I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 853 Take Your Life to Bet

Chapter 853 Take Your Life to Bet
Because now, here, as long as the Xiong family is the orthodox monarch, this is the blood of the king.

But the feelings between himself and that old brother, and the feelings towards Xiong's are really not faked at all. Therefore, even after he listened to Ge Qizhi's words, it was still difficult for him to make a choice. One cannot have the slightest interest in it.

Looking at the cold-faced murder god Jiao Linxian who was still unable to make a choice, if Ge Qizhi didn't have the disappointment in his heart at this time, it would be unspeakably false. Of course he had it, and he was naturally very disappointed, and it was Very disappointed.

He never imagined that the years would be so terrible that even the former fierce tiger like Jiao Linxian had lost its wings at this time. The tiger is old and has no teeth. At this time, the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian The appearance made Ge Qizhi so disappointed that he couldn't be more disappointed.At the same time, the feeling of escaping from the ascension that had just surged in his heart suddenly disappeared. At this moment, Ge Qizhi seemed to have fallen into the valley again. At this moment, Ge Qizhi was very desperate and confused.

Do you know how he feels? After experiencing extreme despair, a ray of light suddenly penetrated his heart. At this time, he endured tremendous pressure and carried out the ultimate transformation and sublimation.But after this transformation and sublimation, he can't do anything at this time, his strength has already completely disappeared in the last game as a loser.

At this time, Ge Qizhi hated himself very much, hated his own stupidity, but now he was already doing his best. With this person who gave him light, what he did after making him do his best became meaningless.

Now he doesn't know what he did, what is the meaning of what he did, what do these people think of him, and he doesn't know how he looks like in the eyes of these people Things, at this moment Ge Qizhi's eyes were full of endless unwillingness and endless pain.

Now these are all caused by that cold-faced killing god. He gave himself hope, but he was extremely cowardly because of it. This person is no longer worthy of becoming the leader of the conservative faction composed of the entire old nobles and veterans at this time. He is even more unworthy to be the controller of the power of the Ministry of Punishment.

What is the difference between such a person and a waste, Ge Qizhi thought silently, but when he thought of his current situation, Ge Qizhi's eyes revealed incomparable despair, he knew that at this moment, he could only wait for death, besides waiting for death, There was nothing else he could do.

He is like a waste like this, he really deserves to be a waste.Ge Qizhi silently thought, even if you try your best at this time, you are still a waste, what is the meaning of existence for you like this.

At this moment, the devil in Ge Qizhi's heart is tempting him to gradually degenerate. As time goes by, everything in the world is changing, but the only thing that remains unchanged is his fate, the humble fate of a lonely wretch. No one would care about the imminent fate of a man named Ge Qizhi.

Now Ge Qizhi is completely desperate, he has no idea what it means to survive.I saw that at this time Ge Qizhi's whole body revealed a heavy and strong death aura, which was so clear in the eyes of everyone.

The cold-faced killing god Jiao Linxian looked at Ge Qizhi, who was exuding a dead air all over his body, and his eyes had completely lost their spirit, but there was a trace of unbearable in his eyes, but there was nothing he could do.He was already powerless, and at this moment, everyone in the hall had fallen into a vicious circle, everyone was being cautious and making their own choices cautiously.

This choice is related to their future destiny, and this is already a choice that is enough to drive people crazy.At this time, each of them knows how difficult it is to make such a choice, but this choice is indeed completely related to their future fate.

Whether to wait to die, or to take everything of oneself, to gamble, to gamble to be rich and powerful.In this gamble, the winner will ascend to the throne and proclaim the emperor, while the loser will die without a place to be buried, and the whole family will be buried with him.

With such a choice, which one would you choose.One is to hand over the life of the whole family to others, and the other is to fight by oneself to create a future that may be famous in history.In this way, how would you choose.

No one can tell them that their hearts are already heavier than the thick black clouds outside, and everything around them is depressing, and these are exuding a little bit of endless coldness. This is what they are The situation at this time.

However, according to Ge Qizhi's previous words, I don't care about the flood after my death. This sentence made most of them have a great sense of agreement, and of course a small number of them disagreed.After all, everyone thinks differently. After all, there are no two identical leaves in the world, and there are no two identical people in this world. This is the summary of the views of these people.

However, after such a long time of choice, these people did have some ideas of their own, and the current situation is just lack of a statement.

Everyone still didn't open their mouths to speak. Although the vast majority of them already knew how to make a choice in their hearts, the current choice was still extremely difficult.Although at this moment, they may make this choice, but it may change at the next moment. This will definitely change, but how to do it, these people have no intention of making such an early bird, after all, shoot the early bird They still deeply understand and understand this truth.

Looking at these people who are still contemplating, Ge Qizhi, who is already full of lifeless eyes, smiled disdainfully. In this hall, only his endless and arrogant smile seemed to be like a steel knife piercing through everyone. heart.

When they heard Ge Qizhi's smile, everyone suddenly raised their heads and looked at him together. Some of the important figures showed displeasure on their faces. Just when they were about to get up and scold him, Jiao Linxian, who was sitting on the main seat with a cold face, was at this moment. It was already a wave of hands to suppress the dissatisfaction in the hearts of everyone who was already full of displeasure.

The cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian opened his mouth with a hoarse throat, his face was gloomy, and his tone was still endlessly cold and cold, but anyone with a discerning eye could definitely hear a trace of lack of energy in his words, which shows that the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian At this time, his courage was already more than a little bit more than that. Looking at the crazy Ge Qizhi in front of him, his behavior was even crazier than before. At this time, the cold-faced killing god just watched Seeing him laughing wildly there, seeing his arrogance, Jiao Linxian asked coldly, "What else do you want to say, Ge Qizhi."

Ge Qizhi's expression was crazy, like a mad god, he was like a humble dog, a dog that had gone completely crazy, but at this time Ge Qizhi was arrogant, thinking that he had already seen his true self It's just that he didn't expect that Ge Qizhi would die when he saw his true self, what a great irony.

God, this thief really bullied him so much. He has been a playboy in the eyes of others all his life, but no one knows his pain.They are all extremely hypocritical, and only he is the most sincere.

This world has never been aware of other people's suffering, but they want to persuade you to be kind, and even look good for you.

If he had the choice, would he do it.Is he himself that kind of stupid dementia, he is not, he is a normal person, a normal person.Why don't people in the world know the truth of not persuading others to be kind without suffering from others?

Anyone can speak up, but at this time Ge Qizhi no longer has his heart, he has been completely defeated.

However, he who has already seen his true self, that is, the most sincere one, is about to die, and there is endless unwillingness in his heart, but at this moment, he has no way to do anything. It's just that there is a little indifference in his eyes, he is completely tired of this world.

How could such a dirty and filthy world exist? At this time, Ge Qizhi was completely blackened, but his words were still as direct and vivid as that extremely cold long knife with sharp eyes. It pierced into the hearts of everyone and pierced into the depths of its own bone marrow alive.

Pain, endless pain, heart-wrenching, Ge Qizhi not only hurt others, he also hurt himself.

At this moment, Ge Qizhi said with a cold smile: "Hahahaha, of course I have something to say."

"Jiao Linxian, if you are really loyal, then why do you have to go through three generations without dying? Why do you still want to practice the life-continuing method that uses the fate of the country as the raw material to change your life? You are really hypocritical, I think Your hypocrisy is fine here, but now you are even more hypocritical here, using loyalty as your stumbling block."

"Jiao Linxian, tell me, if you are really loyal, you should not appear here, you should stay in a cold coffin. Is this the place for you to come? This is not the place for you , Isn’t that what I said? What do you think, there is something wrong with what I said, did I make a mistake. So, Jiao Linxian, do you still need to be entangled in what choice you should make.”

"Your body has helped you make the most correct and most desired choice, but you still hypocritically rejected him. I really didn't expect your hypocrisy to reach this level, but mine is It never occurred to me that at this moment, the hypocrisy of you people can reach this level." Ge Qizhi growled coldly, like a crazy wild dog, and everyone looked at him with pity.

After hearing Ge Qizhi's words, Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killer, narrowed his eyes, and then there was an endless cold trend all over his body, but after Ge Qizhi's words were finished, that trend became stronger and all oppressed Ge Qizhi body.

Ge Qizhi's expression was painful, but he was still as crazy as a wild dog to speak out all his words.

I saw that at this time, Ge Qizhi, whose facial features were already somewhat distorted, spoke, and he angrily pointed his fangs at the people in the rest of the hall and the nobles and elders. Unfolding, it looks like a colorful tiger about to swallow its prey and a giant wolf in the deep grassland with green light in its fierce eyes.

At this time, Ge Qizhi, who had a ferocious face, saw endless madness in his eyes, and the burning fireworks in those eyes seemed to come from the endless purgatory deep in hell.

This flame seemed to swallow everyone up. This flame was so deep and filled with endless coldness. When they saw the flame in Ge Qizhi's eyes, everyone's bodies trembled uncontrollably. Obviously there was no With the slightest movement, they didn't know that they had been captured by Ge Qizhi.

I saw that at this time, Ge Qizhi spoke slowly, with boundless sickness and endless madness in his tone, a person who seemed to be like a ghost in this world, that is, Ge Qizhi who had released his true self now. When I opened my mouth, I saw him preaching like this: "And you hypocritical trash, don't think that I don't know what you are doing. If there are different levels of hypocrisy, then Jiao Linxian is the king among them. You can't do it, you are too useless to be seen at a glance, so you still need to go home and practice again, so that you can get a good ranking and not be seen by others."

"I really hope that you guys can take a good practice next time. Please follow my advice. I really can't tell you those dirty things. I can't say such dirty things. It’s disdainful, but you hypocritical people did it, I really don’t understand where your hearts are.”

"Tell me, do you still have a heart? I'm looking for a heart, a heart that is no longer hypocritical. Do you dare to give me such a heart?" Ge Qizhi's crazy words were filled with endless anger. The horror made everyone's faces change.

"Therefore, your life is more important than my life. If you ask me this way, of course my life is more important, because you are just a bunch of waste, and you will never be able to shake off your shackles in this world of bitterness, that's all. For your life, existence is meaningless. So I have a suggestion, that is, let's bet our lives."

"After all, I have nothing now, and only my little life can bet against you. Life is worthless. In this troubled world, no one really values ​​it for a little money. Theirs, don’t you think so?”

(End of this chapter)

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