I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 891 Ge Qizhi, How Dare You Betray Me?

Chapter 891 Ge Qizhi, How Dare You Betray Me?
After realizing the current situation and knowing the direction of the inner courtyard of the palace, Ge Qizhi, who had been silent for a while, spoke at this moment, answering the probing words of Guowei Zhaozhang.

I saw that at this moment Ge Qizhi spoke coldly, and there was a natural magic in the cold voice, which made people's minds involuntarily immersed in it, and they couldn't help themselves at all. This Ge Qizhi is really scary. After the epiphany became an ancient demon, with his own blessing, he still can't restrain this power well.

At this moment, Ge Qizhi spoke with his solitary voice: "Your step should be very clear about my strength, and whether I am qualified to wade into the muddy water, then your step will be able to fight in the future." You will understand my strength."

"Let's think about what to do for yourself. The more stalemate in this situation, the more unfavorable it will be for you. As for my brothers, each of them is a fierce master. Naturally, there is nothing wrong with it." It's okay to keep your hands, and when we fight later, I still hope that my brothers will not be killed by my brothers, that would be a disaster!" Ge Qizhi also didn't have any good words to treat him, and he was still ruthless The extremely cold sarcasm, in addition to the sarcasm, also carried his own temptation. This is him, or Ge Qizhi is already the real Ge Qizhi after seeing his true self at this moment.

Everyone lives in such a hypocritical world. For all kinds of desires, they lose their true heart and gradually pollute their innate qi. With that innocent face, the one sitting here is still innocent at the present stage. He just doesn't have a little bit of his own innocence in his heart. For them, their ambitions are in line with them.

What they want most is to add their own unique fun to their unique life.The three of them are all people who have knocked on the gate of heaven and escaped from the sea of ​​suffering in the world. After seeing the true self, the three of them can be said to be each other's Taoist friends, but under such circumstances, it can be said that the three of them are Will not show mercy to the opponent.

However, if you have to say it, Ge Qizhi didn't want to live a good life like everyone else at the beginning, but his simple dream was shattered by the cold reality, and his little wish was shattered by a terrifying picture. The shady scene was swallowed up, and from then on, Ge Qizhi had no heart, and he didn't have any feelings. He just wanted to live, really live.

He didn't want what happened to the Ge family to happen again that night. He climbed crazily and tried his best to surge towards the center of power, but in the Chuyue Kingdom under the blood of his family, Ge Qizhi had absolutely no choice at this moment. Going to set foot on the center of power, that's why he gradually followed the forces of the Ministry of Punishment, relied on them, and became their dog.

But if it is really possible to have a choice, then who wants to be a dog? I believe that there is no one.After Ge Qizhi voted for his name, he has become the craziest dog in the hands of the Ministry of Punishment since then. Even though he owns the title of the Ge family and a large area of ​​territory, the most powerful connections among them gradually fade away. After he was the only one left in the Ge family, he gradually disappeared.

Time keeps turning, he became a titled title in name only, and it was only after he had the support of the Ministry of Punishment that he preserved the only remaining territory of the Ge family, which was less than one mile away. In this world, strength always wins. At this moment, Ge Qizhi began to gradually change. He became extremely cold-blooded, and he became able to kill people without blinking an eye.

He became able to talk and laugh to decide the life and death of thousands of people. Gradually, after becoming the dog of the Ministry of Justice, he bit people crazily and almost recklessly. However, the Ministry of Justice did not drive him away because of his crazy biting. , On the contrary, he is very satisfied with his actions, and because of this, he obtained the control of the Blood Shadow Pavilion. Of course, he needs to spend resources from the land and goods of the Ge family to supply and demand the killers of the Blood Shadow Pavilion, but At this moment, or at such a moment, Ge Qizhi developed rapidly.

But just this is not enough, Ge Qizhi is desperate, completely reckless, gradually, Blood Shadow Pavilion has become a taboo word for all the elders and nobles in the entire Jinling City, in this terrifying killer organization, they are all There is no prohibition, as long as you give enough money, then any of them can be killed for you, completely satisfying all the wishes of the employer.

It is not impossible to make the target family into Jingguan. Of course, in this perverted case, the Blood Shadow Pavilion has been in Jinling City for several years, but they only met a few people.However, after taking control of the Blood Shadow Pavilion, Ge Qizhi gradually changed, becoming more eager for power, and his whole behavior became more unscrupulous, and his whole person was completely like a runaway dog. Like a crazy dog, there is no restraint, and there is no pressure at all, and he releases himself.

However, soon, he suffered a huge blow, which was the scene at the beginning, but it was still the same. With his own character, Ge Qizhi kept avoiding the patronage of the god of death, especially in this period. During the experience, he was completely awakened. When he was on the verge of death, he also had a complete realization, and he also understood that in this world, only absolute power can protect himself from the slightest harm, and only with Absolute power, then you can live, you can live forever, and you won't be killed by others.

At that time, the tiny goal in Ge Qizhi's heart, or wish, was more appropriate. After undergoing transformation, he was completely freed from the shackles in his mind. This Ge Qizhi has successfully escaped from the world of suffering, broken It was also at this moment that he opened the gate of heaven and saw his true self. He was no longer the cowardly and cowardly Ge Qizhi who couldn't even protect his own family. It was very difficult for Ge Qizhi, and from then on, he would live forever, always, always.

