I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 874 Don't Ask Heaven, Don't Ask Ghosts

Chapter 874 Don't Ask Heaven, Don't Ask Ghosts

It can be said that the current situation has reached what these people expected, and the personal guards of the death squad behind them have already held back the sword and shield fighters led by the enemy's tiger Ouyang Zhangyong. The captain of the Death Squad, facing the armored soldiers who had already charged forward and were resisting the impact of the city gate from being hit by the city guards in the vanguard army on their side, already had his own judgment and judgment thoroughly. The senses are gone.

Also, I saw that the captain of the death squad raised his own long knife, a special long knife, the long spear was already carried on his back in his left hand, and the right hand was waving a longer than ordinary long knife Double, wider long knife.

This long knife was made by someone else, and the cold light of the whole body shone with a piercing chill. The width, thickness and width of this long knife were all different from those of others.Exactly how it differs from other people's, then if you have a good talk about it.

The long knife is one-third longer than the ordinary military long knife, half as wide, and twice as thick.The whole body of the long knife is made of fine steel, and its weight is twice as much as that of the ordinary long knife in the military formation.

To put it in a more general way, it is easy to understand. It is a slightly longer back knife, but it is thicker and sharper than the back knife. This long knife really looks breathtaking. This pioneer The captain of the death squad in the army was covered in armor, with a visor on his face, and behind his piercing scarlet eyes, his big hands were as wide as cattail fans.

I saw him holding the long knife tightly in one palm, and the other hand was holding a long gun, just like this, the captain of the death squad in the vanguard just launched a charge. The warriors of the city guards had already raised their spears and knives, and rushed forward two or three steps away.

But at this moment, the captain of the death squad in the vanguard army was not afraid, and launched a charge brazenly, and the city guard warriors on the opposite side were already two or three steps forward.

Most of the warriors of these city guards are wearing light armor, because they have to resist the opponents, that is, the enemy vanguards in front of the gate of the palace wall, which are used to attack and kill the city. The door, the huge impact that broke the gate guard.

These guards are all the most powerful heavy armored infantry in this vanguard army. At this moment, what is pushing the huge and extremely heavy is this huge monster, the city-breaking weapon that shines with dark and cold metallic luster-the city-breaking vehicle!

The heavy-armored infantrymen in these vanguards were bravely bumping into the incomparably tall statue in front of them, with golden copper nails nailed all over their bodies.It seems that it is extremely luxurious, but at this moment, it is already covered with potholes and scars. These marks are caused by the terrifying car that smashed the city like a monster in the wilderness. The city gate in front of you has already There were scars all over his body.

When these heavy armored infantry hit the city gate with the siege engine, they heard the trembling sound of the palace gate, as if the old man was crying in pain, and there was no longer the luxury gate of the palace that the siege engine hit before The heavy and muffled groan was no longer like the heavy and muffled groan of the young and strong man before.

It is enough to see that the incomparably luxurious palace gate in front of it is already in its dying years, and it seems that there will be a few more heavy impacts and it will be rumbled open.

Therefore, after these heavy armored infantrymen gave all the orders to attack under their own general Ge Qi, these heavy armored infantrymen were already hitting the gate of the palace very hard.

Now they saw hope even more, the dark eyes of these heavily armored soldiers lit up all of a sudden, only at this moment, each of them looked at each other, and they all saw the ambition in each other's hearts.

Many of the heavy armored infantrymen are friends who have died, so they can naturally understand each other's thoughts in this look.Immediately, after they looked at each other, they gritted their teeth.

At this moment, they are already impressively ready to make the final effort to break through the city.

The minds of these people are already connected together at this moment, and they naturally understand what it means to be full of energy. When each of them tried their best to drag the huge and extremely black statue in front of them, but it was indeed true. A terrifying war machine like a ferocious beast slammed into the gate of the huge palace that was already in its dying years.

But it is said that on the other side of this extremely luxurious and huge palace gate, that is, the various warriors of the city guards inside this gate building have already exerted their deadly strength.

They didn't care about the death squad leader of the vanguard army behind them, maybe they didn't know that this enemy was the death squad leader of the vanguard army on the opposite side.

But at this moment, in this city gate building, he was stubbornly resisting the black armored infantry on the opposite side who used the siege vehicle to slam into this gate fiercely.

These people have completely handed over their backs to the brothers behind them, that is to say, just picked up the guy, that is, the long sword, and the strong man of the city gate guard who is in light armor is rushing three or four steps them.

The captain of the Death Squad was covered in pitch-black heavy armor, his whole body was tightly covered, even his face was covered with a visor, leaving behind an extremely cold eye shining with scarlet light.

There was no fear in the eyes of the captain of the death squad, he had already taken the elixir, and this secret medicine did not enhance his strength by a single bit, otherwise he would not have appeared here.

It can be said that he has long since lost any concept of emotion, and has long since disregarded death.

This body already does not ask the sky, does not ask ghosts and gods, and only leaves the rest of his life.A thicker long knife was wielded by him in a superb way, the strong wind howled all around, and the thick long knife was covered by the big hand like a cattail fan.

Then the forearm exerted strength, and the strength of the whole body was mobilized. I saw that the thick long knife was brandished, and the wind of the knife appeared, and the sharp light suddenly appeared, and the scarlet and cautious eyes suddenly burst out stronger at this moment. The icy cold light, the scarlet eyes that were already difficult to look at, at this moment actually possessed some shocking abilities.

A pair of big scarlet eyes stared at the person who came, just one glance was enough to make the whole body limp on the ground, which completely reflected the terrifying mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood. the road traveled.

