I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 845 Your Majesty has a request

Chapter 845 Your Majesty has a request
Even the forces against the Ministry of Ambush and Killing, if possible, clearly intend to write a letter to the king of Chuyue Kingdom, that is, Xiong Han, after sending away the envoys of South Korea, to completely let go of the old conservative forces. The old nobles and senators dealt a thorough blow.

In this attack, we must strive to kill them all and remove all the moths in Chuyue Kingdom, so that they can thoroughly carry out drastic transformation and treat the current situation of Chuyue Kingdom in a good way.

I don't know why, at this time, Zhaoming is completely inclined to kill the conservative forces headed by the old nobles and old veterans. Maybe it's because he has completely become numb to these people. , I don't know why Zhao Ming didn't have the slightest emotion in his heart at this time.

Because, his heart was already numb, facing the situation where these old aristocrats were digging the corners of the Chuyue Kingdom that they had just mended, there was only endless indifference in Zhao Zhang's eyes at this moment.

As if a god of death was watching the humble ants, Zhao Zhang's eyes were full of death at this time, which was an expression of being too angry to express.The depth in the eyes is like an abyss, which makes one's whole body tremble just by looking at it from a distance.

The Zhaozhang at this time is extremely terrifying, Zhaozhang has already made up his mind, and after soothing Gu Zongsheng in front of him, he doesn't intend to think too much about it.At this time, he was already planning to completely destroy the power of the Ministry of Punishment, and he no longer planned to know why the power of the Ministry of Punishment had ambushed Gu Zongsheng, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Affairs.

Because he doesn't care at all now, he has been completely irritated by those people, so he doesn't have to reason with these people anymore, just destroy them all and strangle them.

After killing them all with one force, the truth will naturally surface and appear in front of everyone. If this is the case, the truth will not come out.Well, if it falls into Zhaozhang's hands, Zhaozhang will definitely know what he really wants.

Because, he can speak to the dead.

Zhaozhang naturally doesn't understand that the current Ministry of Punishment forces are no longer the previous forces of the Ministry of Punishment. It is better to say that the current Ministry of Punishment forces have completely incarnated into that cold-faced killing god Jiao Linxian. Even the entire Ministry of Punishment forces are now It just belonged to the parasitic shell he gave.

These are just a means for him to prolong his life. He uses the power of the Ministry of Punishment to suppress other forces to buy in secret and then carve up the national fortune of Chuyue Kingdom. Once this cold-faced murder god Jiao Linxian launches a coup, he will completely regain control The Luck Golden Dragon completely imprisoned the national fortune of Chuyue Kingdom, that is, the Luck Golden Dragon by his side, so that he could continue to survive.

These are things that Zhao Zhang would never have imagined. After all, imprisoning the Luck Golden Dragon and splitting the country to prolong life sounds too mysterious and wonderful. Naturally, not everyone knows these things.

Therefore, Zhaozhang would never have thought about it, because it was too terrifying, and it was completely prolonging his own life with the lives and deaths of the people of a country.

This is a completely dehumanizing practice, which is already unacceptable by humans, which is already against the law of heaven, and naturally does not exist.Naturally, it is impossible to succeed. Of course, Zhao Zhang would never understand that Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killing god under the banner of the previous emperor who had power over the entire Chuyue, who is also the controller of the Ministry of Punishment, actually made these things.

Although it is only because the luck is not too strong, and the extended life is not too long, but it has been more than ten years. If Zhao Zhang knows this, he will be shocked, because it is really crazy .

Even something that he clearly hadn't thought about, he didn't expect that someone would actually do it, and he would extend his lifespan by more than ten years by virtue of the luck of the country.But after Zhaoming knew this, he would definitely angrily kill the Jiao Linxian who was once famous in the whole Chuyue, and whose power had already reached the level of one person below one person and over ten thousand people over Chuyue.Even if his identity and status are extremely respected in Chuyue Kingdom, even if he kills him, it will cause huge waves.

