I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 847 The Intention of the Korean Envoy

Chapter 847 The Intention of the Korean Envoy

At this time, the South Korean envoy Shen Buhui and other ministers were appeased, so as not to add a little trouble to the next move of the Zhaozhang Guowei over there.Doing this by myself should also be able to solve some of the pressure on his side, Gu Zongsheng thought so, the tone of the words was not kind, but the voice was so soft that only he could hear it.

The guards had already retreated, and Gu Zongsheng was still in the room thinking about something. The guards outside were waiting for a group of people to patrol at this time. Looking at their sharp movements, it was obvious that they had already scored [-] points. The spirit of the day will definitely not let the events of the day be staged here again.

At this time, Gu Zongsheng was lost in thought in the endless night, he was thinking about what to do next.

The current situation is that as soon as I came out of the famous banquet in Guowei's Mansion, I came to my mansion and saw this scene in front of me.A large number of city guards of the city guard completely sealed off their foreign diplomatic residence, and the commander even sat in the mansion himself.

As soon as he entered the mansion, Gu Zongsheng saw Ning Ziqing and others who were seriously injured, as well as the guards and others who had already suffered serious injuries.When he saw that the commander of the city guard with a serious and ugly face told him what had happened, Gu Zongsheng was almost scared out of his wits.

Immediately, he asked the South Korean envoy Shen Buhui and others how they were doing.After hearing that Han Huang and Han Ran had a special backup to protect Shen Buhui and his group, so they supported them, and there were not too many casualties, except that Shen Buhai was a little unlucky at the beginning, and was killed by a group of fighters. The broken stones that burst out were knocked to the ground and passed out, and there were not too many casualties.

Therefore, Gu Zongsheng felt relieved when he heard that the South Korean envoy, Shen Buhui, and his party were fine.When he heard the envoy who secretly protected Shen Buhui and others, Gu Zongsheng's eyes were a little shocked, and there was endless fear. Well, the hearts of these people are so dirty. At this moment, Gu Zongsheng's There was no movement at all in his heart. He obviously didn't understand the trust between people.

Didn't you agree to play happily together? You thought you were playing Infernal Affairs.Don’t even dare to write like that in novels, brother, what are you trying to do.

When going on an envoy to another country, do they still want to send an envoy in the army?How much do you disbelieve the faith of our Chuyue Kingdom, but if Chuyue Kingdom finds out these people by themselves, they will definitely kill these people, because they can use these people as spies and intelligence organizations People deal with it.

But now, something happened to these South Korean envoys in the envoy inn managed by the Foreign Affairs Office of Jinling, their capital, and they were assassinated.

If it wasn't for Han Huang Han Ran's move, or for the witty Koreans to leave this move, I'm afraid they would have died countless times, so the exposure of these people let Gu Zongsheng and Yigan of Chuyue Kingdom know about it. People suffer like flies.

But they are powerless about it, they have no way to deal with it.This matter is just a small matter, and if it is not handled well, it will lead to major events.

Therefore, Gu Zongsheng does not intend to manage these at present.This matter is indeed troublesome, not only troublesome but also particularly tricky, so he doesn't intend to deal with it.

You see, it's just talking about the rules. Obviously South Korea broke the rules. These people are probably the spies and intelligence organizations sent to Chuyue Kingdom.

However, from the point of view of etiquette, it was Chuyue Kingdom's fault. Chuyue Kingdom actually allowed an envoy of a big country to be assassinated in the capital of its own country. The impact of this incident was huge.

Once it is spread by South Korean envoys, it will definitely cause an uproar in the world, and it will be difficult for them Chuyue Kingdom.

Maybe the Great Zhou Empire, which was looking for a reason to attack Chuyue, would directly send troops to fight against their Chuyue Kingdom.All of this is possible, so Gu Zongsheng must be extremely careful with every step he takes, so as not to make major mistakes and mistakes.

In this matter, the biggest mistake was that Chuyue Kingdom did not protect the current South Korean envoy Shen Buhui and his party, which made Chuyue Kingdom become very passive at present.

