I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 851 Thunder on the ground

Chapter 851 Thunder on the ground

This sudden thunder and lightning seemed to be the front cover of an approaching storm. At this time, the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian also squinted his eyes because of this thunder and lightning, and whispered softly: "There is thunder on the ground, chaos, The world is in chaos. This is really an ominous veil."

The cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian squinted his eyes and stared outside. A flash of lightning shone on his face, reflecting his haggard face, but no one saw it.

At this time, the cold-faced killing god Jiao Linxian had the endless coldness on his face, and there was a little anger all over his body. After the cold-faced killing god Jiao Linxian followed the thunder, he lowered his head. He shook his head, and gently pressed his own tea, which was still warm after being sent into his belly.

A warm current circulated in his body, the tea had a delicate fragrance, and this fragrance rushed directly into the mind of the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian, and this warm current rushed into his mind, which immediately made his My spirits lifted.

At this time, Jiao Linxian's own spirit has already been cheered up, and now he lowered his head, suppressing the endless cold emotions in his cloudy eyes, in front of the pair of knives who are like two knives. The eyes are directly stabbing at the person.

This icy cold gaze with endless coldness gently scanned the people in the hall. These fat pig-like nobles and veterans couldn't help but tremble all over their bodies, shaking violently from top to bottom. This is Because they felt a piercing chill, they obviously didn't understand why people's eyes had such a chill.

This chill can actually turn their whole body into ice, it's like being in a cave of thousands of years of ice.

Endless ice, cold, this coldness swept through everyone's bodies, making them shiver involuntarily. After this ice wrapped everyone up, it lingered for a long time.With just one look, Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killing god, completely shocked the people in the hall at this moment, and Ge Qizhi, who was still a little uneasy at first, was completely relieved at this moment.

Originally, there were still a few veterans and nobles who wanted to suppress Ge Qizhi at this time, who had been at odds with Ge Qizhi before, and they were silent at the moment. This person is now completely shrunk inside his clothes like a quail egg, not at all. Some little movement.

They are completely convinced at this moment, and they no longer have the slightest movement.The cold-faced killing god Jiao Linxian's endlessly icy eyes just now completely scared the courage of these people, and they no longer have the heart to fight against Ge Qizhi.

At this moment, they have completely awakened.Just there quietly waiting for Jiao Linxian's cold-faced murderous action, not daring to have his own small thoughts and some thoughts that shouldn't appear. At this time, everyone's eyes are full of playfulness, and they start to examine again. The trash in front of him is Ge Qizhi's status.

But no matter how you look at it, it’s still just trash. After all, trash can only be trash, and trash will always be trash. It’s impossible to change this point. After all, trash is trash to you, don’t you think so? ?
Therefore, no matter how much they examine the status of the waste in front of them, that is, Ge Qizhi, his most fundamental identity is still a waste, even if he has committed crimes and made meritorious service, he is still a waste.After all, he was the complete culprit who pushed people like himself into the situation in front of him, so it is not an exaggeration for them to judge and punish him.

So the people now still have deep contempt and endless disdain for the trash Ge Qizhi in front of them, because if it weren't for the old monster Jiao Linxian in the Criminal Ministry, they would have joined forces to kill the god in front of him. This good-for-nothing, Ge Qizhi, who failed to accomplish anything but failed to do so, raised his head and surrendered to the current king of Chuyue Kingdom, Xiong Han, and the lieutenant of the state.

In fact, the group of them hasn't dispersed yet, it's entirely because Jiao Linxian, the master of the Ministry of Punishment, is still there, so they need to give him face, yes, face.

They must give this face, otherwise there will be endless suffering for them in the days to come.They have seen this cold-faced method of killing Jiao Linxian before, and this old man is extremely vicious.

They are more vicious and crazy than them, and what makes them even more uncomfortable is that the cold-faced killing god in front of them not only controls the entire Ministry of Punishment forces so that they are not chaotic, but also coerces the entire conservative veterans and nobles. What's more, they don't have the slightest strength and ability to compete with the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian in front of them, so at this moment they can't run even if they want to.

However, under the current situation, I am afraid that they will not be able to run away even if they want to. It is estimated that the current Chuyue King Xiong Han has known everything that happened here through Yinlongwei.It's just that they still have a little luck in their hearts and have a deep special situation.They are still pinning their hopes at this moment.

Just when everyone in the hall was harboring ghosts, Ge Qizhi had already collected his thoughts and stood up suddenly.

His whole body was extremely tall and straight, and his posture was still as vigorous and strong as ever. At this time, Ge Qizhi had already passed through the gate of hell once, and he had completely eradicated some emotions in his heart. up.

It can be said that Ge Qizhi at this time has no emotion at all. After this incident, Ge Qizhi has already undergone sublimation and has undergone a complete transformation.

At this moment, Ge Qizhi could only see that he was exuding a near-death exudation, and there was a sense of madness and vitality all over his body.His pupils were tightly shrunk, and there was a crazy smile on his face. His expression seemed to be that of a lunatic. Everyone thought he was a lunatic, but at the moment he was not crazy, just completely Released the tiger in his heart.

Everyone has a tiger in his heart. If he releases the tiger in his heart, this person can be transformed and see his true self, that is, his true self. Such a person can be called a living person.

Because, in various sects, they all believe that all living beings are chaotic and confused, and they can only rely on this endless physical body to obtain their true self. Once they release their true self, they must get rid of it. The sea of ​​bitterness is no longer confused. Talents at this time should be called real people.

