I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 850 Suppression of an Era

Chapter 850 Suppression of an Era

In the face of this ruthless person who once suppressed the entire Chuyue Kingdom and an entire dynasty, and even oppressed an era, they absolutely cannot speak at this moment.

Because no one knows what this ruthless man is thinking at this moment, if he accidentally bumps into the muzzle of a gun and is directly killed as a sacrifice to heaven, there is no place to cry for reason.

The atmosphere in the main hall at this time is getting heavier and heavier as time goes by, and everyone can feel it.

Now the hall seems to be a deep and bottomless huge abyss, this abyss is staring at the endless abyss, as if the eyes of the endless abyss are staring at you coldly, endless coldness emerges on your body, this is a A chilling feeling.

This feeling is like the endless fear that I have been coerced by the endless darkness and deepness that exudes inexplicable coldness in the hall, which is as heavy as an abyss. The endless coldness And the endless oppression that makes people breathless is oppressing their hearts at this moment.

This breath seemed to completely suppress their hearts, making everyone's chests feel tight. Even so, there is still no one in the hall at this moment to break the heavy pressure here. hall.

Even Ge Qizhi, who was already sitting there with his whole body limp on the spot, the ashen color in his eyes dissipated. At this time, he had already clearly noticed that something was wrong with the main hall at this time, and the atmosphere above the main hall now It was very strange, everyone was looking out for themselves and did not dare to speak, which made Ge Qizhi's eyes have a little hope at this time.

At this moment, Ge Qizhi was like a drowning man grasping at the last straw. He was crazy, and the endless crazy fire in his eyes was burning again at this moment. This was a kind of will.

This will is to survive. This is Ge Qizhi who has completely given up the fire of hope in life, and because of some things, he sees a turning point and hope again.

This will revived Ge Qizhi, who had already given up completely.Seeing this, Ge Qizhi suddenly sat up, shaking his spirit, looking at the still lifeless hall, at this moment Ge Qizhi completely indulged his crazy, almost perverted will to survive.

Now if someone wants to stop him, he will definitely be completely crushed by him.I saw that at this moment, Ge Qizhi's eyes were filled with madness, and his brain was running rapidly, apparently wanting to find a way to break the situation at this moment...

At this time, the atmosphere above the main hall became even more weird. At this time, Ge Qizhi's eyes were only filled with endless madness, and his whole body was trembling.

As time passed, the atmosphere above the hall became more and more heavy.Jiao Linxian was there thinking carefully about the breaking point in front of him, but after thinking and thinking, even with his already demonic IQ, he couldn't think of any solution.

There is no way, but he has no other good ways to get out of the game other than the crazy idea in his head. In his eyes, the other ways to break the game are like tricks to coax a three-year-old child. Compared with the peerless and famous Guowei Zhaozhang who is famous in the whole Chuyue Kingdom, he will naturally be able to see it.

Because of these, he seemed to be watching the operations of some idiots, but he never thought that he had completely mobilized the most powerful killer of the Blood Shadow Pavilion among the forces of the Ministry of Punishment. Killing all ended in failure.

You must know that he was involved in making this decision, and he agreed with it at the beginning.But he didn't expect that it was unsuccessful. This was his first shot, but he never thought that it would end in failure.

This obviously made him a little bit unbelievable, but he still believed that there was nothing wrong with his strategy, it was just that the people who executed it were not good enough, and they didn't fully implement his will.

But this can only be blamed on him, the employing is unknown, and the employing is not aware of it, but although he understands these things, but you are called a once magnificent man who suppressed an era, and even subdued the entire former Chuyue Kingdom. A ruthless person, as a former chief of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, an existence with one man under one man and more than ten thousand men.These really made Jiao Linxian unable to speak.

Therefore, after he fell silent, he didn't say a word. At this time, the heavy atmosphere in the hall was really more than half of the heavy atmosphere coming from his depression.If he doesn't speak, the rest of the people dare not speak, but let him speak, and what he says, he can't talk about today's weather in front of everyone.

Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killer, didn't come here to be funny, he was a cold-faced killer.

Can't wipe off face, this face really can't be wiped away.But at this time, the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian has no good way to break the situation, so he can't be allowed to carry out palace changes.

Thinking of Gong Bian, Jiao Linxian's eyes flickered, and there was a little unknown look in his eyes, obviously at this moment he had completely had his own ideas.But facing the crowd who had completely lost their chance, they simply didn't have the slightest strength to carry out the palace change.

Behavior like this is no different from hitting a stone with an egg. In the end, you have to fetch water from a bamboo basket in vain. After that, you will be completely beheaded and smashed to pieces.

At present, they are already guilty. If they still enjoy the palace change, if the current king of Chuyue Kingdom, Xiong Han, is not completely eliminated and beheaded in this palace change, then what is waiting for them must be Family ransacking.

As a result, they have absolutely no retreat at this moment, and their entire conservative faction composed of old nobles and veterans will be completely wiped out here.

If they do that, if they fail, it will be a death penalty for treason, and there is no way out and no chance for change.At this time, Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killer, obviously didn't think about it.

But now there is indeed no other way. Thinking of this, Jiao Linxian's eyes are filled with a little helplessness and a trace of coldness.

The most urgent task now is how to deal with the current situation, but now he has no way to do it, but the people in the hall have completely reached the limit that their bodies can bear.

