Chapter 846
He just said softly in that endlessly cold voice: "I don't care who you are, let me find out, I will definitely kill you, and use the law of the country to kill you completely."

The voice is cold, and there is still a little echo in this small space. Because of the well-known carriages and horses in the Guowei Mansion, the sound insulation function is naturally excellent.

Not to mention, Ming's voice was not very loud, so the guards outside didn't know what he said.However, Zhao Zhang was sitting in his carriage, the candles flickering on it, illuminating the small and dark interior space of the carriage.

The chariots and horses of Zhaoming's group walked on the bluestone driveway like this. There were not many people and horses in this driveway at this time. The horse and horse guards in the palace came.

Zhaozhang didn't call the chariot and horse guards in the palace, the eunuch didn't feel any problem, just looked at everything in front of him, quietly straddled his horse and followed beside Zhaozhang's chariot and horse guards .

This group of people just entered the palace quietly without paying much attention, but since Zhaoming entered the palace at this time, the storm that swept across the Chuyue Kingdom was about to come, a grand power The planned bloody battle of swords and swords is about to begin at this time.


Gu Zongsheng's mansion, at this moment, Gu Zongsheng looked at Ning Ziqing in front of him with a look of anger.

Ning Ziqing and South Korea's minister Shen Buhui, who came to Chuyue Kingdom this time, were assassinated in their own territory, that is, in their own inn.

You know, this inn was set up by the court of the Chuyue Kingdom, and what is even more shocking is that it represents the face of the Chuyue Kingdom.

Now that it is so peaceful, it dares to openly attack the ministers of Chuyue Kingdom and the ministers of other countries who stayed in Chuyue Kingdom. This will bring great harm to the diplomatic relations between the two countries.

Maybe the two countries will go to war because of this.

Who is it that wants to provoke a war between South Korea and the Chuyue Kingdom, and has such an unruly intention? Is it someone from the Great Zhou Empire?

Thinking of this, the furious Gu Zongsheng looked at Ning Ziqing who was already out of shape in front of him, and comforted him.

Then he asked the guard next to him: "Which family did those people belong to? Are they from the Great Zhou Empire? I want you to protect the Xingzhe Order. How did you do it? What happened?" , tell me the situation on the other side."

"My lord, they are not from the Great Zhou Empire. These people covered their faces, and when they were slaughtered, they opened the mask and saw that their faces were all disfigured. These people are dead soldiers, not just ordinary people. The dead man." The guard knelt down in an instant, and at the same time finished the matter tremblingly in a trembling voice, and at the same time explained the question asked by Gu Zongsheng to him.

"Huh? How unusual is it?" Hearing this, Gu Zongsheng's eyes showed a little light, but he was a little uncertain. He immediately grasped the key points in the guard's words and began to speak.

"These people are completely monsters. They took a secret medicine. After taking the secret medicine, their strength doubled. After taking the secret medicine, the leader became a half-human, half-beast monster. The mentality of 1 is powerful, completely sweeping opponents of the same level." The guard lowered his head, his voice was trembling and fearful, the pupils in his eyes were trembling, and his hands were unconsciously hugging his head. At that time, he outrageously already had fear.

That terrifying monster had already planted fear in his heart, causing him an inexplicable sense of fear, and at this moment he was on the verge of collapse.Looking at the guard in front of him who was on the verge of collapse, Gu Zongsheng finally didn't say what he wanted to ask, but just patted the guard's shoulder to express comfort, and then asked the doctor next to him to take him away.

Gu Zongsheng, who was sitting in his seat, was suffering from a headache at this moment. After everyone had left, Gu Zongsheng's eyes were blank at this moment, and he collapsed on his chair weakly.

Suddenly, those big hands climbed up to his face and rubbed it fiercely, and it took a while to stop. At this moment, Gu Zongsheng had already rubbed his cheeks and his face was flushed, looking at the tea in front of him that had changed a little cup.

