Chapter 866
He even used the magic method to completely swallow up the energy and spirit of these people. In this way, relying on the side of the marching road, those patrolling city guards had already been killed by him for three times. It's been four batches. These people's vigor and vitality, as well as their physical qi and blood, have become the foundation for Ge Qizhi's rapid recovery and even upward development at this moment.

You know, what Ge Qizhi was doing before was the Blood Shadow Pavilion killer organization that deeply feared the entire Chuyue Kingdom, and as the controller of it, he had these vicious and terrifying demonic ways in his hands. Cultivation techniques are naturally nothing unusual.

The previous Ge Qizhi naturally didn't have the slightest intention to practice these magic skills. It can be said that his current fundamental attitude towards those magic skills can be said to have despised them. Contemptuous, thoughts are completely eliminated.

Because the current Ge Qizhi has completely lost the ability or strength to tell these things.However, the current Ge Qizhi is no longer the person he was before, and now he has completely released himself.It can be said that the current Ge Qizhi has no emotion at all.

Therefore, from the past contempt for magic skills to the current peace of mind for using magic skills, it can be said that at present, that is, the current Ge Qizhi has completely broken the moral bottom line in his heart. As long as he can possess strong strength in such a short period of time, it can be said that the current Ge Qizhi will give everything for it.

Even myself is no exception.As the figure of the palace in front was gradually revealed, the guards who were patrolling around below had already left here and climbed to the top of the city, preparing for the battle.

Therefore, these vanguard troops of Ge Qizhi are here, and there is no one to be seen. Below the palace is a vast expanse of whiteness, and there is nothing. Therefore, at this time, Ge Qizhi's eyes showed a little thoughtful expression.

However, he didn't think too much about it. The evil light in his eyes carried a bit of bloodlust, and he pursed his lips dissatisfied. The voice blurted out, and after Ge Qizhi stopped riding his horse, he raised his left hand and said, "Send me an order, the whole army, stay where you are!"

After Ge Qizhi's military order was issued, those behind, that is to say, the people below, immediately distributed Ge Qizhi's military order, and the soldier who delivered the order beat the general's drum with a bang.

I saw that in the vanguard army, which was still noisy and chaotic like a vegetable market, the vulgar scolding and rebellious slogans stopped in an instant.It was as if a group of ferocious people like them had encountered the domain of the Demon King, they did not dare to make any noise, let alone escape from the control.

Seeing that the army of rebels who are already stopping below is already standing in front of the gate of the palace, many soldiers above are staring at these fierce-faced rebels, no more words, just biting Jaw clenched, at this moment there is no sign of tolerance at all.

There is not the slightest noise on the top of the city, only the heavy panting of the crowd, and the beating of the heart, the continuous violent sound of thumping, and the time is passing.I don't know who it is, and said quietly: "These people are really fucking crazy. They really want to rebel. They will commit crimes and make trouble. My good boy."

"Fourth Chuan, don't talk about it. In my opinion, these people have already broken their consciences, so they should die!" The plain-faced soldier on the side opened and closed his yellow teeth and spoke.


The vanguard army below, like a pitch-black jungle of spears, has completely stood still, and there is no sound of the initial chaos.Because the demon king in front of them didn't speak.

You have to know that the king of Hades doesn’t speak, how can the little ghost find out? This is the rule. If you don’t understand people, you will have died without a whole body. On this road before, the people who disobeyed Ge Qizhi’s order and died are the best examples. This is iron blood the rule of.

If so, this army has been handed over to the current Ge Qizhi for half a month, then it will be easy to break the city today, because the strong have always been born in the bloodiest jungle, and blood has always been strong. Sacrificial offerings for the birth of the deceased.

In this way, after coming down, these people naturally have their own. Perhaps it means that regarding their own strength, the current situation of mixed good and bad will naturally be greatly improved.

However, this is only if.

Therefore, Ge Qizhi is currently trying to break through the city wall of the palace, which is naturally not an easy task, but the bottom line left in his hands is naturally about 3000 people died. If so, he still cannot break through the city wall.

Then, everyone, including himself, has to take this secret medicine specially made by the Blood Shadow Pavilion. The Blood Shadow Pavilion is located in the imperial city. After more than [-] years of great development, it was finally completed There are more than ten thousand pieces of secret medicine. This secret medicine is ten times more effective than the medicine pill taken by the killer of the Blood Shadow Pavilion before, but after taking it, it will naturally cause great damage to the body, but the good point is that it lasts It takes a long time, if it is not killing, then it can last for a full day.

Of course, once these pills are taken, if they are not powerful, then they will turn into monsters on the spot, directly into beasts, completely inhumane.As for those with high power, they will naturally become demonized.

This was Ge Qizhi's plan. As for those meaningless sacrifices, the blood left behind was just the foundation for Ge Qizhi's strength and rejuvenation.

At this time, Ge Qizhi pointed at the city guards guarding the city above, and said in a low tone with endless coldness: "Brother Wenren, Brother Ouyang, we haven't seen each other for a long time, it's just like this. Really uncomfortable."

"You and I are masters of each other, as it should be. Now we meet each other on the battlefield, swords and soldiers face each other, and swords and soldiers face each other. Naturally, if brother Qi is really not suitable, can you immediately surrender to my emperor?" Xiong Han, to avoid a war of arms. At that time, after the two of us have written letters to His Majesty, we will definitely recite your merits of surrender, and forget the past." Wenren Xigao looked at Ge Qizhi in front of him with a smile on his face, Then he spoke.

Ouyang Zhangyong looked at Wenren Xigao next to him, looked at each other, and smiled softly: "It's the same, I don't know, brother Qi, whether this is possible."

"Hehe, Brother Wenren and Brother Ouyang are naturally joking." Ge Qizhi, who was already like a demon king, was not angry, but just refused lightly.

