Chapter 873
Even that one, it can be said that Wenren Xigao, who has achieved the name of Xiao Wuhou at this moment, is no exception. They are all playthings among emperors, and the current king of Chuyue Kingdom The same is true of Ouyang Zhangyong, Xiong Han's favorite confidant.

They are all pawns in the hands of the current king of Chuyue Kingdom, Xiong Han. Perhaps even the terrifyingly famous, already incomparably powerful existence, Guowei Zhaozhang, has a slight chance of being the person in charge of the pawns, because he has already It is powerful and terrifying.

This kind of person is what he wants to pursue. At this moment, Ge Qizhi is looking at the battlefield, the screams are constantly coming, and the person who is struggling to resist is already running around on the top of the palace wall The supporting Xiao Wuhou sent out his own personal guards.

At this moment, there are only a few people around Xiao Wuhou Wenren Xigao, and there are not too many people, that is, about four or five guards. These people are guarding him by his side, among Ge Qizhi's vanguard Four or five members of the Death Squad had already climbed to the top of the city, and quickly hacked and killed the city guards around them, guarding the life-striving road of the ladder for the brothers behind them.

Ge Qizhi just watched all this quietly, with cold and stern eyes in his eyes, a faint smile was still drawn at the corner of his mouth, he was still absorbing all kinds of evil spirits on the battlefield and the spirit of those dead soldiers God also has the power of blood and energy, and these powers have become Ge Qizhi's further accumulation and the foundation for him to step into the next realm.

Watching all this coldly, the little Wuhou in front of him raised his head just right after he had stabilized for four weeks, and happened to meet Ge Qizhi's stern eyes, seeing the playful smile at the corner of his mouth, at this moment Xiao Wuhou Wen Renxi There was a little anger in Gao's eyes, but he didn't do anything else. He just stared at Ge Qizhi coldly here, facing the arrow feathers that were swishing down in the sky, Xiao Wu at this moment Hou Wenren Xigao swept out with the heavy cavalry spear.

The sound of ping-pong-pong sounded, the crisp sound of metal and iron colliding, and sparks were also aroused. After that, these fine iron arrow feathers were knocked down by Xiao Wuhou Wenren Xigao.

Ge Qizhi looked at all this with a little playfulness, but saw that after the Wenren Xigao knocked down these arrow feathers, he took out his own bow and arrow, bent the bow and set the arrow.

Then, the lower body suddenly sank, and the strength of the whole body rolled and surged unceasingly, followed by him sinking his waist and riding the horse at this moment, and then he bent his bow and set an arrow, his shoulders and elbows united, In an instant, he pulled the horned bow out of the shape of a full moon, then squinted his eyes, and followed closely after aiming at Ge Qizhi, seeing his face with the same expression, he let go of the arrow feathers. go out.

With a whoosh, accompanied by a sharp sound of arrows, a long fine steel arrow shot at a speed that pierced the sky, towards Ge Qizhi who was sneering in front of him.

Ge Qizhi just saw all this, and the sneer on his cheek remained unchanged. After the arrow feather flew in front of Ge Qizhi, he saw a flash of white light, and the arrow feather was split into two and split apart. The end is this move, which is to make the pupils of the little Wuhou Wenren Xigao who shot the arrow on the city wall shrink, and then suddenly rise.

At this moment, the little Wuhou Wenren Xigao's eyes were full of disbelief, and then, at this moment, after Ge Qizhi easily took the arrow feather from the little Wuhou Wenren Xigao, he waved his left hand and started Increased the intensity of the attack.

All the people on both sides rang, and the siege implements under the gate wall had already collided dozens of times. The gate of the imperial palace is really very strong, it is worthy of the gate of the emperor, but it is different.

After these dozens of impacts, the gate turned out to be only cracked. Although it was partially deformed, it was still firm.I saw that the death squads at this moment have completely penetrated the top of the city wall, but only half of the original death squad of more than [-] people is left at this moment. The captain even killed a lot on the entire wall, it was really killing wildly.

These, looking at it, made Ge Qizhi narrow his eyes slightly at this moment. He knew that now was the time for a decisive battle. He had already occupied a part of the city, and because of this, Ge Qizhi swung his left hand and gave the order for him to attack in an all-round way.

"The whole army moves out, attack!" Ge Qizhi issued the military order coldly. Xiao Wuhou, who was supervising the battle at the top of the city at the moment, Wenren Xigao, naturally discovered that the captain of the death squad in the vanguard had gone up to the top of the city wall. When I saw him killing and killing on the top of the city wall, it was like chopping melons and vegetables, wantonly killing on the city wall.

The captain of the death squad of the vanguard army was wearing armor, except for the scarlet fierce light in his eyes, which could still be seen, and the rest of the place was completely surrounded by the armor, without any exposure at all.

I saw that the captain of the death squad in the vanguard army, after killing a soldier from the city guard who rushed to attack, he gave the soldiers around him, those soldiers in the death squad who were already red-eyed. Gathered up.

Then, on the top of the palace wall of the city guards who were surrounded by slaughter, the captain of the death squad suddenly raised his head and saw the person in front of him, who was suppressing and guarding the entire palace wall. Xiao Wuhou, who is surrounded by military spirits, is very popular.

The two looked at each other, and the scarlet eyes of the captain of the death squad were captivating. At this moment, Xiao Wuhou Wenren Xigao's eyes were fixed, and then he took out the long spear left by the soldier next to him on the ground. With a light run-up, and then, he swung the spear vigorously.

Boom!The spear is like a giant dragon, making the sound of whistling and galloping, constantly capturing people's hearts and souls, making it difficult for people to be silent. Confront the enemy carefully. killer move.

