I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 872 The next stage begins

Chapter 872 The next stage begins

"Let go!" Just after Dubu Erqing's cold words, a fierce rocket burning with endless flames was shot out first, followed by a large number of fierce rockets closely following. The arrow feathers were indeed extremely fast, and soon merged into the fierce rockets released earlier.

Then there was another one, accompanied by the one who was the only second youth: "Let go!"

Just like before, the familiar routine, the rockets that lead the way, the rockets that come first, and the rockets before each other form a huge sky-blocking rocket. The huge net of the rockets covers the entire palace wall at present.

The sound of swishing sharp arrows piercing the sky appeared, and it was still the sound of a bow like a thunderbolt, which made people feel extremely frightened. This sound shocked people's hearts.

Not only is this sound shocking and frightening, but it also has the unstoppable brilliance flickering like fireworks all over the sky in this dark night. The intense fire is here, or in this night and night Among them, it is so shocking.

The fierce rockets that cover the sky and the sun are densely packed, covering the sky and the sun, making people inseparable.After looking at the densely packed network of fierce rockets that have been connected into a rain of arrows, at this moment, perhaps this little Wuhou on the city wall of the imperial palace, that is, Wenren Xigao, locked his eyes suddenly. , Immediately afterwards, he loudly conveyed his military orders.

At this moment, Xiao Wuhou Wenren Xigao stared at the rain of arrows in front of him, and at the same time, he still couldn't forget to shout: "Be careful, cover, cover on the spot, and extinguish the arrow feathers that are shot down!" !"

Looking at the endless firefly-like rockets in the night, at this moment on this narrow bluestone slab road, among the many city guard sergeants who ambushed the attackers, the many soldiers have already He lifted up the large stainless steel shield next to it to resist, and in front of him can be said to be the huge rocket feathers that are about to come down now.

At this moment, Xiaohu Ouyang Zhangyong was not like the others, he lifted his specially made huge shield like a door panel on top of his head like a sweep, in this rainy night In the middle, I just heard a sentence, and after a neat and tidy sound of brushing, I saw that these sword and shield warriors in the city guard had already raised the elite made steel shield on their own The top of the head, and has already closed those hidden buckles, and the soldiers in the numerous city guards have already connected their large steel shields, which makes them appear more strict and orderly. Everything looks like that, it can be said to have endless cold majesty.

The magic circle formed by these people led by Xiaohu Ouyang Zhangyong already looks like a terrifying prehistoric monster with a dark body and endless cold light shining all over its body. It means that it comes from the breath that kills people's hearts and souls like ferocious beasts.

As soon as the battle formation took place, it seemed that it had become a prehistoric behemoth, guarding its own territory, exuding prehistoric prehistoric aura.But he said that the warriors of the city guards guarding the city gate had already hid in the gate wall after hearing the reminder from their own general.Beads of sweat rolled down from everyone's body, and the sound of everyone's heart beating violently could be heard clearly.

This is why these people have completely put their hearts into their throats at this moment, and those crossbowmen who were originally ambushing on the city wall quickly lifted up the special shields next to them and used them. To defend against the coming, it can be said that the endless cold rocket with hot breath.

These seem to be very cumbersome, but on the battlefield, in the above battle situation, it is only a matter of a moment, and then, after these city guards have hidden themselves, the large batch of cover-ups The fierce rockets that covered the sky like locusts had already rushed down.

Ding Ding Ding!
The arrow feathers hit the shield as if forming a battle shield, as if a prehistoric giant beast had condensed into the steel shields of the sword and shield fighters in the army's battle formation on this narrow path, and it was constantly on top of it. I disliked a little spark, but the arrow feathers on it are made of fierce fire oil, which will not be extinguished, and water will still not be able to extinguish it.

But at this moment, the soldiers in these city guards naturally don't know, they can only resist these arrow feathers, some arrow feathers are shot into the wooden buildings, and they burn up after a while, raging For a moment, the flames irradiated the cheeks of the surrounding sergeants extremely red, and the visors of those senior sergeants were also illuminated with red light...

Many soldiers of the city guards on the palace wall are struggling to resist the fierce rocket. Seeing these people in a hurry, at this moment or the current commander of the vanguard army who is already possessed, Ge Qizhi smiled. Get up, and then see him give his order: "The next stage begins!"

The rest of the death squads in the vanguard army who were already ready to attack the city had their eyes shining. After hearing the words of their own commander, Ge Qizhi, they immediately distributed the dark red pill that Ge Qizhi distributed. The medicine was swallowed.

Immediately afterwards, at this moment, the city guards were busy with their casters, and they had no free time to defend, so at this moment, it was the necessary time for them to counterattack.

The general who was in charge of the Death Squad was covered in a mask, and his whole body was just deathly silent. He had already completely discarded all the distracting thoughts in his heart.It can be said that they are the most dangerous at this moment, and it can also be said that they are the most dangerous death squads. These people are already like tireless iron men, and they have no feelings of their own.

I saw that after taking that elixir, their aura increased sharply. What is even more frightening is that the clear look in the eyes of these people has long since disappeared, but what is left is Or in other words, it already has a complete animal nature, and it is already a machine that only knows how to kill.

It is these machines that can be used as such death squads to perform the missions that are not afraid of death, and only in this way can they behead the ones in front of them, or those city guards, seize their walls, and never die. The great achievements of the dragon are only in front of our eyes.

