I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 867 Such a brazen person

Chapter 867 Such a brazen person

She also didn't have too much good looks towards him, nor did she have any respect at all.It was also because of this that Ge Qizhi stepped into the ranks of the conservatives, but at this moment Ge Qizhi had completely let go of himself, and naturally faced the two of them without the slightest pressure.

After all, everyone's strengths are the same, and Ge Qizhi at this moment has a complete showdown. He said with a light smile: "However, the current me is the real me. It can be said like this. After all, I am already a Completely do not put the current two Tianjiao in the eyes."

"So, at present, no matter it is Xiaohu Ouyang Zhangyong, or Xiaowuhou Wenren Xigao, I am not afraid, and I don't take it seriously at all. The reason why I rebelled, why did I come to this point today , I think you all know that."

Having said this, Ge Qizhi's tone at this moment is full of endless coldness, and secondly, it no longer has the slightest meaning. Now Ge Qizhi has completely opened himself up, and naturally he does not have the slightest sense of friendship from before. .

After hearing Ge Qizhi's words, Wenren Xigao just sneered and looked at Ge Qizhi, who was already possessed by a demon, with a sneer. He saw that there was endless coldness in his words, and the cold tone was like a handle The cold ice knife with the handle shining like endless knife light pierced the heart of the current leader of the vanguard army, Ge Qizhi.

It's like the extremely cold new wind on that winter night, ruthlessly piercing people's faces, but at this moment, Wenren Xigao's words are like ice knives, aiming at the people in front of them. This devil-like character used to be the existence of that famous playboy in Jinling City of Chuyue Kingdom, Ge Qizhi's heart.

It's just that at this moment, Xiao Wuhou heard that people were highly respected, and his words were cold, with a look of sneering, and he was mocking the former good minister in front of him, Ge Qizhi, who is now the commander of the vanguard of the rebel army: "This is the end of the story , did you, Ge Qizhi, really come here because you were forced to do nothing?"

Just this one sentence, in Wenren Xigao's words, the full meaning of ridicule has been felt by everyone present, but after the people below except the city guard sergeants opened their mouths and laughed , among the soldiers of the vanguard army with swords and guns standing on the opposite side, there was no sound at all, because they all knew that they naturally couldn't say these words.

Although they also know something about their current commander, Ge Qizhi, it's not easy for them to judge.And according to the current personality of this devil-like lord, if they have a little nonsense, then what awaits them is death.

After all, this grandpa's mood is unpredictable now, like a weird and terrifying demon king. He really has a fierce temperament, and his whole person is unpredictable, sinister and cunning, and he is arbitrary.

However, it is true that such a master, such a vanguard general, is able to deter them, who are already domineering, wealthy and powerful family soldiers.

"Let's not talk about anything else, let's just say that some time ago, when you were the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, you were sent to investigate the corruption of the former Hongdu County Sheriff. It is already a serious crime for the hungry people to put them in misery and ignore them completely. As a minister, you are even more involved with those corrupt officials. So, according to the new law, you will be punished , but there is a mistake. But there is a mistake!!!" At the end of the count, the little Marquis Wu heard that he was highly regarded, and he had already scolded him twice in a row. that can be seen.

"I don't mention him, but now let's talk about it. After you were stripped of your title in the Jinling Imperial City, you spent your days in the Ministry of Punishment. What are you going to do? Do you still have the current majesty in your eyes, the current monarch, what is your heart made of, and you don’t have the slightest guilt, facing your parents’ previous names , that endless prestige, prestige and power in the entire Chuyue Kingdom, and the incense of human kindness left in the end, have been completely ruined by your unfilial son Ge Qizhi."

"The current Ge Mansion, does it still have the scene of the royal palace and nobles in the past? In the dilapidated Ge Mansion, it is you, Ge Qizhi, who personally trampled him into this state. I don't know if you, Ge Qizhi, are still the same. Have enough face, or that face to meet your parents and elders in the underworld, as well as the ancestors of the martyrs. I have heard high praises from people, and I think I am not a virtuous person, but I will not be like you, no Loyal and unfilial despicable people." At the end, Wenren Xigao's words were already a little high-spirited and excited, but they were not as sharp as before, but at this moment he had already expressed the disappointment in his words. The color came out through the body, as long as anyone with a discerning eye could see it, the Wenren Xigao at this moment had no words for Ge Qizhi in front of him.

Because, he was terribly disappointed, as if what he said in his words was exactly the same.

Then, at this moment, Wenren Xigao changed the subject, changed his previous normal state, and strode out to the crenel above the city wall of the imperial palace. Ouyang Zhangyong who was next to him also followed, and the guards beside the two of them They also followed with dark and thick armor shields.

At this moment, Wenren Xigao was already staring at the face of the vanguard commander Ge Qizhi in front of him, his face was completely dark at this moment, and then he heard, at this moment Wenren Xigao stood on the crenel on the wall, and said loudly: "Disregarding parents' expectations, corrupting parents' glory, trampling on parents' prestige is unfilial, unwilling to repent, unaware of making progress, colluding with corrupt officials, unaware To repent is to ruin the family property. This is disrespect to the ancestors. Above the court, one does not respect His Majesty, one does not know the seniority of the elders and the younger ones, and even at the feet of the Son of Heaven, in the city of Jinling, one has obtained that chaotic world. The notoriety is for not learning. Now it is even more so, following some rebels to carry out rebellion and conspiracy, this is disloyalty."

After listing Ge Qizhi's crimes, Wenren Xigao stood on the top of the wall at this moment, and suddenly said: "I just can't figure it out, it's similar to Ge Qizhi's disloyalty and filial piety, ignorance and disrespect, Disrespectful and ignorant people, what kind of face do they have to live in this world. Really, it is a scourge that makes people laugh."

