Chapter 883
This terrifying spear carried an extremely powerful force, and smashed fiercely at the enemies who were already completely demonized on the opposite side, among these pioneers were the black armored warriors.

After being demonized, these people have completely lost the slightest emotion, and they can no longer be called human beings. According to Ge Qizhi's previous arrangement, these more than ten thousand people are already the vanguard after taking the secret medicine That is to say, the black armor warrior will give birth to the most terrifying monster in this battle. This monster will be the best combination of the tens of thousands of secret medicines, and it will be the one that has experienced endless bloody blood. A terrifying monster that completely evolved after the killing.

Only such a monster can become his Ge Qizhi's pet. It can be said that in this endless battlefield, the endless dead air, evil spirit, murderous spirit, murderous intent and other forces are mixed together to form the devilish spirit with monstrous magic. The image of the demon king was constantly outlined in his body.

Once the outline of the Demon King's Dharma is completed, it's great. At this moment, Ge Qizhi has completely stepped into the realm of the Supreme. He is not the weakest fifth-rank Supreme, but extremely powerful and the foundation. An incomparably solid sixth-rank supreme being, this is the horror of the magic palace he practiced in.

As long as he has enough cultivation resources, it is by virtue of this short period of time that his power has reached the terrifying sixth-rank supreme realm. You must know that this is not those superficial sixth-rank supremes, but also those with incomparable foundations. A solid, powerful sixth-rank Supreme.

This is not a joke, and this is not the kind of useless existence of a silver gun head wax rod, but his existence, Ge Qizhi, clearly demonstrates the feasibility of this road.

It can be said that Ge Qizhi at this moment already has enough strength, but this is not enough, time is passing, on this battlefield like a meat grinder, the war is coming to an end, at this moment Ge Qizhi is fighting Ma led the elite soldiers around him and steadily advanced to the front. Looking at the dead bodies in front of him, Ge Qizhi didn't feel the slightest sense at this moment, or in other words, in front of him.
So many people died in such a war because of him.

At this moment, does he have the slightest change in expression, and there is no expression of guilt at all. Ge Qizhi at this moment is already extremely terrifying, and the endless cold chill is constantly being realized in his heart at this moment. He is still During this war, he is enlightened, he is enlightened to the way of magic, the way of kingship, what he is enlightened to, he himself does not know.

He only knows that he will never be bullied by others again. He, Ge Qizhi, wants to reach the highest level step by step. He just wants to catch up to the highest level step by step. He also understands that this is what he wants.

It is also because of this that he just wants to live, so he doesn't know what the corresponding path is, that's why he is so restless, getting closer to the station master, with all kinds of terror The power of Ge Qizhi was circulated by Ge Qizhi's exercises, and he kept swallowing and holding it. In his body, after turning around outside the palace of the devil king, it was completely transformed into a terrifying power.

This force, it can be said that in the face of such a situation, it is outlining the figure of the demon king. On this figure, there is only endless magic, and the straight line of magic is seven points the same as Ge Qizhi With a similar face, Ge Qizhi at this moment has no emotion at all.

This is the aura of the Demon King Ge Qizhi, the endless coldness, the endless magic that controls life and death. Behind him, there is an extremely terrifying abyss. This is the abyss of the Demon King. The place where the demon king's dharma is formed, this can be said to be the entire Dantian of Ge Qizhi.

Time is passing, and there are only a thousand demonized black-armored warriors left on my side, and the sergeants of the city guards who are already light-armored and invincible at this moment are only left More than a hundred people.

Most of them have been seriously injured, and minor injuries are rare. Even the two generals in command, one is Ouyang Zhangyong, the tiger of the empire, has already lost a part at this moment. One arm, and there are large and small scars on the body, all kinds of injuries spread all over the body, it looks extremely hideous, most of the remaining one hundred people are such people with missing arms and legs.

As for the little Wuhou Wenren Xigao and others who were above the city gate before, they were still a little bit unbearable. Now they, who are light armored and never retreat, have been completely defeated by the vanguard army of more than [-] statues above the city. The already completely demonized black armor warriors were completely surrounded.

And the number of them is only less than 50 people. These people are not only extremely small in number, but all of them are seriously ill wounded, and none of them are lightly injured. But this is the case, these people People still have endless flames in their eyes, facing these, or in other words, facing those enemies who are already several times their own, there is only endless madness in their eyes, which is already There is no previous, or the look of the past.

They are not afraid of death at this moment, they are fighting bravely at this moment, they are fighting to the death with light armor at this moment, they are not retreating in a bloody battle at this moment...

They have never lost the honor of the entire city guard sergeant, the military system of Chuyue Kingdom is very strange.

In other words, it is a bit different from the previous Song Dynasty, but the difference is that Chuyue Kingdom attaches great importance to force.The most elite talents among the armies in various parts of the country can be selected into the army in the imperial city, which is why the city guard army in the imperial city is the most powerful combat force in the entire Chuyue Kingdom.

However, with the development of recent years, the entire imperial city is safe and sound, and the Chuyue Empire is in a state of war outside, except for the previous and the Great Zhou Empire. The record is impressive, and because of this, these city guards who have not been out of their scabbards for a long time have been questioned in various ways.

They all took a deep breath in their hearts, but starting today, after tonight, they understand that the endless infamy that has been pressed on their heads for these years will be completely washed away.

This endless humiliation will no longer be added to their names, because tonight, the soldiers of their city guards used light armor to fight to the death, and used such a tragic war to make the entire Chuyue country I understand, let my colleagues understand that their city guards are still the most powerful sergeants, and they are still the sharpest swords in the hands of the empire.

