Chapter 892
"If you don't make any moves, just let that old man slap you in the face."

The Guowei Zhaozhang was agitating aside, his eyes were so bright and sincere, as if they could be trusted unconditionally.

At this moment, Ge Qizhi saw this person across from him, this man with hands and eyes in the whole Chuyue Kingdom, and suddenly laughed. Guowei Zhaozhang was a little puzzled by his laughter, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with his words.

However, he could only look at the person in front of him strangely.

That is Ge Qizhi, after Ge Qizhi laughed, he looked coldly at Guowei Zhaozhang who was showing off here in front of him.

Then he spoke, his voice was indifferent, and there was an unparalleled coldness in it, and he opened his mouth and said:
"Are you deaf? Did you understand what I just said? You are also what I said, why are you here to point fingers!"

Hearing these words, Guo Wei Zhaozhang's mind was ignorant and muddled at the moment, he seemed to be stupid, he was stunned for a while before he realized it, and then he saw him give a lecture :
"Junior, how dare you insult me ​​like this, after I'm done, I'll capture you alive, and then kill you."

At this moment, the murderous intent in Guo Wei Zhaozhang's eyes was almost undisguised.

Although Ge Qizhi's words were very low-level, but Guowei Zhaozhang was an aboveboard trick.Because at this moment Guo Wei Zhaozhang deeply understands that no matter what excuse he finds, he must get rid of this one in front of him.

He understood that Ge Qizhi on the opposite side must have thought the same way, otherwise, why would Ge Qizhi use such low-level language to insult him? Wei Zhaozhang understood that Ge Qizhi disliked the current battle on the battlefield or was slow to fight, which added fuel to his fire. If so, how could Guowei Zhaozhang dismiss his thoughts, just as he wished, If you want to fight, then fight.

There was a cold snort immediately, at this moment Guowei Zhaozhang's expression was cold after he said those extremely unsuitable words for him.When Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killer next to him, saw this scene, he was completely at a loss as to what to do, and his head was full of deceptions. They were talking about me, weren't they talking about me? Why are the two of them arguing? Woke up, still wanting to fight, who is he going to help...

However, Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killer, didn't speak quickly, but kept silent. While he was silent, Ge Qizhi, who created such a weird situation with his own hands, was not happy at this moment. He just wanted to mess up your thoughts. Lose.

Now you are meditating here, what is this called, and because of this, Ge Qizhi, who was anxious in secret, is the first to speak at this moment, and immediately made his own voice.

Then I saw him taunting Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killing god in front of him:

"What are you still thinking about, you old fox, you procrastinate in doing things, and you don't have a little demeanor of the cold-faced murderous god back then. Sure enough, you are old, and you are no longer the once fierce and mighty Chuyue Empire. His cold face killed God Jiao Linxian."

At the beginning, Ge Qizhi made jokes, but in the end, his real fangs burst out, and after a few words, he completely angered the unprepared cold-faced killer.

Isn't this just seeing Jiao Linxian, the God of Killing with a cold face? His face was ashen at the moment, his whole body was trembling, his lips were trembling, obviously he was too angry to speak now.

Ge Qizhi had to say that he was capable of making Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killer, into such a state.At this time, the cold-faced killing god said: "Zhu Zi'an dares to deceive me like this! I really think that the long knife in my hand is not good!"

"Shuzi's insufficiency and conspiracy." Finally, Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killer, threw out a sentence in a cold voice, but he stopped talking nonsense.

At this moment, in the entire inner courtyard of the imperial palace, the leaders of the three parties are attacking each other, as if scolding each other, just like the vegetable market, these people still have the dignity of the previous refined and noble scholars, at this moment A vivid image of a vegetable market aunt.

However, soon they stopped arguing.

Everyone became silent, Guowei Zhaozhang and Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killer, knew that the current situation of the war had been completely destroyed by Ge Qizhi.

Because his words had ruined the originally good situation. It can be said that in this offensive war, Ge Qizhi was the most unpopular shit-stirring stick.

From the first moment when I saw that Ge Qizhi was not with that cold-faced killing god, there were three forces in the inner courtyard of the palace, presenting a three-legged situation, but following Ge Qizhi's words.

After the conversation with just now, the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian and Guowei Zhaozhang already understood that this Ge Qizhi is a vicious and vicious wolf, and his purpose is also deeply hidden by him, and he simply cannot be controlled by the two of them. Individuals set each other out.

After understanding such a truth, Guowei Zhaozhang at the moment couldn't understand that this Ge Qizhi had already harmed the side of the cold-faced killing god, and his strength had been rapidly recovered and developed, but he just didn't understand Why did you still take this muddy water trip?

This is really not a wise move, but there must be clues that I didn't notice and Ge Qizhi's ulterior motives and deep meaning. At this moment, Guowei Zhaoming thought of this, and his expression still didn't change, but he was secretly vigilant in his heart. When he got up, he immediately saw him making a small movement behind his back, gesturing to the Yinlong Guard who was watching, telling them to protect Xiong Han.

When making such a move and conveying the news, the Guo Wei Zhaozhang still did not forget to cover up. I saw him speaking with a calm face, taking the lead in breaking the rigid situation, and the increasingly heavy and oppressive atmosphere, as if he was going down. In a moment, a huge scuffle would break out, but all this was broken by Guowei Zhaozhang, who saw him speak:
"Okay, I'm waiting for Tianjiao here. Although there is a half body that has been buried in the ground, we are still Tianjiao, how can this be the case!"

