Chapter 852
Therefore, he, Ge Qizhi, was going to die anyway, so he no longer cared about the life and death in front of him.

If it is said to gamble, these people may definitely die, and the possibility of their final struggle failing this time cannot be ruled out.

But this gamble is also full of endless possibilities, if they say they win this gamble at this time.Well, the credit of these people is no less than that of Conglong who re-founded the country, and there is a road leading to a huge wealth and wealth in front of them. Now it depends on how these people are selected. See What are they going to do.

At this time, everyone was very entangled, not for anything else, but because of the one that Ge Qizhi just analyzed above, their first thought was that they could not agree at all, and killed Ge Qizhi as soon as possible, this person is too troublesome.

However, after hearing what he said later, they really listened to it, and each of them was meditating. They were silent, thinking about the next step quietly. At this time, they only had endless thoughts in their hearts. A little cold and irritated.

At this moment, this choice is really difficult, but this is the most difficult choice for them at this time. At this time, they are completely helpless about it. It is really difficult to choose.

Let's not talk about anything else, if you choose to hand over Ge Qizhi and don't take this big gamble, there is indeed a slight possibility for their families to survive. Of course, this requires the current Majesty, the king of Chuyue Kingdom, Xiong Han And the great kindness of the two men, Guowei Zhaozhang, who is already famous throughout the Chuyue Kingdom.

However, in the face of the past behavior styles of these two people, many veterans and nobles will not succeed no matter what. In this way, it is still very difficult for them, the accomplices, to make some choices in the face of the current situation, because They don't want to die either, but judging from the actions of those two, I am afraid that if they are really waiting for the Chuyue King Xiong Han and Guowei Zhaozhang to come here, the only thing waiting for them is the endless pain, everyone is sure.

The current situation is that, if they don’t gamble, they are already going to completely hand over their wealth and life to the current king of Chuyue Kingdom, that is, His Majesty Xiong Han, and want that peerless and unparalleled national lieutenant. In his hands, whether the situation of the people can survive or not depends on the mood of these two people.

Such a taste, the feeling of handing over one's wealth and life to one's opponent is definitely not something they can accept, but their criminals are just accomplices in front of them, and the crime and legal punishment are simply not enough to gamble with them later and fail. compared to.

This makes them very entangled at the moment, not only that, if they start a gamble and carry out this crazy gamble, they will be different from themselves waiting to die, they will use their own strength to face the matter in front of them thoroughly Carrying out its own mastery development, if.

I mean, if the gamble they made was successful this time, they would be coercing the emperor to order the princes, and the power of the entire Chuyue Kingdom is in their hands, let alone anything else.At this moment, they are very entangled.

The power of Chuyue Kingdom, the endless power, the highest throne of power will be in their hands, and then the entire Chuyue Kingdom will be considered their world, and the entire Chuyue Kingdom will be controlled by them, but now with There is another kind of wealth that comes from this unprecedented wealth, that is, the endless danger.

Once they are eliminated and failed in this crazy and bold gambling game, then what awaits them will be the death of the nine clans, and there is no way out at all.What awaits them is the endless death, and nothing else.

Therefore, this game is the most difficult choice. On the one hand, there is the possibility of saving the whole family, and on the other hand, it will completely drag the whole family into the abyss. At this moment, that is, in this game of gambling After that, because once they face the possibility of losing the bet, the whole family will be massacred by the current king of Chuyue Kingdom, who is now His Majesty Xiong Han, who has become extremely furious and unstoppable. At this time the only tangled and fear.

These filled their hearts with endless coldness, and these were indeed the most difficult reasons for them to make a choice.

Looking at the people around who still didn't move at all, Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killer, took the lead at this time, and he was a little shocked.

The loyalty in his bones is outrageous. He didn't expect that at this moment, Ge Qizhi, who had been abandoned by him, would actually release the devil in his heart. After hearing his words, he saw endless love in his eyes. The ice cold fell into deep thought.

His choice was very simple, and he was not as responsible as everyone else, but it made him more unforgettable than everyone else.

Because he wants to overthrow the regime of the Xiong family that his old brother belongs to. What he has done this time has completely violated Jiao Linxian's bottom line.This has completely forgotten his bottom line, although Jiao Linxian still has some hopes.

Don't look at him being so cruel and merciless, he does all kinds of evil, but he only does things to survive.But in the current matter, he wants to overthrow the regime of the people in his elder brother's family, which already violates the loyalty in his bones, which makes him feel a little helpless and endlessly sad.

But judging from the current situation, this is the best way.

However, he cannot be a person without a bottom line.Gradually his mind was struggling, and there were always two voices in his heart that were tempting him, one of which was a little devil-like creature telling him that his own life was the most important.

Didn't I come here again just to survive, fighting for power?Now that a chance to become rich and powerful has come before him, this road that can allow him to climb to the pinnacle of endless power will also allow him to obtain the endless national luck, and the golden dragon of luck will also be completely destroyed Under the control of his Jiao Linxian.

Wouldn't the fate of the country continue to defy the sky, wouldn't he be able to live forever?As for the people of the Xiong family, I have to be the king of the Chuyue Kingdom, and it is better to hand over the position of the king to the people of the Xiong family, so that I will not violate my loyalty.

In this way, the world of Chuyue Kingdom is still his Xiong family's world, don't you think?The demon finally murmured in the heart of the cold-faced killing god Jiao Linxian, feeling the sudden and huge temptation of the cold-faced killing god.