Gu Zongsheng held the cup of herbal tea and drank it in one gulp. At this moment, he didn't care if the tea was too cold.I saw that Gu Zongsheng's eyes were full of exhaustion, and his eyes were full of horror.

He couldn't understand what those people in the Criminal Department were going to do. Are they crazy?It's okay to kill him, but dare to openly kill the special envoys of the two countries. Is this deliberately provoking a war between the two countries?
What good would it do them if a war between the two countries started, with countless casualties.In case the two countries fight each other, South Korea and Chuyue Kingdom are already exhausted at this time, and each has its own difficulties. Once the two fight with each other, it is not what he said, then the Great Zhou Empire, which is like a tiger and wolf, will definitely come destroy both countries.

Among other things, as long as he, Ye Qing, is not dead, he will definitely send troops to destroy the two countries if he is not stupid, maybe even lead the troops himself.

Thinking of this, Gu Zongsheng realized that he completely didn't know the elders and nobles of the current Ministry of Punishment forces.He found that these people have completely forgotten their bottom line, maybe they have some absolute reason for doing this.

However, for their own self-interest, disregarding the lives of millions of people in Chuyue Kingdom and playing with them in the palm of their hands, this is something that Gu Zongsheng absolutely cannot bear.

When Gu Zongsheng heard that these killers swallowed a strange pill and their strength increased greatly, he wondered if they were the killers of the Blood Shadow Pavilion sent by the Ministry of Criminal Justice. At the beginning, Gu Zongsheng was still a little skeptical, because he didn't believe it at all. The conservative forces headed by the old nobles and old veterans of the Ministry of Punishment dared to do this, and they were able to allow the Ministry of Punishment to carry out disgusting things like self-destruction of the city wall.

It may be that he overestimated the IQ of these people. These people can be said to have gone completely crazy. At this time, they no longer understand what the bottom line is, let alone what the bottom line is.Gu Zongsheng didn't understand why these people were lost in it.Is power really that important?
Because of power, former friends have now become enemies who hate each other. Father and son used to kill each other, and now they want to destroy the land where they were born and raised themselves. They obviously no longer have the concept of Chuyue Kingdom. .

They now regard the wars that occurred in the suffering of the Chuyue Kingdom as their own capital to pursue power. These made Gu Zongsheng very angry and puzzled at this time. Why did they become like this.

Gu Zongsheng would never have thought that they were here for the secret of immortality, for the eternal life and possibility of immortality.

And these happened to be a deal between Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced murder god, and them. This was the most fundamental deal between them, and it was the drama of chasing power.

Therefore, they obviously want to overthrow the current order of Chuyue Kingdom, so they have already made the worst plan. Naturally, they don't care about the current war between Chuyue Kingdom and South Korea, because they just want to be here. During the war, the two countries will be dragged down by the war. In this way, they can carry the endless tide and the endless popular will to coerce and subdue Chu Yue in front of them. Guo Guojun, Xiong Han and Zhao Zhang are the leaders of the new faction, so that they can regain power.

So, in the face of these, they naturally don't care at all.To be honest, human life, is human life important?How much is human life worth?In this world, everything can be valuable, but the least valuable thing is human life.

Therefore, at this time, how can they not pursue the road of immortality? In their opinion, even if the entire Chuyue Kingdom is dead, it is not as good as their own absurd dream of immortality.

Even if the entire mountain and river were to be shattered, even if the people of the entire country were massacred, they still would not regret it, just because of the art of life-defying, that is, the art used by the cold-faced killing god Jiao Linxian.

Therefore, they don't care at all, isn't it just a little human life, worthless, worthless, a little silver can buy a person's name, so, you say, is human life valuable?
In this troubled world, human life is the least valuable thing.

Gu Zongsheng also knows this truth. Although he knows this truth, he will not ignore people's lives, because everyone has their own need to live.So he will never ignore other people's lives, so he will respect others and life.

Rather than being ruthless, like a bloody butcher, he only cares about his own interests and completely disregards human relations and the principles of nature.

