards suddenly saluted the commander of the city guards respectfully. Standing aside, the commander of the city guards, who was watching the actions of the guards commander of the Gu residence with a serious face, was a little annoyed by this man's sudden salute. He was at a loss, but accepted the gift anyway.

"Old brother, your heart-wrenching revenge has been completely avenged by the commander of the city guard. Brother, your spirit in the sky should also be comforted. I specifically request the commander of the city guard to behead the thief's head." Come down, after the old brother's burial, I want to take the time to pay homage to my brother with this hot head, there is only so much my brother can do now."

"I hope my brother's spirit in heaven can rest in peace.": The commander of the guard put his hands on Lao Cui's eyes, and after brushing them, Lao Cui's eyes closed, and he was extremely peaceful at this moment.

Then, accepting the command of the city guards to welcome Mr. Gu Zongsheng, the two chatted amicably.

Gu Zongsheng expressed his gratitude to the commander of the city guard for his timely arrival, and expressed his willingness to use his own money to support the brothers of the city guard to drink tea.

Seeing such a righteous Gu Zongsheng, the commander of the city guards didn't know what to say, but after quietly accepting the banknote, he escorted the group of them to the mansion of Guowei Zhaozhang for the reason of protecting Gu's troops.

At the same time, after seeing that the killer of the city guard was the killer of the Blood Shadow Pavilion, he was eager to report information about the Blood Shadow Pavilion to his superiors.

Gu Zongsheng suddenly had the idea of ​​going to the palace to meet the ruler of the current dynasty, that is, the ruler of Chuyue, Xiong Han, but after thinking about it, he suppressed the matter.It seems that my concentration is still not enough. After facing such a situation, I have already messed up.

It almost caused a catastrophe. Gu Zongsheng really didn't know why his mind was twitching just now, and he had the idea of ​​attacking and meeting the current ruler of the Chuyue Kingdom, Xiong Han.

When he planned to tell all the grievances and grievances between himself and the forces of the Ministry of Justice, and even more to show the situation that he was just a sacrificial pawn for the alternating attacks of the old and new forces, Gu Zongsheng's heart was completely confused.

His mind is full of some unrealistic ideas, which are basically impossible. Just talking about the struggle between the old and new aristocratic forces, isn't the current Majesty Xionghan just clearly supporting the Guowei Zhaozhang and others? Is it a new faction composed of people?

I am the head of the new faction who has gone from the old faction to the new faction, and the biggest backer behind the scenes, Summoning, confessed everything. Isn't he crazy?

Not only that, but I was thinking about flipping the table just now, which is the manifestation of Gu Zongsheng's complete confusion.They don't even follow the rules. You must know that the rules are set by the people on both sides. If someone doesn't understand the rules, they are provoking the people on both sides.

Then the end of this person is not far from death. He offended the old and the new forces in the Chuyue Kingdom together. Well, the king of hell will keep you until the fifth watch, and I am afraid that you will die at the third watch.

This is what people who don't understand the rules deserve to be hunted down. Rules are the manifestation of a person, a force, and a country becoming stronger from beginning to end.

Rules, the square of the sky is the rule, and the circle of the earth is the moment.The rules have been passed down from ancient times to the present for an unknown number of years, and naturally they have been completely engraved in the blood of everyone.

People must know the rules, so that they can stand upright.

Thinking of this, Gu Zongsheng's mood finally calmed down. It has been a long time since the irritability and guilty conscience caused by a miserable battle just now.

Now, Gu Zongsheng has completely recovered his calm and breezy aura before, looking out from inside the chariot and horses, the commander of the city guards is escorting them to the well-known Guowei's mansion...

Seeing that he had arrived at the well-known Guowei Mansion, Gu Zongsheng got off the car led by the guards. After getting off the car, Gu Zongsheng looked at the commander of the city guard who was about to leave. Sorry to trouble the general, today, the general is busy with business, Gu will not bother the general too much, when the general is free, you can come to my Gu mansion to have a drink."

Faced with Gu Zongsheng's polite invitation, the commander of the city guard team felt the heavy banknote in his arm. The commander of the city guard team who was originally not good at communication suddenly changed from bitterness to happiness in an instant.

I saw that the commander of the city guard straddled the strong horse, greeted Gu Zongsheng with the military salute of his own army, and said cheerfully: "I will not be disrespectful, and I will trouble Gu Zongsheng when the time comes." It’s just that you don’t dislike someone from a remote background.”

Hearing this, a happy smile appeared on Gu Zongsheng's face, and at the same time he waved his hands quickly, and saw that he said in his mouth: "How could it be, how could I despise the general, my Gu mansion has a general's presence, so it is naturally full of glory. "

The two bragged with each other for a while, and the commander of the city guard couldn't brag about nb with Gu Zongsheng because of his official duties, so he left here quickly.

After sending off the commander of the city guard with a smile on his face, Gu Zongsheng tidied up his clothes, and with a little respect on his face, he walked quickly to the gate of the well-known Guowei's mansion and knocked on the gate.

