Chapter 882
For these people's complaints, the Guowei Zhaozhang naturally didn't understand, but at this moment he smiled gently on his face: "Your step has really lived for a long time, and I admire your step very much!"

Hearing this, Jiao Linxian, who was originally a cold-faced murder god with a gentle face, has already froze at this moment, apparently with a little anger, facing such a situation, or in such a situation, As if he knew what he wanted but couldn't get angry, Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killer at the moment, looked at the Guo Wei in red in front of him and said, "The boy is very eloquent."

"However, as an elder, I would like to warn you, kid, don't be too flamboyant. After all, a tree attracts wind, and a sword is easy to break... A grown genius is a real genius, as for a dead genius, it's not called a genius." genius."

Hearing this, Guo Wei showed an interested expression, played chess calmly, and after landing a sunspot, he opened his mouth and said, "Oh, what is that?"

After saying this, the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian pressed his lips and said in a low voice, "That's a dead body!"

Hearing this, or after the cold face killing God Zhaozhang ended, the expression on Guo Wei Zhaozhang's face did not change as he expected, or in other words, there was no change at all. At this moment, when the Guowei Zhaozhang heard these words.

Naturally, he understood the meaning of the cold-faced murder god Jiao Linxian, and saw that the Guo Wei Zhaozhang spoke in response: "It's just a rotting body that has survived for more than 100 years. How dare you dare to do it openly?" Interfering with provoking court officials is really a person who gets more and more confused as he gets older, and he doesn't know how to write this dead word."

It has to be said that Guowei Zhaozhang is not an ordinary person, and only he can say such insolent words, and he still scolds him in front of the master in front of him.

However, the most admirable thing is that the expression on the face of the captain of the country is still the same when he scolds people, it is still the faint smile, which is very interesting, and it makes people feel a little unusual Well, after all, this is not an ordinary attack, but a very severe attack, because this is very unbearable.

However, he is Guowei Zhaozhang, but there are no other changes. I can see that Guowei Zhaozhang is still in power at this moment, and he still has the same calm expression. I saw him continue to speak: "People You will grow old, and you will become a dog when you get old. No matter how powerful you are or how powerful you are before, when you get old, even if you are a hero, you will be a bear. This is what it looks like when you are old. Dog, you know what?"

"A self-righteous dog, jumping out now will save us time to deal with you in the future. If we kill you now, our plan can be fully advanced. In the entire court, there are still people who can stop us It’s really stupid, political struggle, you’re worthy of being a cold-faced murderer at this stage. Or put it this way, if you’re not used to it, let’s put it another way.”

"It's you, it's you, Jiao Linxian, who kills the god with a cold face, you are indeed so stupid, you are such a poor fellow!": Guowei Zhaozhang saw that the sunspot on the chessboard was already a big one after he dropped his last piece. The momentum of the dragon was formed, and the opposite Bai Zi was divided fiercely. This was completely a massacre without any ability to resist, an endless massacre.

After Guowei Zhaozhang dropped the last son, this current Guowei Zhaozhang, who is extremely magnificent in the entire Chuyue Kingdom, suddenly raised his head and looked at the former Chuyue Kingdom with only one hand. The existence of Zhetian is now evaluated by him as a cold-faced murder god Jiao Linxian who looks like a stupid dog, with deep and dark eyes.

In the endless deep darkness, Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killer, felt as if he had seen endless icy cold. In this endless icy cold, he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave

That deep chill carries an endless abyss, this is an icy abyss!
When you are looking into the abyss, the abyss is also looking into you!For some reason, Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killer at this moment, couldn't help but think of this sentence in his mind when he looked into the eyes of Guo Wei Zhaozhang. , with endless flames called anger staring at the person in front of him, or such a figure who is already old and dying, the god of death Jiao Linxian with a cold face.

"Do you think you are very capable? You brat, after seeing the other side of this world, I don't know if you still have enough voice to say these words, and I don't know if you in front of you will cry later I want my mother!": The cold-faced killer doesn't have the original anger, but still speaks, responding to Guowei's obvious ridicule with unceremonious words.

At this moment, the two are already fighting here, but in the current situation, it seems that no one has enough to occupy the dominant position.However, the next thing they saw was that the two of them had already stopped the chess game in their hands, and someone next to them stepped forward to clean up the chess game.

After Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killing god, made a bet among the fragmented Baizi Dalong, the originally fragmented Baizi Dalong also showed faint signs of rebirth at this moment, and at this moment, Or it could be said that at such a moment, Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced murderous god, really wasn't Gaide, who was extremely powerful in Go, but it was an old fox.

It has to be said that such a terrifying old fox in front of him once again appeared in front of Guowei Zhaozhang, but at this moment, Guowei Zhaozhang is naturally not afraid, because he has absolute strength in his own hands, so he is not afraid everything.

He is not afraid of these conspiracies and tricks at all. It can be said that under such circumstances, Guo Wei Zhaozhang has sufficient self-confidence at this moment, and he is also confident enough, because he understands that no matter what monster tricks are in front of absolute strength Turned into a puddle of dust.

After all, strength is the biggest gap among them, and there is no conspiracy that can offset it. Unfortunately, for Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced murder god, his strength at this moment has not been so strong that he can face head-on. The obvious power of the national lieutenant.

