I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 848 Of course there is evidence

Chapter 848 Of course there is evidence
Therefore, Shen Buhui at this time was not very happy after seeing the chaos in the neighboring Chuyue Kingdom.After all, their own country, South Korea, is not much better than Chuyue Kingdom, and on the whole, Chuyue Kingdom is still better than their Korea.

Not because of anything else, but because of the king, Xiong Han.However, thanks to the actions of the monarch Xiong Han, otherwise, how could the Chuyue Kingdom be in such a chaotic state, and such a situation would be beneficial to the development of their Korea.

It's no wonder that Shen Buhui is a villain. After all, he is the Minister of Criminal Affairs of South Korea. He is the special envoy of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Chuyue Kingdom. Not the slightest surprise.

Because, this is his identity, and what he should do with Shen Buhai's body, these naturally do not violate his original heart, because these are what he did from the bottom of his heart.

These are not against his heart in the slightest, these are what he should do.

Thinking of this, Shen Buhai's eyes revealed the slightest bit of unbearable, but this bit of unbearable soon disappeared, followed by the eyes that were as deep as an old fox, with a little sly gleam shining from time to time .

Now is the frightening Shen Buhai. At this time, Shen Buhai feels that he is a little tired and sleepy. At this time, what Chuyue Kingdom is like, what it will be like, and what it will become has nothing to do with him. Relationship.

He only knew that he was the foreign minister and special envoy of Chuyue Kingdom during South Korea's mission this time. Although he had already been assassinated once, the other party would not strike again.So now Shen didn't have the slightest fear, so he was able to sleep smoothly.

Therefore, he has nothing to be afraid of, and after going through this siege, his purpose of coming to Chuyue Kingdom this time will definitely be accomplished, because he has already taken the lead.

In this silent battle between them and the Chuyue Kingdom, the Chuyue Kingdom has no chance at all, because they have already lost these.

During the day, Shen Buhai was still a little embarrassed, thinking about something wrong with his previous planning and financing, but now Shen Buhai didn't have to think about it.Because the internal struggle of the Chuyue Kingdom has become so serious that they want to kill themselves, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of South Korea, to destroy the diplomatic relations between the two countries, so as to cause conflicts between the two countries and create wars.

You said that it might be sent by the empire, which is a bit funny. Don't think too much about unnecessary things when the evidence is already conclusive. It is enough to show that Shen Buhai is in a very good mood now.

Because he doesn't need to do any planning and preparation at all now, he just needs to sleep soundly and soundly until he wakes up tomorrow and it will be better, because tomorrow will naturally have the monarch of Chuyue Kingdom to arrange for them to enter that kind of In the palace of the monarch of Chuyue Kingdom, the foreign affairs and diplomatic relations between the two countries were discussed in front of many ministers.

And when the time comes, he only needs to talk about the covenant of diplomatic relations and foreign affairs between the two countries that he carries, and this matter will be fine, and he can return to South Korea.At this time, Shen Buhai was still thinking about these things, and when he thought of these things, he fell asleep peacefully with a slight smile on his face.

Right after Shen Buhui fell asleep here, the people walking outside slowed down and relaxed their voices and movements, because they already understood the safety and importance of the man in front of them.

The elite soldiers of these city guards are guarding here, even the strong and terrifying city guard commander didn't go to sleep, and even brought his own long spear to guard here outside Shen Buhai's gate. .

Obviously, judging by their appearance, they don't intend to sleep tonight.Although there are people from Chuyue Kingdom guarding outside, and looking at the battle, it is obvious that the highest level of security requirements has been reached.

However, at this time, the group of Koreans who had been ambushed during the day were naturally not in the mood to go to sleep. They still wondered whether they would be assassinated by those people tonight.This made them terrified, and therefore after Shen Buhai had fallen asleep, there were still four Korean hidden guards staying in his room. These people were secretly protecting Shen Buhai's safety. If there was any movement If so, a few of them will definitely show up next to Shen Buhai on time to help Shen Buhai.

Looking at the people in front of him who had already fallen into a deep sleep, Shen Buhui, who was already sleepy, was too frightened to go to sleep or leave. There were other people's beds in this room, and they had already It was because they moved their accompanying beds here, the large number of people will make them feel more at ease, and the defense force here is also extremely good.If, I mean, if, in case something happens this night, it is easier to take care of it here.

Therefore, everyone chose to sleep at Shen Buhai's place, but it seemed that Shen Buhai had already fallen into a deep sleep.But at this time, they stared one by one, staring dryly, looking at the swaying flames in front of them. At this time, although their bodies told them that they were sleepy, the fear deep in their spirits was still there. A devil is generally tempting and bewitching them, so as to prevent them from falling asleep.

Looking at the many flames, they just stared at each other at this moment, staring at the many flames, and after a while, they all lay down on the table one by one, and fell into a deep sleep.


In a secret hall within the palace of Chuyue Kingdom.

The current king of Chuyue Kingdom is full of serious eyes at this time, with domineering and endless majesty in his eyes.It's just that the difference from the past is that the current King of Chuyue Kingdom, Xiong Han, has an ashen color on his face, looking ugly, and he just looks at the people who are looking at the documents he just handed over.

As soon as these people touched the documents, their faces showed curiosity. After looking at the above text, they suddenly fell silent one by one, and their faces showed anger.All of them had pale faces, most of them were generals outside, and they were usually active in their own barracks, so they naturally didn't know what happened at the Minister of Foreign Affairs in Jinling City of Chuyue Kingdom today.

But after they knew about this, after reading this document, they all had one thing in common, which was anger, incomparable anger, and they had no other emotions besides anger at this time.

Anger, they really have nothing but anger now.