Accompanied by the clear and crisp knock on the door, the sound of stones hitting bronze sounded, and with a creak, a small crack opened on the side of the door.

All I saw was a man dressed in a red gown who looked like an old housekeeper opened the door, and this man looked suspiciously at Gu Zongsheng in front of him.Gu Zongsheng spoke at this time, his tone was calm and without the slightest emotion, as if speaking normally: "I am Gu Zongsheng, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Diplomacy, and I came here specially to visit Lieutenant Zhaozhang."

After Gu Zongsheng finished speaking, he saw that the doubtful expression on the man's face had disappeared, but he still had doubts, so he opened his mouth and explained actively: "I have already posted a greeting card."

Hearing this, it was only then that the man in red who was in charge became serious.I saw that this person said to Gu Zongsheng with a solemn expression: "My lord, wait a moment, I will open the gate of the mansion for you."

After all, the old-looking housekeeper in red floated away like a gust of wind, after Gu Zongsheng took a step back.

I saw that the front door of the front hall was solemnly opened, which marked Gu Zongsheng's honorable guests, and the servants and guards brought by such guests were naturally treated the same as the guards and servants in his mansion.

A row of shrewd and official-like characters were there respectfully inviting Gu Zongsheng. Looking at all this, Gu Zongsheng suddenly felt a little relieved in his life-and-death adventure.

At this time, the originally indifferent heart suddenly warmed up. Looking at these, Gu Zongsheng had a smile on his mouth, and there was only bitterness and warmth in his heart that he could not express.

Gu Zongsheng strode into the well-known Guowei Mansion, and the servants and guards who followed him were naturally arranged elsewhere.These places are the same as the places where their servants guard, and there is no partiality at all.

Looking at these, Gu Zongsheng had a strong curiosity about the young Guowei Zhaozhang, and of course he also had a different kind of emotion.


In the main hall of the Guowei Mansion!
Zhao Zhang was dressed in red and sat on the main seat. The lighting and layout of the entire hall were very good. It was already afternoon, and the lighting environment here was still very good.

Although this hall faces south from the north, the layout of this hall can produce such an effect that it is an eye-opener for Gu Zongsheng at this time.

Said to be a person who has been engaged in foreign affairs and diplomatic relations all the year round, Gu Zongsheng thought that he had seen a lot of these novel gadgets, and felt that these were nothing more than that.

However, now that I really saw this brilliant and outstanding talent who was already well-known in Chuyue in his weak years, he truly deserved his reputation.

Gu Zongsheng looked at the red dress in front of him. The magnificent figure and strange words shocked Gu Zongsheng's body and mind. It is peerless, and it is worthy of being a national captain.

Although it is said that it is difficult to live up to a great name, today Gu Zongsheng has a new understanding of this sentence, that is, there are no worthless people under a great name.

The national lieutenant in front of him is obvious, even the rough general who has always been called by a certain frontier general is like this. These people are the kind of celebrities who have nothing to do with their reputation.

They are the most veritable group of people in the current Chuyue Kingdom. Thinking of this, Gu Zongsheng's eyes suddenly showed a look of anticipation.

Gu Zongsheng was thinking at this time, since Chuyue Kingdom has such talents and Mingjun Xiong Han, is their road to revival of Chuyue Kingdom still far away?

The answer is definitely not far away. Their Chuyue Kingdom has already experienced a change. Under this change, the strength of the Chuyue Kingdom has increased countless times.

Although the current Chuyue Kingdom has less land and wealth than before, the current Chuyue Kingdom's comprehensive national strength and national military strength are much stronger than before.

Not only the effect of the reform in the military and the reform of the Chuyue Kingdom, but also Xiong Han's determination to attach importance to reform and the power of Xiong Han and the nobles and veterans who constantly appease the defeated Chuyue Kingdom's old forces.

This is the result of the joint forces of the new reform forces headed by Guowei Zhaozhang and the old conservative forces headed by the aristocratic veterans of Chuyue Kingdom.

Both are promoting the current strength and prosperity of the Chuyue Kingdom, and these two forces, with their own vitality, have had a great impact on the Chuyue Kingdom, which is currently in a transitional period.

"I would like to thank Guo Wei for saving my life in the court at that time, and openly speaking for my ministers. My heart is all in this glass of wine." Gu Zongsheng and Zhaozhang directly expressed their gratitude , and there are not many twists and turns, after saying this sentence.

Gu Zongsheng faced Guowei Zhaozhang in front of him, and drank the amber-colored fruit wine in his glass. The amber-like fruit wine felt as soft and sticky as jelly in his mouth.

When the fruit wine entered the throat, it was as viscous as honey. Afterwards, the fruit wine completely turned into a pool of warm current in the stomach, surging towards the blood of the limbs and bones.

These warm currents are of great benefit to Gu Zongsheng's body, and Gu Zongsheng is naturally aware of that after he noticed that warm current poured into his body.

(End of this chapter)

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