But another little angel-like creature, after seeing that group of devil-like creatures tempting the cold-faced killing god Jiao Linxian, eagerly opened his mouth to preach to the cold-faced killing god Jiao Linxian, you can't do this.Although it is true that the Xiong family has the status of the monarch of the Chuyue Kingdom, do they really have the right to be the monarch of the Chuyue Kingdom?

So what exactly is such a king of Chuyue Kingdom? Is this really the king of Chuyue Kingdom? Don't deceive yourself.Immortality is really a good thing, I advise you to let it go, after all, what you do is just coercing the emperor to make the princes, so you are really handing over the power to the monarch of Chuyue Kingdom .

When this happens, don't you become villains who stole Xiong's power in Chuyue Kingdom, rebellious officials and thieves?This kind of behavior has completely abandoned your own bottom line. It can be said that there is no bottom line at all. Do you really not care?

The cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian, who was still a little moved at first, was stunned when he heard this sentence, trembling all over, even his hand holding the teacup was a little unsteady, the teacup was warm and still wafted with a delicate fragrance The brown and shiny tea had already been overturned and dripped on the ground.

A little tea also soaked the robe of the cold-faced murder god Jiao Linxian. At this time, Jiao Linxian also reacted, but he didn't care about the little tea soaking his body. He just looked at everything in front of him with a little confusion in his eyes. .

But is it wrong for him to pursue immortality?At this time, the dynasty that was once the most powerful in the world, unparalleled in the world, suppressed a Chuyue Kingdom, and even more so in this era, the Chuyue Kingdom's cold-faced murder god Jiao Linxian, whose status is below one person and above ten thousand, is at this moment There is actually a little confusion.

He was clearly upset at this moment, looking at the contemplative crowd, and Ge Qizhi who was standing there with a weird smile on his mouth, he suddenly felt like a ghost.

Looking at the crowd, he was still holding on to the case and remained silent, but at this moment Ge Qizhi suddenly happened. His tone was cold and unchanged, and he hoarsely said, "Is it not I understand the doubts of your lords, but I just want to tell you one thing at this moment, that is, your lords must think carefully before acting, after all, this move is a dangerous move."

"But if you adults think about it clearly, even if you take a risky move, you still have the endless wealth and wealth. After all, blessings come from misfortunes, and misfortunes depend on them. These are all relative, there is no People can change them, so you adults should think about the relationship between them carefully, but if it were me, I would take the gamble."

Ge Qizhi began to preach as if joking, but then he looked serious, suppressed the smile on his mouth, and stood upright. Only at this moment, the people in the lobby only heard Ge Qizhi's loud words, only heard Ge Qizhi's solemnity Incomparable preached: "After all, it is a world of great contention. How can we not fight in such a world of great contention? The strong will become strong, and the weak will perish. This is a law that will never change."

"The natural way of survival is like this. I don't know if this is the case in this world. There is still life. Everyone's life is a fight and a game of gambling. Everyone is fighting big or small, because the heart will also make people It is divided into ranks and ranks."

"Because what I want to say is that you adults must think so much. After all, I don't care about the flood after I die. These are of course just my personal suggestions. I naturally hope that you adults will participate in this kind of gambling. After all, I I still have no effect at all. Because, I don’t want to die early, and now I have the last straw for all of us, and it is also the way to save our lives. Naturally, I deeply hope that everyone Everyone is going to participate in this gamble."

"The strong will be strong, the weak will perish. How can we not fight in a world of great contention? After I die, I don't care if he floods the sky. This is what I said to several adults. I hope that Lord Chance will think about it carefully." After speaking these words, Ge Qizhi didn't speak anymore. At this moment, he stood where he was, with a crazy flame rising from his eyes. He was trembling all over, obviously suppressing himself and waiting for the many senior nobles and cold-faced killing gods in front of him. Jiao Linxian's statement.

Although Ge Qizhi said these words for his friends, but now the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian deeply understands his feelings at this moment, because what Ge Qizhi said is completely for him to hear .

Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killing god, naturally understood it deeply, because since that fellow Ge Qizhi was speaking just now, those eyes that were scorching like flames have been staring at himself in front of him.

At that time, Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killer, was full of shock in his heart, because he knew that what he did now was manipulated and created by the current Ge Qi, and his heart was full of shock and surprise.

Ge Qizhi at this time is completely different from before. He is now thoughtful and terrifying. Such a person is really scary. Looking at Ge Qizhi who has already experienced sublimation, the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian has a little suspicion in his eyes. praise.

However, this hint of praise disappeared in an instant, and then Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced murderous god, was thinking about his countermeasures at this moment, that is, thinking about Ge Qizhi's last few words to himself. meaning of speaking.

Of course, he could hear the deep meaning in it. After all, he is the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian, and he doesn't recognize himself as a stupid idiot. Therefore, there is a little thought in his eyes at this time. With a little helplessness.

However, I was still thinking about Ge Qizhi's words before, in which Ge Qizhi's words mean that after I die, I don't care about his flood and the positioning of today's world, which is the world of great contention, how can we not fight, and the strong will perish if the strong are weak The words made his eyes glow endlessly at this time, and Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced murderous god, now had a little helplessness and endless indifference in his eyes.

But at this time, the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian was still thinking about these words, as well as his original thoughts.

Will my loyalty and my bottom line really change?What the little angel said is indeed right. It is nonsense to let the children of the Xiong family still be the kings of the Chuyue Kingdom, because they cannot successfully replace them in the current situation. These Xiong's children.

(End of this chapter)

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