I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 868 See you in the military field

Chapter 868 See you in the military field

The black arrow feathers that Ge Qizhi shot again still hit the arrow feathers shot by Ouyang Zhangyong with a huge and majestic force, and the two collided with each other. Zhijian Yu has completely reached the point where the bow is like a thunderbolt.

I saw that the two arrow feathers were whistling, and in the extremely quiet drizzle, it was unusual and unforgettable. The sound was extremely sharp, and what was even sharper was the impact of the two arrows The metal and iron slammed into each other and screamed, and then saw a large number of sparks in the air. The sparks splashed and illuminated the surrounding night. They were extremely conspicuous in the air, and they looked very amazing.

"Hehe, it sounds good, but it's just a group of pious people. The Guozijian's pious appearance is the most important thing. Among them, the nobles of the Manchu Dynasty are the most vicious people. Has anyone really thought about those hard lives? It’s nice to say, why do I, a dude, only spread the word among my peers in the big Jinling City, but don’t say what I said in the folk rumors.” Ge Qizhi laughed back angrily, and said coldly The general Wenren Xigao, who was standing on the crenel of the palace wall, spoke.

"You hypocrites, why can't I be a real villain. But I said that my Ge family is full of loyalty, loyalty, and the sky and the earth can shine. The bright moon of Chuyue shines brightly on the universe and illuminates it. But I said, what did this majesty do?" Ge Qizhi continued to speak, every word, every word was like a sharp sword that conveyed the heart, the son of Qilin of Wenren's family, who was called Xiao Wuhou by the officials of the court, Wenren Xigao's heart, But he didn't talk too much.

It's just that the expression in the eyes is already livid and ugly, and there is also a little entanglement, and the cold voice in the words can be vaguely seen: "Ge Qizhi, what happened back then, His Majesty has already given the interests of the Chuyue Kingdom to the Ge family. Zhonglie's best explanation, don't push yourself too far."

It was said that Ge Qizhi was just sneering at the moment, he was laughing at Wenren Xigao's hypocrisy, and at the hypocrisy of these hypocrites, and then saw him preaching without any concession: "Hehe, that sounds nice , is the explanation given to the death of the remaining disciples of the Ge family? What is more, to send the envoy on the opposite side back to the country safe and sound, really, is my life of the Ge family so contemptible?"

"This is the explanation you gave, and it sounds nice!" Ge Qizhi smiled lightly, his anger was about to overflow his chest.

Ouyang Zhangyong at the top spoke at this moment: "Your Majesty, it is the best reward to keep your titles and the glory of your ancestors. You, the eldest son of the Ge family, can survive, isn't it?" Is it the greatest grace of heaven? The futile assassination of envoys from other countries and the mobilization of elite soldiers from all over the family led to further waves of soldiers from other countries and Chuyue Kingdom."

"In order to preserve the Chuyue Kingdom, you, the Ge family, put yourselves to death. How can you blame your Majesty at that time? But you said, what the Supreme Emperor did, it is your turn to be borne by the current Majesty. You rebelled against the current Majesty. It is the death penalty of beheading the whole family."

"Hehe, father's debt is repaid by son, it's just and right. I can't rebel against him. Today, my vanguard army is already strong and strong, but how can I treat him lightly? Wait until I get the life of a dog and break through this city. But let's see what the old emperor said!" Naturally, Ge Qizhi couldn't listen to it at this moment, but now he saw that his words were completely disrespectful to the current Chuyue Kingdom. But what he wanted was blood and deep hatred, and he couldn't tolerate Ge Qizhi doing this.

"A group of rats, how can we stop! My city guard army is fully clothed today, even though they are all armored, the knives are sharp, the cold light is shining, and the cold front is still there. Brothers, what should we do!" Ouyang Zhang Yong wields the Blood Silver Wound, which looks like an extremely cold and shocking weapon. This long spear is different from the previous long spears, but it has a sharp blade like a knife on it. This long spear is A terrifying and incomparably large killer.

There are blood-like silver lines on the dark red gun barrel. These look like blood bones that have been resurrected, and they look extremely terrifying. The sharp blade on it emits a cold light, which is shocking and makes people His mind was involuntarily attracted to it, this is a terrifying magic weapon.

This is a person with such blood and vigor as Ouyang Zhangyong who can control a terrifying big killer. It's a good life. I can't help but say something like this to this Ouyang Zhangyong, but he said that time is constantly going on. drain.

After Ouyang Zhangyong said his sincere words to the many soldiers on the wall of the palace with a serious face, all the soldiers were panting for their own breath, and the breathing was already extremely heavy , the heart on the body is constantly beating, the hormones on the bodies of many soldiers are constantly erupting, and the adrenal hormones are secreting. At this moment, their hearts have already lost their fear, and now they just understand it. thing.

That is, they are now clad in strong armor, full of armor, and sharp knives in their hands. Behind them is the sky of Chuyue Kingdom, the king of Chuyue Kingdom, and the place where His Majesty of Chuyue Kingdom is fierce. They already had no way out.

Therefore, they are now forced to have nowhere to go, nowhere to retreat. In the face of such a situation, they are the only ones who have no other choice. Going to do the desperate act of not fearing death, knowing that this trip is already close to death, but they are willing.

Because, they deeply understand that once they take a step back, there is no way to retreat. After all, it is now the last barrier in the palace, and they are the current emperors of the entire Chuyue Kingdom. The symbol of the face of the city is also the place where Xiong Han of the Chuyue Kingdom is behind him.

They have no way to retreat, they can lose the lives of themselves and others, but the life of Xiong Han, the king of Chuyue Kingdom, cannot be ruined here, not only for themselves, but also for their own family members. To do so, this is the reason for their tenacity.

