Chapter 842 Tired of War

Seeing Gu Zongsheng's movements like this, Zhaozhang felt relieved to take his own position.At this time, a large bowl of fat fish and sheep stew had already been placed on his place, and three tablespoons of chili oil had been added to the removable bone fish and sheep stew before he gave up.

Then, I saw Zhaozhang take out from the guard's plate next to him a golden flatbread that was grilled on both sides, dripping with oil and bubbling with steam, and accompanied by the incomparably delicious stewed fish and mutton exuding an extremely tempting aroma, he began to gulp gnawing up.

Although it wasn't the first time for Gu Zongsheng to eat this delicious fish and sheep stew, there are not many cooks who are so good in Guowei's Mansion.Just talking about spicy oil is a must, and paired with the stewed fish and sheep that has already been stewed so soft that the bones can be gently removed, Gu Zongsheng is already lost in this fat fish and sheep stew.

Drinking the thick, hot, spicy and delicious fish and sheep stew, eating the steaming golden flatbread next to it, with a strong aroma of wheat on the flatbread, this tempting meat Fragrant, delicious soup flavor, and the refreshing feeling of hot, spicy and delicious.

This bowl of fish and sheep was stewed by Gu Zongsheng in a short while, and even the golden flatbread had been stewed and swallowed by him with the fat fish and sheep.

After taking a sip of the sour plum tea next to him, Gu Zongsheng asked the guards next to him to add a large bowl of plump fish and sheep stew, and then poured two tablespoons of spicy and delicious Guowei Mansion chef's secret recipe The chili oil was given to Gu Zongsheng afterward.

Gu Zongsheng was not idle when the guards were adding delicious fish and sheep stew to him. I saw that he paired the fresh and tender seasonal vegetables with the steaming Jinling venison that was marinated next to it.

After tearing off a large piece of bright red Jinling venison that was still exuding the tempting aroma of sauce, Gu Zongsheng tore it into small strips and rolled them together with the soft and warm snow-white pancakes next to it.

Gu Zongsheng poured the stewed meat soup with Jinling venison on it, and he didn't forget to add a spoonful of spicy oil to match it.Although these are very complicated, Gu Zongsheng's movements are extremely fast.

I saw that after Gu Zongsheng's set of movements, it was smooth and flowing, without any effort. Judging from the movements of Gu Zongsheng, it can be seen that this is an old glutton. It didn't take long, and Gu Zongsheng quickly made a special one. Burrito.

And when the guard brought Gu Zongsheng a large bowl of extremely delicious fish and sheep stew to the table, he saw that he had already rolled the big cake, and the timing was just right.

At this time, Gu Zongsheng continued to chew and quickly chopped up. After eating this spicy and delicious hot fish and sheep stew with the Jinling venison that Gu Zongsheng had just made and the flatbread made of fresh and tender vegetables, Gu Zongsheng raised his neck very much. It was hard to swallow it down.

An indescribable feeling, all kinds of wonderful flavors erupted from the tip of Gu Zongsheng's tongue at this moment, and then Gu Zongsheng just chewed and started to chop.

Gu Zongsheng, who was eating, asked a wind and a cloud to quickly swallow the big cake in his hand, and then took out another golden or warm big cake, bit it hard, and then took a big bite with it. The spicy and plump fish and sheep stew is for you to swallow.

After repeating this, it didn't take long. After swallowing another whole bowl of spicy and delicious fish and sheep stew and an extremely tempting golden flatbread, Gu Zongsheng was a little bit full, so he didn't add that food again. Let him be a little obsessed with fat lamb stew.

I saw Gu Zongsheng sticking out his stomach, sitting on his desk chair, drinking the sour plum juice next to him, and sipping the red, shiny, and steaming meat that had just been cooked in the stewed cauldron. Take out Jinling venison.

After swallowing the piece of Jinling venison, Gu Zongsheng gave up and rested there quietly, waiting for the food to be digested.

During this meal, Gu Zongsheng ate profusely in sweat. At this time, Gu Zongsheng stopped, his forehead was covered with sweat, and he took out the silk scarf next to him to wipe it off.

Everything was ready, Gu Zongsheng looked at the desk in front of him, and for a moment he still wanted to make some moves, but the feeling in his abdomen was telling him not to be impulsive.

Gu Zongsheng had finished eating and was currently wiping his hands.

