Chapter 841
After a while, Gu Zongsheng's body rose and mist rose, and it was seen that Gu Zongsheng was completely red at this time.

His eyes were red, like a crab that was about to ripen, Gu Zongsheng's ridiculous appearance made Zhao Zhang on the stage couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

Feeling his own strangeness, Gu Zongsheng didn't feel any embarrassment, but thought that his current appearance was very funny.After tearing open the skirt inside the sleeves of his clothes, Gu Zongsheng felt his body feel better.

The steaming heat all over his body dissipated a little, and the blood all over his body was constantly surging, and the speed was naturally faster than before.

This is Gu Zongsheng's state after drinking a glass of fruit wine specially prepared by Zhao Ming. This wine is really extraordinary.

Gu Zongsheng, who had already calmed down, thought about it, and at the same time, he did not forget to speak to the red-clothed man in front of him after sorting out his demeanor: "The banquet prepared by Mr. Guowei is truly extraordinary. The wine made my whole body's energy and blood soar, and the strength of my whole body shook. My limbs and bones felt much more comfortable for a while, this wine is truly miraculous."

Gu Zongsheng looked at the wine glass in front of him, quietly playing with it there, he was not stingy with his praise, and gave all his feelings and praise to the glass of fruit wine in front of him.

Hearing Gu Zongsheng's praise, Zhaozhang just smiled softly. Facing Gu Zongsheng with a serious expression below, he finally corrected his expression and spoke in a correct voice: "Master Gu doesn't know something. The specially brewed Babao Baiguo wine, the brewing time alone is an extraordinary 40 years."

"It's been such a long time. The medicinal effect and taste of this wine are naturally extremely good. Besides, the eight treasures are great tonics, and each treasure is used among them. Powerful precious bones and flesh, not to mention the hundred fruits, this is really a wild fruit picked on that mountain when the whole fruit is ripe."

"Naturally, these fruits have undergone strict selection before they can be used. Afterwards, they are brewed with the cold and clear spring water in the deep water cold pool in the inner palace of Jinling City. In this way, every link of this wine is extraordinary. That's why the skilled craftsman carefully brewed it, and after that, it took the essence of the sun and the moon for 81 days before it went deep into the well for brewing and storing."

"When the wine has been aged for 40 years, it can only be taken out before drinking. During these 40 years, the natural essence of the heaven and earth and the cold icy air have mixed the minnows and the eight treasures All the medicinal value of bone medicine and blood and its own essence are all fused together. These essences and the vitality of life are all integrated with the cold, clear and sweet water in this cold pool."

"This water has been known as the most good water since ancient times. Therefore, the essence of the sun and moon, the sun and the moon, and the vitality of the world can only be stored for a long time in this clear and sweet spring water. Such a Come on, the role of water is crucial.”

"And this water is naturally unusual. After the precipitation of time, the penetration of the vitality of the world and the essence of these spiritual things, the water has become unusual. This is the origin of this wine. Tell me, what do you think of this wine." Zhao Zhang said word by word, without any haste, the general method of this Eight Treasures Baiguo Wine, the strictness of raw materials and the long production time.

After explaining these things one by one, at the end of Zhaozhang's speech, he looked at Gu Zongsheng with a different look in his eyes and suddenly asked, asking softly.

Seeing that the process of making this wine is so complicated, and the materials used are already beyond Gu Zongsheng's imagination, he couldn't help but admire from the bottom of his heart, and he spoke to Zhao Zhang with an imposing expression, "It really is. It is an eye-opener, an eye-opener, Guowei's mansion has such good wine, such good skills and rare ingenuity, I really admire it."

Hearing this, Zhaozhang waved his hand with a smile, and asked someone to pour Gu Zongsheng another glass of this unique eight-treasures-bamboo fruit wine and said with a smile: "However, this wine still has a shortcoming, I don't know if Mr. Gu can notice it. "

"The medicine is too effective, so you can't drink more?" Gu Zongsheng was playing with the wine glass in front of him, his black eyes staring fixedly at the amber liquid in the wine glass in front of him, and he saw that it was definitely Babao Baiguo Wine. After thinking for a while, then With a questioning look, he opened his mouth cautiously.