How could this not make their hearts extremely excited? Excitement, endless excitement had already shrouded their hearts before. They were already looking forward to the order of their general Ge Qizhi. At this moment, after Ge Qizhi's order was issued.

This group of people, ah bah, it can be said that these people can no longer be called human beings, because they have completely forgotten life and death, and they have already understood their mission.

I saw that the general in the death squad at this moment only had endless scarlet and bloodthirsty rays of light in his eyes. His eyes had not been clear for a long time, but he still had his own reason. At this moment, the general of his family issued an order Afterwards, I saw him stepping out abruptly, followed closely by shouting: "Today, the Death Squad has the will to die, is wearing strong and sharp, and is fully armored. Everyone, what should we do!"

When the general in the Death Squad finished speaking all his words, the soldiers in the Death Squad behind him had already completely put their sanity or the last, also It was the only remaining mind and ambition that were stimulated, and the voices of these people resounded through the sky roaring in the endless night: "Kill! Kill! Kill! Must die! Must die! Must die!"

This sound has been heard a long distance away from Wangcheng! ! !

After shouting with these people and feeling the echo of these people, the general has already strode forward to the battlefield ahead, and he is obviously ready for a death-like assault.

Dubu Erqing took a look at the captain of the Death Squad, that is, the general whose face was covered with a visor, and then moved forward as before, bowing and shooting arrows! ! !

There are not many fierce rockets, which is why Dubu Erqing and others did not use them again after shooting three rounds. Now they are only using ordinary fine iron arrow feathers, but this is the case, just talking These fine iron arrow feathers have already shocked people's hearts.

The soldiers in the bow and crossbow battalion in the hands of Dubu Erqing seemed to be tireless, repeating the above actions uninterruptedly. This is really extremely powerful. This is not just a matter of endurance, but also involves iron and blood. The will, as if the will is not as firm as it is now, but it is absolutely impossible to be here, or to survive in the bow and crossbow camp of the second youth, or it can be said that these bows and crossbows are the only second youth. The crossbow battalion contained most of the soldiers of the city guards guarding most of the palace walls!

At this moment, Xiao Wuhou Wenren Xigao, who has already swept away a piece of arrow feathers, sees the current situation on the battlefield, and the fires are burning everywhere. Although the raging fire has not formed at this moment, the fire on those fierce rockets is extremely strong. It's so weird that the rain can't be extinguished. If it is left alone for a long time, it will definitely cause a huge cholera.

However, at this moment, Xiao Wuhou Wenren Xigao can't care so much. Now that a large number of vanguards below are attacking the city, they can only guard. Killing these vanguards naturally cannot put out the fire.

It is also because of this that after understanding the key points, at this moment, perhaps the highest commander on the battlefield of the entire palace wall, that is, the little Wuhou Wenren Xigao, has already set his position to the public. What's more, it's extremely thorough, and he already understands his own position, and because of this, he immediately issued an order: "All the city guards started to fight back, don't pay attention to the fire!"

The soldiers of the numerous city guards who are in the decision of whether to fight the fire or not to rescue have already understood the order of their general at this moment, and because of this, after experiencing the initial panic, they are already There is no panic at the beginning.

At this moment, they are avoiding and counterattacking in an orderly manner, and they have gradually entered their own state. It can be said that they are not polite, that is, they are now clearly aware of the current vanguard below. After the general Ge Qizhi's style of play, he already understood what he wanted to do.

They also made their own choices, and they didn't have the impetuous confusion at the beginning. Now they have completely calmed down. Put it on the city wall.

At this moment, the death-defying soldiers among them had already laid the ladder and began to climb up.

But it was said that the soldiers who broke the door next to them started the terrifying war machine that was already like a giant beast at this moment.This door-breaking weapon, the art of war, or a terrifying monster is roaring and crashing into the city gate.

Some of the soldiers in the vanguard crashed into the wall and died, and there were people among the elite soldiers to make up for it later. On the entire battlefield, various voices were mixed at this moment.

I saw that among them were the heavy breathing sounds of the soldiers in the vanguard army who hadn't acted yet, and those extremely stable, at a glance, like endless steel blades like an endless cold and dark jungle. The gathering place of many soldiers.

The sound of thunder as the arrow feathers pierced the sky, the puffing sound of the flesh being submerged by the arrow feathers, and the screams of the soldiers not dying. The battlefield at this moment is extremely chaotic and roaring. The sound of the wind, as well as the roaring sound of the flames growing fiercely and continuously with the wind.

The sound of the sword swinging and cutting off the arrow feathers next to it, the crisp sound of the sparks splashed by the arrow feathers colliding with the sword, and the giant beast-like city-breaking artifacts below are constantly crashing into the palace The sound of the gate was still mixed with the shouting and roaring of the soldiers below. They were facing life and death, and they naturally wanted to vent their male hormones that were boiling, surging, and constantly surging.

Roaring is the best way to vent, they are going to die.

Each is their master, on the battlefield, facing swords is the greatest helplessness, but at this moment they are facing each other because of these unavoidable reasons.

Therefore, it has been believed since ancient times that the most ruthless people are the emperor's family and those careerists.

The lies of careerists and the tricks of emperors play tricks on people's hearts, tricks, and people's hearts. These are the desires in the bottom of the heart, and no one can escape.

These people below, no matter who they are, are all for their own profits.

(End of this chapter)

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