At this moment, Guowei Zhaozhang showed his confidence as the arrogance of heaven and that arrogant preaching, and the rest of the people also had their own sympathy, even though they heard that Guowei Zhaozhang still did not forget to ridicule himself at this moment , but Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced murder god, has nothing to do at this moment.

He just silently wrote down the vengeance of this word, and he wanted him to die without a place to bury him in the subsequent war. road:
"Indeed, it's time for me to prepare to enter the game. From the original two sides, there is now an extra kid. Now, it is necessary to plan carefully, otherwise people will be the oriole that catches the praying mantis for nothing. If you go, then the gain outweighs the loss.”

At this moment, the cold-faced killer sneered and agreed, but he still didn't forget to pass the knife to Ge Qizhi.

Sure enough, after the words of the cold-faced killing god were spoken, the Guo Wei Zhaozhang's face changed a little, but he didn't say anything more, but the seeds of scruples were already caused by the cold-faced killing god. Jiao Linxian has been planted, and the current situation is a complete three-legged confrontation, Guowei Zhaozhang will definitely not accept Ge Qizhi again.

At the same time, the situation among the three of them also instantly became icy cold, and everyone was full of endless icy cold towards the other two forces.

At this moment, these people are the enemies in their eyes, and these enemies are the people they will fight to the death in a while. Therefore, none of the people in the inner courtyard of the palace is relaxed at this moment, because in the next moment, there may be a sudden explosion. A melee between the three forces, but so, there is nothing to do.

Everyone is tense all over, and the energy and spirit of the whole body have been mobilized, and they dare not have the slightest, or a little bit of slack, because once they are slack, then the one who will die in the next moment may be themselves. To be killed, they are just a group of small people, pawns in the hands of a group of big people, but they also have their own reasons why they have to do it.

There are many reasons for these, but they have all been forgotten at this moment, because they are now in a position to share the worries of their own master, so now they are not afraid at all, taking people's money, and It is a matter of course that people share their worries.

It is also because of this that they have nothing to fear at this moment. It can be said that the people at this moment are already full of determination to die.

Hearing the distracted words of the cold-faced killing god Jiao Linxian, Ge Qizhi just sneered at the moment: "Good people don't live long, while evils last for thousands of years."

"How did you get the title of cold-faced killer? You and I know it well. None of you sitting here are fools. You are a complete villain. Inferiority, otherwise, why don't you use your own strength, or involve power in it." At this moment, Ge Qizhi's aura suddenly became mysterious, but at this moment, he looked at him very seriously. The cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian said what he wanted to say, and at the same time turned over and got off the horse.

I saw that after saying a word, he continued to speak, but this time, Ge Qizhi did not look at the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian, but got up and walked alone after getting off his horse, and walked towards the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian. Killing God Jiao Linxian and Guowei Zhaozhang walked in the direction of the two: "Those who have the secrets of the sky will never stay! Spying on the secrets of the sky will kill the poor! Don't you understand the simple truth that Donglin Juncai Jiao Linxian is so simple?"

Ge Qizhi coldly exhaled the name of Jiao Linxian. Hearing this name, the cold-faced killing god Jiao Linxian was stunned at the moment, and Guowei Zhaozhang next to him also narrowed his eyes. Only at this moment, the two of them looked serious and carefully He heard Ge Qizhi's words.

Donglin Juncai was the title of the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian before he got up. That was before the imperial examination. He was still a humble scholar, but because of his outstanding talent, he came to the capital of Chuyue Kingdom and was among the literati. He got such a title. At that time, he was a Ruoya scholar who established his heart for the world, established his life for the people, inherited his knowledge for the past saints, and opened peace for all generations. However, after entering the officialdom, under the waves again and again , the ambition in his heart was bombarded and shattered. After a series of events, Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killer, changed and became extremely vicious and cruel. Even so, he did not feel guilty at all.

It's just that, after the feeling of regret at the beginning, now he has no sense of guilt at all, because he knows that he still has the heart of seeking Tao, no matter what he does. It's not appropriate, but in his eyes, everything he has done is temporary, as long as he can get the Tao accurately, but this has been more than [-] years since his thoughts at that time.

Now he doesn't know what his original heart is, he just wants to live now, and everything else is none of his business, if it wasn't for Ge Qizhi calling him the name when he was young, at this moment he would be I also don't think of my ambitions when I was young.

It's just that the self at that time was still too young in his eyes after all, so, it was the same, he forgot the Tao, he did the thing that changed his life against the sky, and he did it for the sake of his endless lifespan. Fingering at the pinnacle of power, Ge Qizhi's words at this moment woke him up with a single word.

Just at the beginning of that sentence, Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced murder god, was shocked. At the same time, along with his shock, in the rainy night in the sky, a bolt of lightning and thunder suddenly rushed towards him. The sound was loud, and the raindrops were still falling, just ticking.

But at this moment, although Ge Qizhi's voice is extremely cold, although it is faint and small, the inner courtyard of the palace is full of echoes of Ge Qizhi's words, and the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian is still stunned, whispering at the corner of his mouth He wrote: "Those who get the secret will never stay in the sky, spying on the secret and the poor, it is really ruthless..."

All of a sudden, Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced murderous god, looked wild, obviously showing signs of being possessed by demons, and he said hoarsely, "I just want to live a better life, and I have never spied on you." Heaven’s secret, I don’t recognize it.”

"If you want to say that I got the secret, I didn't get it at all. Everything I do now is done by human beings. After hanging my life and going all out, the result is that I didn't get the secret at all. I am called doing my best! "

(End of this chapter)

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