He Zhaozhang will kill him with all his might, because this is Zhaozhan, this is Zhaozhang, looking at Gu Zongsheng in front of him, Zhaozhang waved him back, but when sending Gu Zongsheng away, he also arranged for him two statues of equal strength. As for the guard headed by the city guard, it can be seen from this that the Guowei Mansion has a well-known family and great business, and such guards are arranged on their allies for free.

However, it is precisely because Zhaozhang is so forthright and disregards gains and losses that his friends and paths are so broad, and that is why he is the national Wei Zhaozhang.

Rather than, for other things, it can be said that the status and strength he has achieved today is entirely due to his own ability, step by step, step by step, without any falsehood at all.

This is the reason why the rest of the nobles are so convinced by Guowei Zhaozhang in front of them, nothing else, it is because of his character, means, and mind are all among the best.

Therefore, they are very respectful to Zhaozhang. This is because of Zhaozhang’s tyrannical strength. If you change to someone who is not as good as them, and pretend to be a big-tailed wolf in front of them, then these people may not understand your identity and strength. will respect you.

But once you know your real situation, maybe you will be the next unknown drowning accidental death in the dirty sewers of the prosperous Jinling City.

Become this wisp of dead soul floating in this Jinling City, and can never be reborn and return to his hometown.

These people are not to be trifled with, their methods are naturally one of the best, that's why they are called Zhibai.However, when the group of them was subdued by Zhao Zhao, the power of these people was integrated together by Zhao Zhang.This power exploded with astonishing power in Zhao Zhang's hands, and that was to sweep away all the nobles and veterans of the old school above the court.

And these people who followed Mingming were promoted and knighted one by one. In the subsequent changes, they are naturally not the rotten people, and they also understand the general trend of the world today.Naturally, knowing that the Chuyue Kingdom had become a mess at this time, they naturally cleaned up the old immortals in front of them who had half a foot in the coffin.

These people have already half-stepped into the coffin. Naturally, they have to make way for young people like them. I don’t know if they need to be promoted.The world is always bustling and bustling for profit, and everything bustling and bustling is for profit.

They understood that at this time Chu Yue needed a strong person to lead and help Chu Yue to regain a new vitality.

Sure enough, this person appeared, and this person was Mingming. When the future development direction of Chuyue Kingdom was still extremely confused and there was no way out, Mingming appeared.

With his unparalleled strength, the [-]-character book on the prosperity of the Chuyue Kingdom, and his determination to establish a new Chuyue Kingdom in Yizhou, they couldn't wait to follow the young man in front of them. The national lieutenant is obvious.

This Guowei Zhaozhang has a great talent, and they also deeply understand that the hope of the Chuyue Kingdom lies in Zhaozhang, so they are reckless, even if they fall out with their own family one by one, or After killing the ruler of the family, he became the ruler of the family himself and brought the family to Guowei Zhaozhang.

After the entire Zhao family stepped into the imperial court, they were completely withdrawn from the conservative forces of the old aristocrats and veterans above the imperial court.At this time, the Zhao family has completely handed over the future and hope to Zhao Zhang, who naturally understands all this.

The pressure on Zhaozhang's body was not light, and at this moment the Ministry of Justice had completely become a major cancer in the Chuyue Kingdom.

If it is not removed as soon as possible, it may become a great harm in the future. At this time, Zhao Zhang was thinking in his heart, and he had obviously made up his mind to go to the palace to meet Xiong Han, and to destroy the current situation in Jinling City of Chuyue Kingdom. Talk to Xiong Han about the changing situation and the subsequent countermeasures.

At this time, Xiong Han probably already knew this, and was probably thinking about what to do.While Zhao Ming was thinking, there was a lot of noise in the outer courtyard of the Zhao Mansion, and then he saw a person dressed like a special eunuch from the palace coming into the hall.

The man looked at Zhao Zhang who was sitting on the main seat in front of him, saluted slightly, and then respectfully said in a voice like that of a duck's voice: "Master Guo Wei, Your Majesty, please go to the palace to discuss matters." .”

