I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 855 Agree if you don't object

Chapter 855 Agree if you don't object

Therefore, facing the temptation of immortality and immortality and the choice of loyalty, Jiao Linxian, the god of death with a cold face, struggled for a while, and finally decided to choose to follow his own thoughts.

Don't resist his own heart, so in the end he felt that immortality and immortality are better, so he resolutely planned to carry out this gamble tonight, don't underestimate this gamble, don't regard him as It's very simple. It's the first step for them to make up their minds now.

But in the current situation, they still can't directly express their opinions. After all, people's hearts are ghosts, and people's hearts are separated by belly. No one knows who's thoughts, so now they have determined their own thoughts.

The cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian has absolutely no intention of making changes. Immortality is what he has always pursued. As for the bottom line and loyalty, do you think there are people in the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian?

With the passage of time, he has completely made up his mind to put all of himself into this gamble, this gamble that swept the entire Chuyue Kingdom.In this huge vortex, once you are involved, you will definitely not be able to get out, not only the current him and the old nobles and old veterans before, but also those who want to think in this chaos. People who want to make a bet to determine the outcome of the universe and fight for a big fortune are especially in the gambling game at this time. Once they enter the gambling game and want to get out, they absolutely cannot get out.

Therefore, in the face of the current situation, these people are not very eager, but they still make some preparations, after all, everyone has the same idea.Therefore, in order to be fair and take care of everyone's wishes, in the face of this gambling game, the controllers of the power of the Ministry of Justice are also the controllers of such conservative forces formed by their group of old nobles and old veterans.

At this time, they had already clearly understood that the critical moment had been reached at this time, everyone was pretending to be nonchalant with their own little thoughts, but in fact they were secretly nervous one by one. But in the face of the current situation where Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killer, does not speak, they absolutely cannot have some reason.

Looking at the present, that is, everyone who has their own ghosts and no good intentions, Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced murder god, can see the small thoughts of everyone when he opened his eyes, but at this time he has no intentions. Point out, now he just needs to provide these people with an opportunity, a platform.

At that moment, Jiao Linxian, the god of cold-faced killer, still had a gloomy throat, and spoke in that old, unfriendly tone with a slightly chilly taste, that is, endless coldness and that incomparably cold tone. I saw, cold-faced killer God Jiao Linxian's narrowed turbid old eyes were as sharp as knives and scanned the crowd, and when he found nothing unusual, the cold-faced killing god Jiao Linxian nodded in satisfaction.

Then, at this time, he suddenly opened his mouth, and only heard him say: "Ladies and gentlemen, there is such a big fortune in front of you, but the gamble is so big, I am afraid that you can't bear it. According to my opinion, We will choose our Ministry of Punishment forces according to the voting decision, and we, the conservative forces formed by the old aristocrats and old veterans who reported to the group to keep warm, will take this big gamble."

"This is a great wealth and wealth, and it is also an endless storm abyss. Once it is involved, we people, whether it is you or me, will be completely torn into pieces by it. Therefore, I am very grateful to those who are present now. You are giving advice, you must vote carefully, everyone has a vote to choose whether to vote or not to take this huge gamble. The result is naturally that the minority obeys the majority. What do you think?"

After the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian finished speaking, he still looked at the people in front of him with endless coldness and gave some advice, and then he looked at the reactions of the people below. Time kept passing, and as time passed, the past After waiting for a while, he saw that no one in the hall came to oppose him.

Then, after the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian tapped his crutches, he looked at the people in front of him with a serious face, and his old throat broke out, and he used that incomparably hoarse throat with a slightly cold tone, as if The Nine Nether Ice below freezes people's souls like ice.

People's hearts and souls were completely frozen by it, only to see that the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian deliberately stopped his figure at this moment, and there was an incomparably cold knife light in his eyes, like a knife with a handle that was about to pierce people. , to completely smash people's hearts, at this time, the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian's extremely personal voice appeared in everyone's ears, and compared with before, this voice was still full of inexplicable majesty and dominance.

"Since none of you object, then I, an old man, agree with everyone, and then the voting will begin."

After Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killer, finished speaking, everyone below had a little excitement in their eyes, and each of them sat at the desk next to them, wrote down their choices and decisions on paper, and No one looked at the choice made by the person opposite, and everyone in the hall at this time only cared about themselves.

They only care about themselves at this time, because the decision is made by themselves, and they cannot interfere with others in the slightest, otherwise things will be unclear later, and by then, this is not the ending they want to see, so At this moment, they are not thinking about peeking at each other's choices made by others.

The vote they cast now is very important. Although there are no other people who are making evaluations in the face of their choices, the nobles and veterans who have already voted at this time know that they have a lot of money in their hands. The vote you cast is related to whether your future life is in your hands or not.

Therefore, this extremely huge matter cannot be discussed with other people. Such a matter can only be decided by themselves at this moment, and it is not possible to force other people to treat them at this moment. Be the master of what you do.

After all, they can only be themselves, not others. Therefore, they naturally cannot interfere with other people's actions, so they will not peek at the decisions and choices made by others. After all, this is a family related to their own family. If someone really peeks at the important matter of his wealth and life, he must be with the other party forever.

