Chapter 880
This magic can be said to be that if it is not well suppressed, or if it does not have enough strength, energy, and strong Dao Heart, to suppress such a terrifying magic, Then I'm sorry, but after being controlled by such magic, you will turn your back on the guest, and will completely control your body.

It is also commonly known as seizing the body, but this is not the seizing of the body by others, but the seizing of the body by one's own inner demons, or the dark side of one's own body.

However, at this moment, Ge Qizhi, who has become like a god, has already met his own god. At this moment, Ge Qizhi naturally has his own true self. Therefore, Ge Qizhi at this moment naturally doesn't care about it. After all, he himself is The purest demon, he is naturally not afraid of all magic.

Because these magic powers are the source of power for him to grow and become stronger, and therefore, Ge Qizhi, who does not have a very strong Dao heart at the moment, is still frantically devouring such terrifying magic power, and because of this, this is now The devilish energy in front of others is like poison, but in Ge Qizhi's eyes at this moment, there is nothing else, maybe it means that the rest is harmful.

After all, Ge Qizhi at this moment has completely become the existence of the devil king. With the passage of time on the battlefield, the killing is still going on, and the gradual advantages are reflected, and the city guards have been retreating steadily.

However, the eyes of both sides are completely bloodshot at this moment. Even the seriously injured soldiers are still on the ground, using their teeth and nails, trying to kill the person and the enemy on the opposite side. It is also because of this that Ouyang Zhangyong at this moment has completely lost the slightest temper he had before.

The only thing left is that the wounds of blood and silver waved again and again, accompanied by the wave of the spear again and again, will inevitably take the life of the opposite black armor warrior, but at this moment Ouyang Zhangyong already has a little blood stains on his face, and his body is full of blood. The armor on it was tattered, and Ouyang Zhangyong's crown at this moment had been broken apart by the black-armored warrior opposite him at some point.

At this moment, Ouyang Zhangyong's hair is disheveled, and his whole body is covered with bloodstains. I don't know how much blood has flowed, and there are already four or five scars on his cheeks, but at this moment, Ouyang Zhangyong can't feel it at all. The pain, or the concern for these.

His eyes were completely numb, and there was no emotion at all. At this moment, Ouyang Zhangyong was just waving his spear, retracting it, and shooting the person opposite him.Facing the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood all around him, he was already insensitive to these corpses, so to speak.

These corpses can't touch the softness in his heart anymore. I saw him there, waving his spear tirelessly. With the continuous waving of the spear, this terrible general, the tiger of the empire, Ge Qizhi, was at this moment. At this moment, it can be said that there is already endless power. Facing the endless black armor warriors on the opposite side, the troops on Ouyang Zhangyong's side at this moment, or these three or four thousand sword and shield fighters who are ambushing here are already There were less than [-] left, and amidst the endless menacing men and horses, they were still accompanying, and the enemy on the opposite side was demonizing, or in other words, turning into beasts from time to time, and the soldiers on their side really couldn't resist.

But I have lost more than 3000 people on my side, and the troops on the opposite side can't be hurt. This is just the battlefield below, and there will naturally be wars above.

At this moment, the enemy below has put their troops, 800 troops, and [-] swordsmen into battle with each other, resisting desperately here, those behind, or the last card, those hidden troops are watching the empire's attack When Xiaohu was surrounded at this moment, he couldn't bear it anymore, and fought bravely and rushed out.

As soon as these people rushed out, the enemy on the opposite side, or in other words, at such a moment, after experiencing a momentary fight, just a face-to-face, had already brazenly killed the enemy on the opposite side. I killed a thousand, but there are still 800 people. Although my side, or these elites, have lost more than [-] people.

However, facing the opposite side already has a large part of the black-armored warriors who have already turned into beasts, it is naturally a rare result. With such strength, it is true that you can get your own troops. Praise, it can be said that under such a one-sidedness, the two sides lost nearly 2000 people. From this, it is enough to see the horror of the massacre on this battlefield.

This is the marked slaughterhouse, the most terrifying place in the entire war. It can be said that it is already the site of hell, because here, just a photo, more than a thousand people died. As for those little bows and crossbows Hands, these crossbowmen who were still ambushing on the wall at the beginning are completely finished at this moment, unless some crossbow skills and their high-level marksmen are still there to support the knives below. The light-armored fighters transformed into shieldmen and crossbowmen were resisting, and kept slapping cold hands there.

With the passage of time, Ouyang Zhangyong rushed out when he saw his brother at this moment, and suddenly there was a throbbing in his numb eyes, and suddenly he swung his spear and killed the already demon one on the opposite side. After seeing the tribalized black-armored warrior, he shouted loudly: "Follow the plan!"

"General, you are already on the square of the palace hall behind you, and there is no way to retreat behind you!" A lieutenant general who came to fight and rushed over suddenly said.

"General, behind us is the place where His Majesty is, and behind us is the palace, there is no way to retreat!!! General, let's fight to the death! Let's fight to the death with light armor! None of the soldiers of the empire is afraid of death!" : The guards around him suddenly made a sound, shouting!
"Behind us is the inner courtyard of the imperial palace, and there is no way to retreat! General, we still invite light armor to fight to the death. The soldiers of the empire are not afraid of death. I ask the general for permission to fight to the death with light armor! Fight to the death with light armor!": A soldier said shouted.

Hearing this, at this moment Ouyang Zhangyong suddenly raised his head, looked around, and looked at the city gate behind him, which was the last barrier from the inner courtyard of the imperial palace. There is no way out.

