I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 849 Beheaded and Killed

Chapter 849 Beheaded and Killed
He wanted to rot the land of the Chuyue Kingdom, and wanted to destroy the country that had given him endless glory.Guo Wei Zhaozhang was a little bit disgusted by the former boss of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian, who was in this state. He obviously didn't understand that the former boss of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, the cold-faced murderer Jiao Linxian, would become like this .

Hearing Zhao Zhang's words, Xiong Han, the current ruler of the Chuyue Kingdom, suddenly extinguished the anger in his heart. He just thought about it, and suddenly said: "Since he is a member of the Ministry of Punishment, then there must be those old veterans and old nobles. In other words, the notorious killer organization Blood Shadow Pavilion that our Yinlongwei has besieged and killed these days was created by these people."

"Well, that is indeed the case. These people's means are indeed clever, and it can be seen from this that the forces controlled by these people are still very powerful. It is worth using!": Zhao Zhang heard the words and suddenly spoke, making a speech. own assessment of the matter.

Xiong Han's tone was unremarkable, but the meaning in the words was intriguing. I just heard him say: "Not bad, um, it's really good. I really didn't think of the Blood Shadow Pavilion, which has given me a headache for a long time. It turned out to be their power, yes, the pre-stored strength is quite good, these people are really good."

"But that's all, how are the new heirs behind these people preparing?" Xiong Han suddenly changed the subject, with an endlessly gloomy and cold tone, and turned to look at the leader of the hidden dragon guard next to him .

"Return to Your Majesty, I'm completely ready." A hoarse voice came with a little chill, but it was the leader of the Yinlongwei who was in the darkness so that he couldn't see his figure. It's time to speak.

The information brought by his words made Zhaozhang and the others raise their brows, thinking in their hearts, did Yinlongwei move so quickly?
Hearing the words of the leader of Yinlongwei, Xiong Han obviously felt a little satisfied, and even his tone changed, becoming warmer, and he said: "Well, yes, there is a message from South Korea. Any news?"

"Your Majesty, this, this, due to the long distance, there is no news yet." In the end, the leader of the Yinlong Guard spoke with a little helplessness in his tone, but he still spoke.

Hearing this, Xiong Han frowned, and a feeling appeared that things were out of his control.What he hates the most is this feeling, and the source of all this is the conservative forces composed of the elders and nobles headed by the Ministry of Justice.

Then, I heard Xiong Han, who had been silent for a long time, speak: "My dear friends, do you think that there is a plan for how to destroy the Ministry of Punishment?"

The leader of Yinlongwei originally thought that the monarch, Xiong Han, would question him, but he obviously didn't expect that Xiong Han, the monarch of Chuyue Kingdom at this time, would not have the slightest tendency to question him, so he couldn't help but I felt a burst of relief in my heart.

"This, this, this, I hope Your Majesty Rongchen will think about it for a while." After looking at each other, the generals spoke together, obviously wanting to think about some countermeasures, but the matter is very clear now .

The decisions and strategic charters they want to make can also be formed quickly, but it still needs to give them some time.

However, when they were thinking, Guowei Zhaozhang had already opened his mouth, and saw the old god Zhaozhang take a step forward in front of the people beside him. The king of Chuyue Kingdom, that is, His Majesty, gave a respectful salute, and then heard him speak: "Your Majesty, how do you view this matter? It is the conservative party formed by the old aristocrats and veterans of the Ministry of Punishment. The national power of the Yue State is being harmed.”

"How do you look at this matter? Naturally, it is necessary to kill them all. Such rebellious officials and thieves who destroy our country will naturally be killed. Other than that, what else can you think about.": Hearing the words of Guowei Zhaozhang At this moment, the ruler of Chuyue Kingdom was Xiong Han, who was panting heavily with anger all over his face, and he opened his mouth to preach.

Guowei Zhaozhang heard the words, took a deep look at the current king of Chuyue Kingdom, Xiong Han, and immediately saw him speak: "Well, since His Majesty said it himself, the only way to go is to kill and destroy. Then I suggest that the conservative faction formed by the old aristocrats and veterans headed by the Ministry of Punishment be destroyed tonight."

The King of Chuyue Kingdom, that is, Xiong Han, was a bit puzzled by Guowei Zhaozhang's glance. I don't know why, but after hearing Zhaozhang's words, he suddenly felt his heart light up. Obviously, these Zhaozhang's words are very suitable for him. Therefore, he immediately said: "It should be so."

"It's better to destroy these people as soon as possible, otherwise it will be bad if they cause trouble again. At that time, it will be bad for us to wipe their asses for the mess they caused." Xiong Han finally said road.

Just between Zhao Zhang and Xiong Han, the ruler of the Chuyue Kingdom, a decision was made, and the speed was naturally extremely fast.

Immediately, they began to discuss the next question...

At this time, the faces of the people in the hall of the Ministry of Punishment were gloomy. These old nobles and veterans gathered here at this moment, with endless gloom in their eyes.

The atmosphere in the hall is very depressing, and the atmosphere here is even more depressing than the atmosphere outside where the dark clouds are overwhelming the city.

But with such a depressing atmosphere, everyone in the hall was silent at this moment, and they didn't have the slightest emotion for them to vent the depression in front of them.

It can be said that they are completely silent at this time.

The development of the matter to this point has completely exceeded their imagination. At this time, it is not the elders and nobles who are most frightened, but Ge Qizhi who has single-handedly caused the current result.

It can be said that his mind is already full of fear and panic, and at this moment he is completely like a funny clown.

