Chapter 844 Awakening
From this moment on, Gu Zongsheng has already begun to believe the obvious words in front of him.At this time, he already understood his previous mistake.

It is also a thorough understanding of the current situation of the Chuyue Kingdom, and a thorough understanding of why the Great Zhou Empire was able to rise in just a few years, and has always suppressed their Chuyue Kingdom.

It's not that the Great Zhou Empire was so tyrannical and capable of sweeping the world, but that the roots of their Chuyue Kingdom were too rotten, too deep, and too ruthless.If Chuyue Kingdom does not carry out successful reforms and complete innovations, then it will face the future of Chuyue Kingdom.

At this time, Gu Zongsheng felt guilty in his heart, he did not dare to imagine the ending at all.The ending of being completely erased by the Great Zhou Empire in the entire history, even after thousands of years of historical changes, their Chuyue Kingdom is so close to being destroyed in their hands.

I don't know what to say, but Gu Zongsheng has completely awakened at this time.Facing Zhao Zhang's last gentle words, that gentle tone pierced Gu Zongsheng's heart fiercely like thousands of knives.

Zhaozhang's last sentence was like a blow to the head again, completely waking him up.At this time, Gu Zongsheng, who had come to his senses, was carefully thinking about the situation in front of him, with a look of death and unwillingness on his face. At this time, Gu Zongsheng obviously understood the current plight of Chuyue Kingdom.

He even understood how absurd the conservative force he formed with those old nobles and veterans was. At this time, Gu Zongsheng, who had already awakened, suddenly stood up and faced Zhao Zhang in front of him.

The magnificent national lieutenant dressed in red who shouted at him and woke him up solemnly performed a Chuyue national salute without saying a word.

But it is clear that Gu Zongsheng, who is saluting solemnly in front of him, already understands that he has come to his senses, and he also knows his determination, so there is no need to say anything, these are naturally in his own words.

This made Zhao Zhan look at Gu Zongsheng in front of him a little differently. This Gu Zongsheng is a character.

After Gu Zongsheng saluted Zhaozhang, Zhaozhang accepted the salute without hesitation, and then Zhaozhang returned the salute to Gu Zongsheng.

The previous Chuyue Kingdom was already a dilapidated ship. If it wasn't for the fact that these people repaired the broken ship of the Chuyue Kingdom, I don't know what would happen to the Chuyue Kingdom.

With the passage of time, maybe it won't be long before these people will be completely nailed to the pillar of shame in the history of Chuyue Kingdom.It is because of them that they led to the destruction of the Chuyue Kingdom. These actions will definitely be reviled by thousands of people. They must be cast aside by thousands of people in this history. People from generation to generation will despise and cast aside them .

Their biggest problem is that they have completely forgotten the hardships of the life of the Chuyue people below.Already completely obsessed with the glory and wealth in front of him, he naturally disregarded the life and death of the people.

They are already completely enjoying and accustomed to a comfortable life, and they only have those loud slogans in their mouths, and they never implement them or do them.They are already ashamed of their ancestors.

Thinking of this, for some reason Gu Zongsheng's heart was filled with endless sadness, he just hated a little, hated himself for why he only woke up now.

Gu Zongsheng's resentment towards him is naturally unknown to others, and neither is Mingming.Seeing Gu Zongsheng who had come to his senses at this moment, Zhaozhang did not speak rashly, he understood that Gu Zongsheng needed a quiet space at this time.

All of a sudden, the huge change in thinking required him to calm down and think about his own right and wrong.

Facing the true thoughts of the matter, what will Gu Zongsheng do.Zhaozhang naturally didn't know, but he understood that Gu Zongsheng had completely separated from the old aristocratic line at this time, and he could be called a qualified ally now.

From the moment he entered the door, the current Gu Zongsheng is naturally more suitable as an ally.In other words, the current Gu Zongsheng has become one of his own.

At this time, Gu Zongsheng will definitely not have anything to do with those old nobles and veterans, so Gu Zongsheng can be said to be a radical changer at this time.Gu Zongsheng completely destroyed his original idea of ​​using the power of Guo Wei Zhaozhang and the newly born reformist nobles to fight.