In the last sentence, he turned his head and turned around, looked at Ouyang Zhangyong, and laughed out loud. At this moment, the guards on the top of the palace wall also laughed when they heard these words.

Among them, there are some bold ones, joking a little bit, and jokingly said to Ge Qizhi below: "That's right, that's right, such disloyalty and disrespect, disrespect and disrespect are all in our place. Naturally, they will be brutally beaten and killed by the elders in accordance with the law of the family."

"This person really has a lot of face. If I am this disloyal, unfilial, uneducated, disrespectful, disrespectful and ignorant person, I will naturally have no face to live in this world."

"Yes, yes, to tell you the truth, what is the meaning of such a person? Like a beast, this is no longer a person."


These people, one after another, are constantly teasing the former Patriarch of the Ge family in front of them, who used to be an existence like that day in front of them, and now, with such an opportunity to scold and swear, they People naturally won't let it go.

Ouyang Zhangyong next to him, after listening to Wenren Xigao's words, and seeing the reaction of the city guards on the walls of the surrounding palace, he completely let go of his heart, and then Just saw that Ge Qizhi in front of him had completely blended with his own armor on the black face of the same color, while his face was livid, he was clenching his teeth tightly, and the fierce murderous aura in those eyes was astonishing .

This kind of Ge Qizhi was already excited. Therefore, when he saw such a Ge Qizhi, Ouyang Zhangyong rejoiced in his heart. Fortunately, the eyes of Ge Qizhi in front of him still couldn't kill people. If he really could kill people, then That's not good, he felt that people like himself would be killed countless times by Ge Qizhi's gaze, but even Ge Qizhi was very angry now.

Now Ouyang Zhangyong still wants to hit his last blow, as if he can't touch the tiger's buttocks. Ouyang Zhangyong is different from ordinary people. The south wall that cannot be damaged was completely destroyed, and this is the only reason that Ge Qizhi can completely lose his rationality and his ability to judge. At this moment, he is able to protect the palace in front of him in the face of the charge of such a vanguard army.

Because it is easy to make mistakes when people make decisions in anger, and therefore, they want to completely irritate Ge Qizhi in front of them. Only in this way can they have that glimmer of hope. Seeing Ouyang Zhangyong speak at this moment: "That's true, I really have never seen such a brazen person, what do you think, Brother Xigao."

"It's the same, but such a person is shameless. If I waited, I'm afraid I would have no shame to live in the world."

After the words fell, I saw that Ge Qizhi was already furious at this moment, but he didn't explode on the spot. He just calmed down the anger in his heart, took out the big black bow next to him, put an arrow feather on the bowstring, and his legs were tight. The belly of the tall black horse was firmly sandwiched, and the lower plate was stabilized.

It was just at this moment that the big black bow was drawn into the shape of a full moon, and after Ge Qizhi took aim, the strength of his forearm gathered on the bow and arrow, and then he released it.

There was a whistling sound, and the arrow feather rushed to the front of Wenren Xigao and Ouyang Zhangyong on the city gate at an extremely fast speed.

Only at this frightening moment, the guards beside them all exclaimed, and rushed towards Wenren Xigao and Ouyang Zhangyong, who had already taken some precautions, and therefore, when the arrow was shot, Ouyang Zhangyong slashed down fiercely with the thick sword in his hand, naturally he didn't use the blood sound injury.

But Wenren Xigao next to him was different. He pulled out the heavy cavalry spear in his hand, and then swung it out suddenly.This spear looked like an antelope hanging horns, so mysterious and amazed with a little bit of exquisiteness, and then there was the sound of the gold and iron clashing on the spear with a black arrow feather, like a miserable scream, Then there were sparks flying.

Accompanied by the flying force, the force bombarded the spear, and then a trace was drawn, rushing towards Ouyang Zhangyong, and then Ouyang Zhangyong swung his long knife down, slashing fiercely on it, Split the arrow feather directly, split it into two halves, even so, it is not over yet, the arrow feather that has been divided into two parts has already carried the rest of the power, and ruthlessly bombarded the city behind On the wooden building of the door, and then hit it.

The strength brought by the broken arrow feathers actually cut Ouyang Zhangyong's cheek, and a little blood overflowed.

Touching the blood on his hand, Ouyang Zhangyong was neither happy nor angry at this moment, he just had some sudden expressions in his heart, Wenren Xigao didn't have much to say at this moment, he just stepped back and looked at the blood smearing in front of his eyes Ouyang Zhangyong persuaded: "The lion is still fighting the rabbit with all its strength. Now, you can be convinced."

After finishing speaking, he didn't say much, just raised his hands and gave the order to perform their duties and prepare for a big battle.At this moment, Ouyang Zhangyong has completely calmed down after wiping the blood on his cheeks, and the expression he had at the beginning has also disappeared now.

I saw that Ouyang Zhangyong at this moment, after taking out his green wood longbow, looked at Ge Qizhi below, hehe smiled, and saw that Ge Qizhi was still drawing the bow and setting the arrow, and the bow and arrow were released in the shape of a full moon.

Ouyang Zhangyong is also like this at this moment, but the strength in his hand is even stronger. In an instant, he pulled the green wood longbow into a shape that was about to collapse, and released the blue arrow feathers At the same time, he still did not forget to shout: "It is not indecent to come and go. Ge Qizhi, your grandfather Ouyang, I will send you to eat bows and arrows!"

"Hehe, brat, Ouyang Zhangyong, just watch me shoot an arrow." Shouting, Ge Qizhi just smiled coldly, then raised his hand, looking at the gate of the imperial palace in front of him, what was in Ge Qizhi's mind at this moment It is completely the scene above the city gate, stained with blood.

(End of this chapter)

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