Chapter 856
The guard was counting the votes at this time, and he sang out without reading a single vote. The sharp voice made everyone in the hall hear clearly, and all of them could hear it.

Ge Qizhi stared at the guard's movements intently. Everyone in this hall was like this. He didn't even dare to take a breath at this moment, for fear of affecting the guard's movements. How could they not have the slightest idea? Now their hearts are full of excitement at this moment, because at this moment they are about to reveal the choice that concerns their own future destiny and life and death.

People are gamblers, so facing this game is already related to the lives and wealth of everyone in the hall here at the moment, and this game can sweep the entire Chuyue Kingdom so far. The gambling game of Chuyue Kingdom that has led to a huge vortex is already wrapped in the gambling game of the entire Jinling King City, and these are already causing the adrenal hormones of the current people to continuously secrete.

The secreted adrenaline makes their brains extremely excited at this moment, and they are extremely excited, excited, and frantic at this moment.

But facing the current situation, they really don't have the slightest ability to suppress the one in front of their bodies. At this time, they are completely crazy.

Therefore, as the guard continued to disclose the number of votes, their hearts were also beating violently. Even Ge Qizhi did not escape without any exception. Beating, everyone at this moment is looking at all this in front of them, their hearts are constantly excited, and everyone at this moment is completely over the top.

With the passage of time, the voting will end. When he saw that the number of votes was overwhelmingly those who agreed to carry out this gamble, Ge Qizhi's eyes were full of fire, and his whole body was full of energy. At this moment Even the one who was incomparably powerful, magnificent, and unparalleled in the world once suppressed a court of the Chuyue Kingdom, and even destroyed an era.

He used to have a great deterrent power with every gesture, and his status in the entire former Chuyue Kingdom was below one person and above ten thousand people. He used to be the boss of the Criminal Ministry.Now he is the ruler of the power of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs, and the controller of the conservative forces composed of old nobles and old veterans, that is, the cold-faced murder god Jiao Linxian also burst out with light in his eyes. A little brilliance, and a little sage luster.

This shows that Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killing god at this moment, is completely excited about this gamble. From ancient times to the present, it can be said that in the entire Chuyue Kingdom, there are gambles that people like them can do in the current Chu In the history known to the Yue Kingdom, there has never been such a huge and crazy gamble.

The people in the entire hall of the Ministry of Punishment, represented by the entire old aristocrats and old veterans represented by the conservative forces, had chosen the final result in this vote that was related to their life and death.

This result makes people a little crazy and uplifting, after all, this is a shocking thing.I saw that the most revered one among them was once extremely powerful, magnificent, and unparalleled in the world. He once even suppressed a court of the Chuyue Kingdom, and even destroyed an era.

He used to have a huge deterrent power with every gesture, and his status in the entire Chuyue Kingdom was even more detached. One person was below ten thousand, and he was once the boss of the Criminal Department.Now he is the controller of the power of the Ministry of Punishment, and the controller of the conservative power composed of the old nobles and old veterans, that is, the cold-faced killing god Jiao Linxian stood up at this moment, and saw his serious face with endless majesty , an indescribable aura flowed from his body.

All of a sudden, the people in the surrounding halls were respected the most at the moment, the one who was once extremely powerful, the one who was peerless, the one who was unparalleled in the world, who once suppressed a court of Chuyue Kingdom, and even destroyed a Times.He used to have a huge deterrent power with every gesture, and his status in the entire Chuyue Kingdom was even more detached. One person was below ten thousand, and he was once the boss of the Criminal Department.Now it is even more shocking by the authority of the power of the Ministry of Punishment, and the power of the conservative power composed of old aristocrats and old veterans, the current cold-faced killing god Jiao Linxian.

Then, I saw him preaching: "I announce the result of this vote, and that is to make this crazy grand gamble, so now everyone has to carry out their own actions and get busy. After all, time waits for no one. .”

"Now, we will directly take out all the forces in our hands and prepare to go to the palace, to present our current king of Chuyue Kingdom, His Majesty Xiong Han, and the great splendor whose reputation has spread throughout the entire Chuyue Kingdom. The unparalleled Guowei is clearly carrying out the transfer of power and a new round of contest."

His language is provocative, and his words are still extremely cold, bringing a little endless warmth to everyone's hearts.

Such words still bring endless coldness to everyone's bodies, this is the coldness in his cold-faced killing god Jiao Linxian's words.

After hearing the words, at this moment, after Ge Qizhi learned the last news, he couldn't hide his excitement completely. At this time, he was completely and extremely excited.

Because, as a person who is about to die, he has no hope of surviving at all. At this moment, he has the hope of surviving, and these are what he expects most at this time. To live, yes, to live, every day Everyone wants to live, no one wants to die.

Even if he has seen through life and death, Ge Qizhi is no exception. Even if he has found himself, but at this moment he still likes to live, still desires to live, and no one wants to die. After all, death is something everyone wants. Not wanted and disappointed.

Only living is what everyone pursues, so after Jiao Linxian's words, the most excited person at this time is Ge Qizhi among the crowd.He doesn't have to die, he can still be alive. At this time, Ge Qizhi staggered up from the collapse, his whole body was like a crazy devil. Lei Ting has completely summoned the monsters and ghosts who are dancing wildly in this hall. At this moment, the people really look like ghosts and ghosts under the background of the thunder, and the whole hall is filled with a little panic. The forest is cold.