General, Ouyang Zhangyong couldn't make up his mind at this moment with his voices of pleading wishes. At this moment, the black-armored fighters on the opposite side were still brave enough to charge. These people had no emotion at all. I have already suffered heavy casualties here.

This last hole card has already been dispatched, and I have no backers on my side. I don’t know what happened to Wenren Xigao, I, Ouyang Zhangyong, am ready to serve the country!
After trying to understand this point, he took a look at the gate tower of the burning imperial palace. The sound of fighting on the city wall was still loud. No one can sleep tonight. Most of the people in the crowd spent an unforgettable night in the rainy night accompanied by the sound of the rebel army rushing towards the palace.

This day is March 28th, the fourth year of Yuanqi Xinzheng of Chuyue Empire, this day is destined to be extraordinary, but the historical records of later generations are extremely ordinary: On March 28th of the fourth year of Yuanqi Xinzheng of Chuyue Empire, the emperor’s star is swaying , shrouded in chaos, a bloody battle, the emperor's star brightened...

Just these few words, Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killing god of the former Chuyue Kingdom, was entangled with a series of nobles who had dirty the imperial power. Most of these details are not there. After all, history books are always done by the victors. It was written, and because of this, no matter how many annals are written, there is no real reliability.

After all, history books are compiled due to human subjectivity, which is why, in the description of this tragic night in later history books, only two words are used to summarize it. It is already just relying on such two words to summarize, the word bloody battle.

This is absolutely ironic, which is unbelievable, or unacceptable.However, this is the writing of the victors, so all the history books must repeat the monuments of the victors and describe them in gorgeous rhetoric, so that they can be spread, otherwise, the crime of beheading and killing the nine clans is waiting for you.

This is the cruelest and darkest status quo in the entire world.These are of course something later, so I won't mention them for now.

However, Ouyang Zhangyong, the general of the empire, made the extremely difficult decision here, or at this moment, and at this moment, he had already reached the answer, and because of this, the owl of the empire At this moment, Hu Ouyang Zhangyong brandished the blood and silver wound in his hand, and suddenly shouted: "Pass my order, the inner courtyard of the palace is behind you, and there is no way to retreat. At this moment, we wait for the light armor Fighting to the death, whoever retreats, beheaded, if I retreat, the deputy will beheaded, the deputy will be beheaded, and the personal guard will be beheaded!"

"At this moment, I will fight to the death with everyone in light armor. This battle cannot be won, and I will not retreat!!! Light armor will fight to the death, light armor will fight to the death, light armor will fight to the death!!! There is already the inner courtyard of the palace behind, there is a way out!"

"No, fight to the death with light armor, we are already wearing hard armor, fighting to the death with light armor!"


When Ouyang Zhangyong said these words, those who greeted him were the brave cheers of those sword and shield fighters. At this moment, Ouyang Zhangyong tore off the armor on his body.

The rest of the soldiers also acted the same way as Ouyang Zhangyong. At this moment, they are already an army with light armor, and their will to die has been taken. Their fate at this moment is no longer their own, but that of Hades.

If Hades wants to die, he will die. At this moment, they are all dead servants, no matter what general they are, because their goal is death.

What is a dead soldier in light armor, according to the meaning above, is very clear.

Light armor death battle, as the name suggests, is to take off one's own armor to express one's desire to fight to the death, and the determination not to live, so this light armor has evolved into a synonym for death battle.

Since the entire eastern country entered the feudal society, it can be said that the custom of fighting with light armor has already been accompanied by the arrival of heavy armor, armor that is strong enough to resist sword attacks. It completely dissipated.

There is no place, no army, no army has ever been used.Unexpectedly, in this Jinling City, on this night, there would be such an army with light armor fighting to the death. This is truly terrifying.

It can be said that the death battle with light armor was a custom of the armies of the major countries before, but the custom is a custom after all. After entering the era of such iron cavalry, such a custom has been completely eliminated, but now it is covered up. Feel the situation, but it is very confusing, this is really a terrible Chuyue city guard.

The light armor death battle has now appeared. In the entire Chuyue Kingdom, there has been a light armor death battle army that has not appeared for hundreds of years, and it appeared at this moment.

On the battlefield at this moment, a strange picture appeared, or rather a strange picture. These sword and shield fighters who had already lightly armored, wearing various clothes, were carrying out at this moment, using their commoner clothes to fight against the elite opponents on the opposite side. Heijialushi.

But at this moment, the black-armored fighters who were still extremely brave and showed unstoppable momentum, when the sword-shield fighters and Ouyang Zhangyong after the light-armored death battle, at this moment, they are already completely was delayed.

At this moment, the battlefield has entered a white-hot stage. The black-armored warriors below and the light-armored sword-shield fighters are completely deadlocked, but the black-armored warriors on the opposite side still occupy most of the advantages.

After all, these lightly armored soldiers who fought to the death had no way to retreat at this moment. Behind them was the inner courtyard of the palace, and there was no way to retreat.At this moment, these soldiers who were already in light armor and showed their heart to fight to the death also burst out their invincible mind.

Naturally, he is no longer afraid, one-on-one, alone beheading the enemy's black-armored warriors who are obviously animalized, and facing the enemy's abnormal light-armored warriors, it can be said that these people, now Those of them, sword and shield fighters who have fought to the death with light armor, no longer have the slightest fear.

Before, they had endless fear in the face of these people, but now, they are different. At this moment, these light-armored fighters are no longer afraid of death, so facing such a People, or in other words, facing such a situation, at this moment they are looking at these black armored warriors who have been demonized and become stronger and stronger, and are no longer human.

Facing the vicious and terrifying demonized black-armored warrior on the opposite side, they have definitely lost the fear they had before.

(End of this chapter)

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