Chapter 869
Afterwards, under Wenren Xigao's orders one by one, all of them were red-eyed, and their eyes seemed to be on fire. The soldiers crouching on the top of the wall could feel the heat on their bodies, together with those The soldiers who are sharp are no exception.Because their blood is already boiling, and their hearts can't help beating violently.

They are longing, longing for the arrival of such a battle, and with the passage of time, now it is finally time for the battlefield to come, the enemy has already begun to attack the city, and at this moment they have completely understood the desire of my heart.

After Wenren Xigao's order was given to the many city guards who were still a little restless at the top of the palace wall, they no longer felt restless or fearful.

Not to mention, Ouyang Zhangyong, the chief general of his own family, was patrolling the military situation at the top of the city wall at this moment. These alone were enough to make them so excited beyond words.

Although they died without regret, they had such a general and such a king, and because of this, they had already risked their lives.

The thumping and beating is already like the heart that roars like a lion, and it is constantly flowing in the blood vessels, the blood that is constantly roaring is like the roaring heart. Jiuqu Yellow River in general.

What was even more surprising was that the phalanx of the hand holding the weapon was already white, obviously they had used a lot of strength. In order to prevent slipping, they had already wrapped the handle of the weapon several times. The coarse cloth is gone.

These are just one side of the Nuoda battlefield. After Ge Qizhi's order was issued, the crossbowmen's camp in the vanguard army below has already stood out impressively. In front of them were the sword and shield fighters. These people were the first to attack the city wall. Naturally, they carried the bamboo ladder used to break through this small city.

In addition, there are still four city-breaking cloud carts specially used to break the city. These cloud carts are made of fine steel and weigh three to four tons. It takes eight soldiers to drive them. Can play its original lethality.

It is also because of this that after Ge Qizhi's order was issued, these people were already ready to continue, and because of this, after Ge Qizhi's order, they assembled smoothly at the fastest speed. As the vanguard below the formation, Ge Qizhi still had a faint smile on his face at this moment, these people really didn't embarrass him.

However, this is only the first step to success. These are just small things, and the next is the real big thing. After all, the old saying is good, it is good for a mule or a horse to come out for a walk. At this moment, he is also facing such a situation. In the current situation, it is definitely a decision. It depends on the next step of these people.

This battlefield is the best resource for his growth and transformation. The magic art practiced by Ge Qizhi is said to be the oldest magic art. It is said that it was created by the blood sea lawless palace of the magic. For respect, there is no rule at all, no, there is a rule, that is, the fist is big, as long as your fist is big, after killing the head of the sect, it is not absolutely impossible to become the head of the sect yourself, These are extremely common and trivial matters, and for this reason, the cultivation experience of this exercise is even more shocking. This is the true technique of the Blood Sea Cannot Palace, "Blood Sea Reincarnation God Demon Yin-Yang Runlun Gong" !
This exercise is mainly based on absorbing people's energy, energy, and blood. However, the evil spirit of blood in it is difficult to refine.
Why not get rid of the blood fiends? One: because the blood fiends can help people exercise their souls. If they can't even suppress this, how can they be qualified to do the true biography of their bloody lawless palace?

To die early is also the purity of Le, which is why such a practice is extremely dangerous.The second reason is to get rid of the blood evil, the power of this exercise has dropped a lot, naturally it does not meet the definition of their demonic exercises, and it is also because of these various coincidences, or the wonderful funny reason of karma , after all, no one has modified it, or put forward such a method of eliminating blood evil.

However, at this moment, Ge Qizhi has already released the existence of his true self. During this time, he is an absolute master, the kind of existence like a real devil, a real Buddha, and an immortal.It is also because of this that Ge Qizhi, who is already possessed at the moment, has greatly increased his strength after practicing the true method of "Blood Sea Reincarnation God and Demon Yin-Yang Wheel Kung Fu", which has no palace in the blood sea. Blood Sea Reincarnation God Demon Yin-Yang Wheel-Turning Kung Fu" has a magical and frightening aura that has never existed before.

This is because he has released his true self, and the magical companionship brought by him is equivalent to the companion spirit treasure. However, after the current Ge Qizhi practiced the "Blood Sea Reincarnation God and Demon Yin-Yang Runlun Kungfu", something strange happened. The change is that the original blood fiend has completely become the food for increasing his own magic, and because of this, many people died on this battlefield.The more blood is shed, the bones are like mountains.

It means that the strength of Ge Qizhi who stays here can be continuously strengthened. This is to seize thousands of vitality to renew his own life. This is what Ge Qizhi is going to do at this moment. allowed range.

Of course, the people around didn't know that Ge Qizhi's skills were weird, they just saw that after the war between the two armies, this Ge Qizhi actually supervised the front line, and he didn't care about his subordinates at all. The order, which makes people feel a little abnormal, but I guess I can't guess how talented Ouyang Zhangyong and Wenren Xigao are at this moment.

At this moment on the city wall, Ouyang Zhangyong, who had already returned from his patrol, saw this imminent war, and Ge Qizhi, who was already at the front line.Oh wait, something is wrong.Why didn't Ge Qizhi go back to his central army tent to coordinate and plan the overall situation, and why did he conduct inspections here? This is definitely not right, it is really terrifying, and there are really some problems.

After frowning, Ouyang Zhangyong glanced around, and found nothing wrong, but his heart was beating, showing his uneasiness, suppressing the uneasiness in his heart, at this moment Ouyang Zhangyong spoke suddenly, and saw As soon as he turned his head, he looked at Wenren Xigao next to him, with puzzled eyes in his eyes, and asked himself: "Wenren, what's going on!"