After experiencing a brief carnival, these people began to prepare to gather their subordinates and their own forces. They fully activated their forces at this moment. At this moment, the strength they gathered was huge. , unless the current war machine of the entire country of Chuyue Kingdom is activated, it can compete with them. Otherwise, to be honest, I am really sorry to face other people.

It's not because of anything else, it's because your strength is completely useless in front of this force composed of old nobles and old veterans, it's because of their strength, stronger than you powerful.

The entanglement of interests formed by the old aristocrats and veterans of them is intricate, and these are very difficult to deal with, so there is nothing that can stop them.

Nothing can stop them at this time, except of course their opponents.That is to say, the current King of Chuyue Kingdom, Xiong Han, wants the peerless and unparalleled King of the Kingdom, who is clearly their enemy at the moment.

Of course, their actions in this line are naturally to fight with real knives and real guns, but at present, a thorough situation has been determined, because Ge Qizhi and the other old nobles who were born as generals will be in the immediate periphery The power was completely slaughtered, and they were completely dealing with the magnificent and unparalleled Guowei Zhaozhang.

After arranging all this, everyone quietly waited for the manpower to be dispatched in this hall...

With the passage of time, after everyone had transferred their manpower, Ge Qizhi at this moment took part of his manpower and put on his own equipment, and followed them out of the main hall of the Ministry of Punishment.

No matter how wildly the dark clouds gather outside, time will flow away. As time goes by, the day is like chaos, and the dark clouds gather and disperse, which seems to indicate the calmness of the coming storm, but time is still lost without stopping.

Ge Qizhi, who walked outside, suddenly looked up at the extremely terrifying dark cloud storm, the dark darkness mixed with the thunder, as if the heavy rain was about to wash away the world soon, all these scenes gave people a shock of the soul , This scene is indeed a little trembling.

Facing such majestic and majestic scenes, people only feel a little sadness surging in their hearts. People are still too young in the face of this world.

Ge Qizhi looked at the scene in front of him, the desolation in his eyes was full of indescribable sorrow, it was because he felt his own infinite insignificance in his heart, facing this scene, he really didn't know what to say.

People are always too small in front of such a scene. Facing such a scene, Ge Qizhi was walking on the corridor of the palace that was gradually going out to the mansion of the Ministry of Punishment, and the sadness in his eyes still existed.

He had been reborn from the ashes at this time, and the reborn Ge Qizhi was no longer comparable to the previous Ge Qizhi, and now he had absolutely no way out.

At this moment, he couldn't make a slight rejection at all, after facing the conservative forces composed of the old aristocrats and veterans of the Ministry of Punishment, he decided on that choice.This is a life-threatening journey, and he has no way to do it.

Even if he is asked to play such a role as cannon fodder in this struggle, his current status simply cannot allow him to make some rebuttals. After all, he pushed the current situation to the present situation in one fell swoop. He is Ge Qizhi, who has cut off the escape route of everyone now.

At this moment, Ge Qizhi is no longer qualified to complain, and he is already an adult, so naturally he will not complain about these things. After all, he is already an adult, so he naturally understands that he must be responsible for his actions.

So at this time, Ge Qizhi didn't have the slightest complaint or wish. He already understood his fate. He knew that it was a miracle that he survived. Now he no longer has the slightest reason to go Confront each other with the decisions made by the Ministry of Punishment forces formed by these old aristocrats and old veterans and the conservative forces.

In that case, he was too pushy, and he, Ge Qizhi, understood this deeply, so naturally he would not make some protests and demands.It is people like him who have forced the old forces of the Criminal Ministry and the conservative forces formed by the old forces of the Criminal Ministry and the old nobles and nobles into this state. It is he who has completely forced them into this dead end. .

Although this path of desperation is already full of riches and honors, it is not easy to walk on this road, and every step is accompanied by extreme bloody storms and huge storms.Today's Jinling City, the imperial city of the Chuyue Kingdom, has become a huge vortex. In the depths of this vortex, there are huge waves sweeping through the sky. In the face of the huge waves that they clearly know are coming, if they rashly There is absolutely no possibility of surviving the slightest participation.

But the situation has reached this level, and they have no choice but to go to this muddy water to carry out this huge vortex formed in the depths of Jinling City, the imperial city of Chuyue Kingdom. Facing the huge sky-shattering waves that could sweep across the entire Chuyue Kingdom formed in the depths of the vortex, they had no choice but to engage in such a crazy gamble.

Take all their wealth and life, as well as the fate of the whole family, and use these as a gamble, to gamble on their future and their own destiny.It can be said that if Ge Qizhi himself said that the whole situation had been promoted to this level, they would definitely not make this gamble, because they themselves clearly understood who they were.

Therefore, the situation they are currently in is definitely because of Ge Qizhi himself, so Ge ​​Qizhi himself understands, so when faced with the most dangerous choice that is about to appear, he chose his position as cannon fodder. It's very witty, because they are all old friends who have met for many years, and he doesn't want to make his friends look bad.

(End of this chapter)

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