Hearing Gu Zongsheng's words, Zhao Zhang couldn't help but smile: "Yes, but the medicinal effect is too strong, and the medicinal effect of this wine is extremely overbearing. I don't know why, this wine is not only overbearing in medicinal effect, but also extremely strong with alcohol, which is unusual. Just one cup a day is enough for a person. However, Mr. Gu has just been frightened, and his body is a little weak, so he can drink two cups today."

"I heard that Mr. Gu drinks very well on weekdays. I don't know if Mr. Gu can give up his life as a gentleman to accompany me to show this man." Zhaozhang's eyes flashed with a strange light, and then he spoke, with just one word, Everyone was shocked, it was obvious that they were joking with Gu Zongsheng at this time.

And the purpose of making this joke is to let Gu Zongsheng drink this cup of Eight Treasures Hundred Fruits Wine. As expected, once Gu Zongsheng drinks this cup of Eight Treasures Hundred Fruits Wine, he will definitely lose his control at this time.

That is, as the saying goes, drink and get drunk.I don't know if Gu Zongsheng is drunk, will he delay his affairs.

Zhaozhang is a little curious, because some things can only be discussed when drunk.Drinking alcohol is not only the aroma of drinking, but also the word drunk, adding a booster to my already timid heart.

This wine is the best courage for people.It is also the best way to relax and break your own stress.

Therefore, Zhaozhang is a little dissatisfied when he sees that Gu Zongsheng, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Diplomacy who has become nervous as soon as he enters the Guowei Mansion, is a little nervous in every move.

However, he still didn't say much, with a cold expression for a long time before he planned to get Gu Zongsheng drunk before talking about things.

Therefore, in the court, I often heard about Gu Zongsheng's wine quality, and this person's wine quality was not too bad, so Zhao Zhang had the idea of ​​paying respect to Gu Zongsheng's eight-treasure, hundred-fruit wine twice.

Gu Zongsheng's drinking capacity is naturally higher than that of ordinary people, but he really can't bear the 40-year-old Eight Treasures Baiguo Wine.Although this wine is fruit wine, it is indeed exactly what Zhao Zhang said.

It is during these 40 years that the flesh and blood of the eight treasures, the spirit of the mountain and the earth of the hundred fruits, and the essence of the sun and the moon have undergone mutations, and together they are in the icy deep tan, which is cold and cool, and has a clear and refreshing feeling. Abnormal changes have taken place under the fusion of sweet and cold spring water.

These things come together to form the Eight Treasures Baiguo Wine. Although it is like jelly when it is just drunk, it is as silky as honey when it is swallowed and reaches the throat, but this wine turns into that when it enters the stomach. Waves of surging warm current continuously hit his limbs and bones.

This warm current thought that a strange power was recovering, repairing, and protecting Gu Zongsheng's body.Although Gu Zongsheng didn't taste the strength and strength of the wine when he drank it just now, but the strangeness all over his body subsided shortly afterwards.

A strange and strong force of alcohol had already poured into his mind. To be honest, Gu Zongsheng felt a little dizzy now.

But seeing Guowei Zhaozhang in front of him giving himself face like this, although Gu Zongsheng was clearly at this time, it was clear and obvious that he wanted to get him drunk.At this time, Gu Zongsheng, with a heroic spirit of knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, prefers to travel on the mountains, after looking at the wine glass that was clearly raised.

Gu Zongsheng also stood up, his body was a little shaky, and the surrounding maids wanted to step forward to stabilize Gu Zongsheng's body.These maids were all swept away by Gu Zongsheng with a flick of his sleeve, and he opened his mouth and said: "Master Guo Wei is so shameless to my minister, I still drink this bowl of wine even if I don't drink."

"Your Majesty of the State also knows that your subjects are addicted to alcohol, so this cup of wine is a respect to the great man of the country." After speaking, I saw him holding the wine glass in front of him with both hands, following the obvious movements with a kind of drinking etiquette. He began to drink the wine in a respectful sip, then poured the mouth of the wine glass down, and then saw that there was not a drop of wine flowing down from the mouth of the wine glass.

Looking at Gu Zongsheng who had already drank the Eight Treasures Baiguo Wine, there was a little approval in his eyes, and then under Gu Zongsheng's gaze, he drank the glass of wine in his hand, after drinking the glass of wine.Zhaozhang repeated Gu Zongsheng's actions before, after showing Gu Zongsheng that he had completely drank the wine.