But Zhaozhang is naturally faster than what Gu Zongsheng eats, although Zhaozhang is still munching and chopping his own bowl, the inside of the bowl is extremely fat, with a tempting aroma, every bite is full of an extremely thick wheat aroma paired with spicy, spicy, It is hot and hot and has an incomparably delicious taste.

Almost every bite is satisfying, and Zhaozhang's speed is naturally much faster than Gu Zongsheng's. This is not when Gu Zongsheng has not finished eating a bowl, but Mingzhang has already finished eating.

Now Zhaozhang had already finished the third bowl, he put the last piece of browned pancake exuding an attractive aroma into his mouth, and then Zhaozhang swallowed the fat fish and sheep stew in the bowl in one gulp, even The deboned mutton is swallowed into the mouth like this.

This bone has already been stewed so soft and rotten, it has already lost the hardness of the bone, it is obvious that the bone is chewed and swallowed like an inch of gold cartilage.

Stretching his neck, he swallowed the last bite, and looked at the stewed Jinling venison prepared for him next to him, which was still steaming and steaming, with a white mist of red and bright Jinling venison.

Zhaozhang took the bronze dagger next to him and picked out the soft, rotten, tender Jinling venison exuding the tempting aroma of sauce, and swallowed it in big mouthfuls. After that, it was a fresh and tender seasonal vegetable and fruit to be swallowed, after eating all of this.Looking at Gu Zongsheng who was sitting slumped on the ground below, wiping the fine beads of sweat on his forehead.

Only then did Zhaozhang stand up and bow to Gu Zongsheng, only to see Zhaozhang said to Gu Zongsheng: "I don't know if Mr. Gu is satisfied with what he ate. If there are any deficiencies, please feel free to mention them. I am also a full-fledged foodie." , I have always been very concerned about the food I eat."

"It just so happens that Mr. Gu still has some opinions on this aspect. Today, I would like to ask Mr. Gu to comment on the two meals I have prepared. If there is anything that can help me, I will be very grateful."

After finishing speaking, Zhaozhang looked at Gu Zongsheng in front of him with a questioning expression.

When Gu Zongsheng heard this, his originally limp body seemed to be injected with some kind of strength at this moment, and he immediately sat up straight.

I saw that Gu Zongsheng showed satisfaction on his face, and saluted Zhaozhang to show his respect, and then he saw him speak: "Guowei's speech like this is breaking me. I usually just like a little food and drink. What kind of person is that commenting?" ah."

"If I were to comment, the two dishes prepared by Guowei today are very suitable for me. This delicious, spicy and hot fish and sheep stew paired with golden brown pancakes is indeed a different kind of attraction. Power. Especially the addition of this spicy oil, this thick and fat fish and sheep stew has injected soul, it is really a superb product."

"I think the style of food is that of the north, but this fat and delicious fish soup is the most special delicacy in Chuyue. I don't know why Guowei thought of combining them to create this fat and delicious fish soup. Incomparable stewed fish and sheep." Gu Zongsheng looked at the empty bowl in front of him, recalled it, and then asked his own question to Lieutenant Zhaozhang in front of him.

I saw Guowei Zhaozhang sitting on the main seat in a red dress, shaking his head and said with a smile: "No, no, this fish and sheep stew is not my idea. This fish and sheep stew is made in the north. Some farmers near the river or bordering our Chuyue Kingdom like this fish and sheep stew very much, and I also took out this craft from an old family when I was traveling near Chuyue Kingdom."

"This way of eating has been popular for a long time, Master Gu didn't even know about it." Guo Wei's face had an inexplicable taste, obviously there was a deep meaning in his words.

However, Gu Zongsheng didn't realize the deep meaning in Guowei Zhaozhang's eyes, he just said to himself: "Of course I don't know, but we don't pay attention to these small things. Naturally, these popular things among the people are attracted by some people. The upper class treats the lower class as stuff, so naturally they disdain to eat it."

"However, what does all of this have to do with it? Guo Wei wanted to say something." After Gu Zongsheng finished his speech with a sigh, he found that he couldn't speak clearly, he couldn't explain clearly, he just told the essence of the problem.

But this matter is not something he can manage and pay attention to at the moment. For a while, Gu Zongsheng didn't understand Guowei Zhaozhang's thoughts, and then he just opened his mouth and looked at Guowei Zhaozhang in front of him to express his inner doubts.

