Chapter 870
At this moment, Dubu Erqing has already stood up, his lower body is already extremely stable, and he has prepared according to the movements and formulas just now, only to see Dubu Erqing at this moment, that one eye is shining coldly The bloodthirsty gaze is like a ruthless python that chooses and devours people.

I saw him grinning ferociously, and then his words were extremely cold, I saw Dubu Erqing's face under the visor was horrifying, and the scar that was cut off by someone was crawling away in a meandering way at this moment because of his excessive force When I got up, it looked like a centipede that was crawling continuously. It was so hideous and terrifying. Dubu Erqing said, "Let go!!!"

Immediately afterwards, the arrow feathers in his hand flew towards the city wall with the whistling sound of breaking through the sky, and then came the arrow feathers released with the sound of Dubu Erqing. These crossbowmen of the crossbow camp Following Dubu Erqing's words, they immediately released the arrow feathers in their hands.

Then the first echelon retreats, the second echelon goes up, and so on.Among the arrow feathers, those warriors with swords and shields carrying huge ladders and tools used to break the city gates have already rushed up without fear of death.

Countless arrow feathers rushed over with the whistling sound of piercing the sky. The whistling sound was like thunder rolling, as if it was really the bow like a thunderbolt. It gave birth to the feeling that the bow was like a thunderbolt, the correctness of what the ancients said, and even said the last sentence, the ancients sincerely did not deceive me.

Thousands of arrow feathers are like locusts, covering the sky and avoiding the sun. These arrow feathers shot across the sky towards the city guard soldiers led by Wenren Xigao, Ouyang Zhangyong and others. Arrow feathers came and immediately hid in the city gate crenel.

The scene was extremely spectacular for a while, and after the arrow feathers released by the crossbow battalion led by Dubu Erqing covered them, they pushed the heavy siege tool with all their might in a low voice, Then he pulled up his legs and ran quickly to that, which is under the gate of the palace that can be seen at present.

Facing the flying arrow feathers, the heavy cavalry spear in the hands of the little Marquis Wu swept across the field, swung the spear, and the gun light burst, shooting around as if the endless icy spear light shot at him. It was as if a shield was formed beside him, and the flying arrow feathers were scattered by Wenren Xigao. Of course, after avoiding the arrow feathers of the crossbowman below, Wenren Xigao would naturally organize his people at this moment to fight back.

When the heavy cavalry spear smashed the flying arrows, even though the city guards and soldiers around them were prepared, they were helpless in the face of such overwhelming arrow feathers.

Although it is covered and hidden, there must be some surprises. Sure enough, when the round of arrow feathers has not been shot, someone can be seen pierced by arrow feathers on the crenel of the gate wall of Nuo Da. Shot on the stone slab above the city gate, blood flowed out all over his body, and then he wriggled desperately. It looked like a bug, very pitiful. As time passed, the blood gradually gathered into a small stream , and the city guard sergeant who was still struggling violently had already been shot into a hedgehog by this wave of arrow feathers flying all over the world.

The sound of the sharp weapon on the arrow feathers sinking into the flesh and blood, the sound of the arrow falling to the ground, and the sound of screams, one after another.

Even though the rest of the people were sad and their morale was slightly low, they quickly became angry, quickly regained their senses, and began to fight back.

After a round of arrow rain, after waving the spears of the cavalry to clear the arrow feathers in front of him, Wenren Xigao at this moment stared at the knives in the vanguard army in front of the city gate that had gone about one-third of the distance below. The shieldman frowned suddenly, and shouted loudly: "Where is the crossbowman, fight back for me, shoot and kill the group of sons of bitches below, first suppress the arrow feathers on the opposite side for me, and then wait for the opportunity to kill the broken ones below!" City guards, once these people get close to the city gate, they immediately let go of the rolling logs, boulders, and gold juice, and if the rest of the people attack the city, they will do the same!"

After loudly giving his order, Wenren Xigao looked at everything on the battlefield at this moment, and kept scanning the surrounding battlefield situation, obviously wanting to see the current battlefield situation.

Why did the people on my side dispatch those swords and shields first instead of charging?Wen Ren Xigao was thinking in his heart, he really did not expect that this former friend, Ge Qizhi, would be so difficult to deal with.

However, it is right to be difficult. If it is not difficult, the battle will be resolved by three times, five times and two divisions, and they will doubt whether there is a problem in the end.Therefore, human nature is really extremely complicated, and human beings are also an extremely complicated animal, which is hard to describe. This really makes people wonder what to say.

After all, it is difficult to suspect that something is wrong, and it is easy to suspect that something is wrong. This human nature is really complicated. It is really hard to say. These are indeed people who do not understand. Demon, this is a human being. Human nature is a shortcoming that everyone must have. If there is no human nature and these shortcoming, is this still a human being?This needs to be studied. After all, this is not a trivial matter. People are greedy and evil. This is human nature!

At this moment, Wenren Xigao suddenly felt that something was wrong, because this Ge Qizhi really did not play cards according to common sense, and there was indeed something wrong. He frowned immediately, and looked at Ge Qizhi's strange smile in his eyes, and looked at the following again Those first echelon sword and shield fighters in the vanguard army who were preparing to break the city had already taken a vermilion elixir. After taking the elixir, they turned red all over, and they showed that they couldn't see any defense .

It's just that at this moment, Xiao Wuhou Wenren Xigao still noticed some differences. Although ordinary people can't detect these changes, if you observe carefully, you will definitely find that these people's movements have become thicker. Sure enough, watching those vanguard saber and shield hands will print shallow footprints on the bluestone board with every step.