"Well, I see. I'd better trouble my eunuch to wait by the side. If you are not in a hurry, you can go back first. After a while, I will go to the palace to meet your majesty after I prepare. I don't know my eunuch, but your majesty also invited other people." People." Zhaozhang got up suddenly and walked down, his tone was a little harsh, his eyes were still calm, and his whole person looked like a dormant beast.

Looking at the domineering Guowei Zhaozhang in front of him, the father-in-law who came to deliver the letter remained humble, and his face did not change at all, as if he was already familiar with this appearance: "The villain is waiting here. Return to the palace with your lord, so that you can report to His Majesty. Whether your Majesty invited other people is not convenient for this villain to say, and your lord will naturally understand when he arrives."

Zhaozhang was a bit intimidating, seeing that father-in-law didn't say much, but after taking a deep look at him, he nodded lightly, then turned and left, obviously to prepare.

At this time, Zhaozhang restrained the aura around him, then turned around and preached to the white-faced and beardless father-in-law in front of him, his tone did not change at all, but still with a little arrogance: "You dog did that!" That's right, but don't forget what it's really about being a dog."

Afterwards, Zhaozhang quickly left here, ready to go to his own hall, and change his dirty clothes again.

At the same time, when I left, I didn’t forget to ask my elders to prepare for the travel arrangements. Obviously, I was going to accompany this father-in-law into the palace to meet the current Chuyue King Xiong Han in the palace after everything was sorted out. .

In his room, Zhaozhang changed the red dress on himself, and then put on the national captain's uniform that symbolized his status as a national captain. After finishing everything, Zhaozhang left his room.

Walking into the courtyard of the front hall, the elders who had already been waiting at the side naturally stepped forward to salute when they saw Zhaozhang, and beside them were the accompanying guards and armored soldiers. Many of these people were dead soldiers raised by their Zhaofu. Human combat power is terrifying.

When the whole person is fighting, they are completely the kind of people who have no emotions of their own, and they have put their lives outside.Because they have been cultivated in this way since childhood, they have nothing to repay Zhao's kindness to them, they can only repay each other.

Looking at everything in front of him, Zhao Zhang's eyes did not change at all, he had already sent Gu Zongsheng away before.It's a pity that Gu Zongsheng left at a really bad time. If Gu Zongsheng could have gone with him to meet the monarch Xiong Han if he had left one step later, then they could have blatantly strangled and wiped out the Ministry of Punishment tonight.

However, from the current point of view, this series of forces in the Ministry of Punishment should not launch a second wave of attacks in such a short period of time.

Their strength is not so strong, unless there is foreign aid, otherwise this night will be safe, but tomorrow, he will definitely kill all these rebellious officials and thieves.

These people gave Zhao Zhang a little headache at this time, he obviously didn't think that he was kind and wanted to give them some way of life, these people dared to be so ignorant of good and evil.

Leaving aside bargaining for the time being, he dared to harm the interests of Chuyue Kingdom in this way.He really forgot the sharpness of the knife he had in his hand some time ago, is he brainless?
Have no memory?Is it already beaten like that, or is it like a normal person, that's all?That's it?I really forgot my pain and scars.

The scars are still healed and the pain is forgotten, and you came out to make troubles so soon, or is there some new old immortal behind you old veterans and old nobles who jumped out to give you pointers?
The territory of Chuyue Kingdom is vast, and some old immortals suddenly appeared from nowhere. It is normal for those who want to stop him, because he has already killed two such arrogant old immortals before.

He is very happy to meet such a person, because this is the most interesting.

Stepping on the chair, getting on the carriage and horses, he straightened his body clearly and thought so.

The fact that the power of the Ministry of Punishment has made such a move obviously has secretly carried out a new round of profit harvesting and distribution with the rest of the nobles and veterans.But at present, Zhao Ming didn't care so much anymore, but there was a little coldness in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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