After all, this is not a trivial matter, so they are already the leaders of various families, so naturally they will not do these things, they obviously have their own ideas, and naturally they will not look at the choices made by other people And choices, so as soon as they finished writing, they handed it over to the guard sent by the cold-faced killing god Jiao Linxian who specially used a tray to collect the papers that wrote the decisions and choices they made.

The guard turned around, and finally came to Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killer.At this time, Jiao Linxian was holding a brush in one hand, and tremblingly wrote out his choice on the paper. Although Jiao Linxian's writing hand was trembling, every time he wrote The writing is very precise and steady, and his handwriting has some sharp hook marks, which are hard to associate with a hundred-year-old man.This kind of extremely strong murderous aura obviously does not match the age of the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian who is now a hundred years old, but at this time the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian still has the same pride in his heart as when he was young.

After seeing the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian finished writing at this time, he folded the choices on the paper and put them in the tray. The following is the relief of the public voting.

The cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian naturally arranged everything, so he sat there after writing, and his old face, which was like bark, was full of smiles at this time. He smiled and narrowed his eyes. .

Just looking amiably at the guard who was counting votes next to him, the nobles and elders in the rest of the hall naturally stared at the guard in front of him who was holding everyone's life and death in check. Ge Qizhi who was lying on the ground at this time It was also found by everyone to sit down. After the doctor's treatment, Ge Qizhi's health improved a lot.

Of course, the most important thing among them is what the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian said to him: "Shouldn't you wait until the end to despair? The final result of this thing exceeded your expectations, and if you want to die now , then if the subsequent choices are according to your wishes, wouldn’t you die in vain like this.”

"Ge Qizhi, I advise you to do everything to the end. If things don't reach the last moment, don't make a hasty conclusion, because these will really kill people. You have to be patient enough, Do you know wolves?"

"My favorite animal is the wolf, because wolves are patient enough and smart enough. Of course, there are enough cruelty and viciousness. People should be like wolves so that they can live in this world. Go on, and live a better life, so that people can live well, instead of being randomly discarded in place by others as waste."

"Do you know, you are just a waste now, although I know that you have made a huge change now, you have undergone a huge change like a reborn. But you have no achievements at all now, so you It’s just a waste. Even if you are a ferocious prairie wolf king now, you are still a waste at this moment, when you have nothing to prove yourself.”

"So, Ge Qizhi, are you willing to be a waste again? You still want to wait patiently for the final result. What will you do if the result is very suitable for you? What will you do if it arrives? When you are really abandoned, I will give you a sword, so that you have enough dignity to commit suicide, after all, the wolf king cannot be killed by the enemy."

"The only one who can kill the powerful wolf king is the wolf king himself, don't you think so? Ge Qizhi, so, Ge Qizhi. Now that I've told you so much, I don't want to tell you anything useless, I just I want to tell you, wait and see. Be patient enough, after all, the time is still very long, in case, I mean, in case the final result is what you want, then if you torture yourself like this at this time, then Didn't you just kill this last chance yourself?"

When he was saying these words, Ge Qizhi took a deep look at Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced murderous god in front of him. It was the first time he noticed that there were many wrinkles on the face of this cold-faced murderous god, like shriveled old tree bark. Same, at this moment he had an ugly smile.However, there was a bit of cruelty between his brows and eyes, which made his smile very kind, but after watching it too much, you will find that there is a fox-like cunning hidden in it.

This is the cunning unique to the fox, and it is also the cruel cunning of Jiao Linxian himself and the endless strictness that carries him.It's like the tone of its speech. Although it is peaceful, it is in Ge Qizhi's ears. The voice passed through the icy purgatory in hell and reappeared on the ground. This old and hoarse voice In the peaceful voice, there was an icy, deep and extremely cold taste that made Ge Qizhi terrified.This is unique to the old fox, that is, once magnificent and unparalleled in the world.

The once powerful leader of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs also suppressed a dynasty and destroyed an era, and even once had unparalleled absolute power in the entire Chuyue Kingdom. Now he controls the power of the Ministry of Justice and controls Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killing god of the conservative forces composed of old nobles and veterans, has his own voice. This is his unique taste, and the rest of the people can't learn it.

Although, he was once magnificent and unparalleled in the world, the former power of the Ministry of Punishment also suppressed a dynasty and destroyed an era, and even once had unparalleled absolute power in the entire Chuyue Kingdom. Yes, now they are in control of the conservative faction composed of old aristocrats and old veterans. Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killing god, has endless coldness in his words, but the meaning of the words in the words is It was the fire of vitality that was almost extinguished in Ge Qizhi's eyes that completely burned at this moment.

Therefore, there was the scene just now, with Ge Qizhi sitting on the slump, with flames burning in his eyes, with a huge sense of the endless result that belonged to him, and no one else knew about it. Ge Qizhi's longing thoughts are all in there.

That's why he has the endless treasure and attention that belongs to him alone. This is his hope and his last hope.

(End of this chapter)

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