At this time, Gu Zongsheng made a new change, and he obviously had greater determination to make a new decision.At this time, Gu Zongsheng had completely surrendered in his heart to the young captain who was already well-known in the entire Chuyue Kingdom.

Having been completely surrendered by Zhao Zhang, Gu Zongsheng at this time has completely abandoned his purpose of coming here.He obviously planned to follow Zhaozhang in front of him, because Zhaozhang explained all his doubts and confusion.

Clearly rescued him from that dirty and dark place.Facing the leaky ship in front of him that was destroyed by his own hands, Gu Zongsheng had only one thought in his mind at this time, that is, to repair him.

Fix him and bring him back to his prime.Seeing the obvious in front of him, Gu Zongsheng already figured it out. At this time, there was a little light in the eyes that had been silent before. This kind of light has a name, that is hope.

This light of hope bloomed in Gu Zongsheng's eyes, which obviously showed that Gu Zongsheng had found his own path at this time.

Seeing that, Gu Zongsheng opened his mouth and said to Zhaozhang: "After listening to the words of Mr. Guowei, I really feel a lot of emotion and don't know what to say. Even though there are thousands of emotions in my heart, it is not as good as the emotion in this cup. The words are thousands of words But there are still endless things to say, only a cup of this excellent alternative sour plum fruit tea, today I, Gu Zongsheng, use tea instead of wine, and respect Guowei for a cup."

As he spoke, Gu Zongsheng took out the wine glass filled with sour plum fruit tea from the desk next to him, and then looked at Guowei Zhaozhang firmly with hope in his eyes, and then drank it all in one gulp.

Afterwards, Guo Zongsheng turned over the wine glass to express his intentions, seeing this, Zhao Ming also took out the wine glass next to it, and drank it down in one gulp.

The two looked at each other, wanting to smile, Guo Zongsheng, who had already calmed down, began to talk about his grievances and enmities with the forces of the Ministry of Punishment.

Hearing this, Zhao Zhang's eyes showed a little disgust, which was disgust for the power of the Ministry of Punishment, and at the same time, he also understood the difficulty of Gu Zongsheng in front of him.However, the two were already allies this time, so Mingming naturally wouldn't let him be ambushed and killed by the forces of the Ministry of Punishment again.

However, the people in the criminal department are really abnormal.There has never been such an action before, but why, now the Ministry of Punishment is going to attack Gu Zongsheng first, what is the reason?Zhao Zhang was thinking in his heart, his eyes were dim, in this cold hall, there was a cold aura that belonged to him alone.

This is an unmistakable momentum, which he only exudes when he thinks.

Zhaozhang really couldn't understand the current wave of operations of the Ministry of Punishment forces for a while. If he was the first to launch an attack on Gu Zongsheng not to mention being above the court, now he couldn't wait to deal with South Korea after he was down from the court. The person in charge of the place where the envoy minister is located.

This wave of operations has blatantly violated the first essence of the New Deal he implemented, and even went against the interests of his own Chuyue Kingdom.Although he himself advocated clarifying the domestic situation in South Korea this time, he also showed that he should ignore the South Korean ministers Shin Bou-ha and others who were on the mission in front of him.

However, these definitely do not show that people from Chuyue Kingdom can easily insult South Korean envoys.Now he obviously couldn't figure out what there was about Gu Zongsheng in front of him that could attract the attention of the people in the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and he had to be beheaded abruptly to eliminate him.

There may be other reasons behind this. If it is said that it is useless and other reasons are obvious, I will definitely not believe it.Because right now, the actions of those forces in the Ministry of Punishment have thoroughly demonstrated that there is a lot of trickery in it.

It's just that Zhao Ming hasn't grasped that point yet.This point must exist, but the Ministry of Punishment is really very courageous, to openly attack and kill important officials of the Chuyue Kingdom at the foot of the Emperor in broad daylight, and it is still in the Chuyue Kingdom. within the kingdom.

What made Zhao Zhang even more intolerable was that the killer of the Blood Shadow Pavilion, which had caused him and Xiong Han a headache for a long time, was actually made by a group of conservatives headed by the old nobles and veterans of the Ministry of Punishment.But thinking about it at this moment, Zhao Zhang has indeed discovered the tricks in it, and also thoroughly understood the facts in front of him.