But the enemy's misfortune is his greatest luck, very lucky.At this moment, Guowei Zhaozhang has absolute strength in his hands. This is his greatest luck. At this moment, he does not need to engage in any conspiracy. It can be said that Guowei Zhaozhang has absolute strength at this moment. Looking at the current situation, or facing such an old immortal existence, and the secrets he has planned on the entire court in the past hundred years.

But at this moment, he has already blocked all the guards and others in the palace of the entire Chuyue Kingdom, which means that at this moment, the Guowei Zhaozhang can have sufficient confidence to guarantee that under such a situation , Take control of the overall situation, and completely kill the current cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian who has lived long enough, so that he will no longer absorb the luck of the entire empire.

Before, the cold-faced killing god Jiao Linxian threatened him, he naturally understood what those were, but for the other side of these worlds, in his opinion, that's all. It is no longer the royal dynasty, but the entire sect is everywhere.

It is also because of this that at this moment, the Chuyue Kingdom Lieutenant Zhaozhang also understands that he and others are guards with the dragon spirit of the empire. It is also because of this that they naturally understand those people at this moment, or they are in control. They are people from the empire, people with dragon energy guards take action.

After all, once they make a move, the consequences are not something they can provoke now. After all, this is not just as simple as the backlash of dragon energy. Behind this, the most terrifying thing is the catastrophe of heaven. When breaking through the realm, it will be transformed into a more powerful heart demon.

It's just a few masters of magic skills, these people have been hidden away, in today's world, it is still an era when martial arts are flourishing, and magic skills are declining, and because of this, Guo Wei Zhaozhang who understands this is naturally It's disdainful to the words of that cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian, but that's not the case, there are other emotions.

That's because he himself is unusual.Maybe because of this sentence, you will say, you are the unicorn of the Zhao family, you are the existence of one person under one person in the entire Chuyue Kingdom, and you are the old nobles and veterans of the entire Chuyue Kingdom. The Guowei Zhaozhang, how can you be normal.

If he asked in this way, he completely misunderstood the meaning. What he wanted to talk about was not such vulgar things as family background, background, and achievements.What he wants to say is that he has been extraordinary since he was born, and he can see the luck of others. If he gets along with those people with strong luck, then he can rely on his own characteristics, Contaminating that person's luck on his body, this luck will not be transferred, but it can sublimate his luck, which is why this Guowei Zhaozhang has become the most terrifying existence.

It can be said that Guowei Zhaozhang not only discovered a lot of talents, but also achieved himself. It is also because of his ability that he has come here step by step.

Such a Guowei Zhaozhang is indeed extremely terrifying. If this Chuyue Kingdom Guowei Zhaozhang is in such a situation, if the emperor Ye Qing of the Great Zhou Empire knows about it, he will definitely kill him brazenly. After all Such a character is too terrifying, and such a character is also the only one that can be compared with the present one, or the current one that is incomparably prosperous, in a country that is full of vitality and is engaged in aggression and competition from the surrounding countries.

Guo Wei Zhaozhang naturally didn't know this, the other side of the whole world is the world of magic, although in the previous era, or in the ancient era, it may be that the magic was once extremely brilliant, But times have changed.

Thinking of this, Guowei Zhaozhang said to Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killer in front of him: "I understand the world of magic arts, but what I want to say is that the times have changed, and it is no longer the original era." gone."

"That's why what you say, or what you worry about is useless. In this era, the clowns who survived another era are not enough to fear, because the new world we are carrying , or the general trend of the new era, under the surging tide of such a powerful era. I think there is nothing that can stop his existence. In such an era, all ghosts and ghosts are not enough Yes." Speaking of this, Guowei Zhaozhang looked at the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian, with a terrifying pressure in his deep pupils.

This is, the coercion from Guowei, as if the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian disobeyed his words at the next moment, he would die without a place to bury him, and fall into the point of no return.It was only for a split second, or it could be said that just in this face-to-face situation, the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian had already taken a step back at this moment.

Don't underestimate this step, after all, it's a step back, a step back, a wrong step, a wrong step, and therefore, from this moment of confrontation, Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killer, has already retreated, which also shows that, There is no chance for the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian and those behind him.

This cold-faced killing god Jiao Linxian's step back is to show that he is going to deal with these things at this moment, or in other words, in the face of such a situation, they, the conservative faction composed of nobles and veterans headed by the power of the Ministry of Punishment The defeat of the rebels who were carrying out the overthrow of the Xiong clan's imperial rule in the Chuyue Kingdom had completely come to an end.

Such a result cannot be changed anymore, because in the face of such an absolutely formidable strength, Jiao Linxian, the god of death with a cold face, that semi-incomprehensible technique, and those conspiracies and tricks are absolutely useless at this moment... …

On the opposite side is a team of black-armored warriors led by Ge Qizhi, who has completely killed the red-eyed vanguard. This is an army that has completely lost its humanity. Such an army is already It has been completely demonized. On the opposite side of such a demonized army, those who are fighting fiercely are those city guard soldiers who are already in light armor and never retreat.

The little Marquis Wenren Xigao on the city wall was already waving his spear non-stop at this moment. The spear was far beyond the others, and the wrist-thick pole was enough to show the horror of this spear.

(End of this chapter)

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