People in the past should not be called real people. Those who are constantly struggling in the sea of ​​suffering can only be called lambs in the world, and they will be hunted by God and heaven.

And the people who hunt these lambs are these real people who have stepped out of their true self, lived into themselves, and completely escaped the world of suffering. These people are also called shepherds, God's shepherds, and punished with God's will sentient beings.

At this time, Ge Qizhi has already stepped out of his true self, which is equivalent to such a person.

However, the crowd and Ge Qizhi were naturally ignorant of these things. Ge Qizhi, who was acting a little crazy at this time, stood up red in the battle, and his whole body was a little unstable. He said: "I think we have made the situation so complicated now, since the entire Jinling City has become a huge vortex."

"This time should also be the final decisive battle. Look how good the weather is today." Ge Qizhi suddenly looked obsessively at the huge dark cloud outside, which was already the front cover of the coming storm.

Everyone looked at Ge Qizhi, who was a little weird, acting like crazy, and looked at the dark clouds outside for a moment, thinking carefully about the meaning of Ge Qizhi's words.

Although Ge Qizhi's actions looked crazy, everyone here is an expert at this moment, and they naturally understand that there is something real in the few words that Ge Qizhi said at this time, not those deceptive crazy words.Therefore, at this moment, they did not stop the actions of the insane Ge Qizhi in front of them, nor did they refute his words.

Scanning the crowd in front of him, seeing that everyone was bowing their heads in thought, Ge Qizhi just asked with a sneer, "Don't you think there is something missing in this endless storm?"

His words were cold and icy, like an evil ghost crawling out of hell to call people's names, but the people at this time did not care about the coldness in his words, but only questioned him With endless doubts.

I saw that one of the men in the middle spoke. This man was dressed in luxurious clothes, so expensive that people dare not look directly at him. He just heard that this man's tone was slightly unfriendly: "Dare to ask, Ge Qizhi thinks this is endless. Something is missing in the dark cloud storm."

Hearing this, Ge Qizhi just looked at this person coldly. The person was sweating coldly, but he still looked at Ge Qizhi in front of him with extremely majestic eyes.

The two of them didn't give in at all, and only at this moment they heard the endless cold voice, which belonged exclusively to that cold-faced murder god Jiao Linxian.Just listen, Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killing god at this time, knocked on the table and then said: "Why are you two still arguing here, Ge Qizhi, what kind of medicine is sold in your gourd, tell me quickly, so If this matter is not handled well, then you should not leave this hall and reception hall."

At this time, the words of the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian were all malicious, and the full of unkindness made Ge Qizhi dare not make the slightest move at this time, and he did not dare to act presumptuously in front of the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian.

I saw that he shifted his gaze, moved his footsteps, and walked in this hall, his tone was a little cold, and his eyes were dull.His voice was hoarse and he said a few words: "Naturally, it's blood. What's missing in this endless dark and thick ink-like night sky is the bright and incomparably bright blood-red embellishment. This coming heavy rain will soon Everything in this Jinling City will be completely destroyed."

"Including the endless sins, the sins will naturally be washed away by this heavy rain. At this time, what we have to do, what we should do, is to hold our current top leader of the Chuyue Kingdom's reformist party as soon as possible, that is, The biggest supporter is our current King of Chuyue Kingdom, His Majesty Xiong Han."

"As long as we control it, the Jinling City at this moment will be ours tomorrow. I only have one way to deal with this situation, and that is to kill Xiong Han, the current king of Chuyue Kingdom, and then take over by myself."

Speaking of this, he kept sweeping the serious coldness towards everyone, and everyone was stunned by his words and couldn't speak for a while, but after thinking about it, it was indeed true.

Judging from the current situation, they really only have this approach, and there is no way out, and they only allow success and not failure, because they can't afford to fail, and there is no way to recite it. At this time, everyone was shocked by Ge Qizhi's words Zhong felt completely shocked by the news, and they obviously would never have such audacious thoughts as Ge Qizhi.

It's better to say that Ge Qizhi is daring, or that he is daring.

"What are you thinking, my lords? You know, the only road ahead of us now is the current road, and we can only go on this road. Only by knocking down the south wall can we succeed.

If you adults have figured it out, you must think carefully.After all, this time is the last time we have to break the boat, and this time is also our last chance to change our destiny. If we don't take this path, we can only get caught now. "

"I'm the principal offender, and I'm sure I'll die. However, according to the current monarch, His Majesty Xiong Han, and the magnificent and magnificent Lieutenant Zhaozhang who has overwhelmed the entire Chuyue Kingdom, they may not let you off. At that time, maybe all the adults will give me this unknown pawn to be buried with, wouldn't it be a shame." Seeing that everyone was doing nothing, at this moment Ge Qizhi suddenly opened his mouth to attack, and his words obviously carried a little bit of himself. plan.

This is a radical strategy, he himself will definitely die, no matter whether he gambles or not this time, he will die.Therefore, I have already looked away from him, and I don't care about these things at all.

Therefore, Ge Qizhi can easily tell these things to everyone now.In his opinion, these talents are the most difficult to choose. After all, facing this gamble, once the gamble fails, you will really die.

If you don’t gamble, you’ll be caught without a fight. According to the tempers of the current rulers of the Chuyue Kingdom, Xiong Han and Guowei Zhaozhang, these people will not have a good time in the future, or even if they are in doubt, come and accompany Ge Qizhi on the road to Huangquan. Be a companion.

(End of this chapter)

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