Originally, Chuyue Kingdom has become very passive in foreign affairs and diplomatic relations, this is appropriate.It can be foreseen that after Shen Buhai's injury recovers tomorrow, he will definitely ask Xiong Han, the current king of Chuyue Kingdom in front of him, and maybe this matter will be publicly pointed out.

At that time, the South Korean envoy's intention to come, the alliance agreement must be signed as he wants, and this is completely at the whim of others.

Thinking of this, Gu Zongsheng wished he could smash the skulls of the members of the Ministry of Punishment to see what was inside. They were really a bunch of trash who failed to accomplish anything.

At this time, Gu Zongsheng had no way out, the current situation was like this, and the source of all this was those trash, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

The above is the situation this time, this is how difficult the above things are, and this is what happened after the Blood Shadow Pavilion killers sent by the Ministry of Criminal Forces above ambushed Shen Buhui and other Korean ministers who were envoys to Chuyue Kingdom The impact and final events lead to results.

In this matter, the subsequent processing direction is generally not bad from the above situation.

Now you tell me that this matter is not small, it is indeed not small according to the above situation.

But compared to the current vortex that has enveloped the entire Chuyue Kingdom, this matter is indeed a trivial matter.After all, that is a major event, which concerns the future fate of the Chuyue Kingdom. At this time, Gu Zongsheng had a premonition that the bloody storm that had already started would come to an end tonight.

Moreover, there is really no way to deal with this matter at present, because it is like a powder keg, and it will explode at any moment.At that time, he was not the only one who was injured, and not only himself was unlucky, but he was not the only one who would be implicated. At that time, the entire court and the entire Chuyue Kingdom would fight an unknown war.

And once this war starts, it will be completely used by the people behind the scenes. They are waiting for this war, so they will do those shady methods in secret, some can only be done in the filthy darkness. A means of surviving in the dark.

Such a person is really annoying, but I have to say that such a person is really scary.

The entire royal city is shrouded in a big net of fear, and these are the actions of the black hand behind the scenes. It is really a big plan, a big game of chess, and this person's mind is like a monster.

No one in the Ministry of Justice has such strength, and the conservative forces of the old aristocracy and old veterans do not have such talented people.Regarding these, he, Gu Zongsheng, used to be with them, so he naturally knew them clearly.

These methods are not something they can do, so now the only ones who can easily subdue the conservative forces of the old aristocracy and the old veterans and use their power as they like are the old immortals who are still alive.

It's just, among those immortals, is it that one, or all of them?Gu Zongsheng was quietly thinking about this question there.

At this time, it was already night, Gu Zongsheng looked at the sky outside, it was a little gloomy, the moon was blocked by dark clouds, it was so dark that there was no light at all.These are depressing to see, but the astronomical phenomenon is completely consistent with the current situation of Chuyue Kingdom.

It seems that God knows the current situation of Chuyue Kingdom, and everything is giving people a feeling that the city is about to be destroyed.

Looking at such a weird celestial phenomenon, Gu Zongsheng had a little peace in his eyes at this moment, but now he is already numb.

When Gu Zongsheng got up and left the study, suddenly there was thunder and thunder outside, and the white thunder that shone in the sky made a sound that shocked the world.

All of a sudden, all the people outside who could see the lightning in front of them were shocked by the sudden lightning and couldn't calm down for a long time.

Shen Buhui was sitting on the seat, and suddenly looked out of the window. The thick dark clouds outside made his eyes a little silent, and the blackness in his eyes was suddenly illuminated by the lightning bolt from the blue sky. , even the astonishment on Shen Buhai's face was suddenly clearly visible.

At this moment, after Shen Buhai heard the deafening thunder, he was silent for a while, staring at the dark sky outside the window like a block of ink, talking to himself alone, taking care of himself. Said: "This Chuyue is also about to overwhelm the city with wind and rain at this time. This Chuyue is not as good as he thinks. It seems that every family has hard-to-recite scriptures."