If he doesn't happen, then something will happen next.Thinking of this, this formerly magnificent man suppressed for an era, and even subdued a ruthless man in the court of the entire former Chuyue Kingdom.This cold-faced killing god Jiao Linxian has nothing to do at the moment, and his head seems to be hurting a lot.

At this time, Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killer who was worrying, suddenly turned his head and saw Ge Qizhi, who was like a good-for-nothing.Looking at Ge Qizhi, the chief culprit of this incident, the useless Ge Qizhi who messed up these things in person.

The cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian's eyes were full of endless coldness, all because of this trash. If it wasn't for this trash, why would he be in such a predicament now? He still doesn't have the slightest idea.

However, suddenly, Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killer, looked at Ge Qizhi, who was already like a cripple, and suddenly revealed a little light. This light was like a wolf seeing a sheep, and the aggressive gaze in his eyes was still cold. It's cold.

The cold-faced killing god Jiao Linxian suddenly thought of a good way to temporarily solve the dull and oppressive atmosphere in the hall in front of him. At this time, Jiao Linxian took a sip of tea lightly, and saw that he looked at the place that was already completely overwhelmed. Ge Qizhi, who was like a useless person, said: "The guy who has done more than failed, Ge Qizhi, tell me. You are the chief culprit of the current situation. What do you think and what do you want to say?"

The cold-faced killing god Jiao Linxian's words were filled with endless iciness, and his throat was hoarse, so his voice was also slightly icy, and some people could feel completely chilled all over their bodies. freezing cold.

The endless cold made his whole body look like that endless cold pool. After hearing the words of Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killing god, everyone looked at the cold man with a little indifference in their eyes. The eyes of Jiao Linxian, the face-killing god, were filled with endless coldness, as if he was looking at a crippled person.

At this time, they had completely given up on Ge Qizhi, and they didn't even try to hide the disgust in their eyes.

But after hearing the words of the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian, there was still a little puzzlement in their eyes and the endless ice deep in their hearts at the beginning. Mentioning this one is already a piece of trash, Ge Qizhi whose fate has already been decided.They really couldn't figure out the meaning of killing Jiao Linxian with a cold face.

But, I don't understand, they have nothing to do at this time. Facing the current situation, although they don't have the slightest idea at this time, they can't take the slightest action in the face of this situation. and express.

What's more, they don't understand that Ge Qizhi, who is already like a useless person, can still make the slightest movement. They obviously don't understand this very much, and they don't know what the use of these things are.This trash is doomed to die, and it can no longer have the slightest effect.

So, is it because Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killer, wants to recycle waste, or is it a sudden kindness?This former big brother of the Chuyue Kingdom, the boss of the Ministry of Justice suppressed a dynasty of the Chuyue Kingdom, and subdued the Chuyue Kingdom at that time. Jiao Linxian, even now, is the most terrifying and powerful boss among these people, not because of anything else, but because of his status and the terrifying power he has cultivated over the years behind him.

None of them knew who among them was the one who coldly killed the God Jiao Linxian, nor did they know whether there was any hidden seed planted by the other party among their subordinates, their cronies, and their forces.

They were already full of fear of Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killing god. Now, they don't know if he has suddenly shown kindness to the cold-faced killing god Jiao Linxian, but facing this terror may not be already entrenched in Chuyue Kingdom. Jiao Linxian, who had been cold-faced and murderous for a long time, had nothing to do at this moment.They could only make indifferent guesses there, and they were all having some headaches at the moment, because they didn't know what the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian was planning.

Therefore, at this moment, one by one of them is holding their hands and looking at how to deal with Ge Qizhi, who is already a waste in front of him. What is the meaning of such an action by people of an era in China.

They obviously would not have thought that what Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killer, did was just to ease the oppressive atmosphere in the hall and prevent everyone from collapsing in advance.Because, the reason why Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killer, saw that trash, Ge Qi, made the following actions, was because he had no other way to kill Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killer.

Now, the time left for him is only allowed to take such an unavoidable way to break the situation. His action is purely to break the current situation. Obviously, if Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killer at this time, tells everyone, he is really These people will definitely not believe the idea.

Lenovo has always been the greatest instinct of human beings, and Lenovo can also make people fall into the abyss. This is a terrible force, and only the buried heart of human beings can play with this force.

Leaving these aside, let us return to the main hall of the Ministry of Punishment.

Many nobles and veterans were still silent there, but the atmosphere in the hall was not as heavy as before.

However, the atmosphere in the hall is still heavy. At this moment, everyone is quietly thinking about the meaning behind the act of killing God Jiao Linxian with a cold face.

At this time, Ge Qizhi, who was already ignored and accepted by everyone like a useless person, immediately lit up after hearing the words of the cold-faced killing god Jiao Linxian. straw.

At this moment, the dark clouds outside became thicker, and suddenly a thunderclap sounded, and thunder struck the ground.This flash of lightning instantly illuminated the somewhat gloomy hall at this moment. At this moment, everyone also saw the madness on the face of Ge Qizhi, who was already a cripple. At this moment, everyone's hearts trembled suddenly. He was shocked by Ge Qizhi at this moment.

Of course, there are also some reasons for the sudden lightning, but the most important reason is Ge Qizhi.

(End of this chapter)

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