Obviously feel a warm current pouring into his body, this warm current rushed to the limbs and bones, feel this warm current carefully.Zhaozhang just smiled and talked to Gu Zongsheng: "I've run out of wine, so let's try the skills of the master chef in our Guowei Mansion. I've always heard that Master Gu is a foodie."

"What a coincidence, I also like to have a bite here. We definitely can't drink this wine anymore. Next, let Master Gu taste the food of our Guowei Mansion. In addition, I would like to invite Master Gu to drink the food. Come and try the gadgets I made some time ago. This gadget is sour and sweet, especially suitable for eating."

There was light in Zhao Zhang's eyes, and he spoke suddenly, with a little joy in his tone.It was only by chance that he made this drink, and it was only after the chef in the Guowei's Mansion worked hard that he could make this qualified drink.

Hearing this, Gu Zongsheng's eyes sparkled, and he saw that the guard next to him had already carried away the flagon of eight treasures and fruit wine.A maid who came up was holding another wine container, and here it was obvious that there was only a fruity aroma, and there was no alcohol smell at all.

I saw that the maid was holding the wine container full of the special drink that Zhao Zhang said, and carefully distributed another wine glass to Gu Zongsheng, poured out the black liquid, and the liquid flowed into the glass. middle.

The liquid was icy cold and had a slightly sweet and sour aroma. Taking the wine glass, Gu Zongsheng carefully looked at the jet-black liquid in the glass in front of him, took a sip, and felt a sour and sweet smell. , A cold feeling was sent into the throat.

Immediately, I felt that my body was greatly relieved, and even my dizzy and drowsy head was jolted suddenly. Under the stimulation of this drink, the drowsy headache was obviously a little bit awake.

Seeing that Gu Zongsheng narrowed his eyes, his body was comfortable, and his mind didn't hurt so much, he immediately looked at the drink in front of him and couldn't help admiring: "It's really a good thing, and it can even relieve hangovers. I don't know if Mr. Guowei named it gone."

"Of course, this drink is called sour plum fruit tea. It is made from sour plum as the main raw material and other ingredients, and then it was stored in the ice room for a while, about three days Right." Zhaozhang thought for a while, seeing the respectful Gu Zongsheng in front of him, he couldn't help preaching happily, and taught Gu Zongsheng his own little tricks of making these.

Gu Zongsheng thought about it carefully, and he understood the key point, and now he just thanked the obvious repayment in front of him.Then, under the obvious invitation, they began to enjoy the delicious food in front of them, which already exuded a seductive atmosphere.

Obviously, he used some small techniques to heat the food. The blue-yellow flame was still licking the bronze vessel in front of him. Looking at the special container in front of him, he looked at a The motionless Gu Zongsheng naturally understood something.

Immediately, Zhao Zhang got up and took out a bronze hook to taste from the hand of the maid next to him, then hooked the bronze cover deftly, picked the bronze cover lightly, picked it aside, and put it beside him.

I saw that there was already a stewed fish and sheep stew inside. This pot of fat, delicious and fragrant fish and sheep stew was obviously taken out from the side with a big wooden spoon, and I personally took a big bowl of this fat and delicious soup for Gu Zongsheng. Fish and sheep stew.

The stewed fish and sheep were soft and rotten, and they still exuded a mellow taste. Then he added two tablespoons of spicy oil next to Gu Zongsheng himself, and then he added the full portion that exudes a strange temptation. The fragrant fish and sheep stew was placed in front of Gu Zongsheng.

I saw that Gu Zongsheng had a look of sincerity and fear at this time, but at this time, Zhao Zhang wiped his hands and said eagerly to Gu Zongsheng: "Drink it quickly, I can enjoy this delicious fat fish and sheep stew that can be dismantled." I have been eating it for a long time, and I never get tired of eating it, so today you have to try my way of eating it.”

Zhaozhang said with a smile, then pointed to the golden pancake on the plate of the guard next to him, the guard took out the steaming golden pancake on both sides, and handed the two golden pancakes to Gu Zongsheng while still steaming on top.At this time, Gu Zongsheng looked at the unusual food in front of him, and he was also satisfied at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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