At this time, Zhao Zhang, who was dressed in a national uniform, frowned greatly after reading this document, and his brows had already condensed into a big Sichuan character.After he read the cause, process and result of the matter, he had already completely understood the whole story.

At that moment, Lieutenant Zhaozhang took this document and looked at the current King of Chuyue Kingdom, Xiong Han, who was so irritated by this incident, he frowned and said, "I really didn't Thinking that the forces of the Ministry of Punishment are so bold, they want to openly attack and kill foreign envoys, which will lead to endless wars between the two countries, so as to achieve their own goal of chasing power."

"Well, Guowei, what did you say? You said it was done by the Ministry of Punishment. Is it true?": After hearing the obvious words, Xiong Han, who was furious at this time, suddenly burst out with a frightening sternness in his eyes. Mang, then I heard Hu He said.

I saw that after Guo Wei Zhaozhang put the paper document on the desk, he clapped his hands, his eyes were serious, and he spoke with a solemn expression: "Of course there is evidence, indeed. It's based on something."

Zhaozhang looked at the man in front of him, who couldn't wait to know what was going on, and Xiong Han, the ruler of Chuyue Kingdom, said: "Your Majesty, the horror is not yet known. This afternoon, Gu Zongsheng, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Affairs, was visiting the Guowei's mansion. What happened to me."

"What." Hearing this, Xiong Han, the king of Chuyue Kingdom who was really anxious and couldn't control himself, immediately asked himself.

The rest of the people also looked at Zhaozhang curiously, wanting to know what happened when Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Affairs Gu Zongsheng visited Guowei Zhaozhang.

"When the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Diplomacy, that is, Gu Zongsheng, was visiting me, there was a thrilling case of being assassinated on the road from Gu's mansion to my Guowei's mansion. These people were sent by the Ministry of Punishment, and these people It is also a wave of killers from the Blood Shadow Pavilion."

"Therefore, it is certain that the killers of the Blood Shadow Pavilion are indeed members of the Ministry of Punishment. It is also enough to confirm that the source of these incidents is in the Ministry of Punishment." At the moment, this national captain is already in the entire Chuyue Kingdom. It was only his second Guowei Zhaozhang who also made his own conclusion at this moment, and then stood there at ease, waiting for the decision of the current King of Chuyue Kingdom, Xiong Han.

At this moment, Zhaozhang was standing there waiting for Xiong Han's decision. After hearing Guowei Zhaozhang's words, Xiong Han's eyes were full of thoughtful luster, and the other generals in the army also understood the situation at this time.

Now that they have understood who the enemy is, they are not afraid at all at this time, because only unknown things can make people afraid, these are already only known things will not make people afraid.Therefore, when they learned that all of this was done by the old nobles and old veterans of the Ministry of Punishment, they had no fear at this time.

For people like them, Mingzhang is naturally very clear, but at present he does not jump out to reveal it, and puts these on the bright side.However, the current forces of the Ministry of Justice are really nothing. Although they have made the current Chuyue Kingdom into a high-pressure situation that is about to storm, after understanding who they are, it is clear that after understanding all this.

I have no confidence in these things at all, because this war that has swept through for so long should also end.They are already full of boredom, and naturally they have their own contempt for these people at this time.

These moths have been making them active for too long, and it is time for them to be completely silent.The people I have found from their descendants and families who can replace them have already been prepared. In this case, it is time for this cleaning plan to be fully carried out.

Although Zhaozhang didn't really care about the power of the Ministry of Punishment that was completely exposed in front of him and the conservative power formed by the old nobles and veterans, no matter what, they would definitely destroy it tonight.

It's not for anything else, it's because these people have completely touched their bottom line. Now that they have touched the bottom line and completely ignored this rule, then they don't have to be polite.

Obviously, I don't intend to follow those rules now, since you don't take these rules as rules anymore, why should I take them as rules?

Although Zhaozhang is very dismissive of people like them, Zhaozhang will not despise them.On the contrary, it is obvious that they will pay attention to them, because there is an old immortal behind these people. Although this old immortal is already a waste, we still need to pay attention to cleaning up these people.

However, since they are all too old to die, they should die. What a waste of resources to live. Since people are already so old, don't waste resources. Wouldn't it be good to give the younger generation a chance?

Zhaozhang is still full of curiosity about the identity of that old immortal at this time, but looking at this form and style, and the old immortal who still exists without thinking about it, among the few statues he knows, only That cold-faced killing god Jiao Linxian, who has gone through three dynasties and has a detached position in the Ministry of Justice, can do it.

After all, what he did was too deliberate, because he could guess that it was necessary, although he didn't think about it in the afternoon, but after careful thinking.After all, he found out that this was tricky, and immediately understood that the mastermind behind the scenes was the cold-faced murder god Jiao Linxian, the former chief minister of the Ministry of Punishment.

However, Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killer of the former head of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, indeed suppressed a court and completely dominated the Chuyue Kingdom for an era, but now it is no longer the world of that time.Now Zhaozhang just wants to tell him one thing, my lord, times have changed.

The times have changed, so don’t pretend to be crazy with the old plan that is completely corrupt and outdated. After all, pretending to be crazy will not solve the problem.Therefore, although the previous head of the Ministry of Punishment, that is, the cold-faced murder god Jiao Linxian, was extremely powerful, this era is no longer the past.The current Chuyue Kingdom is no longer the previous Chuyue Kingdom.

It can be said that the former boss of the Ministry of Justice, that is, the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian, is already very old now, and has been abandoned by the entire current era, so he is no longer that respectable boss.

Facing Zhao Zhang who is in the limelight now, he will naturally be killed by Zhao Zhang, and the death is still miserable.Because this former boss of the Ministry of Justice, Jiao Linxian, the boss of the Ministry of Justice who suppressed an era in the past, has completely lost his mind. sell to others.

(End of this chapter)

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