These are not enough to explain anything, it is even more surprising, or unbelievable, so that Wenren Xigao categorically understood that what was wrong with these people was that the arrow feathers of the crossbowmen on his side were shot down by those in the vanguard army. However, the sword and shield hand that Ge Qizhi used to attack the city was completely submerged in his left arm by the arrow feathers, and after being shot out, he was able to push the tools for attacking the city and breaking the door there without seeing it. Wenren Xigao, who was watching all this from above, suddenly shrank his pupils. These were obviously beyond the scope of his own power.

Looking at the frightening thing in front of him, Wenren Xigao at this moment once again cast his extremely cold, bone-piercing eyes on the person in front of him, who is the current commander of the vanguard army, Ge Qizhi. The commander-in-chief of the vanguard army, watching his soldiers die a little, did not change his expression, but still with a shallow smile, watching everything in front of him as if he was watching a play, looking at these, At this moment, Wenren Xigao's heart was filled with endless coldness.

Ice-cold, endless cold wrapped him up. At this moment, he seemed to have come to the frozen sea and snow field in the north where there was thousands of years of ice. He could only feel the endless cold spreading on his body. He could only Have felt such a feeling in a person.

This cold and ruthless smile is the same as that of that person. That person is the most shining and resplendent existence among them. With a power comparable to that, in the entire Chuyue Kingdom, it is almost a single-handed existence. The heart of this country captain is naturally extremely cold, with an incomparable chill.

If it is said that Guowei Zhaozhang is indifferent and indifferent, then the present, or at present, the person in front of him who Wenren Xigao saw has rebelled against the current Chuyue Kingdom and became the so-called The indifference of Ge Qizhi, the leader of the vanguard army of the rebel army, is crazy, inhumane, and devoid of any humanity.

It can be completely said that the commander-in-chief of the vanguard army in front of him can no longer be called a human being, he is already numb to death, and has already made his own clear decision in front of death and life.

This kind of character is really terrifying. The previous Ge Qizhi naturally knew what kind of quality he was, but now he suddenly appeared. Once he appeared, he was the commander-in-chief of the vanguard army of the rebel army. If the change in identity surprised him , then what surprised him the most was what was in front of him, that is, the change in his personality in his mind.

These are the performances that really determine whether a person is a strong person, or better, because a strong person has never been a person who can let his emotions spread around. People who mess with flowers.

Uncertain mind, this is a big taboo, this is the biggest taboo, really people don't know how to tell it is good.

At this moment, Ge Qizhi was sneering, looking at the changes on the battlefield, as long as the people like himself piled up the ladders for siege and the equipment for breaking the city to the gate of the city, it was time to launch a large-scale attack. At that time, although he had absorbed a small amount of blood energy and evil spirit, these forces from the battlefield, although these forces were extremely small, they definitely gave him a lot of gains.

After all, Ge Qizhi's strength at this moment is already extremely weak. Even when he beheaded some sergeants before, he still deterred those thorns in the current vanguard army, but the power of those qi and blood was simply not enough for him The exercises are recovering his body, allowing him to reach the level of strength he needs, perhaps it is better to allow him to protect his name, because in this way, there is endlessness in his heart, which can be said to be , unspeakable, not knowing how to be a good secret.

Even if the mission failed this time, it would be easy to escape by relying on his magic methods, but if he wanted to reap some benefits in this battle, he still had to plan carefully, which is why , the feint attack of these people below is a manifestation of his means at the moment.

He is not the kind of person who has no brains. If he breaks through this city wall, he will use Xiao Wuhou Wenren Xigao and the fierce tiger Ouyang Zhangyong who is good at fighting in the army and dies fiercely. , and there are a large number of them, it can be said that there are a large number of city guards. Although these people are not elite, there are also veterans among them.

These soldiers have been on the battlefield, and they have really seen blood. Naturally, such temporary changes under their own hands are not comparable to the miscellaneous troops in the hands of the nobles and veterans.

Ge Qizhi himself deeply understands that the biggest shortcoming of the soldiers in the vanguard army in his hands is that they have never seen battles on the battlefield. A private soldier must have never been honed by blood and fire, and the biggest battlefield he passed through was nothing more than a few bandits with hundreds of people.

These, the amount of fighting, no matter in terms of the degree of tragedy, the number of people, the quality, the cooperation of many factors such as tacit understanding, are definitely not as good as this, or those old soldiers defending on the top of the palace wall.

Although these veterans cherish their lives, at this moment, they are completely hopeless and have no way out. Therefore, these people are already the most difficult opponents incarnate in the current palace of the entire Chuyue Kingdom.

How can Ge Qizhi at this moment not understand this truth, I am afraid that even a three-year-old child will understand this truth, these are the most obvious and crude truths.However, these dispositions of the vanguard army under his command are also his benefits and his excellence.

These people have never seen blood, so they are naturally eager to be on the battlefield, but even so, the quality of individual soldiers of these people at this moment is extremely strong, which is completely higher than that of the city guards above. One or two times stronger, although they lack experience in fighting on the battlefield, but these people have no experience in fighting on the battlefield, so they naturally have their own ways of killing.

It is also because of this that those veterans' tactics, the previous experience on the battlefield is naturally not used here, and they can only really rely on the killing skills in their own hands to determine the outcome. The awareness of the time stretched apart.

Originally, there was still some ability, the only condition that could widen the gap between the two, but at this moment, it completely disappeared, and Ge Qizhi at this moment did not play cards according to the art of war.

(End of this chapter)

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