At this moment, the little Wuhou of the empire, Wenren Xigao, was even more tragic than Ouyang Zhangyong, the imperial owl below. Not only did he lose an arm, but he also lost a leg. He even cut off the ears above his face completely.

It can be said that at this moment, the future Wuhou Wenren Xigao of the empire does not have a piece of good meat all over his body, which is enough to show how terrible the war above the city gate is, and what is even more trembling is that, between this Among them, not only the little Wuhou of the empire Wenren Xigao and others are already at the end of their battles, but facing the terrifying and demonized black-armored warriors in the vanguard army that is several times their own, they don't see it in their eyes. The slightest sign of retreat.

There is no meaning of fear, because, it can be said that at this moment, they understand that at such a moment, or in other words, at such a moment, they have no retreat at all, but they do not need to retreat.

After all, they are already fighting to the death in light armor, and they already have endless intentions of death. Their lives are no longer their own. They no longer have the slightest desire to live, so facing these enemies who are several times their own at this moment, there is no trace of fear in their eyes.

At this moment, I saw that the little Wuhou of the empire, Wenren Xigao, suddenly shouted: "Light armor is a deadly battle, and bloody battles will never retreat. Behind me is the inner courtyard of the palace, and there is no way out. Today, Xiao Wu Hou Wenren Xigao, will accompany you all, and fight to the death together here without retreating."

"I am a light armor, and I will never retreat in a deadly battle. Old brothers, please allow me to call me like this. It has nothing to do with names, titles, and titles. At this moment, I use these words to address you old brothers.": Seeing a seriously injured The expression of the soldier who was seriously injured in the dead battle was hesitant to speak, but Xiao Wuhou Wenren Xigao waved his hand to stop him. He understood what the other party wanted to say, but at this moment he just wanted to say it.

Then, seeing this little Wuhou Wenren Xigao, he looked around and looked at the encirclement surrounded by the demonization of the black-armored warriors in the vanguard army who had stopped attacking because of Ge Qizhi's order, and opened his mouth He preached: "We are all friends who have passed our lives. Looking at the situation, we can no longer get out alive at this moment."

"Then, I just want to say something to you old brothers. In the next life, I will be your cow and horse. In this life, I will be sorry for you and the city guards!..." Speaking of this, at this moment Wenren Xigao was already choked up, with wet tears in his eyes. At this moment, Wen Yan, hearing Xiao Wuhou Wenren Xigao's words, the rest of the soldiers in the city guards who were fighting to the death in light armor also died at this moment. He choked up and said, "General, absolutely not!"

Hearing this, among them, the soldiers of the city guard who were young in light armor had lost their scruples at this moment, with a smile on their faces, but they were just about to speak when they saw that the elderly soldiers next to them were quizzing Said: "I still want to thank the general for rectifying the name of our city guard! At this moment, we are already light armored, and we will never retreat in a deadly battle, but we are also brothers. At this moment, there is no rank among us. We are just I want to ask the general to cherish it!"

Hearing this, the shining luster in the young soldier's eyes went out a bit, and he lowered his head silently. At this moment, they naturally understood their identities. The words that they want to live and die with them, especially when they are already fighting to the death, they say these words, logically speaking, they should be beheaded, but at this moment, Xiao Wuhou Wenren Xigao can't do it, these people are the most powerful people in the entire empire. The elite, the most admirable people, even these people are destroying the entire tradition that has been formed for thousands of years, the rule that light armor never retreats.

However, he is still unable to do so, even though he is the chief general, even though he is currently the highest commander of the city wall guards of the entire palace, even though he is the most hopeful person for the entire Wenren family to regain the title of Marquis of Wu , but at this moment, he heard that Xigao is just a general who has fought to the death with light armor. He is not a nobleman with a prominent status. sergeant.

"Although it is said to fight to the death with a light armor, the general is born noble after all, so naturally he cannot be buried here with us. After all, it is not a pity for us to die. But the general does not need it. Because the general is alive to the entire Chuyue Empire. It has a greater effect, so I will ask the general to retreat." At this moment, the old soldier's old eyes were full of tears, and the light was shining, in this dark night, with endless, The icy coldness, it can be said that this kind of gaze makes people feel extremely distressed.

However, it is such a look with incomparable determination. It can be said that this veteran who is already in light armor and has lost his arms and legs has the most sincere wish at this moment.

"Xiao Liu, Xiao Qi, go and take out the general's armor." The old soldier spoke.

Following the old soldier's speech, the lightly armored fighters called Xiao Liu and Xiao Qi took out part of the armor from their arms, and these armors together formed a complete armor. This is his little Wuhou Wenren Xigao The unique general armor can be recognized at a glance.

Because, this armor was made by him himself, and therefore, Wenren Xigao recognized him at a glance, but after seeing the general's armor, Wenren Xigao didn't look very happy at the moment, he was already a The face was completely gloomy: "What's going on!"

Hearing that, the old soldier also spoke, his tone was still very steady, because he had no strength to carry out the ups and downs of emotions, and he wanted to save his strength to take revenge and kill those bitches outside Among the vanguards raised were already demonized black-armored warriors, and these inhuman things surrounded them: "Please calm down, general."

"During these several assaults, I specially asked Xiao Liu, Xiao Qi, and Xiao Jiu to collect these. These are the results of our discussions. As long as the general puts on his armor and retreats from here, we will be buried here , no one knows about the general's light armor."

(End of this chapter)

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