I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 876 Attacking Yizhou in an All-round Way

Chapter 876 Attacking Yizhou in an All-round Way
The collision between the two parties was imminent. At this moment, he didn't realize that the rebel general's methods were so powerful, and he immediately became more courageous and let go of the horror in his eyes.

Although their lives are already hanging by a thread at this moment, facing the ultimate move of this black armored general, at this moment, they are already exhausted, and they have no strength to fight him head-on.

At this moment, the eyes of the leader of the death squad burst into a fierce light, and the fine steel spear was swung vigorously by him. In these two or three steps, it has developed into a small tornado wielded by manpower.

At this moment, the captain of the Death Squad rushed towards the seven light-armored warriors who were already weak with unrivaled coercion and momentum.

Although these light-armored warriors had no strength at this moment, the hysterical roar of their brothers behind them was desperately resisting the enemy's offensive.There was also the sound of shouts of killing on the battlefield not far away, and the scenes of the lightly armored warrior being slaughtered also emerged one by one.

Gritting his teeth, suddenly a raging force surged out of each body, and as this force poured into the limbs and bones, it finally brought great strength to the body.

These powers poured into the long knife in his hand, and suddenly he slashed the black-armored general who was slashing at the front.This is already putting everything together, because at this moment, they have already burned out their vitality and blood in exchange for their own power to kill the last knife.

The original desperate fight did not have a burning breath, but at this moment, the opponent has already used a killer move, and the light armored warriors of his family have no strength. If they still fight to the death, I am afraid they will not be able to resist the attack of the black armored general. The fierce lore move.

The seven-handed long knives slashed at the captain of the death squad with raging knife aura, and the two parties were separated at this moment.

Accompanied by the flash of cold light, seven astonishing gunshots appeared, and then a small hole appeared in the throats of the seven light-armored fighters, blood was continuously flowing, and there was a hoarse sound of "ho hoo" in their throats, Already speechless.

Immediately after, there was the piercing sound of gold and iron being torn apart, and then the sound of knives being jammed, and the seven long knives slashed at the black-armored general.

Seeing this, the light-armored warrior who had been pierced through the throat by the black-armored general with a steel spear also showed a look of astonishment, and then saw a fierce scarlet bloodthirsty gaze in the eyes of the black-armored general, Then there was a shock.

Everyone saw that the seven long knives that were still stuck on the black armor had been shaken away at this moment, but there were seven more hideous holes in the armor of General Heijia.

Afterwards, he fell down straight and straight. If you listen closely, you can hear words like: "Brother's strength is weak, I failed to avenge you, and now I'm here to accompany you..." and the like.

At this moment, the captain of the death squad cast a disdainful glance at these people, followed by the sound of fierce fighting behind him, and after looking back, only in this period of time, there were five or six personal guards standing there stubbornly blocking that The elite sword and shield fighters in the city guard army headed by Xiaohu Ouyang Zhangyong are also Ouyang Zhangyong's personal guards.

Immediately, without any hesitation, he walked like flying, and the whole person was like a tiger descending a mountain, ruthlessly slaughtering those light-armored wrestlers who were desperately resisting the siege of the outside army.

Seeing such a critical moment, the owl tiger Ouyang Zhangyong also went crazy at this moment, he has completely let go of his hands and feet, he knows that the gate of the city cannot be opened, but at this moment, he is not allowed to think about it.

Those personal guards of the captain of the Death Squad were already desperately desperate at this moment, but they said that they also burned their blood at this moment, just to resist the almost crazy sword and shield fighters and Ouyang Zhangyong's welder. Brave offensive.

At this moment, they have no choice but to use the method of burning energy and blood to resist these sword and shield fighters who are like hungry tigers out of the cage.

The situation is getting more and more dangerous. In just a moment, two bodyguards and dead servants are already dead.However, they were still struggling to resist, and the four remaining dead servants formed a square battle formation back to back at this moment, two of them clamped Ouyang Zhangyong, and the other two resisted Ouyang Zhang The slashing of brave sword and shield hands, changing after two moves, and walking tactics, this is the only way they can think of at the moment to resist Ouyang Zhangyong and these sword and shield hands.

I have to say that these Deadpools are really elite. At this moment, or in other words, even in such a situation, they still find the best way for themselves without giving up. It is amazing. These people are worthy of They are the elite dead servants. Those aristocratic families and nobles have gone through vicissitudes of life in this huge country, Chuyue Kingdom, and they have accumulated this kind of foundation after living with the country for hundreds of years. It is worthy of the last counterattack of the aristocratic family.

It is truly terrifying, and it is good that this power erupts at this moment. After all, all of this is under the control of the current king of Chuyue Kingdom, Xiong Han. Unstable factors were completely defeated.

In this way, thorough reforms can be carried out. At that time, there will naturally be no more euphemisms before. Without enough strength of their own, the aristocratic family who only has the power to protect themselves can no longer let Guowei Zhaozhang He has all scruples with Xiong Han, the king of Chuyue Kingdom.

At that time, the reform will definitely be carried out in an all-round way, and the plan to attack Yizhou will also be in front of the eyes of the founding people. By then, the people there should have achieved results, that is, it is time to attack Yizhou in an all-round way.

But of course, Yizhou is still not completely included in Chuyue's territory, so they will always show weakness to others, and will not show their fangs...

The current situation is already very critical, and the captain of the death squad naturally knows that, and because of this, his speed has become even faster. I saw him striding thousands of times, leaping up, and in the process of galloping, he did not forget to move forward smoothly. He pulled out his thick long knife, and then put a pill in his mouth.

This was the last secret medicine on his body. The moment he took the secret medicine, he deeply forgot to take a look at the light-armored warrior who was resisting his brother at the edge of the city gate.