Now that things have reached this situation, he is naturally unwilling to see it, and it is also something he never thought of.He really didn't expect those wastes to fail in the two missions, and they were completely exposed, which completely embarrassed him.

This is his only chance to survive, and now he is about to be abandoned by these heartless people as a useless pawn.

At this time, Ge Qizhi's heart was full of inexplicable emotions, and this emotion was fear.

At this moment, he already didn't have the slightest extra emotion in his heart, because the endless fear was like the mouth of a giant monster in the abyss, trying to swallow him up.The endless abyss with endless cold has already surrounded his whole body and mind.

His pupils had already shrunk suddenly because of fear, and he would never have figured out that those trash had failed these two missions.

What a bunch of trash. The trash of these people made him, the current him, about to be abandoned by everyone.

He still doesn't want to die. At this moment, his heart is full of unwillingness, but there is no way, he has no way.

Not reconciled, an inexplicable anger rose in his eyes, but he didn't dare to be presumptuous here.Because everyone here is more vicious than him, and he can't compare with these people.

The cruelty of these people has been engraved into their bones. Although he is really mad and killing, he is not a good person, but the most important thing is that he does not hide it at all.

He will not be like these people, killing your father and adopting you, saying that he is your father's friend, watching your pain and supporting them for fun.He really can't do it, he is not such a person.

At this moment, the people in the main hall are all a group of ghosts, a group of hideous ghosts wearing human skin masks. These people have no emotion at all, they don't know what emotion is, and they don't know what human courtesy, righteousness and shame are. From what he saw When people make small moves to kill each other on the back, but they still call each other brothers on the outside, it makes him sick.

He is not such a person, although he is bad, he is a villain, but he has never been hypocritical, if I want to kill you, I will kill you right away, Ge Qizhi is not the kind of person who does small tricks secretly.

However, now he has failed, he is a loser, and he understands what fate awaits him.Abandoned like a piece of garbage, without the slightest emotion, these people looked at him with pity in their eyes.

However, at this time, Ge Qizhi didn't care about it at all. After all, he was going to want the new faction headed by the current king of Chuyue Kingdom, Xiong Han, and the extremely angry Guowei Zhaozhang, who is now dead in the entire Chuyue Kingdom. The reform forces want to kill him completely.

This is the price he pays for doing wrong things, but he is really unwilling, those wastes are all the fault of those wastes.

It's really a waste of my cultivation of them. These people have completely disappointed Ge Qizhi, but those people are now alive except for those who were used by the city guards to make stereotypes, and the rest are all dead. dead.

Perhaps some of them were also arrested by Yinlongwei, Xiong Han, the current king of Chuyue Kingdom, but now his own people have been completely smashed.Now I don't have the capital to fight these people, because my Blood Shadow Pavilion killer power has been completely wiped out.

Although I still have an identity, that is, a small waiter in the current Chuyue Kingdom's Ministry of Punishment, but in front of these people's official positions, what role does he, a small servant of the Ministry of Punishment, have.

This mission did not succeed even once, which was a complete failure. This failure made Ge Qizhi completely disheartened at this time, which already made Ge Qizhi completely disheartened now.

Now he was sitting there paralyzed with ice-cold body, quietly waiting for everyone to pronounce his sentence, even though he was waiting for the result and the sentence.

But he already understood and knew that these people had only one result for him, and that was to abandon him.It was as straightforward as throwing a chess piece. After all, in the eyes of everyone, chess pieces like him were just useless trash.

His current status is already comparable to that of the animals in these people's homes. After all, he is just a waste, and he has no interests at all.Even if he is a nobleman, although he is a nobleman of Chuyue Kingdom, but at this time, he is not worth mentioning among most of the nobles and veterans of Chuyue Kingdom.

Because in the current hall, there are many nobles, and the ancestors of these nobles and elders were all people who once brought great benefits to the entire Chuyue Kingdom.Therefore, they can enjoy a respected status in the Chuyue Kingdom, but at this time they have already declined, and naturally they do not have the prestige and power of their ancestors before.

But the noble privileges and family rights that have been experienced for hundreds of years have already cultivated their hearts into a bloody and cold heart, and they are already a complete and thorough executioner. At this time, they only recognize interests. I don't know what emotion and a little warmth are.

They only know the benefits in front of them, and they only recognize this benefit clearly, and they only know that the benefits at this moment should be in their own hands and not given to others.

So everyone used to be brilliant, although now they are in decline, everyone is equally noble, with noble blood flowing from their bodies, everyone is the noblest and most sacred noble of pure blood in their own family.

This means that everyone's status and blood are the same, so if you make a mistake, you will naturally be punished.After all, everyone is already an adult, and no one is a child anymore.

Therefore, they already have a deep understanding of the consequences that their actions can cause, so they can be responsible for their words and deeds, so at present they have completely made two mistakes before, This time, it is even more of an attempt to completely wipe out the conservative forces formed by their group of veteran nobles.

This time, it was no small matter, and it could be said that it was their life and death at this time.At this time, the gloomy and dark clouds outside covered the brilliance of the entire moonlight and stars at this moment, and put a huge stone on the hearts of everyone in Jinling City, the country of Chuyue Kingdom.

Even so, the heaviness and anxiety in their hearts could not be compared at this moment, but that person did not speak, but they still had to hold their breath and could not make any movements or sounds.

Because, at this moment, the controllers here are not them, but the one who has experienced the three generations of emperors of the entire Chuyue Kingdom, who once had power over the entire Chuyue Kingdom. The former boss of the Ministry of Justice, who is now the leader of the Ministry of Justice, is the cold-faced killing god Jiao Linxian who is still the controller of their group of old veterans and old nobles.

(End of this chapter)

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