Chapter 881
After all, at this moment they are no longer the same as before, after all, they have completely lost the fear they had before.

They are not even afraid of death, and they are afraid of monsters and ghosts. They only believe in their own weapons at the moment, and the cold touch gives them an extremely solid feeling. Looking at the companions around him.

If any companion retreats, then the long swords in their hands must be mercilessly beheaded on the opponent's body, no matter what the opponent says, because this is the spirit of their soldiers who fight to the death with light armor, this is what they fight to the death with light armor .

This is the true meaning of light armored death battles, and therefore, every battle in which light armored death soldiers are dispatched is extremely tragic and decisive, but most of the cases are when the opponent has already dispatched light armored soldiers. Those who fight to the death will definitely not attack and kill again.

However, at this moment, the black-armored warriors in the vanguard here are already in bloody battles, their eyes are already red, and they have no emotion for a long time. Therefore, the black-armored warriors at this moment are no longer the same as before. , or those previous feelings.

They are the demonized army. Among them, Ge Qizhi has already moved a little bit of their hands and feet, and now the hands and feet are showing. After these demonized black-armored warriors die, the little devilish energy does not dissipate, nor does it dissipate. They will not rush to this Ge Qizhi's side, but will show it among this group of demonized troops, strengthening their strength and strengthening their physical bodies, but the price for improving their strength is, All the spirits are enchanted.

Because, this is the last backhand of the secret medicine, and it is also the biggest method used by Ge Qizhi at this moment. Therefore, in this war, no matter whether it is revealed by the city guards on the opposite side or what method is used, Ge Qizhi Naturally, he understands that his side will be the final winner. After all, his dead soldiers will become the food for the growth of these living soldiers.

In the face of such a situation, the soldiers on the opposite side cannot completely face such a team under such circumstances, or these black-armored warriors in the vanguard army who have been demonized Is there any way, Dubu Erqing is under the head of the city at this moment, releasing the arrow feathers to the opposite city wall, these arrow feathers naturally attack indiscriminately.

It depends on luck, if it is bad luck, and you are shot to death by your own arrow feathers, then I am very sorry, but of course, you cannot blame him for being the only second youth The crossbowmen of the crossbowmen, because when they shot and killed the troops on the opposite side, they had already lost their feelings. The crossbowmen on the opposite side were still alive, or they still had their own in the current situation. With the ability, he launched a fierce counterattack against the second-ranking army below.

Under such power, the armies of the two sides are facing each other at this moment. On the battlefield below the city gate, because Ouyang Zhangyong and others exposed their hole cards, and they were still lightly engaged in the exposed hole cards. Armors fought to the death, but they were still struggling to resist there, which was enough to see, or it could be said that the current black armor warriors who had been demonized were terrifying.

Time is passing by, and the situation on the battlefield is getting more and more anxious. At this intersection in front of the gate of the palace, which is already a scene of hell, Wenren Xigao is not having a good time at this gate. He is still able to resist the black armor warrior, but after being demonized, it becomes very difficult to deal with, and after this moment, when these troops are completely crazy and fighting, all the people below They were all red-eyed, and the city guard sergeants on their side had already shown signs of defeat.

At present, there is only one way, and that is to fight to the death with light armor like Ouyang Zhangyong.But this battle to the death with light armor was a slap in the face to his little Marquis Wu Wenren Xigao, but at such a critical juncture, or in the face of such a situation, the pride of the empire in front of him, the pride of the empire, could no longer be controlled. Among the twin stars, the little Marquis Wu Wenren Xigao has the slightest pride.

When I swept across Ge Qizhi, I found that he was still facing such a terrifying battlefield, such a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, and the expression on his face was still that cold smile. This Ge Qizhi was really terrifying. Xiao Wu at this moment Hou Wenren Xigao's eyes showed a hint of fear.

But at this moment, there is nothing to do. Immediately after beheading the armored soldier on the opposite side with a wave of his hand, he loudly shouted: "Give me an order, and from this moment on, all the soldiers of the city guards above the city gate will be light-hearted." Battle to the death!!!"

"Behind us is the inner courtyard of the imperial palace. His majesty's pupils are watching us. Let us fight to the death with light armor to repay your majesty's grace." Facing such a situation, Wenren Xigao naturally understood , only in this way can the mind that is about to collapse at present be thoroughly stimulated.

This Ge Qizhi is truly terrifying, this time he has fallen into his path.At this moment, after Wenren Xigao tore off his armor, he thought in his heart that when he stepped out with a sword step, he had left the protection of his personal guards. It was already a complete end, and the light armor would never retreat: " I retreat and kill me, you retreat and kill you! I will not retreat in a bloody battle to the death, and the light armor is already in my body, so I will wait for a deadly battle and never retreat!"

"Brothers, light armor will never retreat!"

"Light armor fights to the death, behind you is the inner courtyard of the palace, there is no way out! Light armor will never retreat, and I will wait for the light armor to die and never retreat!!!"

"There is no way to retreat, how can we say retreat, light armor fight to the death!"

"Fight to the death and never retreat!!!"


Many generals and soldiers above these city gates have been completely infected at this moment. With roars one after another, they have already let the breath in their hearts, the breath of depression and injustice, be completely infected at this moment. It completely dissipated.

At this moment, these people tore off all the armor on their bodies, and saw that at this moment, at this moment, they were completely ready to fight to the death without retreating. It was already the inner courtyard of the palace, and they had no escape route to speak of, and they also had no escape route at this moment.