Facing the forces of the Criminal Ministry in his heart, he was directly sentenced to death. At this time, Zhao Zhang also understood his determination to kill the forces of the Ministry of Criminal Justice.At this time, Zhao Zhang's eyes were cold, and he unconsciously grasped the armrests on both sides of his seat.

Thinking of this, there is endless coldness in Zhao Zhang's eyes, and a breathtaking aura exudes from his whole body, as if he wants to devour people's hearts and souls, this is Zhao Zhang's aura.The aura that belongs to him alone is an inexplicable aura that he has cultivated from his actions since he was a child.

This is him, a natural leader, an unrivaled strong man, a strong man who can conquer loneliness, a mad captain who can control his emotions.The cold-blooded and ruthless Zhao Ming completely exuded his unique aura at this moment, this is him through and through, a real Zhao Ming.

It's a bit too much to say here, so let's continue what I just said.

Among them, the biggest doubt is that Gu Zongsheng in front of him looks ordinary. What is there that can cause the forces of the Ministry of Criminal Justice to chase and kill him? What do these old people want to do? The interests of Chuyue Kingdom were ignored.

It turned out that they wanted to destroy the diplomatic relations between Chuyue Kingdom and South Korea, and they were so stupid that Shen Buhai and others from South Korea set up a game. So the current abnormal changes, naturally, these people cannot be allowed to be reckless again. up.

He was about to make something, and at this moment, Zhao Zhang's eyes were shining with a gloomy light.

He never thought that these people from the Ministry of Punishment would be so stupid, and he couldn't understand the benefits of destroying Chuyue Kingdom. Once Chuyue Kingdom's foreign affairs and diplomatic relations cannot function, it will damage the interests of Chuyue Kingdom. .If the interests of the Chuyue Kingdom are lost, then it is the strength of the old nobles and veterans who have suffered losses.

At this time, Zhao Zhang was naturally confused, but he was still in deep thought.There must be some clues in it, there must be something in it that he hasn't discovered.At this time, Zhao Ming raised the sour plum tea next to him, took a sip of the tea lightly, and then swallowed the sour, sweet and cold sour plum tea.

Zhaozhang sat on his desk, continued his own thinking, silently thinking about everything in front of him.But after thinking for a long time, I still can't think of a reason.

This matter is too complicated and huge, and it is obvious that there is no clue at all, so I can only start from the beginning, and start from the beginning of the matter again...

The candles in the hall flickered slightly, the liquid of the candles kept flowing, and the time was constantly passing away. When the breeze blew past the candles, the faint light of the candles was blown by the breeze at this moment. At this time, Zhao Zhang looked at the candlelight in front of him.

The constantly flickering flames were reflected in Zhao Zhang's eyes, and he saw the flame rising up in his eyes. At this time, Zhao Zhang suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and he suddenly caught a piece of information amidst the mountain of complicated information.

That is, the four words of foreign affairs and diplomatic relations, this foreign affairs and diplomatic relations is Gu Zongsheng's identity, and it is also the only reason that Zhao Zhang can think of so far that the forces of the Ministry of punishment can take action against Gu Zongsheng.At present, there is no other reason for the Criminal Ministry to take action against Gu Zongsheng.

So, from the current point of view, it must be because of diplomatic relations with foreign affairs, but why did the power of the Ministry of Punishment have to destroy and strangle Gu Zongsheng.Gu Zongsheng has done quite well in the field of foreign affairs and diplomatic relations in the past. Leaving aside this, it means that Gu Zongsheng is indeed a qualified person in charge of the department of foreign affairs and diplomatic relations from the current point of view.

From this point of view, the power of the Ministry of Punishment is not just Gu Zongsheng's foreign affairs and diplomatic relations, it must be something else, or there is something he left behind or he doesn't know at present.

However, at this time, he deeply understood what the forces of the Ministry of Punishment were doing, which was completely damaging the interests of the Chuyue Kingdom and the national strength of the Chuyue Kingdom.What they have done has already filled Zhao Zhang with extreme anger at this time.

He was already extremely angry at this moment, looking at Gu Zongsheng in front of him, it was obvious that he did not speak again after all.

He was worried that when he opened his mouth, he would completely blow Gu Zongsheng's humble self-confidence. If Gu Zongsheng lost his self-esteem, what would he do? Kill to destroy.

(End of this chapter)

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