I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 875 Dog thief, take your life

Chapter 875 Dog thief, take your life
Splashing sparks erupted into gorgeous fireworks in the dark night, and then the captain of the death squad's big fan-like hand seemed to tremble after swinging the knife, but even though he paid a huge price, it was not good. The good thing is that the results in front of me are still very impressive.

I saw that after the captain of the death squad slashed and slashed across the circle, the seven long knives that were already killing people had already retreated from the captain of the death squad. Seven people retreated.

But these people's long knives are not vegetarian, and they used the strength of breastfeeding just now, and they have already used their deadly force. At this moment, it seems that they were easily killed by the captain of the death squad and retreated, but the death squad At the moment, most of the captain's arm is numb. You can tell the current situation by looking at his arm that is trembling uncontrollably at the moment.

However, after repelling the seven light-armored warriors, the long spear suddenly exposed its fangs like a poisonous snake killing its prey, and a cold light suddenly shot out, hitting the head of the light-armored warrior in the center. Prick hard.

At this moment, the cold light of the long spear pierced through the space in front of him with a whistling sound. At this moment, the cold light flickered on the long spear, which made the light-armored warrior feel the intent of death.

The light-armored warrior who was walking back quickly when he sensed something was wrong, couldn't do so at this moment, because it was useless to retreat no matter how hard he tried. Even when he was about to die, he didn't retreat any more.

At this moment, he naturally understands that if he resists stubbornly, there is still a way to survive. If he continues to choose to retreat, then it is very good. What he faces will be the cold spear that directly deprives him of his life.

He is also a veteran who has fought for a long time on the battlefield, so he naturally understands this truth, and because of this, at this moment, he also chose to fight to the death. Sweeping suddenly, it didn't suddenly open the spear upwards, but knocked the spear crookedly, and sank into his arm with a puff.

But at this moment, his face was so painful that his face changed completely, and his pale face appeared at this moment, as if the rosy and dark face just now was a dream, only the extremely pale face at this moment was incomparably real. The big gun seemed to be stuck in the soil, and easily penetrated the arm of the lightly armored warrior. Although his face was already grim after a disastrous defeat, and his mouth was so painful that he made a muffled sound, he was still violent. He started, striding like a sword, and charged fiercely at the death squad leader who was already close at hand, and then slashed fiercely at the death squad leader's arm with the long knife in his hand.

I saw that at this moment, the captain of the death squad was holding a thick long knife in his big hand like a fan, but at this moment, he also lost his strength.But it was already a critical moment, and he didn't dare to be dazed immediately. He just gritted his teeth and raised his strength, but his arm was still numb. At this moment, the thick long knife could no longer bring him what it was before. The point of superiority has become his burden at this moment, and the arm of this death squad is still trembling.

However, in order to avoid the desperate blow of the light-armored warrior, he suddenly broke out at this moment, raising his thick long knife and slashing to block it.

At this moment, the spear pierced through the light armored warrior like a string of candied haws, and the pierced arm was completely destroyed. At this moment, the light armored warrior didn't care about himself at all. These sore spots on his body, at this moment, are already the territory of death in his heart, but he also has no intention of survival in his heart.

At this moment, he has completely poured his whole body's strength into this knife, and poured all his energy, blood and will into this knife.

He only had one chance to strike, because after this strike, the black-armored man's fierce spear would be raised again, bursting out with force like a silver flower pointing a steel spear, piercing his head, and his own head would be It turned into a cloud of blood mist, injecting a more powerful bloody aura into this battlefield.

The clear sound of gold and iron colliding with each other made the captain of the death squad unexpectedly feel a strong impact from the big knife on his wrist, and then he felt a burst of soreness attack.

Immediately after, he saw that thick long knife come out of his hand, draw an arc in the air, and fly two feet away!
It is quite unexpected that this knife had such an ending, but such a result was within the expectation of this light armored warrior.

Just at this moment, the captain of the death squad was just stunned for a moment, and immediately took a step ahead, showing a fierce look in his eyes, followed by him, slashing the long spear fiercely, smashing it hard Towards the chest of the light armored warrior.

After such a huge force hit the chest, I saw that the chest of this light armored warrior had completely collapsed, and his face underneath was like gold paper.

I only felt a sharp pain in my internal organs, and I hadn't recalled the desperate knife I swung just now, it was also a hard knife, and I had lost the meaning of chopping off the thick long knife of this armored man.

Then, it was paralyzed, and the captain of the death squad slammed the corpse against the wall next to him. Then, with a loud noise, the body of the light-armored warrior whose chest had collapsed The body exploded completely, various liquids flowed all over the place, the smell of blood increased greatly, and the fragments of the corpse were scattered all around.

Seeing all this, the light-armored warriors of the city gate among the seven city guards who had already been hacked by the captain of the death squad with a thick long knife and retreated two or three steps were completely red-eyed at this moment!

There was only endless anger in their eyes, and they had obviously lost their minds at this moment, their faces were extremely hideous like hungry ghosts from hell, after they witnessed their brothers being killed in such a cruel way, they had completely lost their minds.

At this moment, the seven light armor warriors in this place also left only one belief, that is, either be killed by the enemy in front of them, or hack him to death.

The owl tiger Ouyang Zhangyong, and the sword and shield guards who followed beside him also had red eyes at this moment, struggling to kill the dead soldiers next to them.