"From this point of view, Chu Yue Chaotang is already very busy, so naturally he has no time and energy to take care of himself and others.": Thinking of this, all the doubts and doubts in Shen Buhai's heart at this time have all dissipated I can see that there is a little glint in his eyes at this moment, which means that he is thinking at this time, and only when he is thinking will his eyes show such light.

At this moment, Shen Buhai looked like a cunning fox, as if the fruit of victory had already reached his mouth. At this moment, Shen Buhai narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was an involuntary smile on his face, which looked like a cunning old fox. Usually, this smile is tinged with coldness, which makes people feel trembling.

However, this is also good, the Chuyue Kingdom is in chaos, only in this way can South Korea have a better chance of surviving in such a chaotic world.Only then will their chances of surviving in Korea increase. In this troubled world, it is not easy for everyone to live.

It is even more difficult for a country to live. Therefore, it is already so difficult for everyone, will they still embarrass each other?The answer is naturally no. At this time, the smile on Shen Buhai's face disappeared, and he thought of the current situation in Korea.

Looking at the current situation of Chuyue Kingdom, it is not the case in South Korea.However, the Chuyue Kingdom is a bit stronger than their South Korea after all, because their monarch Xiong Han still supports reforms and implemented some measures, although they failed.

The clan power of the Chuyue Kingdom was too powerful, and those elders and nobles controlled the huge power and voice of the Chuyue Kingdom, so it failed, which was naturally obvious.

Because the reforms and reforms of the Chuyue Kingdom had completely violated the interests of the nobles, it was not his kind of mild reforms, but only touched some of the interests of these nobles.Although the reform carried out by the entire Chuyue Kingdom was very short-lived, it fundamentally violated the interests of the nobles.

You must know that the current world is ruled by the nobles. In this troubled world, no matter where you go, you always depend on your blood origin.

Therefore, in Shen Buhai's view, the reforms carried out by Xiong Han and others are courting death. Therefore, the current situation in Chuyue Kingdom has completely become such a mess, which is natural in Shen Buhai's eyes. It's that random.

These are the inevitable laws of historical development, and these are the final conclusions drawn by Shen Buhai.

It's just a pity that their Hanhuang Hanran really doesn't have the slightest courage. How good his own reforms are, but the lord is weak and useless. Such a good strategy is used to enrich and strengthen South Korea, so that South Korea can resist it in one fell swoop. The best way to fight against the foreign races in the north and the Great Zhou Empire.

Only change is the only way for South Korea to survive in this troubled world. At present, I have come to Chuyue Kingdom to sign a covenant, but I can't quench my thirst for a long time. It can only help for a while, not for a lifetime.

After all, it is just treating the symptoms but not the root cause, and cannot completely solve this trouble. Therefore, Shen Buhai does not feel that seeing the current state of Chuyue Kingdom makes him a little happy. He is completely in the mood to care about these things. up.

Because he understands that if South Korea does not go through reform, it will not survive for a long time. Even Xiong Han, the king of Chuyue Kingdom, which they call a barbarian, led his subordinates to form a new aristocratic reform force. Drastic reforms and attempts were made to Chuyue Kingdom.

Even if it seems that this behavior is very stupid, and it is the last step to completely push the current Chuyue Kingdom into the abyss, but the ruler of Chuyue Kingdom, Xiong Han, and others can try it. He seemed valuable.

South Korea needs such a monarch, but looking at South Korea, there is nowhere to find such a monarch.Even the prince Han An is not good in his eyes, he is just a villain who cannot be supported, even if the banquet he held when Shen Buhai and his eldest grandson Nanqi were on foreign missions showed his so-called label of virtuous corporal It still made Shen Buhai not see this person differently.

Even so, Shen Buhui still looked down on Han An, not for anything else, but because Han An respected his skills as his first belief in governing the country.Throughout the ages, there has been a country whose rulers have completely relied on magic to rule the country.This is completely absurd. After seeing his absurdity, Shen Buhui concluded that Han An is not the master of ZTE in South Korea.

(End of this chapter)

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