The operation of the law of heaven and the destination of all things are always inescapable. Therefore, he, Gu Zongsheng, would not be that kind of bloody executioner, so he chose to cooperate with Zhaozhang.

At present, such an astonishing, serious and harmful event has occurred. At this time, Gu Zongsheng is already full of anger. He was originally ambushed and killed by the forces of the Ministry of Punishment and finally suppressed the anger in his heart. Those little timidities already made him unable to face the crowd.

He was already ashamed of himself at the time, but he still didn't explode, because he was Gu Zongsheng, a person who took the word forbearance as his purpose.However, the current power of the Ministry of Punishment is so blatantly attacking and killing the envoys of the two countries, and even wants to provoke a war between the two countries, and use it as a little bit of chips in the game of chasing power.

Now, the actions of these criminal forces have completely angered Gu Zongsheng.

Seeing the guards coming in from outside, Gu Zongsheng, who was already thinking about it, said, "Huh? What's going on outside now? Let's talk about the South Korean envoy first. Is it blown up?"

"Master Ning's injury has already been treated by the doctor. The specific situation will be seen tomorrow, but it is not very optimistic. This arm and leg are completely abolished. The doctor said that we can consider organ limbs." The guard said Hearing this, he bowed to Gu Zongsheng and told what he knew about the situation, his eyes were full of unbearable look, this was his heartache and pity for Ning Ziqing.

When he heard what Gu Zongsheng said about the South Korean envoy, there was a little anger on his face, and this fire rose from his eyes. This is a flame called anger.He clenched his fist involuntarily.

I saw him gnashing his teeth: "As I expected, it was indeed fried. Not only did it blow up, but it almost went to heaven. Their people were making a fuss. If it wasn't for the commander of the city guards, I would Seeing that these Koreans may still have to do something."

"How is Shen Buhai at this time?" Gu Zongsheng didn't seem to hear the anger in his words, but asked such a question abruptly.

The guard also calmed down his state of mind at this time, and then his tone was a little calm, and then he heard him say: "Well, back to my lord, Shen Buhai has already woken up."

"My lord, these Koreans are really disgusting. In our country, they secretly carry guards. If it weren't for this sudden situation, these guards hidden in the dark might not be exposed. Now I really doubt that these Koreans are here. The purpose here." The guard suddenly stepped forward and saluted Gu Zongsheng with a strong tone, at this time his words were obviously thorny, and his anger rushed into his heart, obviously he had lost his mind. Otherwise, how could he, a guard, say these things to Gu Zongsheng.

Hearing the guard's words, Gu Zongsheng looked around, but didn't say anything in the end, but the hand that was knocking on the desk in front of him stopped so suddenly, which was quite abrupt.

Then I heard Gu Zongsheng speak: "It's normal for them to be a little angry. After all, people are sitting at home, and the disaster comes from the sky. Sitting there and drinking, the killer actually attacked and killed South Korea openly during the day." The envoys and the pedestrian orders of our foreign affairs and diplomatic relations are really terrible, terrible, and the killer of the Blood Shadow Pavilion is really terrible."

Gu Zongsheng's last words were gentle, but the meaning in them was very profound, and the meaning in them was a bit intriguing.

Hearing the killer of the Blood Shadow Pavilion that he said, the guard's eyes lit up, and he said, "My lord is saying that it was the killer of the Blood Shadow Pavilion who killed Lord Ning and the South Korean envoy during the day. But I heard Said, these killers of the Blood Shadow Pavilion have been wiped out by Yinlongwei, and every time they come out, they have to make a big move, I didn't expect that this time they would actually want to provoke a war between the two countries."

"It's really scary. These people can be called insane. This subordinate has never seen such a person." The guard was a little frightened.

"I have never seen such a person. Such a thing can no longer be called a person. They have completely lost their conscience." Gu Zongsheng's eyes flickered with a faint light. He is already very angry, but there is nothing he can do. At present, he can only appease everything in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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