Therefore, at this moment, they can only fight to the death with light armor, and they will not retreat.

With uniform movements, after tearing off the armor on their bodies, they have completely become the light armored soldiers who never retreat.They also no longer have any scruples, and life and death have long been ignored.

At this moment, they only understand that there is no other words in front of them, they only understand the wish of the other party, they were beaten back by the black armored warrior, and they are about to be unable to stop, at this moment, they When light armor fights to the death.

They have already stabilized, and they are still constantly counterattacking the enemy on the opposite side. This is the power of their light armor to the death.

At such a moment, or in other words, at this moment, the minds that were about to collapse have been completely stabilized. At the same time, what accompanied their mental stability was not only the territory, but also their own spirit.

At this moment, they have already undergone a new round of sublimation, and they are already beyond what they could stop before.

Naturally, he is not afraid of death, so to speak, on the battlefield.On this battlefield, the war has reached this stage, and now everyone, every sergeant, is already red-eyed, and they don't know who the other party is, they only know that they want to kill their own The enemy was completely beheaded and killed.

It is also because of this that they have already ignored their own life and death, but they still have some emotions, but now that they are in light armor, they no longer have the slightest emotion.

After all, after the light armor fights to the death, they can no longer be called human beings. They are no longer people in the yang world, but ghosts in the underworld. Their only purpose here is to kill people. There is no other use for them.

The death battle of light armor is so tragic, which is why, in the history of more than a hundred years of war, there have not been a few death battles of light armor at all, but now in such a siege battle, there has actually appeared .

Judging from the current tragic situation in this battlefield, this is indeed a light-armored soldier fighting to the death, and a lot of black-armored warriors among the demonized vanguards on the other side have already been beheaded at this moment Condition.

But they, lightly armored fighters, naturally don't understand that Ge Qizhi's plan is really good, even Xiaohu Ouyang Zhangyong, and that little Wuhou Wenren Xigao have been monitoring the battlefield for a long time and still haven't noticed it. It was already something wrong with the demonized black-armored warriors, and they became more and more powerful.

This is the simplest thing, they didn't realize that at this moment, they have entered the stage of light armor death battle, and this battlefield has also reached the final stage of climax.With the end of the climax, then this war should end quickly. Facing such an extremely tragic war and such a battlefield, none of them retreated at this moment.

No one retreated, and not far from such a tragic battlefield was on the square in the inner courtyard of the imperial palace, and there was such a terrifying statue of Guowei Zhaozhang. Jiao Linxian, the god of murder with a cold face, played Go calmly there.

The two of them are playing a game of chess, and behind Guo Wei Zhaozhang are ten thousand soldiers of the city guards. These people are all in black armor, and the whole body is covered by armor, without revealing a trace of flesh. , Even the visor is made of fine steel.

These people are the cards in the hands of his current Majesty, the King of Chuyue Kingdom, Xiong Han, at this moment, the elite members of the entire city guard army.

As for Guowei Zhaozhang, there are hundreds of warriors in red armor around them. These people exude a terrifying aura. Depending on where.

These people are his personal bodyguards, the Northern Liangwei. These people are the foundation for his future expansion of the Northern Expedition, and they are also his final force and his most elite force.

As for the cold-faced killing god Jiao Linxian, there are black-clothed men in black robes covering their faces behind the cold-faced killing god. These people exude a terrifying death aura, and the death aura wraps around these people with a terrifying deterrent The strength is like a statue of dead people, but there is no vitality in the field formed by these men in black on the opposite side.

The vitality of the surrounding world is changing, and it is just such a trick that Guowei Zhaozhang naturally cannot despise them. If so, they will definitely pay a huge price. After all, these people, or It means that under such circumstances, none of the forces appearing here is easy to mess with.

But from the current point of view, I am afraid that the forces of these people have united. Behind the hundred men in black, there are dozens of people in various costumes standing quietly there.

These masters have already reached a thousand giants at this moment, but the only one that Guo Wei clearly dreaded from the beginning to the end was only the troops brought by the cold-faced murder god Jiao Linxian.

Hearing the sound of killing erupting outside the inner courtyard of the palace, Guo Wei Zhaozhang smiled faintly. The expressions of these elite black-armored warriors of the city guards who were lined with swords and guns here remained unchanged at this moment.

These people, at this moment, only have one goal, and that is to protect the people behind them, that is, the people in this palace. This is the most noble figure in the current Chuyue Kingdom. The king bears the safety of the fierce.

It is also because of this that in the face of the shouts of his colleagues, the miserable sound of fighting can no longer make them feel the slightest, or have any other emotions in their hearts. At this moment, they have no previous feelings. Feelings.

What they have to do, perhaps, is that they appear here, they can only have a request to protect His Majesty.

The rest are not under their management. If you look at the three thousand red-armored warriors standing in front of the city gates opposite, these private soldiers of the Guowei's Mansion, you can know that they only have a few people at the moment. The purpose of the stock is to protect the current monarch of Chuyue Kingdom, that is, His Majesty Xiong Han.

The rest is handed over to the existence of the entire Chuyue Kingdom with one person under one person and over [-] people, that is, the state captain who is playing chess with the rebel leader on the opposite side at this juncture. Your Excellency.

Although they are a little bit dissatisfied with Guo Wei's actions, they really have no qualifications to judge them!

(End of this chapter)

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