The rest of the knife and shield players who were vigilant on the spot and the strong archer who was ambushing on the city wall all clenched their weapons.
Facing the cruel torture and murder of their colleagues, and there were still no dead bodies. After witnessing all this, their eyes were red and trembling all over, but they firmly suppressed their restless hearts. .

They could only watch all this with tears in their eyes. Gradually, the tears mixed with the rainwater falling from the sky. Gradually, they didn’t know what tears were and what rainwater was. It's red eyes, and they're waiting now, waiting for that group of sons of bitches on the other side of the vanguard, these rebels.

Just wait for them to break through the city wall, they will definitely attack each other fiercely. It is foreseeable that a hell will be formed here soon, and endless killing and blood will bloom here. At that time, here will be a stalemate between the two armies The place will also be a horrible, bloody battlefield slaughterhouse, where corpses will eventually float everywhere, and time is passing...

However, after killing the light-armored warrior who sent his thick long knife flying, the captain of the death squad, after a short period of astonishment, shouted loudly with the dead waiter behind him: " General, break through the city gate quickly and lead the army!"

The vocal guard Deadpool already has no good flesh all over his body, bleeding profusely, he has already become a blood man, but the previous secret medicine also made their vitality stronger, and because of this, they are still stronger He lost his spirit, gritted his teeth thoroughly, and engaged in a bloody battle to the death. It can be said that it was a last stand, or a desperate battle.

These dead servants who came down with their own generals are all wounded at this moment, the lightest one is to break their own arms, and most of the rest are seriously injured, but they are still forcing Holding on, clenching the teeth, stubbornly resisting the tiger Ouyang Zhangyong on the opposite side and the elite guards in the city guards led by him, these sword and shield hands have completely used desperate moves at this moment , but it is still difficult to conquer the enemy who is already almost crazy on the opposite side, but in this instant, he has already killed the two masters on the opposite side, but at this moment his eyes are red.

As for this Xiaohu Ouyang Zhangyong, he wielded the blood and silver wound, and after one blow, he could kill half the rebels on the opposite side, but facing these dead servants who were already completely crazy, But it was also extremely humiliating, and he couldn't fully express himself!
These dead servants of the enemy's rebellious thieves are difficult to deal with, and there are first-rank masters, so Ouyang Zhangyong is a bit scolding, such a character can hire a small official, but he is still willing Ouyang Zhangyong really didn't understand being a dead waiter.

However, after seeing his elite light armor warrior being brutally killed, he yelled: "You dog thief, take your life!"

However, this loud shout made the general stunned for a moment, and then the dead waiter reminded him, and he resisted even more desperately.

Ouyang Zhangyong was impatient with the enemy defenders on his side, but there was nothing he could do about it. However, when he uttered his anger just now, he immediately let the people on his side sweep away the sluggish momentum in an instant. And empty.

Everyone cheered up their spirits, they were suppressing themselves, waiting until the moment when the gate of the palace was breached by the enemy, it was the moment when the evil spirits and tigers in their hearts were released to eat people.

The more depressed you are, the crazier you will become after releasing the depression in your heart, because this is also human nature!
It can also be said that this is human nature, everyone's tiger is imprisoned in his heart, once released, it will harm one party.

The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly. After hearing the reminder from his own dead servant's bodyguard, the captain of the death squad who was still in a daze just now has a complete understanding, and immediately raised the 2 long spear and took the lead to attack the seven A light armored fighter.

At this moment, the seven light-armored fighters have already witnessed their brothers being brutally murdered, and their eyes are completely red. At this moment, behind their ears are their brothers who were hit by the city-breaking vehicle used by the city-breaking army guards. With the roar of tremendous pressure, the eyes of the seven light armor warriors were completely red at this moment. At this moment, not only did they not retreat, but they even intensified their attacks on themselves and others.

After experiencing the great backwardness of their own brother being killed, and the words of their own general threatening the person opposite, they warmed their hearts.

But at this moment, they have already decided to fight to the death for revenge. If they are unfortunate enough to accompany their brothers, then they will still be their own brothers in the next life!

Today, these people must die in the same year, the same month, and the same day, even though they were not born in the same year, the same month, and the same day, recalling the bits and pieces of the daily relationship...

Recalling the scenes of the past, they came to my mind. Therefore, each of them used the fastest speed and the most ferocious impact in their lives to attack the terrifying enemy in front of them.

With his own vigor and spirit, he rushed up fiercely. At this moment, the captain of the death squad also reached the distance of two feet in front of the seven lightly armored fighters in an instant, followed by the big fan who was as thick as a cattail fan. The palm of his hand firmly clenched the long spear in his hand. This is a fine steel long spear with forged patterns on it. Although it is not a good gun, it is also an upper-middle existence on the battlefield. , the sharp light on the tip of the spear is constantly swallowing, the general at this moment already knows that his time is running out at this moment, behind him is his own bodyguard resisting the most powerful general in the new generation of the empire .

He naturally understood that his own guards did not have much time left for him, and the situation on the battlefield was changing rapidly, so he did not dare to waste time.

Immediately, the fine steel spear was tightly held in his hand, and then he unleashed his ultimate move.

The fine steel spear was being shaken at this moment, and it was dancing crazily, and then a fierce wind came out from the swing, and the fine steel spear flickered in and out of the endless east wind like a poisonous snake.

At this moment, he also played tricks on the hard stainless steel spear. The whole person spun wildly like a top and rushed towards the seven fierce and brave light armor warriors in front of him who were already determined to die!

(End of this chapter)

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