Ge Qizhi knew that he needed strong strength, and that's why he begged for a short time to rely on Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced murder god. The atonement was just an excuse he gave himself, and he didn't challenge the real reason. Understand, but because of this, he also understands that the cold-faced killing god Jiao Linxian must be aware of his changes, but the other party still uses him, probably relying on the fact that the soldiers of the nobles and veterans are not his cronies The reason.

However, Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killing god, is obviously old and faint. Facing the same person who opened the door of heaven and saw his true self, he would really foolishly think that the other party would be willing to live with him Under him, it was also because of this that the cold-faced killing god Jiao Linxian made a wrong move, and it was also because of this that Ge Qizhi grew up rapidly again, and even eliminated all his backhands. His resourcefulness, abruptly breaking a crazy lore, although he himself proposed to rebel, but he is not some idiot.

He is not the same as the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian, who is extremely old. Only by taking risks can he obtain the endless national fortune and continue to survive. It is also for this reason that the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian quickly abandoned himself The morality in his heart released the devil that had been kept deep in his heart, and the tiger came out of the cage. It was the same. The cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian quickly made the determination to rebel, and because of this, Ge Qizhi He quickly had the idea of ​​staying away from this cold-faced murder god Jiao Linxian, and also wondered if he could find an opportunity to kill him quickly, but now it was a good time, and an opportunity came.

Now that I can be so powerful, it was given to me by the other party. Everyone is trying to live, so what kind of soldiers are not tired of deceit? Jiao Linxian, the God of Killing, can't hold back his old face at all. No, it's just seeing him trembling all over from the moment of embarrassment at the beginning, to now trembling all over, sneering, using that hoarse throat, looking extremely old The voice blurted out suddenly at this moment: "Ge Qizhi, you dare to betray me, don't you want to know the secret of your Ge family's extinction? How dare you rebel, left and right guards, beheaded the traitor in front of me, the vanguard Everyone among them, kill your chief general!"

The cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian was already in a state of desperation, and there were threats in his words to disturb Ge Qizhi's mind. At the same time, he still did not forget to give an order to let his backhand kill the traitor in front of him, but obviously, His plan was thwarted.

A gust of wind blew all around, and the raindrops were still the same size, still dripping down, without the slightest change, as if following the words of killing God with a cold face, everything became a loneliness.

When all these movements were silent in the air for a while, the entire inner courtyard of the palace was silent, without the slightest movement. In this long silence, those black armored soldiers were one by one. He stared at Jiao Linxian, the former terrifying existence of the Chuyue Empire, with the eyes of an idiot, but at this moment, he was like a clown, so ridiculous.

Many soldiers couldn't help laughing, and the one with the most wild and arrogant laughter naturally belonged to the Guowei Zhaozhang. He didn't care about his image at all, laughing loudly there, At the same time, he still did not forget to tease: "Old fox, your people seem to have rebelled. I thought you were so powerful, and you seemed to be determined when you came up, but now it seems that I am afraid that the most stupid person in the room It's you, it's so ridiculous to be played like this, hahahahaha..."

Hearing this, the cold-faced murderous god Jiao Linxian's iron-black face didn't say much anymore. Looking at the situation in front of him, the cold-faced murderous god Jiao Linxian naturally understood that he was beaten by this kid Ge Qizhi. He was calculated, he was completely defeated, this time he made a mistake.

Immediately, Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killer, uttered cruel words and threatened: "You boy, wait, there is still a long way to go, see if I don't kill you!"

"I'm waiting for you. Another answer to your question. As long as I have absolute strength, I can get anything. What I want to do is to be the highest, not to be inferior to others, even if this person is killed by you coldly." Shenjiao Linxian is not good either, I still have a conscience, otherwise I will cheat you even more, instead of the current situation, which hastily done things, and there is no change in your layout plan, the current you can still kill The Guowei in front of me is so outstanding, in the entire Chuyue Kingdom, he is a magnificent and unparalleled existence. I will not help anyone. I am here now, just to see who is more victorious between the two of you. That's all."

"Besides, if you are still not reconciled, you can continue to try and see whether the surnames of these people under my command are Jiao or Ge! If you want to try, I naturally don't mind the place." Ge Qizhi said still sideways The body showed a path, there was no expression on the face, and there was no emotion in the words, just threatening the two characters in front of them like this, the two characters with hands and eyes, obviously no one has any face. Hey, he pretended not to see Guowei's obvious overtures, but he naturally turned back to Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killer, without fearing him at all.

After listening to Ge Qizhi's words, Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced murderous god, naturally understood that he was short in this game, and if he didn't give it, it was just like what Ge Qizhi said, but he hadn't destroyed his plan, but he hadn't. , This is temporary, if you don't give the follow-up words, you will be uncertain, and because of this, Jiao Linxian's killing intent towards Ge Qizhi in the bottom of his heart is even stronger. At this time, he just kept a cold face, but he didn't answer.

After hearing Ge Qizhi's words, Guo Wei Zhaozhang, who was on the side, just shrank his pupils suddenly, but these were only in an instant, and soon changed, and he changed back to the previous carefree Guo Wei Zhaozhang. , It is simply not as cold-blooded as before.

However, at this moment, Guowei Zhaozhang saw him speak after he realized it: "Brother Qizhi, that's not what you said. An enemy's enemy is a friend. Now we have a common enemy. The opposite is already Speak harshly, I will kill you."

(End of this chapter)

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