That's it, the endless evil spirit and murderous spirit can already suppress people's hearts and souls.

It is also because of this that an astonishing chill erupted in the eyes of the death squad leader at this moment, and then the death squad leader and the elite warriors in the city guards fought together.

It was not as easy as cutting melons and vegetables as originally expected. Although there was a little pressure, it was nothing to the captain of the death squad. After all, he was not an ordinary person. When these people were fighting, the thick long knife swept across and slashed at one of them, killing them fiercely, and only rushed to kill them inside the city gate building in front.

The thick long knife in his hand was not a simple thing. I saw the captain of the Death Squad in front of him slashing fiercely, desperately slashing at the strongman of the city guard in front of him. I felt my arms go numb for a while, and my tiger's mouth cracked open. Although I could resist it at this moment, most of my arms were already numb from the shock.

Just at this moment, there was a look of horror in his eyes, and then he suddenly looked up and saw the scarlet fierce light in the eyes of the death squad leader covered in iron armor, and his heart was shocked immediately.At this moment, the warriors of the city guard next to him were about to slash at the captain of the death squad who was covered in iron armor with seven or eight long knives.

Seeing that their teammates had already been hacked and backed up again and again, these people already understood the terrifying strength of the person in front of them, but they still didn't give up.

Because behind them, there is no way to retreat, and behind them are the people they trust the most and are closest to, that is, their brothers and friends in the city guard.The brothers of my family rest assured to hand over the back to them, so they must guard this road well.

Because of this reason, these rough guys, the guys in the army naturally understand that there is no way to retreat behind them at this moment, so they can only fight to the death.

Immediately, these light-armored warriors suddenly had their legs tense, and their tendons were swimming through the skin like little snakes. At this moment, they were already ready to start desperately.

Just now, the legs of the light-armored warriors among the city guards stretched straight, and they exerted force suddenly. The huge force suddenly penetrated the whole body along with the ground, and then poured into their long knives. At this moment, the tendons in his body have become like thick blue and black snakes wrapped around his arms and legs. At this moment, seeing these lightly armored fighters of the city guards, one can know how much strength they have used.

"The idea is tough, cut him off together, don't hold back..." One of them suddenly spoke!
The light-armored fighters among the rest of the city guard heard their comrades' words at this moment, and when they suddenly burst into astonishing shouts, the shouts of these light-armored fighters were the same. The sound of the siege engine hitting the gate of the palace was a little softer: "Understood..."

Then, everyone's hearts were already full of energy, and they no longer had the slightest scruples and were suppressed by the scarlet fierce light in the eyes of the death squad captain in the vanguard army covered in black armor. At this moment, only the seven The long knife with the handle was added together by the strength of the light armor warrior who had already made a desperate fight. Such a huge force was added to the blade, and the blade's edge actually made the death squad leader in front of him feel threatened. He narrowed his eyes, and a cautious look appeared in his eyes. After thinking about it, the captain of the death squad at this moment has already understood the method of breaking the giant.

At this moment, he didn't rush forward, and looked at the lightly armored soldier in the city guard who was already kneeling on the ground in front of him, who was using that big knife to resist his thick long knife.

At this moment, the captain of the death squad put away his huge strength on the thick long knife, the strength surged all over his body, and he stood abruptly on the spot.

Just like an old tree, at this moment, it is already coiled on the ground, as if it has been rooted for many years.The stern light in the eyes of the leader of the death squad at this moment carried an incomparably ferocious meaning, and at this moment, a horrifying, astonishing, murderous aura and endless rolling evil spirit erupted from all over his body.

At this moment, the captain of the death squad is already full of killing intent, it can be said that the captain of the death squad has already started to kill.

Feeling the long knife of the armored captain of the death squad in front of him suddenly wiped a large amount of sparks on his own long knife, the strength on it was also reduced at this moment, but at this moment this one is already with both legs. The light-armored soldiers of the city guard who were all kneeling inside the bluestone slab didn't even notice it at the moment.

At this moment, the captain of the death squad had a ferocious killing intent flashing in his eyes, and the light-armored warrior didn't dare to be distracted in the slightest. In this battle, if he was still distracted, his head might be about to burst into flames at that moment. landed.

Therefore, at this moment, he tightly clenched the long knife with both hands, and he didn't dare to move his eyes in the slightest. He just stared at the death squad captain in front of him, whose body was full of terrifying killing intent.

What happened next was unexpected. At this moment, the light-armored warrior also understood the situation in front of him, and immediately confronted the captain of the death squad with his long sword fiercely.

The violent look in the eyes of the leader of the death squad, the strength of the whole body suddenly circulated, at this moment, the body half twisted, and suddenly spun away, the thick long knife was fiercely struck by the leader of the death squad, which was as wide as a cattail leaf fan. Holding it in his hands, the captain of the Death Squad's legs twisted as if twisted, but at this moment, there was no emotion in his heart, and there was no change in the eyes of the many city guards with light armor in front of him.

It's like looking at the look of a soldier in the city guard who chopped melons and vegetables to death before, no!
This expression is still different, yes, yes, yes, it is the same as the expressions of those dead people before, which means that in the eyes of the captain of the death squad, the eight light-armored warriors of the city guards in front of him are already dead.

I saw that at this moment, the captain of the death squad's thick long knife followed the twisting force of his body, and suddenly slashed at the top of the sick five long knife, and there was a sound of collision.

Then, when he saw the captain of the death squad, who was covered in black armor and his face was covered by the visor, spinning around, there were sparks around him, and the sparks splashed everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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