Speaking out his biggest question, Gu Zongsheng looked at Guowei Zhaozhang in front of him with his question.

I saw that at this time, Zhao Zhang straightened his body, straightened his body, faced Gu Zongsheng's question with a serious face, and his tone was heavy with the majesty and domineering that belonged only to the Guowei.

Zhaozhang said: "The Chuyue Kingdom is already a sick person, and the disease has already rotted in the bones. There has always been only one kind of people in the Chuyue Kingdom, and that is the people of the Chuyue Kingdom, not some high-class people. The difference between the inferior and the noble."

"Since the nobles are nobles, they should set an example for the Chuyue people and help our Chuyue country to become prosperous and strong. In the current situation, our Chuyue country has lost consecutive battles. What is the reason?" Meaning asked Gu Zongsheng next to him.

I saw that when Gu Zongsheng heard the words, he immediately preached without hesitation without changing his face: "Da Zhou's strength is too strong, and I, Chuyue Kingdom, can't resist it. This is probably the reason. Indeed, Da Zhou Zhou's power is too strong."

Although there was doubt in his tone, Gu Zongsheng immediately affirmed his reasons after he finished speaking, and continued to emphasize it repeatedly.

Hearing this, there was a hint of disappointment in Zhaozhang's eyes. Immediately, seeing him speak seriously, his tone was still a little cold, but now the icy coldness was a little stronger: "That's not the case, you take care of yourself." Think about it, is this the real reason? Don’t kid yourself.”

"Okay, since you are unwilling to accept this fact, let me tell you clearly." Zhaozhang looked at Gu Zongsheng who was speechless by what he said, and immediately spoke with a little anger.

"Is it true that the Chuyue Kingdom lost to the Great Zhou Empire? Five or six years ago, the Great Zhou Empire was still a weak and small country that was at the mercy of their Chuyue Kingdom. What did they rely on in just a few years? The royal family that was able to resist and even repeatedly defeated the Chuyue Kingdom has been accumulated for hundreds of years, or even thousands of years."

Zhaozhang looked at Gu Zongsheng who was thinking below and continued to speak, and finally sent his own inquiry, only to see him say: "Is it really because the soldiers of the Great Zhou Empire are too powerful? If the Great Zhou Empire If the soldiers of the empire are really so powerful, then why is the current Great Zhou Empire resting and recuperating in the country, silently accumulating its own strength?"

"This, this, this,... I don't know why, maybe they are tired of the war!" Gu Zongsheng's eyes dodged, and he didn't know how to answer, so he had to whisper something that he himself thought was ridiculous. View.

Sure enough, after hearing Gu Zongsheng's answer, Zhaozhang got up abruptly, flicked his sleeves, exuding an incomparable chill all over his body, and his tone was cold, at this time Zhaozhang was already extremely angry.

Even the usual respect for guests and the etiquette that he attaches great importance to have been abandoned, only to see that at this time Zhao Ming angrily refuted: "Prejudice, prejudice, really is the thinking of the old nobles and elders of the good school."

It was only at the end that Mingming calmed down, staring at Gu Zongsheng with star-like eyes, and said in an extremely calm tone: "Do you all think so?"

"Probably all of them." Gu Zongsheng spoke with uncertainty. After all, he had completely broken with the old aristocratic forces. Naturally, he didn't know whether their thoughts had changed, but they were indeed like this before. thought.

At that time, he still remembered that after analyzing the reason, in order to numb themselves, they deliberately staged a huge banquet with lively colors and fragrances on the main hall of the event.

This banquet is one that people will never forget.

Stripping away all the complicated thoughts in his mind, Gu Zongsheng looked at Zhao Zhang submissively in front of him.

I saw that Zhao Zhang had already sat down at this time, and his originally angry heart calmed down at this moment.At this moment, the clear and quiet was a bit scary, making Gu Zongsheng's body uncontrollably radiate a chill.

He couldn't understand why people like Zhao Zhang were so obsessed with the issue of looking down on inferior people...

Obviously his own disregard for human life is the most terrible thing. I really don't understand what qualifications Zhao Zhang in front of him has to say about them. Obviously Zhao Zhang is the big devil.

Gu Zongsheng was arguing against Zhaoming in his heart, but there was no expression on his face, and he could only let people say that he deserved to be the old Minister of Foreign Affairs and Diplomacy.

(End of this chapter)

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