Then, after seeing this little Wuhou Wenren Xigao shoot a long spear, he suddenly rushed to the side.All of this happened in an instant.

then.Seeing the spear rubbing against his armor, sparks constantly emitting piercing sparks, and the sharp sound, he just dodged away.

However, the captain of the death squad is so lucky, the people behind him are different, and some clever ones dodge the long spear, which does not distinguish between enemy and friend, after all, he is just a dead object, a weapon It's dead, isn't it?

When the soldiers in the vanguard army and the soldiers in the city guard army were attacking and killing each other, a long spear suddenly appeared and pierced them into candied gourds. Even so, the man in the city guard army still took The weapon in his hand is ready to greet the person of the Vanguard Death Squad, while the opposite is the same, the weapons in his hand are all greeting the opponent.

It's just that after suffering such serious injuries, the two of them still had no strength. It's just that the death squad in the vanguard army was because he had taken the secret medicine before, and his physical fitness was naturally high. On the opposite floor, it was just that he swung a knife, followed by a flash of cold light, and immediately after, the city guard sergeant on the opposite side was already beheaded.

Then, the death squad soldier in the vanguard was completely silent after finishing all these wisdoms.

The captain of the death squad of the vanguard army who witnessed this scene and the little Wuhou Wenren Xigao had different expressions. Waiting for Xiao Wuhou Wenren Xigao's next move, he saw him sweeping his spear, and then the soldiers of the vanguard gathered around him rushed down suddenly.

Their goal is the gate of the city wall below. Knowing that the decisive battle has been reached at this moment, the captain of the death squad naturally understands how much chance the opening of the city gate has for the vanguard army on his side. Therefore, he is avoiding After Xiao Wuhou Wenren Xigao's one-hit kill, he didn't wait for Xiaowuhou Wenren Xigao's next move, and jumped down the city gate wall with his personal guards first.

I saw that the captain of the death squad in the vanguard raised a dagger that was gleaming with cold light and was pitch-black from his body, and then he stabbed the dagger fiercely on the city wall, followed by a series of sparks. There was a stabbing sound, and then, the rest of the guards in the death squad did the same, imitating the movements of their own adults, so that they could land safely.

However, as soon as he landed, he saw the owl Ouyang Zhangyong, who was already extremely fierce in his eyes, and the soldiers of the city guards with swords and shields, fighting and killing all around. It's noisy and noisy, why is it so quiet here, the captain of the death squad in the vanguard couldn't figure it out, but now he understands the side.

Immediately, the dagger was thrown by him fiercely, and then he ordered the guards behind him to let them guard this line of defense, only to hear that this person was already covered in armor, and his face could not be seen clearly. Covered by armor, I can see that at this moment, the captain of the death squad of the vanguard already felt that the sounds of shouting and shouting outside were far away from him.

Not far from the gate of the city is the sound of the chant that is crashing into the gate, the sound of the enemy picking up the weapon, the sound of the opponent charging, the sound of the arrow feathers shooting across the sky, the sound of the knife sinking into the flesh, the sound of the weapon piercing the flesh The sound of the wind, the howling wind, the clear ticking of the rain and the blue stone slabs, and the roaring and burning fire that was constantly roaring with the wind, although it is already small at this moment, it is still endless.

These voices are gradually disappearing. At this moment, the captain of the vanguard army can clearly hear the sound of swallowing his saliva. At this moment, after swallowing his own saliva, he has come back to his senses, and then , I heard his hoarse and stern voice: "You stay on guard first, and I will open the door first!"

It is said that these personal guards have already made a defensive posture, and the two engaged in a simple battle formation back to back, but at this moment, the owl tiger Ouyang Zhangyong stepped out first, carrying his huge door-like The shield made of fine steel is like a cannonball and the whole person rushed to these people, followed by the soldiers of the first team and the second team covered in black fine iron armor, who were already following their own. The general rushed to the front.

This group of them is not only the first batch of sword and shield fighters, but also the personal guards of their own general Xiaohu Ouyang Zhangyong. It is also because of this that they saw the rush of their general at the first time. After climbing up, they followed closely behind, strode out, and rushed to the front without fear of death.

Facing the rush of many elite soldiers in front of them, these red-eyed soldiers in the death squads of the vanguard have no fear at all, because at this moment they are completely gone. Their own reason, these people have already discarded their own reason.

However, when he saw the Xiaohu attacking in front of him, he took out some hidden weapons from his side and waved them out. Although the hidden weapons were small, their power was astonishing, even for the martial arts like Xiaohu Ouyang Zhangyong. Although masters are not afraid, once there are too many masters, it can cause great damage to masters like them. Therefore, at this moment, Xiaohu, facing such a situation, just immediately The stature froze, and then, he waved his hand and spun around. The specially made stainless steel shield, which was like a door panel, was completely different from the shields of others. in front of myself.

It came like this, Ouyang Zhangyong is like this at this moment, and the rest of the armored soldiers who rushed over with him also stood in place and began to guard. They knew that these death squads were used to delay time, but they were still There is no way.

Behind Xiaohu Ouyang Zhangyong, those sword and shield players had already swept the shield in front of themselves to block it. It can be said that the hidden weapons inspired by the death squads in front of them were launched.

These hidden weapons are called Hanxing poisonous hammers. These small hidden weapons like hammers are not only poisonous on the surface, but also cause great scattered damage when they touch the objects. This damage, It's really terrifying, and it's on a large scale.

Moreover, it is highly poisonous, which is why people like Xiaohu Ouyang Zhangyong have no intention of resisting it. After all, this is an extremely tricky hidden weapon, and it is also because they know that these people are procrastinating. Time, but still nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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