Hearing his friend's words, seeing such a situation even more, although Wenren Xigao felt that something was wrong, he just didn't know what to do. He just watched the leader of the rebel army with Ouyang Zhangyong. My friend, Ge Qizhi, the current general of the rebel army, risked his life there.

They can only understand that Ge Qizhi at this moment is undoubtedly playing a role in boosting the morale of his subordinates, but judging from the situation of Ge Qizhi and his troops, this is absolutely unnecessary. Completely turned into the existence of a demon king.

Even the little Wuhou Wenren Xigao and the tiger Ouyang Zhangyong who are watching Ge Qizhi now have been watching Ge Qizhi for a long time. Seeing his demeanor and movements, they can't help but feel their body trembling and endless chill , The chill was piercing to the bones, and the incomparably icy chill suddenly rushed over his body.

I saw that after hearing Ouyang Zhangyong's words at this moment, Wenren Xigao saw him reply: "I can't see it for the time being, but I will look at him from above the wall. Once he makes a move, then Let's go meet this former old friend and see how much he has improved, so we dare to come here to make trouble, and even follow those treacherous ministers to do such rebellious things."

Wenren Xigao's words were icy cold. Although it was useless, it was indeed good to have his own thinking and to be able to look at things on the battlefield rationally. After all, rationality is the most important thing in this battlefield. , the root cause of success.

"Constantly responding to all changes, Wenren's strategy is basically the same, so let's wait here! However, I see that most of the people in the vanguard army are elite soldiers of various nobles and veterans. There must be some backhands, but I am just worried that our city guards will not be able to resist. Although all of our people are ruthless people, but which one of these people don't understand is our Chuyue Kingdom. The loyal soldiers of the city guard, the hard-bodied heroes, each one is our Chuyue good boy, how can this not make us feel bad. Losing one is a knife in our heart!!!” At this moment, Ouyang Zhangyong naturally understood, and expressed his own views and analysis this time.

At this moment, Ouyang Zhangyong, who was analyzing on the top of the palace wall, and Wenren Xigao, who was listening to Ouyang Zhangyong's analysis, were staring at the group of vanguard soldiers below who were preparing to attack the city. .

I saw that after Ge Qizhi raised his left hand and lowered it, the battle of the army, which marked the coming storm, and the war that swept across the entire Chuyue Kingdom had already started the prelude thoroughly.

With Ge Qizhi's left hand down, after this order was issued, the conservative forces formed by these old veterans who opposed the reformist, the old aristocrats have reached a complete dead end, and there is no more at this moment. With the slightest intention to repent, they have completely cut off their retreat at this moment, just waiting for this scene to cause huge waves in the entire Chuyue Kingdom, and in the entire Jinling City. The turbulent dark tide and the endlessly surging storm are over.

Only when the vortex subsides and the torrent no longer surges, can they relax. No matter what the result is, they will have their own destiny.

If you succeed, you will rule the world, if you lose, you will make it perish. After that, the whole family will be slaughtered, and you will not be able to say anything else. The choice of the two paths of home, this is their destination...

On the top of the palace wall, who were discussing how to deal with the current Ge Qizhi's countermeasures, the little Marquis Wenren Xigao and the owl Ouyang Zhangyong suddenly realized that the vanguard army below had already made a move.

Seeing that the army had already been dispatched, the little Wuhou Wenren Xigao and the owl next to him, Ouyang Zhangyong, were not discussing for a while, and immediately issued his own order to strictly guard against these people. The distance of three feet in front of the palace gate.

The captain of the Bow and Crossbow Battalion in the vanguard army, the only one who was temporarily promoted by Ge Qizhi, on the visor, only one eye shone with a cold stern light, and the other eye socket was pitch black , A hideous and terrifying knife mark pierced through his left eye.

If so, just relying on one eye to become the captain of the bow and crossbow battalion is enough to show the strength of the second youth, who was just a man of the rivers and lakes.

But later, because he was young and frivolous, he offended someone he shouldn't have, so he had one eye chopped off. If it wasn't for his own lightness skills, then at that time, he would have completely lost his life.

Afterwards, he was arrested by the government for some reason, and after that, one of the elders valued his fierce, cruel, bloodthirsty, fearless quality, and because of his lightness kung fu and powerful shooting skills. His life was spared.

Afterwards, this Dubu Erqing, who was once famous in the whole Jianghu, became a sharp sword in the hands of a veteran of Chuyue Kingdom. After years of polishing, the Dubu Erqing at this moment has already become stronger Before, he was fierce and brutal, and he was brave and fearless, but now he is even more clever and cunning, like a thousand-year-old fox.Therefore, in this operation, he directly stood behind Ge Qizhi, and it was also because of this that he won Ge Qizhi's favor by doing things!Until now, he has become the captain of the bow and crossbow battalion by virtue of his own ability and his incomparable shooting skills.

At this moment, after he received Ge Qizhi's order, he saw that his waist was lowered, his legs were rooted on the bluestone slab like old trees, as if they were completely rooted on it: "Correct your shooting posture, Open the bow and shoot the arrow, the waist and arms are united, the shoulders and elbows are overstretched, and the midline is straight!"

As Dubu Erqing's words fell, the people in the bow and crossbow battalion all performed their actions in unison.The voice was incomparably neat, and in this rainy night, it was extremely chilling, and even more icy cold, as if these people in front of them were hundreds of tireless machines, and their movements were extremely precise.

After a satisfied look, the soldiers in the crossbow battalion in front of him followed closely behind, Dubu Erqing issued his own order: "Many soldiers, take your positions and get ready!"

(End of this chapter)

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