Seeing that he changed the topic, he continued to say with a smile: "I don't know, brother Ouyang and brother Wenren, do they still have the courage to come to the city to meet me?"

"Nowadays, you and I are trying to figure out what to do. Just talk about what you have. Naturally, you don't need to do those actions at the top of the city. You know, a gentleman doesn't stand behind the wall." Ren Xigao preached calmly, but rejected Ge Qizhi's invitation straight away.

"Am I so scary?" Ge Qizhi didn't feel annoyed after being rejected at all, but still asked him with a faint smile as before.

"You're not scary, you have a scary heart." Ouyang Zhangyong saw Ge Qizhi being so stubborn, and immediately spoke to him with a look of disgust.

It was like, facing an annoying fly, without giving it any face.No, the current Ouyang Zhangyong still has some brains, and he didn't express the unkindness in his tone and the slight disdain in his words. This is indeed considered to be an online IQ.

It was also because of this that Wenren Xigao did not reprimand him again, but at this moment Wenren Xigao was watching and appreciating Ge Qizhi's face and every move with satisfaction, because of Ouyang Zhangyong's words just now.

Sure enough, after Ouyang Zhangyong's words were uttered, Ge Qizhi at this moment felt as uncomfortable as if he had eaten a fly. However, under the current situation, in such an occasion, Ge Qizhi naturally had no way at the moment, Because there is nothing wrong with Ouyang Zhangyong's words, and the unkindness in Ouyang Zhangyong's tone, as well as the malice of disgust, naturally cannot be taken as targeted actions against him.

It is also because of this that Ge Qizhi feels as uncomfortable as eating flies at the moment, because now he can't handle Ouyang Zhangyong, but what he said is indeed right, what is terrible is only the human heart, and his anger is actually kind.

Those who were killed by him should be killed. After Ge Qizhi recovered his repeated emotions, he just glanced at Ouyang Zhangyong in front of him, and then said: "Brother Ouyang, what you said is still as good as before. Ah, he is even more impeccable in his work. He really deserves the title of Xiaohu."

"You old fox, you hide your secrets, and you are worthy of being called the pride of our generation, but unfortunately, you went astray. The only thing waiting for you is dead, and you said the wrong thing , can be changed."

"If you take the wrong medicine and food, you can throw up. Only in the world, going astray is the most difficult thing, because if you can't change it, if you can't change it, you can only die." Hearing this, Ouyang Zhang Yong also accepted Ge Qizhi's words of praise frankly, but then he accepted it with a serious face and opened his mouth to scold.

Xiaohu, this title was passed down when Ouyang Zhangyong served in the army before, because Xiaohu is not only a creature that can tear tigers and leopards, but also has a fierce and powerful strength comparable to bears, tigers and beasts. Has the same cunning wisdom as a fox and a wolf.

This Ouyang Zhangyong is such a person, not only has strong force, but also has unusual and extraordinary wisdom and strategies. He completes every mission extremely well, and not only Combining one's own strength and one's own strategy, such Ouyang Zhangyong is very much like that Xiaohu.

It is also because of this that this title was spread after a mission, and gradually became the current title of Ouyang Zhangyong.

In the military system of the Chuyue Kingdom, Xiaohu's prestige is indeed very prestigious, so much so that it has a lot of influence in the entire younger generation of nobles.

Xiaohu, coupled with the blood and silver wound, was even in the palace, and left a great reputation in the court.However, the Wenren Xigao next to him is naturally also unusual, just relying on that ordinary heavy cavalry spear and his own enough sane resourcefulness, this Wenren Xigao can be used throughout the court. Above the hall are all known as Xiao Wuhou.

You know, the title of Marquis Wu, but in the Chuyue Kingdom, only the founding heroes of the previous Marquis Wu Mansion are eligible to have this title, and the nobles under the Marquis Wu Mansion naturally did not meet the court's assessment of filial piety. Naturally, they are not qualified, so the title Wuhou of Wuhou Mansion is more just passed down from the previous generation, and there is no actual fiefdom territory, if you want to have fiefdom territory.

The power and prestige that can be compared with the actual situation is very good. It is very good to show your strength and completely hold the glory of your ancestors in your own hands. It is not like this, just living in the glory of the predecessors, just like generations Like the dandies of the country, in the entire court of Chuyue Kingdom, there are bastards.

Even if the Wenren family did well in other places, they are still not the Marquis Wu Wenren who developed noble fiefdoms with the respect of Marquis Wu. Because of the glory of their ancestors, their descendants do not have the strength to take over.

However, in Xiong Han's generation, there finally appeared a figure comparable to the previous Marquis Wu in their Marquis Wu Mansion, and that was Wenren Xigao at this time. His status is naturally one of the best existences, but it's not just that.

Because of Wen Renxi's high strength, as well as the character and wisdom similar to his ancestors, people called him the illustrious Xiao Wuhou.Why add a small character? Naturally, it is because this Wenren Xigao has not yet reached the time required to inherit the throne and undergo textual research and verification.

Therefore, although Wenren Xigao already has the strength of Marquis Wu at this time, it is still the reason why he is called Xiao Wuhou.

These two can be said to be the elite among the elite of the reformers at this time. Therefore, in this coup, he called these two confidant generals and arranged them In the protection of the gate of the first imperial palace.

For these situations, the following people in the entire vanguard army are like demon kings. Ge Qizhi is naturally clear about this, because before he lived completely under the shadow of these two.

You must know that Ge Qizhi on the bright side is naturally a dandy who has accomplished nothing. When no one knows that he is in control of the Blood Shadow Pavilion, they naturally completely treat him as a dandy. He fully understood that Ge Qizhi in front of him was a waste.

(End of this chapter)

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