This is the reason why they are not afraid of death, because the new policies being implemented by the Chuyue Kingdom have already given them the hope of a prosperous and strong country. Therefore, they have to resist the conservative forces formed by those demonic nobles and elders who oppose the New Deal. It's gone crazy, it's no longer rational.

But for the sake of their own family, for the children behind them, for the people of Chuyue Kingdom, and for the sake of Xiong Han, the king of Chuyue Kingdom who brought them a good life, they will naturally not take another step back, without the two of them The lord general went to tell them, they all knew that on this battlefield, they would cut anyone who retreated without hesitation, and those who retreated would cut.

This is a truth that has never changed on the battlefield. Even if the two generals of their own family did not say it, they understand it and know that they will naturally kill their former brother without hesitation. This is what they have never changed. Persevere, no one will hate each other, because they all understand that this is not only for their own family, but also for the life and death of the entire Chuyue Kingdom.

Therefore, the current moment is the moment of life and death of Chuyue Kingdom. In the history of Chuyue Kingdom after its founding, there has never been a time when it was so close to destroying the country. The conservative faction that formed against the reform forces rebelled, and it was because the neighbors around showed their sharp teeth and minions to the Chuyue Kingdom, which was already showing a somewhat tired attitude, as if these people would kill the entire Chuyue Kingdom in the next moment. The territory of the country has been completely divided up.

They may not understand, but they understand that once the Chuyue Kingdom is over, where will they go, and because of this, they will not fear death.They don't understand the major diplomatic affairs, the diplomacy of the national war, and the appeasement of immigrants. They just want to live with their own dignity in this troubled world. In other words, they just want to live, and they don't care at all. Their own dignity is lost, and because of this, they already have the consciousness of mortal death at this moment.

This is what they think in their hearts at the moment, they would rather be a peace dog than a subjugated slave...

Looking at the scorching flames in the eyes of the soldiers in front of him, feeling the continuous beating of everyone's heart, the sound of thumping and thumping suddenly became extremely beautiful at this moment. Looking passionately at Wenren Xigao in front of him, after Ouyang Zhangyong's words were spoken, the many city guards responded enthusiastically, and the people of the city guard on the palace wall erupted with the voice of mountains and seas, Everyone was screaming crazily, their throats were hoarse, their aura was shocking, and the momentum of the many vanguards below was stagnant, but at the next moment, the fearless fighters in the vanguard led by Ge Qizhi The brave and aggressive heart was aroused by the roar of the city guard soldiers above.

However, it is also because of this that at this moment, they have completely put their minds and bodies on the battlefield, and their [-]% energy has been shaken away. At this moment, everyone in the vanguard army seems to be It's like letting go of the devil in their hearts, these people have completely abandoned the little sympathy in their hearts.

Although they admire the city guards on the palace wall at this moment, they are already standing on the opposite side. Therefore, at this moment, they only use the spirit of killing and beheading the enemies above. This is their heart at this moment. The most real thoughts, they will definitely not deviate from the thoughts in their hearts at the moment.

After all, each is their own master, at this moment when swords are facing each other, it is best to be speechless, that is to kill each other, and killing each other on this battlefield is the greatest sacrifice for each other, or the word "consolation" is more important. suitable.

At this time, as Wenren Xigao's famous orders were issued, all the city guards on the top of the palace wall were already tense. The whole person, it can be said that among them, many soldiers His heart was already beating violently, and he completely devoted his body and mind to his work.

On the battlefield at the gate of the imperial palace, the murderous aura from the battlefield was quickly released. On the doorway, there is only the endless killing atmosphere of the battlefield, there is no other way.

These people have been completely infected, and no one has acted rashly. They are all waiting for the order of their master, the general, and the order is waiting for the order of their master, so the most violent and the most tragic The battle to siege and defend the city is about to begin.

At this moment, Ge Qizhi looked at Wenren Xigao, who was wearing a full suit, and his face was already covered by a mask, only his eyes were exposed, and his whole body was covered by the extremely thick and cold black iron armor. .

Wenren Xigao and Ouyang Zhangyong were standing one meter away from the crenel of the palace wall, staring at each other like this, both sides wanted to devour each other alive and tear them apart thoroughly Drop half.

This is the current state they are in. Ge Qizhi just looked at the two people above the palace wall coldly, without making the slightest sound, just like that, the two sides stared at each other firmly.

Suddenly, at this moment, Ge Qizhi suddenly spoke: "We are all gentlemen, and each has our own morals and righteousness. However, in a world of great contention, we must fight, settle down, each seeks his own master, and each contributes his own strength. We will see each other on the battlefield. !"

"When we meet in the military field, we must obey fate, life and death are determined by fate, wealth and honor are in heaven!" Wenren Xigao responded to Ge Qizhi's words, and then, under the protection of a group of personal guards, he waited quietly at the same spot. The next step for Ge Qizhi, who led the vanguard.

At this moment, Ouyang Zhangyong turned around and left the city after hearing this, and returned to the hiding place of his center, followed by his personal guards, patrolling around, obviously preparing to supervise the battle!
"Start the siege, the crossbowmen and arrows rain down the cover, and the siege battalion moves out quickly!!!" After Ge Qizhi finished speaking, he began to issue his orders to his subordinates!

These are all planned!
At this moment, Wenren Xigao naturally understands that what these people have to do is to protect the city wall. Before the city guards led by Ge Qizhi arrived, these people had already coordinated their bodies. Well, the psychological quality has been greatly improved, which is why these people are not panicking now that they are carrying out a sudden siege.

(End of this chapter)

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