After taking the secret medicine, the captain of the death squad lost all consciousness, leaving only the idea of ​​beheading all the people in front of him and killing everyone wearing such clothes and breathing like this.

It can be said that at this moment, he has become a monster-like existence, and he can no longer be called a human being.

Then the monster used the thick long knife to slash and dance across the air, and used it to produce a knife flower, which shone with an icy chill.

Then, I saw the captain of the death squad leaping across the sky, his spear was like a dragon, and he slammed it down fiercely. This shot would be like a phoenix nodding, if it pierced the human head at the gate .

However, the thick momentum with the white ape dance stick is obviously intended to push the light armored warriors blocking the door with his own huge strength after picking someone to death. , to increase the strength of his fine steel spear.

The light-armored warriors had naturally discovered the black-armored general behind them, but at the moment they were completely unafraid, and suddenly out of them came the light-armored warriors who had already been prepared. The captain of the death squad naturally has his own way of breaking through his attack.

At this moment, the light-armored warriors were already in ambush, and three of them slashed their swords horizontally and directly charged at the fine steel spear. As soon as they came into contact, these light-armored warriors were oppressed by that huge force Suddenly fell to his knees on the ground.

With that heavy kneeling, it was as if his knees were smashed directly, and blood seeped out on the bluestone slab.But the viscera were shaken by this force that was too late to be unloaded, and blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth.

It is enough to see the huge power of this spear, and these three people resisted the fine steel spear with majestic strength like a white ape dancing stick in this way.

But the shot that looked like a phoenix nodding was beyond their expectation, but there was nothing they could do at the moment, they saw that the spear danced directly towards the gate of the palace, which was trying to resist their own soldiers, as if they were picking something out of a bag.

A long spear rubbed sparks among the locked three broadswords, and accompanied by ear-piercing roars, the three light-armored fighters desperately increased their strength, but at this moment, they couldn't resist it anyway. live.

I saw that the phoenix nodded and directly hit the head of the light-armored warrior. With the pouring and shaking of the fine steel spear, the head that was still in good condition at this moment was like a blasted watermelon. exploded.

Immediately afterwards, the white ape momentum, still carrying huge force, bombarded the light armored warrior next to him amidst the deadly resistance of the light armored warrior.

However, he said that the fluctuations in the siege on the other side became more and more violent, and he suddenly noticed that the gap in the palace gate was getting wider and wider just after the impact, and he immediately understood that the broken city was here.

It should have been roaring and sent out a more violent impact, or it might be more appropriate to attack.Just like that, they roared and took advantage of these opportunities to launch the most fierce charge, and also the most ferocious.

At this moment inside the city gate, that is the captain of the death squad who has been reduced to a monster, and the steel spear is waving like a stick. What was smashed was seven meat and five vegetarian.

He had already lost his strength, and before turning over to get confused, he saw the thick long knife in General Heijia's hand slashing fiercely, and the three of them were already dead.

The other resisters, after being pulled out of the gap by the thick long knife, suddenly stepped forward and swung the long knife, but it was of no avail.

In a moment, he was hacked and killed by the death squad leader who had become a monster.

This was already the captain of the death squad who had turned into a monster and hacked a light armor warrior who was screaming on the gate of the palace and resisting the enemy into two halves. The scene was extremely bloody.

The rest of the people were still unmoved. Probably there were only five light-armored warriors remaining at the city gate to resist. Just as the captain of the death squad swung the thick long knife and the fine steel spear again to collect these light-armored fighters for the last time. When the life of the wrestler.

Among the new army of the empire, Xiaohu, who has the reputation of endless coercion, has also broken free from the entanglement of the dead servant's bodyguard at this moment, and has come to the back of the captain of the death squad.

Above the blood silver, with a powerful force, he stabbed at the monster viciously. He also sensed the danger. He slapped the Blood Silver Wound ruthlessly, and with a crisp sound, cracks like eggs appeared on the fine steel spear.

Then, after seeing the long knife slashing and killing a light-armored warrior, this attack completely angered Ouyang Zhangyong, and immediately burst into a huge roar: "Dog thief, How dare you kill someone in front of your grandfather!"

But at this time, the enemy army on the opposite side had already charged up, and the gate of the palace was already half-opened, and it was about to be breached, but the remaining four light-armored warriors on my side were all red. On the face, the blood vessels on the body are like little black snakes entrenched on the body.

Seeing that the gate of his own city was about to be breached, he saw that Ouyang Zhangyong was in a hurry. After yelling that sentence, the Blood Silver Wound immediately burst out with a huge murderous intent, with fierce killing intent. Like a hungry tiger pouncing on its food, it stabbed at the monster-like general in black armor.

At the same time, he suddenly shouted: "Look down, look at me!"

Then, it was Ouyang Zhangyong who swung the shield like a door panel in his hand towards the gate of the palace. With a loud bang, he saw that the half-open gate of the palace was hit by this huge force. Closed.

The huge and heavy shield like a door panel was already inlaid on the door at this moment, and the four light-armored warriors who were desperately resisting had also cheered up at this moment, and they also breathed a sigh of relief at this moment. Seeing a group of them, after calming their waists, they are like a horse and a horse, with a pair of soles firmly grasping the ground, absorbing the power from the earth.

At this moment, their hands and bodies are full of strength, resisting the enemy's charge, and at this moment, the flame of rebirth is ignited in their hearts, and there is also a desire called "life".

But he said that when he suddenly lowered his head, the extremely thick door panel made of fine steel, ah, he was wrong, the shield whizzed past his head, and then it slammed hard on the gate of the palace, and it was deep deeply embedded in it.

The whizzing shield brought a gust of wind on his cheek, which made his face hurt...

(End of this chapter)

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